Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Jul 1935, p. 1

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iriiimtijmibv fflv js 3w alxjpc ti slxtyfiret yearno acton ontario thursday july 4th 1035 eight home print pages fivo cents news of acton and the district electric lin gone the old electric june from guelph to the komi bridge ha been completely dismantled and the crew and equip ment doing this worlc have removed from acton cooksvllle will now be the eenfxe far collecting the remainder ol the equipment the crossings have beem fliled to and the sidewalks laid where the tracks had been and soon the line will be only memory bridges and all have gone including the bridge on ftalry lake the station house and trelght abed have not yet been remov ed in acton fcu from tree while erecting temporary telectrlc line for the greenock school re union ur jos reid had bad fall from which his escape of serious injury was miraculous he was bringing the lino through tree wbfen the branch against which he woe leaning broke and he fell fix teen feet to the ground lie narrowly misaadi striking the fence and landed in pile ol stone along its edge bis back was badly wrenched an ankle was injured and cut on his chin re quired several stltehe to close the wound and received other painful bruises eaaio gathering of great local interest was the ordination last thursday evening of bev rv easter who for the post two years has been tho beloved pastor of acton and georgetown churches there was large attendance from acton and the churches of the dlutrict delegates were present from tho churches of tho ouelph association the ordination ceremony was conducted in the evening with rev watson cheltenham as moderator and rev dale as clerk forceful sermon was delivered by pro testor orchard mcmautcr uni versity cab and motorcycle collide two in hospital an result of crash on dominion bay on mill street jock llurmt and mi helen lilunxn of guelph the vleums jack hurst and helen hlltman both of ouelph utro seriously injured on monday afternoon in colllidcwon mill street by uie motorcycle uicy wcru rld hig and car driven by chorlcd ifvank lln of acton llurmt suffered dislocat ed left hip and bad bruises and cuts and miss hillmon hay compound fracture of the left leg and bad head and face injuries both arc confined to the hospital in gudph mr franklin or none of the occupantd of the car were injured the accident happened about ti 20 on monday afternoon charted franklin was proceeding tost on mill street re turning from elora it is tald lie in tended to make left turn from mill street to john street jock hurst and miss hlllmun were going west on mill btrect riding motorcycle the impact between car and motorcycle occurred apparently about til or tight feet from thecurb fin front of tho motorcycle struck the kft fender and bumper or the oar hurst was thrown to the road way over thv front of the machine and mfcs hlllmun onto uc sidewalk traffic olflccr howell and chief mc pherson art investigating the uccldent reports from the hospital indicate that both patients arc making favorable the reunion at greenock school former pupils and friends from far and near gathered at dominion day function one of the largest and most unique gatherings of us kind ever held in this district woo the reunlon held at leslies school section no erin township on july 1st when well ovef 000 persons assembled at the school grounds to cele brate tho diamond jubilee of tho present and uptodate school building which compares favorably with the modern pre sent day schodkf despite its sixty years of service and also to meet each other ogam and enjoy day together in the happy surroundings of their school days at the annual school meeting held on december 20th 1934 it was decided to held re union this summer com mittee woo appointed consisting of chas mckcown john allan fred johnston pcarcn thos mccutchuon who immediately began to prepare list of all former pupils and teachers which ultimately resulted in bringing great number from many parts of the pro vince of ontario and one family tfrom montreal quebec and one family from buffalo new york at one dock fl tho guests