Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Jul 1935, p. 8

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ujlmihhmmltl ma nam 4v the acton free press zu taiobsdat july 4th 18 moticu cl dlrta luswum dsstiis an inserted in this columa wiklwat chars heawiui notices foe ud ice per uas addluoail joe poetry yyirclaiutldoe in toronto on baturtay june 20th 1035 by rev dr wuson dorothy jean daughter of llr and mm clarrldge to oeorge richard tyler eon of mr and mrs edward tyler both of acton fjoljmetvoakuey at st albana church acton on saturday june 2tb ibm by rev brtluneer pearl 3akley youngest daughter of mr albert ancfctrie late mrs oakley to oeorge holmes son of mr and mr charles holmes an of acton rirofltkaktocewb at oraco an glican church milton an wednesday juno 10th 19s6 by rev ii naftel sthel oertrude andrews daughter of the late mr and mrs joseph andrews to herbert outclue son of the late mr and mrs oeorge ritchie of acton died mclean on monday july 1st 1936 at 60 boiborough street west toronto blgrld mclean beloved wife of hector mclean in her 46th year returned missionary from china locals the dominion day weainw waa all that could be desired yesterday was hon benneu5 birthday he wh years old highway traltlo waa at high level through here on the holiday showers have been coot consplcil au by their absence the past week several yrom acton attended iho bjjorts day georgetown on the holi day the strawberries have been plenu ful of good quality and reasonable in price this week acton jparic loo treuy lively place these evenings the softball games ore too numerous to record two motorcycle accidents during the past wek in uio district liave been an unenviable and regrettable record greenock school rvunlon was uie meetlnflt place for many present and former resident of the district on mon day quite number or acton ltou haircd attended tho church parade on bunday of zone 13 held at now tor onto plaiiswero madcat rnwtlrigtucs day night for bl uireu day celebration la connection wlut civic holiday in acton uils jear thfcl yraiikllu waii awarded ihrtt cuis honoru in her recent midsummer piano examination at the toronto con servatory of music several now headings liavo been placed on tho various bpeeiol column in the pate pscw thia week juut by way of anniversary brightening up tho double house on church suxet belonging to tlie estate of the late chits conway luis been told to mr robert croai the tale was negotiated by jkcrr ita several yeira since acton liari had tlireeday celebration but tho civic holiday weekend this year prom ises to provide real gatherlnfa und reunion may we remind you of the label on your futt pbilj it bears the date to which your subscription ki paid if it isnt uptodate well bo glad to help you rise it the unuual church parade of acton lias been aminged for bunday evening the order will parade to st albana church and rev nrllllngcr will be the speaker jmm quiet wedding was aolcmnhtod in toronto on saturday when miss dtorothy jean darrldge daughter of mr and mrs clanidge became the bride of mr george richard tyler son of mr and mra edward tyler of acton rev dr wilson of toronto officiated the bride was prettily attired id gown of oowcrcd chiffon with large white hot and white accessories she was at tended by her sister miss aileen clar rldge who wore white ensemble with white felt hat mr oordon babcock assisted the groom mr and mrs tyler will rcsldo on main street acton lutoinetandrhws quljit bat pretty wedding took place in grace anglican church milton on wednesday june 19th when ethel ger trude andrews daughter of tho into mr and mrs joseph androwa milton became the brldo of herbert ritchie son of the lato mr and mrs oeorge ritchie of acton ontario rev naf tel officiated tho chancel was attractively decorated with white and pink peonies and orange blossoms the bride ware an attractive gown of rosewood chiffon with bclgo accessories and