Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 4

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nam romi the acton free press imuuhday junb 8th ims neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interested ballinafad mr charles noble spent the week end with friends in toronto mr and mrs walter kentner and baby buddie of shclburne spent sun day at the formers mothers home with mrs kentner visitors on sunday with mr and mr bopcr were mr and mrs robert glassey mr rind mrs thos greaves master alva breavea mrs kentner miib mcparlane and miss switscr all of georgetown mr and mm will qhortell or george town visited on sunday at tho home of fmiirci sla mis anni ohoitei mr wm hardings house on ho seventh line was burned down on sun day evening mr and mro david jackson havo taken up residence in krln village rev mr altken attended hamilton conference sessions in ouelph last weejc tho rain again on monday will do good for pasture and spring grain limehouse eden mills we regret to no that ft few days ago master neltmophall suffered another mishap while doing somo light work at home ho cut an artery of his band which was so serious he was rushed to ulielph general hospital lor ittalfttelu while quite weak rromlos oir blood ho is gaining rapidly mr arid mrs john wright and family vfitro1kvtedrciallvcs in this vicin ity quite recently mlas thurea oandler was guest at mrs jas burden over tho weekend mies williams of wdtcrdown vult ed friends for few days mo j4tn aouin weuihgmn ptotrim annual meeting of tho womens insti tute washcld on wednesday may 29 th in eden mills town hall the proceed ings opened at 030 with tho singing of tho institute ode and mm mcwiulams rockwood district president in the chair after tho mlnuitil of the lust meeting were read by tho district secretary mlsa arlss and adopted tho uddress of welcome was given by mrs jos borden eden mills and this was replied to by mrt brydoiv of eramojia who also extended nn invitation for tlio district annual to meet at eramosa next year this in vltatloh was accepted tho annual report of tho secretary treasurer was then read which showed the total receipts to bo 15859 and tho total wxponditurcu 11147 leaving cash balance on hand of 4712 tho audi tors report was given by mrs richards wluchjhiiwjxitho to bo very well kept tho branch reports were then given which ohowed that all twelve branches had put in very successful years work community ulnglng was then indulged in before the reports of tho standing committees were given there wore given by the conveners as follows mrs walker for relief mrs palfnunjn for agriculture also report on health and immigration mrs fletchers re port on canadian industries ended up with tills little poem of her own com pcultlon canada god bo with dear canada tills land so full of good and give us men for leaders who believe in brotherhood men with broader vision than that of power and greed men who belle vo in sharing the burdens of those in need then will our dear dominion rich and prosperous be when oil men work together in true humlhty mrs oeorgo lewis for home econ omics mfas palframan for publicity mrs hodgklnson of education misj viiprddenttin the chair toclect mrs jeffrey for historical research miss shortill of ballinafad to tho off ice anderson for community activities of secretary of christian stewardship mrs campbell georgetown tho ro und plnanco other members present preventative on uw federated board were mrs altken ballinafad and then briefly addressed tho meeting ro mrs mcdermld and mrs speight of gardlng her work tho meeting ad ooorgetown journed and delicious lunch was serv jnno 16th will be very special day by uio ladles of eden mills in tlie life of ilmehotise united church tlie afternoon session opened with an when tiio tenui anniversary will bo held oldfashioned dress parade which was tlie morning service will bo taken by delight to all mrs collotori provhv rev uumley of georgetown and clal pwuldent and mrs campbell were tlie evening service bjrjev tlie judges und awarded tho prlaes to knighton watcrdown miss hortop of rockwood juniors mfas joint hiectlng of the explorers olub mcphall of eden mills and mra and mltisloiv bond was held at the homo williamson of gtoka of mr and mrs wright on friday mr lawley shield sooreury of the evening with twentyone present aftar institute for tlio blind hpoko briefly on vultto thalbn