tff thdbsday junk aoth 10s9 the acton free press down on the fakm oti tbotarm txn hmlx rab four attp oo my pacta nd ndc out tho door oat id urd run like thedickens td milk all tho oowb and food all tfco oeau oat tbb stabto curry rhoda and oapkmte be cream hid rfop all the pica ruaue two bouae toen eat breakfast uk tort by hock am ready far full duya work ttaen grease the wagon and put an the imck qftvow jug of water the old grain otck hitch up the boracs slipdawn the lane most get the hay in looks like rain look over yonder dure as am born cows on the rampage hoga in the com btart across the meadow run mile or two beavrntf uke am windbroken get wet cleat through back with the homes 4hen for rcconv rhoda gets fence joints all aching wlm aatraddto tho barbwire muscles in jerk fluxu ha full dajvj work all ummer winter la nigh then figure at the bank and heave big aigb worked all the year didnt make thmg leas caah now than had last spring borne folks say there alnt no hell shucks thyncvcr farmed how can they tell when the spring rolls round take an other chance as fua grows longer on my old gray pants give my galluses hitch belt another jerk by gash am ready for lull yeara work chronicles of ginger farm written specially or the vreat press ay gwendoline oiarkk scaixop fishekhen obt some strange catches pests of birds and cattle you will remember last week prom ised to tell you liomethlng of the draper family because thought as family the children were quite an interesting atudys wild as the mischief and yet upon occasion they could be as prim and proper as you please there were clglkt of them tho three eldest boys went to boarding school buu the four gtrki and their little brother wcre taught at home when flrut arrived found stella ago eleven with broken arm having fallen out of an apple tree and dickie ago four with broken leg as result of doing ocro uatla btunu railing aud twenty years ago the xsme of the free press thursday jane 24th 191s isrxmseasytaxvraciircy terday morning mr earl marshall of limehouse has taken over itural route no formerly carried by john olbbons and will re move to acton opo of tho most interesting events which has marked the progress of halton county occurred last wednesday tlio womens land ya institutes of the county held their first annual picnic and incidentally had the best business meetings which cither institute has seen for some years about three hundred assembled at victoria park suhon for dinner and in tho afternoon the irti tues held their meetings separately of 200 from tho ild cross society to tho canadian hillltary hospital at shornclillto has been receiv ed and acknowledged by col donald armour the surgeon chargu letters from tlie front from tom alger david douglas and red colts are all full of courage and contain uows of interest taxge crowd ttuusmbkxl hi uw town hall to listen to the recital of experi ences in connection with the war vy majorjjamca ttul ian tine and gave him an cnthusfcuuc reception married wrloirrpiiout iii toronto on june 1iui 19is by the rev dr young uary eldest daughter of mr and mr thomas prout acton to alfred wright also of acton died lane at georgetown on tuesday june 22nd 1015 jcnrde prater som erville wife of lone uged 44 years hendeerson at tlia homo of her husband groovenor street winnipeg on sunday june 20th 1015 lenu dotrland beloved wife of john hen derson falling straight down to the hall that looked quite good start to roe tocid in truth was characteristic of the draper family the whole tunc was there there was alwayu one of them with bundago on somewhere forgot to mention the hall was really formjuuse7itlitllewewirew about it all wo over saw of farm pro duce was the milk cooling in flat pans in tlio dairy which was afterwards skim med and tho cream made into butter for liomo utc such squubbllngs as there utied to be over the milk as there never was much milk in tho pans at sklmmlug time as there should have been became one or other of the children used to watch their chance and then taicok in for good drink before the cream wati disturbed we very rarely found tho culprit because thechlldrcn would never scallop fishermen off dlgby have gotten some strange catches while in pursuit of tho succulent scallop just recently one fisherman brought up part of an earthenware chum but tho prlxo catch was china cup to be followed tho next djy by the saucer various artlcleu of crockery ware have been brought to tlio surface at different times all it believed part df tho cargo of ship called the cujloden which was wrecked off these ahoreo many years ago scallops are chiefly nova bcotla product and unllko tho oyster tlio scal lop able to move around they have very high medicinal value duo to their causing greater how jof gastric juices at recent meeting in nova soctu of tho potato mafkuting board members of tlio rejai trade mentioned egg grad ing which was introduced in 1923 by tho dominion department of agriculture as an example of what could be accomp llshed in standardizing product this liof xicmarntcfedtocue5nr ttni as oil that is prised everywhere dr thomas eckctric oil was put upon the market without any flourish over fifty years ugo it mu put up to meet the wants of small section but soon as its hicribi became known it hjd whole continent for field and it now known and bribed throughout this continent therels nothlig equal to it engush as sue is wrote in japan there it