began to arrive and sliaruy tho beautiful school site with iht complete circle of caared land was covered with automobiles which were also completely encircled by tho beautiful virgin woods for background making picture which is not easy to excel the sports committee carried out wonderful and varied program of base ball homeshoe pitching raced and games of all kinds for which prized were donated and were contested with all tile enthusiasm of which the happy group were capable rhe following to the list of winners in these vents olrjj years and under mac spiers shirley cottrell boys yean and under reggie spiers kcrwin mcphall girls olid under helen wvst isabel swockhamer boyi 12 and glider george robert fon archie mcphcnoii girls 10 and under marlon leslie audrey mclntyre boy 10 and under gordon mc kioun harvey lambert young ladle race audrey mclntyre marlon lei lie young men fl race boh marshall bill hodl ins painful they are not serious consldcripiftiplji head on collldan the machinal arc not badly damagod the front wheel and tiro of the motorcycle wciv broken on the tar one end of the bumper as broken uic left fender and head lamp were broken married ladles race mrs duncan mcmillan mrs stewart married men fl racj grcnville uisalei alfred winters elopement race boh marshall and audrey molntyro bnyu shoe raco donald wans brouth glrl slioe race bella roszcll time ilacv mrs ntff relay race boys chaster murray george braw bert pitchford iitili jump boyu bill murray egg raco laura johnston bui inlay the afternoon program was conducted by chairman charles mckeowii who elcoiiud tlie guuits with kindly and hcipl table greetbig excellent scotch dancing by mlos isabell and margaret mcdonald of hlllsburg well rendered uolqj were contributed by mm will black rockuood und mls helen uic murclu brnmpton interesting rem in cent uddreiueii were given by cxbich trs mil mcdonalu mb hlndley and mrs ralno and ex puplbi meiflrs john bennett roy waiuhrough and ii pcarcn the editors or the acton tree press top right hacking loundtr 1u75 77 lop kft onlbratui 187770 lowur wt night ilv dr albert moore 1177 70 lovicr right ii moore 1b70 1027 centre dilui prcjnt edltor 10271035 the free press 60th anniversary cojprespondcndi knurluine on the hirthduy odaaion on fviday last chairman king appointed dnuegatb tlie coaveiiuan at hifwln inn 1ublld vjullueal cotntnkdqll 1rujik hollo way tmrevd uif supply by itiis is tho sixtieth birthday of rim actom 1rm 1kksj it wan llrst laued on july 2nd 187g to mark thta dia mond anniversary occasion we have re produced photograplw in thla luc pic tured of the liw editorii tlie present utatf tho oiflco buildings and most of nnr ntji afregular ruralcorresdond euts wo imve tried to make tho occa sion one in which vo can all become better acjualnukl it was with this in mind that last tvlday afternoon wo auked our rural co rreipon dents to gather with iu and acquainted willi tkc jrlb pstuij office staff editor and each other lliey came und tlie enjoyment of tlie occailon wemed mutual many of tlieni had never met each other and we must od mit tliat our acqualnuinceijiip wltli iximii wai by corrtipondence tiw party were thown tlio plant ol tut vukk puia and the various machines linotype presses sawtf etc in operation pliotograplia were taken which were necessarily two it seemed impofcslble to liavo all prcnt at one and the samo time olio wing tlie visit to tlie olflce the party und statf were entertained at tea at tho home of the editor and mrs dills tht family was rather larger than the home would ac commodate but tho weather man was kind and allowed tho junction to be held out of doom on behalf of tlie fathering mr john marihall moved ynb nf minn if vhlrh wni rnmlfd hv letterji conveying kindly grtetlngj mr johnson the editor replied from thou uho uere unable to attend tx the pleasure at the gathering wlrertad byaturjluirirbernprijritr fpl n7rlrlsnlfumiiy mary ujipreciatlon of reader of the ueck the monthly meeting of the public utilities cotnmklon was held on 1m day evening with com muu ion era arnold rwve ii ilnrrlon and chairman king prcicnt mr ivank llolloway made application to rupply for the secretary