kllmanda phyhlswork period on uie lawn missionary pro mrs colloton provincial president brain was conducted by owen hu1 worj briefly outlined uio new cooperatlvo ship period by the leader and dainty urogram and local jcademhlp plan refreshment served by thti host mr which had been recently introduced by wright whose hospitality was much an tlie department of agriculture mlrt wtrrr made for uio hoy mr millar ouelph mw ft very bannockburn the following la tho report of standing for bannockbura school for the month of may 8r iv jack notolo 725 bill crofts 601 jr rv lloyd james 724 irma watson 040 sr znjean scott 771 edith den ny 503 sr norman mcdonald 700 clif ford mcdonajd 004 jr ii harold roszel 738 st lota watson 780 jackie aor don 73d primary mao sprawl lowronco anthony dorothy sholbournc denoted absence kathleen beckett teacher nassagaweya the ladles aid of eboheztr united church held thoir moiitidy mooting hi most enjoyable ovchlng woii spent last monday when tho united church harmony club held banquet as climax to tho very successful contest sin fo christmas during the months mush blblo memory work literary and mission ary knowledge and ttocial fellowship in song and play have been achieved and enjoyed around tables decorated in pink and white with tulips and panslcs smiling everywhere about fifty people enjoyed tho splendid banquet under the leader shlp of mrs meredith miss oladys packer and mra olbbs the social committee this wasfollowcd by pro gram consistingof stag song violin selections by helen zimmerman george town readings by mrs fred anthony and tom packer duett by muriel and isobcl stephenson eolos by fred packer and dorothy joljnsan interesting talks on young peoples work were given kenneth and norma stephenson intro ducing special features for the summer months und the coming year the pro gram closed with fow lnoplring wordtf from the pastor encouraging further achievements after congratulating the members for their post splendid work all ore looking forward to special months ly meetings during the summer and baseball team is being organised with jdennls hill as captain to arrange for gamed locally and with other societies within tlie presbytery meeting of subexecutive of the halton presbyterial of the womens mis sionary society was held at the home of mrs stephenson on monday evening with mrs earl wilson ashgrovo 1st afternoon with fair attendance of mcmboiu committee was appointed to make arrangements for tho annual garden party mr and mrs edward byerman and family of ingcrsoll visited relatives and friends at brookvlllo over uio weekend tlio recoiii rains havo made decided improvement 00 uio appcaranco of tho crops with prospecta looking brighter for good crop this year tho many friends of mrs merwln wjluoil of nassagawoya nro pleased co learn she is making satisfactory progress toward recovery and expects to bo homo again shoruy special form of service will bo ob served next sunday morning in the ebcnezer united church to commemor ate ten years of church union and girls to clean uie church lawn and interesting talk on the value of hobblas to bcauufy it by planting flowers and which ho illustrated with old relics and shrubti which ha already been started coins during uio afternoon solos weru tri womens absociatlod met at the rendered by mrs somervulo and duetts homo of mrs stephenson on thursday by mra wm early and mrt wm mc aitertioour wlui the president mrs lean which were very milch enjoyed by klrkpatrlck hi uie chair worship period all was conducted and plans for booths for the tlecuon of officers uien took the garden party arranged for the place as follouu president mvs autogruph quilt hock are almost oom pjeted and quilting will take place in uai ntar future plans were made to dye tlie curtains at uio church tills was accomplished ue following day as tlie church has ben all freshly cleaned it was just touch needed to give in spiration for many days to come tive mtcung closed wiui prayer everyone looking forward to xt sunday when lhneliouse united church along wlui all uis united churches of tlie dominion will celebrate uia grat toehlevement of ten years of union ilev stephenson spent the week end in ouelph attending hamilton con fercne during his absence on sunday jiu pulplt was supplied by mr aeonro taylor of olcnwlluatna who very ably conducted uve service and preached on the subject of full consecration