Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 13 Jun 1935, p. 7

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u4nnusu4iiuijre 7t tr tki thursday jttkei3thl03ff the acton free press making oaixs whenever so out to acts my mother friends toko with mc my utile dolla joanne and jane its true that thsy are very plain but they behave dolllcu jshould they arnilc and bow and arc as rood as dolla can be the ruaon why take them with mc that know nothing can talk about unless talk of them no doubt thata why whenever mother makes her social calls she always taktti me too when hero nolhlnic much to say about now clothvs and audi they talk ofrao prrhitn they try to ilndout who it is that xdak like and ijrtws uhci krownl they aay never did like calling duy hnpn innnnp nnil lnn tlfinl mnr it helps to take them loo find prhiklo barret twenty vkahs aio protti the imuuo of tbo free vrtipt thursday june 17th 115 chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the free preaa by uwenuoune claukk whats in the can ih rcspoiim to mm to whom owl uismka for very kind litter thfc urek mid who mndr rqutit tliut urlti nmri frtoil ntly eiboiil my llf in kiiklojid miiit jiy will uluuly ui1 ut any hu think f1l mcstu erie garvin mid jutmxi lawson have bii mitccwful irt the eyamtiwui wrpwg and arc fully tiualillwl drtikklts the bos bull team won from tuum of milected nlayrro of norvnl and ume house on saturday afternoon the ep worth jlcuue ineotink wji in the form of mock council which db cutised the carney le library proposal the member of tin council wiro muvr brown scar row 1yalilc khi nedy and mututvwji the spokes man of the deputation wils mm brown mnf gtorye huvllt and lie drspcr spoke brlcily tut ratepayer the council plud byhiw mibmlttlltf tlie matter io vole when the poll was eounjfceu the proposal vvju lot by 17 to 12 an imprvjjlve memorial jtvico wiu conducted hi knox cliurch on sundiy evening by iwv wilson in memory of pte 1vederick wlllliim wiia who was killed in action on may 23rd recruiting officer li coming to acton to en list mftivior wjw service in new battalion to bo known the 64th battalion tliu funeral the lute wm brown last friday afternoon wuu attended by largo concourm of friends and neigh bors three public school teachers tendered resignations ut the school board moet ln uils month mtjes ivmon brick noil and mcnlven are the teacher who are leaving it iiit jenntncscftutcltljy at st johny church toronto on monday may 34th 1915 by uev mclean jolm innings acton to jnne crutchley of toronto 3lehfjkgumcky at plcarnntvlcw farm jvtrus tlie home of the brides parent on wednesday june dth 1015 by itev kurrulili stanley leslie of shlloh to stclln daunhter of william ouruey died moore at tlie home of his brother inlaw thoi iverui limehoure on saturday june 12 th 1025 robert moore of stratford in hir 70th year may ui ot lntn he only rrion about my life in hin uiwiy might think btwen knghind nrtrtrrrte to woplv hi caiuulil have not id inlirli ijniiluiul is bt cuuta ii ufrild rrtdi hmkiiitf iomparloiui uud canada totln huvo you ever opened can of pes and found ut your disappointment unit they were hard and perhaps not of the aismj ou like b4t yes thbi has hap pened nflun but cjulto unnecituturuy all frulls uid vegeuiblcii wild in tin cans tn cmadu are graded and thr grade livnatlon plainly marked on tlie label lancy quality choioi quality mid stanuaitd quality nrr found in retail tor the luwat grudi arxzouo quality rirlv men tliem gradei of quullty ute ii fore ly dominion government lntpi iloii and if prtmluett are innitciit by illmired 11 weekly news letter oontrullinf karly illlcbl of potatoes iw1111 of in ve ligation inado by in ilv ulou of botany iomiiilon ex perltiieiitul iarm the following uua lire are toinmendi for tlie control lurly bliht of potato ue only lean wed appllt atloik of ilirtlt in muuire ltk should inad ri imilirjy and uuiiougbly eveiy dai or tvii unlj itirtlog when iint ir 1o idihl bum hlyh canadas manufacturing in dustries allhiugh canada pjjrlmp be known tliroufjhnut the world for its pro ducu of the field forest and mine uiuiiufk tin in 4i mot important in dustry aiul piovlde an iiiimeiim field for the lave uncut caplul capital inveu in canadian manufacturer in licia the litest eur for whkh ttgurv aie avidlibl lolilud over tour and half bllmon illnt manufacturing in cintd mijoied rapid growth in the arly iiif thi teiitmv inhueniid by lu ikmr aotiiptnliii the ojii iilnn ih in provli rn at lv und up the it uto ejipn bllillllu of lu mode imd moral areyfnlritlh in adojibt manner