wore corsage of sweetheart roses she was attended by miss isabel an drews in yellow ensemble with yhlte accessories as brid and misti hoscl andrews hi matching ensemble and accessories as mold of honor the groom wait supported by mr henry andrews as best man after short trip the happy couplu will toko up resid ence in acton halton pkesbyterial ms met in trafalgar good report of work appreciation of service of members expreased the public school promotion list tho sixth eastern sectional rally of tho holton prcebyterial of thtt womcnj juiaaionoxy society of tho united church of canada wau held at wesley united church snlders trafalgar on wed nesday juno 2gth with mrs earl wilson of aahgrove first vicepresid ent in chargvj throughout uio sessions mrs roy fiih president of wesley auxiliary welcomed the visitors and mrs prank ford of bethel replied all active societies in the section pre ounted encouraging reports numbering ten auxiliaries ono evening auxiliary one circle seven mission bands and seven baby bands reports on tho years work were received from the fol lowing presbyterlal secretaries chris tian stewardship missionary monthly strangers mission band and baby band mrs 6hortil of ballin ofod mrs plckard of bronte and xbn speight of georgetown new do partmtnt secretaries were introduced by tho retiring secretaries letter of sympathy was requested to bo sent to miss little of ouelph first vice president of ttunllton conference branch who had recently been bereaved and letter of appreciation of her work to bo sent to mm oi stephenson of umehouso presbyterlal secretary who is 111 thu guest bpcaker miss evelyn mit chell travelling secretary of tho do minion board held tho close attention of her audience as she related stories of tho sacrifices of uiu people gleaned pupils who have been promoted to higher grades for next tersl hoi4ib3oaitxtry quiet wedding was solemnized on saturday afternoon in st albana church acton when mlai pearl oak icy youngest daughter of mr albert and tlio lato mrs oakley became tho bride of mir oeorge holmoa son of mr and mr charles holmes all of acton rev brlllingcr officiated tho bride wlio was given in marriage by her father was becomingly attired hi drous of polar blue georgette and carried bouquet of carnations tho bridesmaid wail mrs lester who wore goun of maroon with matclung ac cessories mr lester was grooms man following uio ceremony wedding huppcr at winch friends and relativco were present uas held at tho homo of the grooms parent the wedding musio was played by mrs snow and mrs fields jiang solo after tho honey moon trip toowoi sound ondotller noruiem polutu mr und mrt holmea will reside in acton mrs wilson with piano solo tiie courtesy committee recoinmend knox church picnic kplendld ouuilc ut kuleevi park alofcckall uoecs and kats wert the fiatureal tlio sumnf pilgrimage of the sab bath scliool invito annual outing turned tliis ear to edgirwood purlc whore mr mcdougal lioldji uway tliey ducovered greatly improved and well organised park with capuble and courteouti liclp eru tiie addl advantageii for cervlntf supper 0iicovercdtabics3aid enlarged kitchen make edgewood on ideal place for picnic parties and largo reunlons baseball this year seems to bo the btrong sporting event and two doublo hcaderu and one female rutlilan or was it ruffian game of innings kept the spectators busy howling advice fowioro tlian two and onelialf hours the races wcr oil straight events und uio time race was advanced from standard to daylight wiving time everyone wlio won usmed tobo satujled witli uio excep tion of one young lady wlio publicly guapped package of chocolate bars for pair of stockings eats were ulwajs la order and about 300 men uomen and children cat down to cat oroiis sieve looicoa ociwr inis dktrlct couple of stalkufrojn field nnd and topped off with iar7roirmr7t3eorgo taieasurvd almoit sevtn feet ttie field kt indeed picture judt now on