during the holldayr tlie application was accepted and he uas cngiged for the tuo weeks tejidera for foundation and moving of tho voruhop on willow street uere received and th secretary was in true ed to forward the amount of coat of removing to mr maon tlie secretary vos instructed to have the typewrlur repaired at at estimate furnuhed tlio commiifllan was requeued to place an ellctrlc refrigerator on display but this was not kit fair to tlie local dealers and tlie commlion did not entertain tlio propo nl chairman king wai appoiruod as delegate to attend tlie annual hydro convention at blwin inn july 4th to bth tin secretary uiu by motion in otructed to pay the following accounui hydro department canadian national rallw aya iiolts 07 50 karrop truck huuriincc 30 20 cnr and traniport express 75 mcdonald uectric ltd supplle 20 73 canadian general llectrlc co uupplleii 10 70 jui kearney corporation fupplu ii nickeiiyje and scivcnr 13 40 lumb teacher il follows lx teachers mel irl mc march toronto kuphcmla currio mldrley three hills alfca ruv hector mclean toronto archie mcln contlnuotl on pago rive press staff bacy how robert macarthur 11 vincent foreman jas ilea ted dula editor mbja kelsuu ly corre pondence tluit was so faithfully furiiljied lollowlng the rxrvlng of upper the pirty utre uculi at the givfeory theatre at uiu bowing of the whole town lallclng the photograph appear on the cor poiulenec pane wo runrt tliat ml che ne of hillbun and mr wilson of nojsaieuvu yu th filth ful correspautlenl were unable to be puuit mn clarke who writ ihe chruilcle of ainfl arm each ueek haa been 111 and undent me an operation at gait hapltul and vwi al ui unable lo be pr nt hvlr ah ence irt tted vi iuhi mri clarkt in gait die ly folluuluu und all will hi pie to knou that ju prognit li 4tl fat anil he pe to ivturn honu tomtrrow lildiy althouh it uii miiiu tiiiie be fir lu rtcovtry complete iiil lorrtpondeiiti uere very kind hi uulr comiiunls of the party thli week in their iritspondtiiee much uti we riuret it lihwk ty dliiiunded tliut the neil of ituomhlp had to uy thcio kind reforiiiej appearing hi print just word about tlie history of lut pnki kincs it was founded on jgly 2nd 1875 by tlio uui joseph haeklng nuwspupernuut of wide experience after concluded on page eight acton ttlbot on range campattin ja lit id on range camp ilgn boird rent month 51 5u0 110 00 25 00 another victory for acton club when they dtfealed georketown by 87 in game here saturday acton kept second place in tho trl county league uhen they rallied in tho evlnth inning to score six ruru and bent out georgetown by 07 after georj etown had led nil tlio way and ttire ie idlng golng into tlio evcntli both tetimr had one big innings the itop kcoringj4 runi in the fourth and the lew ll bojj counting six in the cventh manager dill holloway surprised everjbody when he tho morton brothers around norm played tlilrd bac and brother bu did tho pitching dutles iliki came through in fine style he war in come had holes but he tight anied up in tlie pinches and tlio flelderj did their part petting no lcia tlioa seven men out when they were on baea fat walteri atartod for tlio visitor arid he uent the whole route he would have been pulled in tlie seventh but theiv in no one else on hand to tako hu place to pat had to suy hi and take it morton allowed ten ulfetlcj fanned live and tucd four free pottos while waltcrn allowed nine hits fanned four and gaw two walks both tesinu scored one run in the llrt frame the way georgetown start ed it looked like walk away ritchie allied then woods got on through un error then ward smacked single scoring ritchie but woods was nabbed at third when he tried to score then changed lib mind and tried to get back tudor beaumont smacked out jfllultllji tlngln and wnrd unt vfmrf ministry of eight years closed sunday rev poole delivered tarcwell surmons acton congregation prior to jlemoval to ridgeway liat sunday rev pole rioted hu uostarote of the acton united churcii and gave his farewell bcrmona to uio congregations for eight year ho has been the beloved minister or this ceinkregatlon tho regard in which ho la held kl shown by this length