anti tpeeehthat their origin have nothing to iny against the iv und ciistonw prevallhur in the united jsuit or agilnjt the people oine of nlcvit people know have come from lancy quality iu nearly prjhk troys tlu fungus ilirnjthen feet polhle scrcn fur upprarulire the plalt und ridntfmea beetle iniiiiy and cue ip jjnparitimi it may hlcii an aid to lnfertitm afur dlt id whin unlfdinlty of le mid color tlie potaue lake up und bum the iirr conldend iinporunt um it to tiny alfoid inter protection it ciitiiijj front the an or for jpeclll ihi unnil use erop rotation iij ui dttrhmnl of thv itti that not so icwr rrop of potitou ml to increase the only time speak disparagingly oi ohowk quality is not so iwrfeft tin duuse avoid piling the potato topi canada when feel she i1 not beln mppearance but qulh us good in flivur rlo the nwly dug pile of potato true to lurself mvidea are mitiiriiy prturft it sffikht not being true tlr lritlh eron whn t4nderhy aie lnimirtant hut np rctrmce not so esentlul vranuaito quality luck mil pted out into their jwrnmnent rpturter foimlli but mite as good in food wording to the ornumukul plant spec lahie it ituiy tj ud uliero tconomy ulll ul tm lvprlmvntil rirm enttal 1rult of tlil grade bi uk lu luirdy utmual and any other seed cellent for nudulngt gelatine djdus or lilu hnuhmje teady to tunjplant and fuen desserl vtkutiibles may be ucd in cjcilloped dlhvi some salads mi for soup commercial canned foodi have left th emerieiuy nliclf und taken their place every day meal if lought by grade and if dllfeieut grade of each prodnct are kept on hand the meiuii may be varied and economical the sle or can is important it iilua economy to buy the largest 1el carrot ctin which may be conveniently iuxci tlvj following table showing common ial may prove helpful approximate cm slie meusire xit siicrlal rtip the the states under the ue in canada but if britlth flag isnt it logic that the aim und ideal aiieech and custom or the ilrltlh kmpire sliould be adopted in preference to those of i1j united sutej as for the kings lnp jlh it lias been taid unit if an lnt ilhspuiking peion be properly tdn cited it should be impajlble to tell in wluit county or country liu or ui hiu bien llvlngl and that applies to the states well ni canada now suppaing jou were in england and asked to be taken somewhere typlc ahylnglbh where would you expjet to no london suppae you would sayl but youtv wrong imdon ti no more typically kngllih than montreal li typically canada london well just london no instead of london ilouerj should now lie trjieplin ltd tender lwdd iitttln iuu sueji cannns oleiii md iteranlums ihould nou be ii pltnited out on tlu ilrst coil day ir the uathcr is hoi and dry tlie ground ihould be thoroughly watered before planting tlu seedbed should at be watered damp earui will cling to the rooli uhlle dry earth will fall off late kowti vegetables fine piallty legetabhs may be pro duced from late seeding svtedo turnips and beits may be own or late tit the middle or june and till have time to develop to ti disiruble sie for winter we tlie land ihould be will lirepired and rich in plant food shoud dry condition prevail the seed should he rown on the level rat than in ir and jlnre thn tlieie hiu hi un jin ininiiii eiin ion vhlch lied for futlher luge liivistimnl or riijiltil in th lut decade uppiovinutely s1kiijk0 of 11 capital has lwi1 aboibul by the minulictiirlng indu trles of the dominion and in the ji ti en ears ilnce the annual lensus of industry ur begun the growth of the indu tiles has rtmihvd hivtnnnt nar no uj flat no no squat tlie average family will um lij or uiunt no cup li cup cuw hi douglas egyptian liniment relieves toouiache und neuralgia invaluable in coses of croup tore uiroat and quinsy icvcp botue handy staitch iksskitts according to uie pamphlet milk dos scrts ksued by uie dominion depart ment of agriculture ottawa starch des serts comprise uie large group of mlllc puddings which are thickened wlui corn torch or ilour to eniiure wuoou textune and good flavor when mokliar desserts of this iype uie followina points tliould be kept in niind cook in top of double boiler ml uie cornstarch or flour wlui sugar and blend with cold milk before adding to uie scalded milk sur constantly whllo the mixture is thickening then occasionally until uie mixture li cooked cook mixture until the flavor of raw starch has disappeared if whee ehs or egg yolkr are beuig added cook cornstarch or flour mixture first then odd small amount of hot mixture to beuum eggs and combine with mixture in double boiler