saturday car that failed to make uio hill on brockavnue backed down uio ii tree and was savd from going oyer uie embankment by stop tlng iwilde tho bridge ubulmtiit it wok cloii cull willard br it ton and ouier residents of that dutrlct saw if pair or bauljirad ka eagleu in nasauaueya lait uetk near the farm of mr thou storty tho birds liad jiut killed nnd ere feastlntf on uslid jack rabbit in tlio recent insurance examina tions in toronto mr eugene macpher bon of the cunatlu life co took hlghfjt itandlntf tuul wcured hoiuiri in four of true scottuji generalty tho sliowor of uio day came nt ueven oclock and reminded many uint the cows luid to bo milked the rolloulng uro the res tilts of the raccj and events glrli und under joan somerlle lutty mobters boya5 and under uoa brlltun mel bourne ulou olrb to helen holmes betty urllton boj to 0juck kentner lfe som en hie girl to 11 margaret gomervlllc mnrguri1 mcphall bojs to 11 kinmth blow ellwood allen girls 1l and 1j bettj clarrldne mae tlio following is uio list of midsum mer promotions of acton public scliool promoted to senior fourth minn crlppu gordon mccutchoon tom watoon olive lingers delia van wycfc mario bnmollo annie molozzlc irene fryer norman wright beverley arnold dorothy arnold margaret scrlven kathleen bwecntyj murray bauer ivan vlckers jack winter dorouiy king gerdon bllton kathleen oibblns harvey inmbcrt olga porty doris bllton bcruia brlstow allan lciahinan jack cooney isaboll crcw son promoted to junior poarih polly porty lois dawkins daisy buclianan ituth hubble pe3mer main prlxo leonard lambert ejorothy bay lias jack chapman edlma marao herb cook prances lamb erma wu derspln jean praser ruby smith mary turkoss mabel harris gordon marshall hubert louutt gerald par geter margaret hodglns eleanor jocquo lorno masters kcnnoui has sord promoted to scnlof third margar sm lui olga dy ri mat garct somcrvlllo austin glbbeiui hcna bralda george taylor dora hansen alice glbblns loma dunn melissa harris ellwood allen doris weaver beatrice woods tommy atkinson billlo plelds ttm pryer marjory nelson from her visits to needy centres and kenneth prycr incs mclellon gordon isolauxl sccuons of tho provinces of tho glbblns eileen close prank toui dominion the gratcfulncm of these helen mann dorouiy pootltt betty peopki for uio help rendered through the mann jolm mchugh evelyn atkinson cnorta of uio nn ih hmv plorrnco salt dora wood cliarlcs tlwit uils work may continue miss mitchell also poke at the quiet half hour at tho morning session hclpful round table conference was conducted by mrs oeorge altkcn arnold bob jackson sammy hruii ellc edna moplesdcn douglas price mary marzo promoted to junior third evelecn bralda wanda stacknlak of balllnafad pout president of tho elhe jvunklln mary hltclile peter prcsbyurlal mrs speight gave talk turkey jack bruco hcrblo dron win on tho study of india for mission bands dawkins mickey mcmillan illustrated by unall models and mrs i2 marczak wonnetui smiui bobby bartcr of acton reported uio poaw shirley duval george hollln hranch mwung at hamilton in march ecr trico creamer hugh orourko ouiers contributing to uio program were jtty bayllss mm poole mm lovcrlng and miss speight in vocal solos and promoted to scoond clakd eleanor allen reggie burr margaret blow jean brunelle jolin burack cd umt uianks be extended to au uiaso aeraid onrnrlte roy chluliolm ernst who had contributed to the uccz of harue ick crew tho rilly and to uie wesley lodh for um lv cll onard crlpps joyce dcisureault norman lvyer aileen ivyer betty gihron jimmle glbwin betty hull helen holmes bobble ttolhiui charles ttubble george john ton howard kulick preddlo kingshott norma icrantz annie lasby knuileen loutett earl mosaics joey mniscy jimmle maniliall norma marxo may nlcot jhnmle orourko annlo porty uielr liospltnlity apprcclatlon of uic services of iuo vfilu mrt rev george altken and mrs rev poole former secretary