to uwr service of god visitors during the weekend at the parsonage were mv george taylor mr cecil blythe miss dorothy wagntaff from olenwllllams mrs john mewiluanis rockwood branch vlco presldenu mrs williamson utoka and mrs isilfrainan ulyersldo secre tarylveiurtirer mlus arlss lloyol btandbig committee conveners educa uon mrs hodgkuison riverside healui mrs stewart royal public ity miss ihilframali riverside home economics mrs george lewis pusllnch canadlanlkauan mm flemhig river side legulatlati mhs bynott era mosa community acuvltles mrs mur ray mckcniie wteiid relief mrtj walker royal agriculture miss hut chison rockwood juniors historical reiiearch mlas jessie jeffrey ihullnch cknaduui industhuri mm fletch er royal ivace eduoatlon and inter national relauoiislilp mrs pcurt xtivcr slde auditors mrs comiop and mrx mocul lough the president was appointed as dele gate to thti federation mooting hi kv vrmtxr wlui mrs wllllaniaon as sub sutute question drawer was then conducted mm wm ford misses helen and bettv when mrs campbell of georgetown ford from toronto kindly answered ail questions saked the oarden party mi limehouse june 17th meeting tlien adjourned with the slng opmedlmns orchestr elocution ut ing of uw national anthem and coffee soloist fyom toronto and outelph puy and cake were served by the eden mills iffc 3tlqphonmt othem ladies capitol theatre goelph now playing joan blondell glenna faffrell hugh herert travelling saleslady friday saturday george obrien in cowboy millionaire added our gang comedy und other short features monday tuesday forbidden territory soap is all this week end pearl laundry lie vfomfort laundry 1frr surprise laundy 15c sunlight laundy 19c 44 4h444 sweetlavender 13c many flowers 15c lux beauty 19c woodburys 25c lifebuoy carb 23c 1plakey soap chips pounds for crewsons corners fire completely destroyed the resld ence ot david mannen about one oclock on saturday afternoon tho building was frame structuw and one oftho oldest houses in the district overheard stove pipes is given as tho cause of tlie nro neighbors gathered promptly and were abloto nave some qf tho contents but the house was burned to tho founda tion mr ma tin en is appreciative of the efforts of friends to help tho position ho finds himself in thv lass of his home which with his little family is qinto handicap mr and mrs charlvo gamble of koa more visited for few days at their cottage and with friends in acton tho uympatiiy of the community is extended to mrs guthrie whoso motlwr passed away on wednesday morning of last week tho funeral service was hold at tlio community church on friday afternoon conducted brcv mr bcnnhj of acton ern mr george sutton of gait fipent the holiday with his mother mrs it lrlce mr campbell of hanover fipent the holiday with hli father mr campbell mr and mitf lawrence and mlis carolbio of oukvlllu were sunday vlslt ori willi mrs siutan griffin mv and mrs jolm homer and family of toronto mr and mrs prank homer of london spent the weekend with mr und mrs john hunter and family mr and mrs angus maclntyro of nbtgara iuls mr and mrs thomp son and family called to ueo their cousin mrs david mcmillan on sunday mr and mrs robert mcenery mr and mrs mcenery mr and mrs thompson attended tlio 100th onnl wnsary services at union church on sunday mr jlarrls mr and mrs wm wluiers and lituo son ramtwy enjoyed trip to various points in quebec last week willie uiere tliey enjoyed seeing through various power plants including tlio gatinoau and beauharnols wollaco elgle little son of mr und miu li elgle who lias been under going treatment at tho sick childrens hotipital toronto for tlio past flvu weeks has recovered sufficiently to be able to return home advocate rockwood 23c few lux dak lefl lnixc vkg med pkir jubuoo portrait big value 95 oeal added specials while they last dutch sets per lb ge tom juice 3oz tins shaker salt pkg gc flakbs pkg 12c ii frco balloon quality courtesy service tlie play entitled an oldpaslilon cd mother given by uio voting people of eden mills presbyterian church in the town hull lost wednesday evening wad well attended and also well pre sented by tlie artists wlio took part and to utj casual observer it was play with serious aspects as well of llfo with its lighter hide at uio conclusion of uie play tiu visiting artists adjourned to the basement of uio presbyterian church where refreshment