Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 2

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wrrw rum tw the acton free press thursday june 8th ims dtjp arton jtoe resa publfahwl ery tburwuy acta ootrlo subscription rates per jer in lnce uolud st 9po mddllool singly cope je both old and nw dire hould kicn wheu ctunffd oi addxcu reajieited cancellations find ha noil ol our ub ctibcr preur not to lhlr nbtcripium ntcrtupled la cm thot fail to remit bctar epiruoo wbu wb ptioovitt not carried irt rrr over extended period yet uhn we mm notified to uaeel wb usam tbv ubcriwr wishes he rwc ooouaoed rtmitlmcea ifutata lmtr mnn nrntf qt boo fat be cheque advertising rates legl notice ic per line lor firrt insertion ic per una for each inbiequeot maertlon readers ioc per line or each insertion if in black laca type per lino additional notices qaalifjln ins attraction each aaconcerta enter tainmenta cburch society or organlaation meetings etc ioc per line mini nun charge reports of meetings beld gladly inserted free in alemorinm notices 50c and ioc per line exlre lor poems birth marruge and death notices free small advertisements ic per word minimum charge cash if booked j5c also ioc ealra when applications are addressed to thia offie display advertising rates vary according to space contracted or although every precaution will be taken to avoid arror the free preaa accepts advertising in ita columns on the understanding that it wui not be liable far any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of auch advertisement la requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free preaa business office duly aigoed by the advertiser and with auch error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free press its liability hall not exceed auch proportion of the entire coat ol auch advertisement ss the apace occupied by the noted error bears to the whole apace occupied by auch advertisement aftlof dills editor telephones editorial and business office residence ui acton citizens band in attendance thats familiar line to mosr everyone about these parts and has adorned many poster and been on many an announcement it has rather been taken for granted in many cases no matter whether it is ball game bowling green opening jutileo ser vice armistice day or fall fair the band from acton is on hand in fact the stationery of acton citizens band carries the wording blowing for acton since 1872 and with all the familiarity othis organ ization with every section of the communitys activi ties it is often to be wondered if nil fully appreciate the asset that the band is to acton wc believe most cituens realixo its worth time has proven it to be wellfounded worthwhile organization true acton band has not of recent years entered into band com petitions or brought home highest honors in cliis but always it has taken its place in the com munity always it has been willing to ouider thescrvicc asked of it events sponsored byrllc band the grantfrom the council attendance at its cnnrvrts nil prnvr thnr ritfrrns nf town nnd bnunrry the sunday school lesson for sunday june 9th the holy spiiiit pentecost lesson golden text for ui muny ilk urn lid by the spirit of clod they imt the soru of cod kmnuni 14 laon tixt john 10 711 itonuuu 1317 ll p7 tudy alo jm do 2u iukr tl u13 john 1i lb jj luminiu ic 117 12 11j kph 13 14 lo 30 tlnu iiti tmvtltiy nlyht early wvdyiiduy inoriilnif april 4th or ith 30 jhiit nvurlh kliirour itxjw uwm hv work of thu paruililr the jloly spirit ml hdi wrrow vr the dnrtur of cor 14 brook to ills bctng child of ood romans 1217 sans of ood thews arc wonderful word but wc arc ao familiar with them that wo do not stop to weigh their mcan lntf if wc did they would nil our hcartfl with joy unspeakable and full of glory and who are turns of ood as many 11 arc ilii by the iplrlt of god aro you thus ct iliivv you jurvnderid your wholo lire to tin holy splrlls cgn trol smh ai linvc arc scinti of god nut imniy chllmrcn of gtd hon child who hus romp to maturity as lemtf iu vv 11 undi luu undf or dliuniki uiut prilrlptlon tho rudl ininti this vjuld im hlldrn buyeit quits chiseling gu but whin piur into the uru llf and liberty of uio who are lid by thu living spirit we urn miii gul ii 111 laftricocp iim li bondatf iiix full of fmr but rt li ui spirit of adoption piiuliik win lliivlm rcrlvjl iu pfrtt do not cry my tnui but ahbi niy1ithir many uulv uhci call thrnualci chrltluiu crinift bufore gou in terror their whole heart buyer asked printer for quota tion on same prbitlng and tho printer quoted 52 ran an item lna weekly lctur itnl out by weeks manager of th iypottioua of philadelphia inc rhe bujer mated can you make profit at hint ngure tlio printer an gurrrd no cant make my actual cot at