who are re moving to other presbyter in won ex pressed in addrewuyj read by mrs her bert inglehart of pulermo they ucre also presened with flowers both ladles spoke of tho joy uioy had experienced in margaret ryan irfo in uorking with uie member of bolton sonwrviuu jack sheppard isabel shep pmbjtirlal the closing meco was june tillb duue given by uie president mrs chart vlnccpt waren wood ului prnyer by mrs wilkinson and chtserio glub colvllbine at preftentatloit and soeul kvithie honor or mkti dorouiy cuxruro last 1vek promoted to fint clasd raymond arblc marjorlo bllton ar mand bnddo wilfred duval may dyrlw oeoreo elliott anetta evans jack lields clayton ivyer helen hall jean harris jack ketrtmr dolores lnpjiln olga locker delia marcnack beatrice uim bl mamhau billlo tureen orourke dorouiy mcmillan pallant doreen pallas kenneth piipll on friday last uio and victor patrick sylvia rosly prvd cheerio club held doclal evdng at sirgouki rcgglo spires jack which mii dorouiy clarrldgo was the stevart george turkey jean van guest prior to her marriage ttio pro gram included an instrumenuil number by miss jean barbour solo by mru bishop and reading by mm brown low the following address was read by mrs storey and uie presen tation of quilt uus made on behalf or the cheerio club by mrs davidson dear dorothy we uio memben of tlio cheerio club uould like to take uils oppor tunity of extending to jour our hear tll nm 4v 4uum uie lte uiibjecu written it uos the largest number of honors tccured in any year sluc the evjimluutloni have bien urlttni mwdcol uelul an interiathig musial recital uus lirld on saturduy ufuruoon wirii the pupils of mrs goudy lytve progrum in knoit churcii ttcliool room mbj meryl orhidell acted us chairman ttiey rare ably assisted by mrs douglas oowdy of toronto who contributed vocal numberu and uie pupib of lime house school who had won awards jit che county minl tpesuval and were trained by mrs oowdy bo atul jack blou john chlluiliil cllrli and mary yoimg mir yuftt smith llo ind 15 bill mainprlu don uld ldcr nonnun mcuod prle to boj und under juck kentner young lulk iucu aljwn clarrldyv betty cjunidk young mnh race william niar chnvnc hemic ron marruxi ijtdlis race mm tyler mm wild murrlid mens ituce jatk kuiluler prances wilds twmlicrs lti clarcnoo hviidcrson besle rawllngs time race mrs geo soulervllle hupplne all your life you have been member of our club family and wo are glad to know unit in forming new tloy you are not breaking tlio old wo sincerely hope unit as you leave the junior club it will only be to crndtmtc to the senior where uiirm uclcomc will auait you will you accept this gift with all the good ulslhs it brlnitu iui binall token of our nffection and komi will signed on behalf of the cheerio club mrs davidson mrs storry on behalf of the miss ittu suarkham read uie iuldrej and ml annie black made the pre ntatlon of bxsket trifu acton ontario june uit 19j5 to ml dorothy cliirrulue deur dot it is uith much pleasure that ue the mimlvepi of the actoudaje huo luthmd ut jour home tonight to txtend you pur lnctrtt cahgiatulutltms upon your mmlng marriage and to ulji you likil coidlally imig life of pripilty hupp tnii tuul the rklust of gikii blewilniii having lived muong us sjnco hlldluwmi jou have tndearid your self to us all you huvo bein loyul and faiuiful worker in our club we would like to uhow you our appritiuuoii of your work und exprus our lovo und leem for vou no kk you to accept uiese wyck promoted to senior primer rose arnold jack close paul des surcault blllle knight joe mlrhyia douglas sheppard howard turau ell netty wlnflcld the free press 60th anniversary oontliued from page one conducting uio journal for two years mr hacking sold out to albert moore now tho right rev dr albert moore and oalbralui in july 1870 moore went into partnership with hio brother dr moore and year later assumed full control of the poke pbesh until march 1023 