and cook for three minutes longer if beaten egg whites jt llntflnlhul filluinnum come with me and will take you to little cast court unu nq7 mny urul in very village nr lngllh you please nnl famlllti or for luxury foods no will introduce you to an old knglbrli family nr proud as pciicocks and nj poor as cliurch mice fused am oil for all men the sailor the cups oidlef the rbherman thu lumberman cup the outdoor laborer and nil who tre no pfii to injury and the clement will special no thvl in dr thomas ecloctrtc oil true small iim faithful friend to cium pain re squa hevu colds drc uounds subduu luiu no but notbnco nnd overcome rheumatism it li therefore it should have the same dlimoier no but notjbngo nnd tall and the two may be eiuuy con excellent the village in called great holland and 11a between prlntononsea and waltononthenayx for two jeari went iu nursery governess to the draper children who lived at great holland hall the hull wis very large hous ulth spacious inwna and slintjc te in front and txnnl court at the bad uliere there were aht the most beautl ful copper beecli trees ever saw nny wherj tlirough the trtus trailed narrow footpath to tlie village church which summer cottage pukcaution in reopening summer cottancs it will place in all home medicines and amongst those taken on journey the question was always unlocked nnd uometlmes at the end of the day would creep nvlav to the quietness and peace of thbi little church where loved to sit especially on summer evenings und watch uie moon light filter ni uirough the lovely stained glass wlndowu the draper family that was not their name but it will do belonged to what known as county gentry family honor was to them of far greater im portance than personal posessloii family ideab and traditions were ar sacred to them ns their religion nnd must be upheld nt any cost if all thnt they had were soup made from muttm it must nt least be served from lllvcr tureen when the gong rang for dinner th removing from heat and flavoring kmui and fruits should ui added afex the pudding has been removed from heat ilclpo for blanc mange tabkspoons cornntarcli teaspoon salt 14 cup sugar li cup cold milk cups hot uillk 14 tftaspoonvajillla be round good plan before occupation yawning miss is tharwatch of yours to spray the flnon with good pyrj holng willio tlmmjccraiense mixture which can lie ltnijerlng suitor yes dear chasen from among the several effective miss when brand on the market this is all the more commendable where pet dogs nnd fancy restrained may be compared cab have been kept however will fountain which plays highest by dlm these pets have been looked after they lnlshing the aperture goldsmith are afflicted one time or another with fleas nnd in temporarily vacant hoiues undisturbed by cleaning activities fleas multiply rapidly so that when the nc cupanti of the hoiuus return they meet with lively recliulm most complaints on this spore naturally occur in the into oimmcr on return from the yumimr vault ion but precautionary spray on reopenlng the summer cottage li oftin very necessary particularly where cot tags are liable to be invaded by bird mltct clover mites centipedes and oth like pestti tlie clover mite li pest of clovtr and certain other plants and occasionally invades dwellings in the spring nnd in the nutumn sometimes the invasion is so great thnt numbers may be found crawling on the walb ipproxiiiiutjy two billion dollars of iuw iijiftil at the luglnning of the present century the capital invittment in can adian ininufaituie wis miiuou ly l0i it had iui to 113000000 anj hy 1315 just after thv war bignn iliad reuehid lorio700qo in 1023 uh conditions had returned to normal aft the war the capital employed in can adian manufacturing indutrus hid leached i10uoooao and in 1033 it was 1600300000 in 1020 at the ili uf tin poltwar boom the capital em ployed by the jianufactuns of canaui including operatinir as well as fixed capil il was over ih billion dollars mans miaveit canadas tttavet wealth of all the developments which have taken place in the present century nomr iias liud more marked eflect on uie utiihlard of living uinii thr evolution in transiorlilioii iiielhinl tlie improc iiiciit li the oldr form such aj wiy und aiilshlp und neutr niodei niniulud by tlie tnouir vehicle und in at rojiune jiave uvolullouled tlu hti and ue of travel the ulltomo bil hi pirtleular brouulit tin uviilth of travel jirictu ally wlthn ruilh of ull and the inert ud exleit to which jmiple how enjoy the dura tional mil ie atiim il value of travel hi eu th nt tu it