that fliiurc tlio buyer iald 11 make tho prlre j01 50 the prlnti alinom fulntnl thln wan som thlng in thi btij continued am flunly onvinccd that bu huvi will nover ulini it jhiuld lw until le same une jock london waq once addressed on truln by drummer who said repre sent woollen mill my line la yama well so is mlno responded the genial author let iu not dkdain glory too much nothing iu llnir except virtue tho hilght of happlru uould be to ualla both in tha life chauuubriaml nrmcttrnrtrrirtr riioiit rm caira hove niadi up my mind that will do no moi till lliiifv ouut felloe nmkt 11 pioilt lils bwlne ji ho can iiftnrd to buy more goofli me inul piy for tin irom now on ex pect thuo fiom whom buy to make pu ht that my wuy of helping to biini buck prosperity till experiince acluully huppcnrd to one of tho tiumb of thetipotliclie vhllihirlphlti ivh rihiusahutt artu brighten up with allbran do appreciate rhis effort carried on by musically in clined fellowcitizens it is community organiza tion that has proven its worth council will be commended this week thero will be general satisfaction that the council hasjcen able this year to finance on ratetwo mills lower than that of last year which was also reduc tion from the previous year it will be further satisfaction to know that the lower rate does not mean curtailment of all improvements but provides sufficiently for maintenance and reasonable improve ments that will keep the facilities enjoyed in good condition in view of the fact that moneys for relief purposes were met this year out of the tax rato and that tho school requirements were slightly higher the financing on lower mill rate is all the more to the crcditof the council acton can in the next few years continue to anticipate lower rather than higher tax rates if similar careful administration is giyen its affairs the municipal news of rhdweck meets with general approval gangway actons industrial uctivity has been very satisfac tory even through the past few years but the an nouncement recently that the hewctson co will cease to operate the acton branch of their plant at the end of the month comes as rather severe jolt with list of employees of ubout 75 the closing of the acton plant will create rather difficult situation in the matter of employment the plant is being re moved to the head office in brampton where all the activity ojf the firm will be concentrated the in creased activity there will no doubt be an asset to brampton acton will now bo in position similar to other municipalities with an empty factory to get into operation again the arrangement with the hewctson company was made when just such con ditilm faced the municipality it lias been vbry satis factory and acton regrets the removal of this well established industry from its midst but all can readily understand the desire to concentrate the plant in one centre and logically in tho larger and original institution located at brampton as usual the new task will have to be faced by council and public spirited citizens their efforts should be made as pleasant as possible by nothing but helpful criticism therell be another opportunity for some citizenship work if you cannot offer anything constructive dont get iu the way of the horses editorial notes another of actons summer activities got under way this week with the opening of the bowlingnnd tennis grounds now it can be said that summer and its pleasures are here it had ifa day twenty years or better ago there was activity in construction of the electric railway through here today there is activity in the same section of the town but the work of construction of the score of years ago is being scrapped the usefulness of the construction was only about 15 years today the tendency toward travel facilities is in better and more highways who can tell that the next score of years may prove wrong again nnd that these roadways will not be necessary possibly adequate landing fields foreverylnunicifjuliry wnnietlu7 needof the time then nnd some will point scornful finger at the foolish construction of our present highway system bui has the electric railway and other aban doned construction been foolish it filled need of the time recollection does not need to be very long rpirtcmhir till linlirny rrmvik rirrmrl nn tlic nlitrif adopt baby weuk real success and the bust feature of the week is tho fact that it provided an opportunity for lot of success in lives that were lacking this opportunity an optimist says contemporary is hopeful uinjniiiiwlio is surctlwtlwocaulivcas cheaply ns one pessimist is the same youttg men ifbout six months after the experiment starts but this is june and the optimists time line the picnic parties the excursions and the regu lar service provided ninde pleasure nnd