mr moore rotalnud control of tine fbee pittas when uio present cldltor dills was taken into partnership mr mooros life was devoted to acton and its newspaper his ability and untiring ulfortti built newspaper of outstanding mwrlt por fortynino years ho occupi ed the editorial clialr with ability and untiring wsal por nvo years tho portncrsliip was carried on and since march 1027 uie present editor has endeavored to carry on actons newspaper and maintain uio standards sot for it by llu former worthy editors it was great regret that just four years after relinquishing control of tine fbee pbess mr moore passed away mourned by uio town that had known him since hid blrui lyid tho howspaper field that esteemed him so highly it was anouier keen regret umt mrs mboro was not able uirough 111 health to at tend uio httlo blruuioy arrangement on friday tills week wo start tnii pkee prntas on its sixtyfirst year of uio bur former editors only ono ourvlvo right rev dr albert moore now of tor onto man who loft the frei phesh to enter uio christian ministry and by hk untiring efforts and ability has been chosen to nil tho jughost positions hi tho church of his choice tlio office is indeed proud to name him on all occa slont as uio first apprentice in tho printing traaolrr3 ittcttreii tal his interest acton and thi acrow puce presji lias never waned aiid in hi busy life ho lias often found time to wrlu and offer kindly encouragement on various occasions to uio present editor wo will just give personal word about tho present staff tlio oditor came to acton at uio age of six monuis our yeani of scliool llfu were spent in acton and on may 25th 1000 wo began our apprenticeship in uio prlnung trade after four years journeyed to toronto uien to amsterdam and schenectady and finally new york city hero learned of modern and improved printing meuiods wo spent few monuis on uio ola guelph herald and uie canadian preeman pub llshed at kingston mi ihiotyjie operator then in december 1017 vo returned to acton and tmrtitrk parm the yeurr intervening arc known to you all in our association iui actons ncwupaper the present staff comprises ii vincent foreman and linotype openit or ho alro began his apprentlceiliip on tnc piter pacts in december 1011 he likewise worked at the printing trade in toronto and cluiuiam and returned to the office in march 1027 to become foreman when th present editor took charge robert macarthur has been on tho utaff slnco janihiry 1027 and jmnes mcgeaclue since april 1020 so uiat uio entire stiiif well experienced ono mlu nelson who has cluirgo of tho office has boon member of uio talfincihruaryr102a milton chlaholm milton recently pur chased herd sire from amos si black of moffat mr and mrs wm mills of blyui and mr and mrs robert mcdolo of swan lakc man visited with tho misses ijttlo main street during uie week memorial window erected to the memory of george hillmer former by mombcrs of his family will too placed alongside that of tho late mrs hillmer in st judos church oakvuie and will bo unveiled on sunday july 7th at uio 11 oclock service cliam plon greenoclf the following is the promotion list of no erin promoted to jr iv ferwln mckeoirn 73 helen west 69 lyal moout cheon fl2 jack mclntyre 60 promoted to sr ill edna altkcn 03 promoted to fir jl wanda ruuedge 80 bcssttj held 71 viola pletcher cqv ralph mckcown 04 oeorgo allan 55 promoted to jr n4fxnlc thompson sr pf roy halcovltch honors over 76 pons over 60 barbour teacher weekend specials candy department specials fresh salted peanuts assorted log cabin per lb ioc chocolates lb box 29c bathing caps 10c lse 20c 25o sunshine susie dolls op each coc rubber wire or cello phono ply swaurtach xuc galvanlzbd pails larger ulzo reg 20c special zucv daisy tin tea kettleo l9o jelly tumblers for oe inch tin plo platen each ko noxema cream iso adhesive tape ma sunburn lotions iso ply coils for ply spray per botuo 20c iufj iui be