higher sundanb ut can id is trawl luiiv toimtiy liivirti mr 1100000 motor vehirlis me for ivirv tin inhabilhil if um inuti vhiclu of canada uio mibter uut la one inunt piridi with hur dud fy or hldiwiy allowed mm vehicle they would form procjio or ho boo mlli in ngtii aiid with little ciow ding ntlllliig trucks uud buses tie whole population llllglltli totrmnr time tables mian nationafrrailways at acton colttg at daily except jstmday 1007 ajra pally except sunday omzpjkl sunday only fl34pnl tio chicago filer that pauea thwh heio at 035 loastbound atop at orgetoun al044 dally daily trtr sunday only cobif west pt iiunduy xcept sunday day bs0j3 223 pi 1113 pjn utamoa1u3 tim33 mnrr can tta teach me that sixty mlnuus make an hour ilxteen ounces one jiound nnd onv hundied cenhi one dollar help me to live that can lie down at night with clear coiiscilnceanduiihaunted by the faces of thaie to whom have brought pain grant that may earn my mual ticket on the squiii and that in earning it may do imtotlierwutl wouidhlue them do unto me deafen me to tlie jlngh of tainted money and blind mj to the faults of the other fellow but reveal to me my own guide mc so that each niclit when look across the din ner table at my wife who has been blejing to me will have nothing to conceal kvcp me young enough to laugh with little cliiklrecn and sym pathetic enoiifih to bo considerate of old age then when comes the day of dark ened shades and the smell of flower makv the ceremonj short nnd the epitaph slmpe here lies man think so magistrate arc you quite sure woman absolutely positive iet think so iiljtiiit mile of hijhwajs which provide peiidlni plire of travel wealth and la iiddlilon to hr mui heavy motor tlilfic an eei hit iter mntoicade of 3l luiomoblli from otlicr coim trie travelled over the dominion highway ijstem during 1931 ii side having the means of travel wealth canada has bivn blcj ed by an indulgent uatun with wealth or trivol attraction there is the scenic biiuty of the maritime the oldwot ciiarm of quebec the aim idfamed rjliiiri and the grandeur of the mighty roekic to mention only some of the more oiif landing uhlle in all the pro vinces counties lakes riirs and forjis provide unrivall farilltuv for fishing hunting and summer and winur sport from rtadide camp to palatial hotel fiom lirne iikklcrn cities to regions of almait primeval wild erne the spent cf trawl wealth in canada may taks hi choliteiz travellers from oilier lands are made welcomt in canada and the policy ol thccnihultnngovirnmint tomuie the movement of bona fide tourists crowing the border into canada as free of red tape and restriction ns pjs sible arnow bus ii iixtivi may 5lh 1033 leave westuound 015 lls 1115 tn 415 11 iji5 in 015 pm 113s standa11d timk leave eastuound 530 hi 810 11u0 in 210 lio ooo 000 itiniuauiis klaxnin to ali lointh in canada unitti stated jm mkxico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario uua lined toronto wait moment it waint serious accident yet as invariably happen in such cases nai bsoks were produced in less than no urns by all four concerned thu tramdriver and conductor the policeman and the car owner jllst is they were gathered together and were about to tae particulars how ever newsboy who wa passing failed sec tlvj serlou side of the alfalr and shouted dont start yet mates ive lorst the page patterson ro spocialut hi fcyo examination oruutpua tnxitmentu intfcrlptloiw 10 wyndhum st net la lobww pirone 2h8 quality accuracy servioo lu minim iiuiiin savage co first night was there ran down to rniture picturcii and other objects of find the dinlngtable sparkling with cuti homc rulc wi reference to klass and silver at each place were blr1 houses and churches tumblers nnd the finest of cutclass wine ja iui the renting and nesting glu and at either side or tlie tabic of piacons and other birds have decanter of ulne ven found to be infected in the cvont really beautiful sheffield plate soup net blrtl such becomlrg tureen ttiu on uie table from which mr mlu tllc cages and all draper ladled out the soup which was 1l narui thoroughly scalded handed round by tlie maid who then nrl of nlk tcopoonlul of pyrethrum uithdrew until the bull rang for her nvuier should be placed in paper bi return the iecond course as jong us and tlll dropped into uie bag which should be closed at tlibtop frljlhtepecl butrired of mltes as jong us game was in seauin and for about 11 lumiii uhsmiaiii pofl pheiuinnt partridge jugged hare or woodcock or snipe followed by very light desert this is where thought tin wine would come in but