of urvico to hrt peojjt it is the lonrcut pastorate of any in tlio history of the church in church life and in tlie community mr poole has been powerful influence for good and his years of labor hvro can be looked upon aa full of fruit on sunday morning tlie last sacra fncutal and baptismal service woo held it was meet impressive occasion in the evening thu congregations of knotf church tt alban and tho uap tut joined uj hear thu farewell mes sane rev mr bcnnie and ilev lso prant wltli uicb woj fitting tribute reldncc of mv poole in acton jdurhig the ucrvico mr georgo poole tang solo and mrs poolo and mrs ii tmowat took wlo parts in tlio anthem by uic cliolr tlie part of this family hi tlie iifo of tlio church wau lndoid full one xooio ctiosoairh do wltli jesus who is called rhc termination of not an ordinary event sae itev mr brlllul als congregujblis it to the jcars of re tht shall tlie christ pastorate wad and therd was no more fitting question than this text in tlie period of over eight years tlicrc waa aii accumulation of evenb but out of theni all came tliat searching question ho had mm iled wltli all oir various occasions tome joyous and happy and otliera of deep sorrow such was tho variety of mlnlter life in the midst of all occmjons cornea tliat searching ques tion what shall do then wltli jesua who called uie christ clirlstlans cannot in tlicse days be driftwood as hi all ag uioto who liae made mark hi the world arc those who have stood out againut tlie common tendencla what are vie going to do wltli tlie spectre of war it is patan custom and has miserably failed wo need roclal rebellion agalrut evil and thtr que tlon earches every heart ministers may come and go but tliat question aluajti remams in his rvinarks following his termon mr poole paid rlbute and uiunks to tlie lailhful of tlie congregation tho choir orgonlt leader and members ttic oclatlon wltli the fellow mlnitiure had been pleasant and very conpenlal he alo exprc ud appreciation of titk purr rwi and its work in the com munlty mr poole felt tliat no town had tur facllltltj uian acton for tho dovelop ment of its young people ho uouklbe watcblnc for tlie work of tlie new it wiis great eliallcngvj to tlio young life of uic communltj tho luippy rdatlont hip during tlio partorate hero and the good parsonage were all thing tliat he and mm poolo and george regretted to have but they hoped to carry on tlie work in tlio new charge mr poole appealed for tlie kindly human help for hti successor rev milton morrow he is good man but he needs thu help of nil to make his minltry cucccurful selection of news items tl lurul candidate chotcn in boutli welllneton south wellington llberahi at re pre tntitiv convt utlon in thf gudph city ii ul auditorium saturday afternoon hot glid tone te candidate for the forthcoming etl ral election ihe nut tint uhlch uttructed githcrlng of me 100 wiu udtlrtied by colin cunip bill ror nmumu addlnglon and dr ii klnr for south well ini tin muj were inurcd in tlie nomlu it ion hut all ithdrevw with the exruptltm or two and mr glad tone wai it etud ies lundnrd erer on tho ilrat bill our mltelilll prominent giu lpli inanuf ictur tuk kvknino hujub ih he ir you stayed hi haunts luuise lastjilghl wluit luippeiitd mk abtmt twtlve clock ghost cam uirouuh tlie wall just oil if uiere wui no wall tin zo and what did you do moo went through tlie other wall tlie ame wuy at tlilrd on fielder li cholcu wltli walurj going to ih it chapman thou dre iv pie and the bacs uere loaded however tuck won retired when he nocked pop lly to shortstop and onv run uiu all they could get although tx nun got on but terry first man up for acton went put bu morton beat out hit to rli ht llcki and ot to second on bad throw and rcoied when beaumont let an eu roller from anclcr mriabl twtlii hu in ilu next twf tmn wevi tirid in ordi gt rietowu ntvvr thre iteiicd agiln until ihv fourth whin acton wenkened idly and lot of loo tit ldlng ac eiuntiil tor ft ur inn llui allowed tw hit ajul mil two iiku to help the itoti along diere wiu some had throw ini und loi llildlug time in thh rmim uiul th loe tl were rutin luol th it irittowu itopptd ut four aeti far huv