wero serv ed and social time enjoyed tlio ratepayers of rockwood met on thursday may 30th in tho town hall and elected mcwullams dr waller and kutcldng ori trustees of the hall in placu of mcssrn pasmore william harris and tliomiuj who hud served for number of years and had expressed desire to bo relloixd from the posluon and trust on monday evening tho choir and ls class or the united church met to honor onb of their members miss fcubel hawkins on uio eve of her approaching marriage mus hawkins was presented with handsomo and useful presents eocial time followed by lunch was enjoyed by all weckbnd and sunday vlaltow were miss ella hamilton of hamilton mr and mrs john milne of eden mhisr hi company with mr and mrs jas hamilton who are spending the summer at eden milk mlis doris royce of toronto mr dpttttewan of toronto mr prd day of toronto ahlkthinly ospringe bhctecn ladies of tho womenns institute attended the district annual fergus on prlday mrs sinclair past secre tary of the local branch received second prbse for her years report mrs standlsh returned homo on sat urday after few days visit with rela tives in toronto and rockwood mlsa marjorfo ajtkcn and mr max fiutcliffc of toronto spent tho week end ot the formers home hero miss vera tovcll and miss bennett of guclph visited over the weekend with the formers grandmother mrs mo ifan master douglas robertson attended the winterjohnston wedding on saturday mr and mrs jock king and family of orton spent sunday with mr and mrs baptle mr and mrs harry alton and family of pcnctang mrs mclean itoss and murray of guelph spent uioweckad with mr and mrs george robertson my tfn xxrft pttjmilnk arl fnftrjl of milton were sunday guesta wltli mr and mi stewart mr john altken and mr andrew altken spent saturday and sunday with mr and mrs mckunnon of brampton friends will bo sorry to learn of tho seri ous illncn of mr mckinnon communion sunday was observed at the locul presbyterian church on sun day rcv grant preached all appropri ate mirmon und the ordinance of baptum was administered to marlon ruth infant daughter of mr and mrs archio sin clair jr two new members wcro wel comed into tlio church ml ruby mcdaniolsv of toronto fa vlslthig ot the homo of my and mrs albert mccutchcoo mr and mrs allan and family of acton visited over tho weekend wjth tlio batters parents mr and mrs john akitfc rqciq an la grsds orthopotdic shots scinuficlly built oe tti tlut pciflilr tk ylnum fool coafota wld na ct urctiv jnodli quality icstkcri fturin5 wtt bfldci la offrd for your wo jipeclallao in orch llttlng shoes ask your nclgh bor rachlin acton aailxcmzrttggriipqd news pace pfvw no wonbeki old salt once hi new zealand watt caught in terrible caruiquake visitor were you frightened old salt hot much con tell you uio earth trembled more than dldl ins fire car accident sickness etc harrop jiepresentative gorw disirlet mutual norwich union canadian firm xnsnranes co the allfauieo aswiiwnte co the casualty of cm tad assurance company tho merchants casualty co the portaxetapralrte mntad em stark r0 optometoist will be at uachjins store acton on fltc yoacth friday june 14th tp ij honk oft appointmen toronto addreawsoite js mmtcsl denial bnoding az bpadlna arrnue ex z23 mr everett ldvinbss of buffalo mrs lovlneim returned homo wiul him after fortnights vfcdt wltli lier parents mr and mru oardhier ttflss ireno liamllton or ciilcago bi homo for holiday mr and mrs max mlliw and ramlly wnt sunday ut eden mills members of uio family remained over uia week end otlier recent vudtors wero mr ilnd mm nell gordon and family of toronto mr and mrs john altchlnton mr and mrs percy altclilnson tuid family of brantford mr and mrs murray of tor onto rev ohaa harru of toronto stopped ih tlio village saturday morning on his way home from attending uio united church conference lield hi guuiph xic it uvlngatonb former resid ent of uiu village also passed uiiough on imday on sunday mlntturd wlio were hi uttcndanoe at confcriice in gudph last week aielttud in uio services at uis unlud churcli rev mr weslcott ot itamllton speaking hi tlie evening wl itov mr irwin of milton 1a the mom tg after tlie evening service in the united churcli the young peoples society held uielr wtwkly meeting with mrs ben hasklng in cluuice the society used their now song books for the nrst time which are issued by uie conference and contain tuniiy uispirlng