convenience for many it hns hnd its place in the progress and development of the country and now it pnssus on to give plncc to chnnging condition nnd meins nf travel cimndian hmiius guinn reflect in betterment in canadian business gain of more than per cent was shown in the busi ness index for april which stood at 08 compared with 942 in the preceding ironth as computed by tho dominion bureau of statistics on the base 1920 equals 100 the iain over the corresponding month of 1034 was reported as per cent the index is bused on 45 factors measuring the trend of mineral production manufacturing construction electric power and distribution mineral production was heavier in april than in murch due mainly to gains in gold nickel lead and inc the index of nickel exports reached new high point in postwar history sharp contrasseubonal gain being shown over the preceding month coal output was rfllggl tons figainst 1030000 in march the index receding from 813 to 77 tj thu index of mineral production was 1564 compared with 1434 in murch munufucturing plants were more active in april the index advancing from 868 to 940 new high level for the present year tho industries engaged in food production accelerated operations the andex being 820 compnr the queens birthday the kings birthday and the dionne quintuplets birthday are over for this year and now the average individual may have an opportunity to think of such trivial incidents as jusr ordinary folks birthdays the beer warehouse in walkcrton has had to ui on new bigger truck to hnmll th nf iil ness the walker ton heraldtimes isnt any mure enthusiastic about this evidence ol growth than any otheis mho have the udfare of the province at heai the net revenue of the lor april showed un inuuise ol 2350u over apj il of just year but that by no means indicates that the did nut requiie tunjs from the public tieasury to keep it in operation during april and every month of the year since september 1030 there have been 15000 suspensions of motor vehicle drivers licenses and 5000 of these are still in force 1000 suspensions were made in the province in the first three months of this year this highway cleanup of reckless driv ers must continue booze and intoxicated drivers have no right on the highways hiram maxims new room silencer boxlike device which muliles offensive city noises such as rivetting machines and auto horns is now ready for commercial um the 02yearold inventor who spent sleepless night in noisy hotel room 12 years ago und decided to devote his genius to the problem referred to the device us the culmination of my lif work he demonstrated model in new york it consols of metuj hox about 12 inches high and 10 inches deep which muffles sound ventilates the room and liters the uir the device costs about 85 and is run by electricity jt iu wit uluuhlur nmutts xlv il protlublu fm the for jiiil to uo for tmoihi divl jrlt nd uu comuiif to liki hl plcu friend who could be much iilurtr and mure cotuumtly ncur to thvm unm jtui rmild be durlnjj thu day of hls llejh how clearly thu rier mtnallty of the holy spirit coiuei out in till thls cull we conceive of jeiil say ltltf that it uo profitable for 111m to no if the one who war to come und take lib place wiu not pencil but only lniprginl inilticucv or power thu uord trutixlnud comforter meonj that und fnrlnoro it the jjimo word that tr truiwluud udvocato in john hut udvocute tlqoj not tilve iu full forc it mean one culled to stand bculde another or constant helper counsellor guide friend jcmu up to this time had been friend constantly at hand bat lie wuu nolnf und another divine 5rlend was coming who would not only be with them but dwell in them ch 16 17 christian need hover be lonuly if ho would only bear in mind that fact that in him dwclbt tho bt of all companions the paraclete tho holy spirit the comforter has come his ibrst work is to tliow the world its error about iui to ihow that the crcat de ceive dunmhitf sin not to believe in tho son or god cf acui 3g 37 john ib 10 and that they are nullty of this hi if we tried to do it we jiould full but uwrc is one who can do it if we look to him the holy spirit but he does it through us jesus says will send him unto you and when he come unto you ho will convict the world as far iw the scrip tures revuul the holy spirit has mo channel through which he can get tic the world except through thom who nrj already laivud are you an unobstructed channel how many there aro hi our liomu und our ciusmj that the hclv spirit is trying to get at and ho trying to get the iue of our llpn but we will not plucc them at ills disposal or if wo do place tliem at his disposal our oun llvej nre not surrendered fully to ium nnd so he cannot work through ui he shous thu world too ituerior