ietroleumr jelly per bottle ic pondi cold and vaubthliijr cream tubo ltle jars 20d ponds poou powder iso lady bcui pull fashioned hose chiffon or service weight special introductory orfer per pair ludy beui knee length chlifon hose per pair ladks lisle hoso special per pair ladlcb cclcneuo hose summer shades per pair pair for 59o ladies cotton hoso special pr grecti or whltu mosquito netting yds mouse k1ises voiles and prhits hi new styles or oolewi 59c 69c 21c 35c 25c 25c at each oversize house dresses sizes 46 to 52 each ladles porch dreuscs spuclal eacli 75c 49c hintons 5c to store headquarters por wallpapers and paints tholst acton troop held their rtieu larmeetlntfoutoftloorfllrttweek the attendancc uuu splendid in rplte of the hot weather jack vangooami ditlc vangooen nnd ailbert romphf paved their 1lrtt aid teli tuo old scouut from rockuood drop ped in ut uie meeting the buivikt clmngld their patrol imnie to the svullou ttd ilimuii acted oa avlint scout niastccr for the meutinic wt hope ted ill be one of our camp leaden tha cltm the scputu of huliu ttlehrutcd uil kings sllwr jubllie cndluir igr of airlctloii and lijult by ccle iv hi odd mill through tluj deme fnuti of ol ii und cholu kjpur ijjki naclliipoiuu lnu miulc pol humoil award of the bronze crci the lilghrat auurd oftlu ti out inoveiihnt for trull mirj at irlmii risk lo ten kuruld wtilf cub jucl it green of the lt ulueuuiiid miinmmitltjhlre cuh iilic cub ouiiii ittempud to uuo hl thru leiirod iltei ulio hud fallen into pond and lut hl life ulth her watch the window for spociul prices on meats for iho weekend guxlen city catsup 25 oz boltlo for loc rrcih liiko trout evvry iriuny per lb zuc lard 1bs for 28c butter per lb 2x lbs for 48c fisk meat market acton uuli muy you be lonn spared to uri uuin und we hope they 111 brlnif birk to you the happy rela tloilhlp uo have liad in our club uijted uy ulih jou joy in your new home alifiwl cm buhalf of the members of the p1usd akthontv mdiukl if cltgisaman roval guelph cooled under the til pampas moon wakner haxter till is joe ml brown auiu ike 1hase howl escape me never ii ik hi nhviionai iit staiiiuno klaamiktn heikjeneu everyone in tlik county visits the itoyal uelph dollar days are here again on fridn and wo arc offerin special day merchandise at real dollar day prices dont mian thia opportunity to save window shades cream nnd green combination rwl and green combuiauon in heavy oil flnlshod cloui sli6 3tl by 72 lnchcu regular 50 ior each 100 window shades plain cream or green or white hi bund oiled cloui splendid quality regular 00 for oarh 69c imc1uke rtvprtwluccd in oft dainty color lnin out nnlnlild iramtu slu 10x23 lnclii netnllar si 35 lor ench 100 buffet solid ouc uiniu ita iiltcd ului mirror and hlnh bick dc co sltltlltl llad sirlal pou kitchen chairs in 01l llnbih comfortubld buck viry murdllj built slitclll cllll 100 mirrors ci ir ilr lrwiird with dark ink nliily llnlslujl iwiiiiui il 210 llullr iihflll itll 100 kkilltid curtains mule of lm trimmwl with wu fill of me blue iireen uhlte oi jellnu in jd pr for vl chair seats wood pcrforatd complete with brlrji head ci jar 5100 ud nailii spec foot stools walnut sidoe covered wiui tap ttry or ratine special each 100 cushions lulled ulth choice quullty kttpoclc twarv ilk fttnixou qmil lujoirtnipnt your choice encli fc00 vanity di0ssser soml walnut top tcngtwx ven etian mirror splendid bartiitln 1500 curtains ifadu jtinvlnir attractive deuyna in ijnuliji net 21 inchei by all jurdii your choice per pair 100 lamp shades ii rid und junior tui made of iotwl juiillly cilon ami purchuiuiit 100 bikh111 feetol mats clmld li luiiu in iloiul und eon ntlonul pitttrn4 sli 111x311 inrh tor rurher treads ior hulr jtiiiu corrugated th durablo piullty aa au 7x18 irwhs fur luu johnstone rumley home furnishings and funeral directors ii phone 30 acton ontario isitrtlkwvwyv

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