liymns for young people arrow rw lot convenient night coach to fare kitchener 75 stratford 140 london ov 245 windsor 545 detroit 545 chicago 805 leave actqn nt 135 standard time to faro toronto 05 oshawa 180i feterboro 430 kingston 545 ottawa 745 montreal 020 leave acton at 530 standard timo central ontario bus lines limited wiles phone g8 ibltntaub grmirpfi snttrb olljnrrjj at ojanaba aotom wntalcr br toou pftzboomso bower avtaxam june dth laymanb sukoay 1100 taa laymana mesao to tho chureh mr rhynoo ot bur lington iwlll apeak 1700 noon sumtey fidiool and bala class 700 mr alex mcdonald pastor will assist tneso laymen gtmvuouv vvulou prtbbgttrtan knox cmnca actor bev bennie mlnmo manse willow blreet june 0th 1035 asaembly sunday tlio cotli anniversary tho presby tcrliul churcli in canada daylight saving time ntoospeclal fjcrvlco in tho school niemo nio faith or our pathcra 1130 tlio diamond jublleo 700 tlio iokjilnk of tho torch note tho anniversary of this con gregation sunday october 13th 1035 always vrklooiar baptist elnriil acton easteh paator daylight saving tlmo sunday school 1030 1130 easter text tor troubled heart tucsduy evening unclassified small advertisements adveitlacmcnta under this heatukgv one cent pet word ulnimuni durw mfi per inftcrtixui five inarttoaa for loa it paij cill toe addltlonl la chnrsed wherv itciai hv to booked hog shipping saturday 800 and grade hog trucking fro hogs delivered by farmers 900 hoiates acton ixm balk washing machine and wrlnffcr hand power and large iawii mower in good shape apply ma8sev bower avenue ob sa1lk twoyearold jersey heifers good ones itesli and in full milk comb and get your pick prices rcsonablo hott georgetown notfcc wanans weuurknown ply sprav now procurable in acton in any quality at mclennons grist mill by arrangement wlui whllfleld local representative awctiom salk tliomofi clark main street rockwoid will hold an extensive clearing sale of uirstfcs household effects on wednes day juo 13 th kerr auctioneer phono 30 acton 1eumanent waving mr oarl kentner of toronto will again bo at tiio benuty tarlor to da guaranteed permanent waves on thurs day june 13th 350 and s00 prlcos include sliampoo and linger wave phono 1wj for uppolntnient foit kali shecylinder light truck wltli covered body good delivery trusk will nell cheap for couh or trado for car john ronnetx no rockwood stuayko out of tlie yearling calves uiat strayed from uio premised of mks hal lett black one is still missing any information regarding kama would be greatly appreciated lv phone 3rll3 erin no acton vox mkat wanted will buy horses injured cattle eta or anything suitable for fox moat in jured animals uiust be idecured lmmedl ately tut meat must bo hi perfect condl uon trailer or trailer chassis wanted vannattkitlox parm iutf ill one d5r3l georgetowrt buy june chicks now dont delayl every clay you luso now costd you dayd production of hlgilprloed wlnur eggs jxual look ut thad prloej bakgain prices effective june 6th standard xtraproflt qrado orado per 100 per 100 while juchocuu mixed malo and female 708 005 sexed nuarantced 70 pulleli 1306 um sened guaranteed 00 pullets 1700 1005 itarred uoek white uixjui wbu wyowlouetf it uoev mixed male and feuialo 805 1005 sexed guaranteed doi pullet 1300 1790 neur llhmmrc ttdm mixed nialo and fcniala 00s 41105 soxed guaranteed 00 pullets 1b1k 1bm klrown ighonii not aexnl pun luxtrw boeka jteey iuacjt cl not kujwn ii tuim 3weeaaaldliiea feaavy breed only prioe on tnaulry bray chick hatchery phone t23 bramlton ontario caltx ov thanks mr and mm guuirleand family wish to thank tlie friends and neighbors for the beautiful homl tributes and to exprejut tlwlr gratitude to uiose wha allowed many acts of kindness in the last dlnttui and death of their mouir and grandmother jucton sajtxk mollom will hold clearing sale of household teffocta including klectrlo washing machine and xfeuibsnan piano at his home main titreet acton on baturday june lsui at two oclock iceiir auctioneer iq3 jhaiio 38 acton auction sale walter wheeler lot 27 seventh lane ftromosa talk north of bjverton will hold an xjnreserved sola of 13 much cows 38 young cattle all grade short horns 17 york sows 53 chunks and weaners on thursday june 30th two oclock terms cash roy hxrtdunr autioneet phono isrq brln sobactiptonf for all tucen at tim fw pnmjompb ktfv

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