ing the ami ol nihi lh jill mlilii hit liny irttd iruilug up in the tilth und knocked out two singles in tin ixth tho two mort ihui tlie lucky vnith roll tl around iviry wiw iliwt ui und tlrivv it walk bu morton tlu niackid out tiiph irlng ivrry uiu scored when luck dropped an derson ily in et ntro ileld lred water houu got lift when betiham tried to cut andetuon oil at btcond but he threw wild and both runiiera wuw safe double from iykr eeured luvotlur run llieii wuterhouwi and iyler came hi continued on pagq we won ivo sehalarudim the recently announced first jear rvuiu of vur ity showed tliat solnion won two scholarship the awartui irtre tlio pirst alexander rulton scholar dilp hi science and the ihlt uudent took tlrst standing in tlie honor clnw in science the year xorrlc salmon is grandton or mr ami mrs ivlck and frleiuli hiro join with otlierr hi extending congratu lotions on hl tphndld allowing change of pastorate in tlie alberta conference rev halston brown brother of brown and wrtoao ordination woa re ferred to in recent twenty years ago summary has been stationed in turner valley near calgary be baa been some six and hair yeara at consort east of lacombc and is leaving with many cxpreoilons of regret including china set to mrs brown and other mementos to the boys postponed ball game changes hi tho baseball schedule and tlie dates for playing poutporad games were arranged by the league executive last week acton will play at guelph on monday july bth instead of satur day the juno 6th game guelph at brampton will be played july 15th brampton will play double header at georgetown on july 13 and george town will play ouelph double feature on july 20th tills takes in all the postponed games to date three bit bay tat acton at meeting on tuesday evening tho acton ball club and acton citizens band took tlie initiative in staging big thrccday event for acton for civio week end the proponed plans call for ball game and tlio guthering to start on saturday afternoon anda band tattoo and program for saturday night on sunday home visit in tho chuichcs in the morning and in tho evening monster com munlty service lu the jurcna preceded by parado of all the local organizations mondays program calls for calithumplan parade and bull game ha tlie morning pro gram of sports baseball und races in tho afternoon and topped off by garden party in uic dvciihig it should bo real home gather big of tliose from far and near at acton on tlicti days bus and cr collide at oakvlllo twentyeight paascueciu escaped wltli shaking up and few minor cutd wlwn detroit bound bus collided he id on with car hi front of bally menu home of the late col fr liton near oakvillc on saturday tlio car was driven by hugh wilson prom inent oakvlllo liara trainer who was taken to tlio toronto gnu nil hospital with injuries which are not believed to be serious ah of the bun passengers continued theirjourneyon arehc coach tlie right front side of tlie bus engine was badly smashed and uic bumpers and shock obsorben slmttered paru or uiu wilson car were scattered along the road jolui cassldy yongc street toronto had twerved his bus to thto left to avoid rear end collkjon with car which luddenly slackened ltd speed hi front of him mr wilson eastoound on his way to play hi an oakvlllo riding and polo club tournament jammed on bis brakes but too latp to avoid th crasli corning events anno meet tents at ucetidb con certs or oiler fvents 1411 tliii heart ing ore cl argd 10 cents per line with iiuiiiiun charge far tttiy anno iiiceinent of sc st alban church ls planning lawn social and daiuj on uic church grounds thursday evening august hui flnrdin pnrk nrnler thi or uie women aoclauon of uio united ihurclrhoclcwood on july loilxtwedf ne day in exhibition park uuro pro gram given by happy cousiiw concert companj of llmlra in event of rain the program will be given lu townjloll buildings occup1ld by rll pkcss llie building eul uie left was the original vwkiif lltfc olflce olid later used ml aelon isifit otfloo it is how occupied by pvans meat siwp the other picture is uw prescut liomu uf tubtacton pakt lliuui

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