japaiwwe iclioolboy or student wlk writes ioujws one such reached tlio gneral putiejiuier traffic manager of tlio canadian national uail woys rcauj write tlus letur wltli very glad and respect for you who is oeiurriil pusb traffic manager of my mout likdy and moot fainous ctuudlon national rail ways lu am studesit studying the elootrlc and mccluuiicol engbuerbig at univer sity in japan and liavo deep interviit about ttlie electric locouuv and team locomotive especuuly about tlio locomo tive of clw canadian national hallway which is number otu of tlie hallway co hi hi point of wrvloe high speed jnd meciuuilcal coustructlon so think to rttorch about tliee ftn itwihi locomotive in my unlvenlty ileaae hviul tne with your kliully mind tlie ptiotouruph of htom locomo tive and cartf for my expecting hope wait luippy day which con tid the letter to tluuik you agahut thi photograph wlilch biul nur by your dts kind of course will iuleavor to do anything which you uim hop ui jaiau finally you xcti me for thu letter which woji written by ihjot cjiglbli very ttuuly kuuuiw however we would like to ieo can adian scluxdboy write us uuod witter hi the japanese uutguagecuiuulluji nu tlonl rjllwayu matcuxiike to have passed through uie portal of sorrow is to become man 2ulnee prorb squeol on each other mary bge twelve was absolutely model cliild and could keep order among uio other ciilldren as well as could stella was moody and wratlc but how she loved to ride hornet mr draper bought wlmt lie thought was on old driver for me io tliat could tako tho children driving hi the govurmw cart somctinicti stella uiought jio would be just flno for lier to ride and ride him she did at steady joggetytrot one day there was to be meet at the village and stella begged to be allowed to follow the lioiuuhi her father laugh ed and told lier lilic mlglit follow aa far us she could but uiot site would never get far on eclipse because ho had won hvt name became uiey said ho eclipsed anytlung in blownew mr draner had ever liad in tho stable now tins is aij lniematmg little btory mr draper bought ecllpja from man who lieddfed milk wltli tlio result that when in imrjwsgt eclipse would run little way tlien stop run little further and then stop again no would afco ctop at public houses wlien was driv ing liim but of course these village lrnii may imvc been placeifl wliere the milk man hid been accustomed to deliver milk however previous to milkpeddling kcllpso luul been hunter this of court wo didnt know so on tins par ticular day stella went ambling off to the village green to follow the hounds no sooner was the huntsmen off and awuy than eclipse was off and awuy as well tlio turf was flying behind as he ran and liow stella over ttayod in tho saddle won the biggest mystery to me tlio liounds plcjyfd up tlio ecent olmctit at once and soon hunters houiida and riders were out of eight about an hour later mrs draper and licard thorn again and we jtatloned ourselves at gap in the woods which was closed by bate through wlilch we knew uuiy muu pua some of the other children were with us all at once tliey cried here tliey cornel here they come the whipperin leading the way and tlio hounds in full cry but look be hind the whip comua llglit grey liorre nctitrua quivering muscles taut and mnkmff twilirhf fw ihi hi1i nt iht yap stelui slellal gtopl dont jump the gap cried mrs draper in terror hut stella luxd long tunce lojit control of her steed ovea tlw fivebar gate went kcjljijxvuimilncdjandjeaiandsteua was tlirown clear to tlio ditch stella was not really hurt only very much shaken and brubd but tlio liorae lay spent and quivering and little later uja quite content to be led quietly and wibm lively back liome few daya later lie waii found dad in tlio table and ue ull felt ulad he had had thit lait glorious run in tlu fiummvr time when the boys were home we often aot permbilon take spare hon and tilmbrll und drive down to tlie beach tumbril li two wheeled firm cart we used to riff up homepiade tent on the beach and then each in turn ct into buhlnit lilt und had brand time ltwlmmuig and playing about hi the turn sea batli ini simply cannot compare wltli freji water bauung there li something in the buoyancy or uie ijiit ua uuvi unit cue cannot iet hi irv other water at home nelc be trutud to provide exclunumt gnu day found tlum in tlu kitchen gurdeii minus uulr clouds playing adum und lve in tlio druwlngroom one ninit tliey played lion and ujit uuj coal oil doorlump aiukher time they phiy etl wltli uielr fa livers gun and ihed hjuit tlirough tlio celling hito tlielr sla uts bedroom iwlce running sbacr stood on tive ede of her batliub and flooded tlu nursery floor so wlien tlie time came for mary to bo considered of tlio memtxrs who paid tlio highest tribute to cyg grading bad previously been prosecuted for violation of tho regv ulatioirs iiblc to take my place it was wltli very rea 1regrc tlwi ti iuigolbyebeoausfi did love tivowe cldldreii tliey wito uueh darling mlsclifovous jlttle lmpsl mont species of birds and animals arc subject to infestation by amali mseot parouuee known as biting lice those parasites are related to tho sucking lice which were so troublesome to soldiers the world war the biting lice pass their whole lives on tho bodlesof birds and aniroals and soon die if removed from their hosts there aro more than 3000 known specie in the world the majority occurring on birds some