no npt bit of it there wnunt ony wbie urved uuit night or any otlicr night the family finances wouldnt stand it bur of course it was family tradition that wine should be served at dinner jo the wine and the glasscr mi alwayt bctlwi vtt mb cornstarch sugar and salt and one day the mnld forgot the classes blend with cold milk add slowly to ami the bell wui rung millie said hot milk in top of double boiler and ulr mr drnjier sternly the wine ghitis constantly until mixture thicken con pkxwl millie brought tlu glasses and for 20 to 30 minutes stirring occasion the mvnl progressed ally uemovu from heat udd tlavorliu after dinner mrs draper with an chill aristocratic air that was really charm cocoanut pudding fal low recipe for inir would ru from her chair and lead blanc mange void in one stiffly beati the way to the drawing room often vitif white and vi cup shreddeel cocoa there was only she and but alwuys nut with flavoring serve with crushed the coffee was brought to us there serv frult or fruit saure cd in the 11101 delicate china cups while mpio blunc mange hollow recipe for mr draper had his coffee tn the dlntng blanc mojuiv omitting sugar and usltw room where he btuyvd to smoke cup maple syrup loom out look hero mrs murphy why have you been hltthitf my uttlo boy asked cxtremoly bidiiloiit mother hit your hoy becouw hp was rudd and called toe fat old pltfl retorted the other woman but goodness me mm murphy yoll ought to know better than that hh ting my aod wont do you any rood touu have to aurt dieting in uie drawing room also wati irajige mixture of poverty and wealtli tho floor dtcorutloiuj und some or uie furniture wrv terribly shabby but yot in one corner of tlie room stood woi dwrful ebony urhd plaiio few pieces of remarkable inlaid furniture while scattered around uie room wre trays jiut nd oniamenu of induui brunt as well many beautiful oil pabitliigs after awhile mr draper would come hi ahd we would play uureehandrd bridge night alter night or aome tlmea my draper would spend the whole auodt the leftuanded the word amlster whoje modern meaning ir evil or malign is simply latin for left hand it wan once be lieved that lefthanded pcnons were uenerally wicked but as doctor charls miicallstur points out in the lancet that experience doe not confirm tills view though it lias been discovered in some countries that the percentage of lefthanders among criminals is greater than among law abiding people it would seem that stammering and lettlianded iiess no tigetlut doctor macajbiter mentlom loiveral cues of leftluuidld children who began to stammer only vvhen un attempt was tundu to convert tin in hi to righthanded writers thiu caujlng confusion in the brain which brought on stammering if you see mtm with his hulr parted on uie right jou can be fairly sure that he is left handed evening at the piano singing and play ing as look back it secmu like totting from victorian novel but at that ume it all seenicd iwrfeouy natural and quit as it sliould be that wjis twenty years ago uilngs may liave changed sbico uicii but dont know tne old order changeui hi many rospecu but sfcltitth traditlontf are slow to dte lrtrhapa licxt week will tell you abjul the iraper chthlrena dally life banking ideals that live on tlie value of that enterprise the bank of montreal ought not to be measured by its success as jointstock undertaking by the amount of its capital or the size of in divi dends but by tlie uwrity it lias given to those who have trusted irthe fadlitm it has fur nished fof the exchange and the increase of commodities and the autiuntt it has con the dank now well on in the second century of its life will wishes to be measured by the con siderations mentioned in the foregoing quo tation from the centenary of the bank of montreal published in 1917 security faalitits asihunctihos luve been the objeaives of the bank since its foundation in 1b17 they are the objeaives today and uibuied to the development of the country will be in tlie tomorrows of canadian life bank of montreal ustaulisilld 1817 head orricie montuhal modikn efficifnt hanklnti scuvici21u outtoii of 117 year succcufal ojcilteut acton branch ut phaser manager watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelm0ntaitio ii wyudiiun hl iiiuujiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiim readi you panua alatia wfll be ra od tocaalonjl whexw ywur wlu bo he let lui the aioy yout txwtn into readmblo ahatml the acton free press subscriptions for all mgitng taken at th fw praw obm

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