about rlghtloiisness he uhows to the world by tho resurrection and ascension of jesus thatjuius is the righteous one nind the only right eousncij possible to us in lllm cf phil there uru tuo things that man neclr to in order to be uived first liimrli that he is sinner second jciats iils righteousncn nnd the righteousness ol god provided for us in him it is the work of the holy spirit to show thr tuo thlngt to men he ui ahouii the uorld its error about judgment that there is to be judgment for it inasmuch no its prince is judged already if there is nothing above nil others that the pre vnt ngc needjl to be con incttl of it judgment belief in jude7n pimtihment tor in and especially for the sin of un btlef in or rejection of jesui chrltit has neirlj died out in our clay but uhn th sjmril ome to in in he convinces hliu of judgment ht has no furthei cwyicultt with thf bible doctrine of tiibutlun a7h7snnrpn nut mo rcsirnt gtnnr fuurktj tutit of child toward iu father tilt re are tao wltnuas to our ionshlp our own spirit and tho hjly spirit who uun th witness iogeuier with that is the forco of tho original our spirit that we are children of ood gal we are also heirs hur of god and joint hein with ohrut those aro stupliidous wortbi whut thy tay is thl that am an liclr tf all god is lair just us chrlst heir and that of course li to the fullest extent the only difference ls this that christ is heir by ills own tternul right und am heir becaua of my union with him my union with chrlst nmkes it sure that shall suffer with ium here c2 tun but it ulso mak til it sure that shall be glorified witli him hereafter in the holy spirit teaching the believer how to pray according to thu will of god 26 27 we ourselves know not howjtp pray as we ought but there li one who docd know one who knows all the mind and will of god und ha hrlpcth our inilrmlty when the spirit teaches us to pray wo shall pray with intense faniestneua groanlngs that cannot be uttered sometimes tlio ycanilruf he awakens in our hearts will be too deep ob entr the only thing that has ben liungd the jlgur but tho tllftcroiku in the prices cnioti ls exactly thu same perccntug of difference as in tlio orig inal figure is thls man iunr iji hbt thinking right you cm buy and sell at lower than cast prices but then even tho buyer can hope for only temporary gain eventually hu act will come hack to hiin cause somehow chlekens conic home to roast one gook loknt how li browns business getting on flourishing no lin afruld that uiq only thing flourbihing about um buslnei is browns signature and viist for our own clear comprehen sion evvn god must search the heart to jcfiow whut tho mind of tha spirit so it comuji to iarji that god docs ex ceeding abundantly ubove ah wo auk or think kph 20 in whatever way the spirit leads us in pruycr tlio peti tion lti according to the will of god and ls therefore sure to be granted john 14 16 yuiivo 1ii1 duyti tlii ii youvo folt durotirugiul mul low nothing f4iuitl to go right frequently llicso tlrciry duyh rjn lie trund to rom lurn roiihtipit ion due to link of in your imalu this uilitkiiit limy rauno llcail arln and lou of rtn ry corrrt it by fating dliiotiii rnd laboratory reneirrh hhowm kel lokuuaiflhun pride hulk to aid rliiuinuiioti aiiltiian uuo fur nidieu vitiiiuin ii and fooiliruii tin hulk in atihiaw retiiih ditfition inlit tliiin llie fiber in fruifu and egchil1 it il in geiillo and oftnl morn efteftivo nt tliltf natural food rttr thmi taking pat fiit mcdiciiiek ofum jiarinftdv two tulilrhpoonfulx of ailmhin daily ure tiktiiilly uufliciciit with rarh inid tu chronic rakil if hot relieved this way sert your dortor itrightcn days with aulliunl cot thatiulilliil grcon pnekugn nt your rrocer modn lyk4ogfr hi lon don onlurio keep on the aubrah sunny side of life 11 lu uij cjiu nlihiutf wiln iogetlur uith tile sphlt of tlu believer pimicnto stuffed olives mcl 10 mclrn peanut butter 24o jar 23c maple leaf lard lynn vllcy ducrt pears no tins 19c yljr tom to catsup 26o bll 15c vkundiy sop comfort bars 18c sho pollih biscuits pitted dates salmon candy coffee blueberries lb lb prince rupert fancy pink mccormicic cocoanut bon bon chare sanborn dated lb libbvs gentle press tomato juice 10or tins9 durham brand corn starch package 9c nugget tin 10c wax foflo61lbtln if 41 brillo pkgs 21c pj nd polul silver star 24lb bag flour baking powder zri 17 mfhc arnr evaporated toi prunes go lbs 23 soup cp tomato tih 2s macaroni xa avwowwwwwwavaaaaaaaaaaaami carrolls limited lemons per doen garbage per lb tomatoes kuby red per lb 19c pineapple 15c jl each oranges per dozen lettuce leaf per bimcli grapefruit euch 35c 5c 5c bananas 21c doz mill street phone 158 actoh onitap iiisessi

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