of these species infest domestic poultry and lieai numerous cause looa of weight and decrease in egg production others aro pest on cattle and homes survey to determine tho number of hpecles of these lloe on wild and domes tic birds andanlmals in canada is be big carried out under tho direction of tho dominion entomologist ornithologists taxldtfflnlu gamo wardens naturalists and olhora whoso activities bring them in close contact with wild life are co operating by collecting lice and sending them to ottawa whore tliey are mounted on slides and examined and classified ie motor traffic rules following is valuubleust of rules ought to feel proud tlio chief of tho village lire brigade was making his report to tlio chairman of tlio village couhcll yen sir proudly enough wo put out the flro just ten minutes after wo got there very praiseworthy said tho chair man had it dot yood start of you should say it had said tlio lro chief wlien we got there there was only the foundation standing tor uio guldanoe or totir chlldrcnrand adults in connection with motor traffic tho careful adherence to which would undoubtedly lessen the toll of accidents dont ever ride with strangers always walk on tho left hand side of the road and ret clear efl tho road when you meet an automobile give them plenty of room dont ever cross road or high way until you ure sure there larw no curs coining from cithec direction dont attempt to cross an intersec tion until you aro certain tliat there is plenty of time if you see on acaidxnit go for help jjulckly keep cldar of tins wreck let grown people glvo aid to tho injured hre are potnp suggestions for driv ers dont ever pick upstrangcrs always drive on the right hand side of tile rood and when you meet ihhleslrlah give him plenty of room ih lookout rfei persons nearly half france lives in units less tuan zme crossing tlio rood new plan what is si budget well it is method worrying before you upend money instead of afterward ridiculous would father go to heaven if ho died mother hush wliatever put such ridiculous ideas hito yqur lieod pbrtynme per cent or the people of prance live in administrative units of less than 2000 inhabitants while 38 per cent of the population is engaged in agriculture and forestry france jo hi particularly happy situation with regard to employment during boom times enough foreign workers come hi to fill all available jobs while during periods of depression these foreign workers re turn to their home countries and thus relieve tho pressure in unemployment at the end of 1031 france had 1258000 foreign wageearners and at the end of 1034 508000 of these had returned to their own countries according to tho industrial deportment of the canadian national railways the irony to all earthly paradises lies in the fact thaav they are seldom revealed as such cxcptoythclr passing that state of life is most happy whero cnpntflnltkig arn tint viviitrm tih nmh time tables nftoian nationafrailways at acton going east dally except sunday daily except sunday sunday only ujvti the chicago flier that pa aw thxvma here at 0j5 georgetown at 944 goto west dally except sunday au daily except sunday jn daily except sunday 7001 sunday only ujt standard ttmb sarlcs are not wanting plutarch persian ralm invests every woman wltli subtle charm delicately fragrant coolmg and licalmg dlspels all rough ness or chafing makes skins delight fully tfttexturcd every woman sliould iso this peerless toilet requisite dalh tbvess beauty refinement persian lialm achieves these in every innfance softens and whltejjs the hands pro motcif clear and youthful lovelbicsfl all wonum who care for additional ciiarm unjieiiltatbigly clioose xvrsbn halm dig bowl of kclloggt cora flukes for breakfuht vill inuko you tcei keener during tire day thttw crisp golden flakes in milk or creuiii are full ofuourisli blent and cany to digest kclloggft are also tasty for luncheon or for snack before bedtime the heat mettled waxtite inner hug assurer full flavor and oven freflhueah be sure to nsk for kehoggs tlio original com flakes at grocers everywlere made ly kel to think by edsor waiu shawnee oklahoma the lack of interest on the part of many citizens holds back the development of many towns whether or not this lack of interest is to continue is up to them where portion ovf the business men show lack of aggressiveness tendency to stay in the same old rut and an idea in their heads that business twiu be good without any effort on their part just helps to kill all business of the home town they will find many of their fellow citizens getting the habit of going to some other town to trade tot you comnlcncj arrow bus effective may bui ims leave westbound as sltta le15pnr 31spm 415 sl 1s in 91s pni jus tn stakdard time leave eastbound 530 kn 810 110 ko 210 to 110 600 to 900 utinekakies manned to aix points in canada united btatet mexico consult local agent wiles bestaurant central ontario bus lines toronto wt pattebsonro speclalm in orubopua treatments 108 wtuuiui sl next to wwe 3108 ituallty aoeoracy watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario 21 wjailaur ui uuuuiiiijuiuiiiililliiiuiiiiuiiiiugaiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiitiiuiiiu youe prtaiaj roattef ru bd real on oceaklooa rlierw ouf imli will dot bo neardl lei put uui kuef at youf inld readable khapet the acton free press subscriptions for all ma tsken autba free press oflus