Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Jul 1935, p. 2

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warn two the acton free press 1thhr8dv jolt 4th iss5 omlud ljr artnn 3xti flregfi pnmubad every tburkuy acton ontario subsciuptiqh rates mo pw yr advance itd statu jwf mi additional siagla ooplaa qoth old an4 aww addraaaca ahonld given who change of addnaa la rvqnaatad cancjoxatiows wa fina that moat oar ab acrd ptr not to hava tbeir subscription intcrntpted la caa thar tail to remit bctora eznlrauon wuu aub bcrtpuona wu not ba carried in arrears ovr an axtanded period yet vnwaa are notified to cancel aaaiua th subscriber wiahea the aervlca conunacd ktstlttaneea ba mado by registered latter ssonsy order or advertising uatxslml notfeea lac per line lor flxst insertion tc par una for each subsequent insertion renders sec par una or each insertion if in black face type jc per una nddluonsl noticaa qualifying aa com ing attraction each aa concerts enter church society or organlsstion meetings etc toe per line mini mum chsrge age reports meetings held gladly inserted free in mcmariam notices joe and ioc per line extra for poem birth itarrisge and death notices tree small advertisements tc per word minimum charavasc cash if booked 33c also mc extra when applications are addressed to thla omc display advertising rates vary according epaca contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it wiil not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of ucb advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business cence duly signed by the advertise and with such error or corrections plainly noted in wrjtina thereon and in that case if any error ao noted is noyqrrccted by the free press ita liability shall not excdsucb proportion of the entire cost oi such advert uementi the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by ancb advertisement arlor dills editor editorial and liusl our dominions birthday canada is nearing the thrcccoro and ten years and on monday the sixtyeighth anniversary of con federation was observed the years have been good to the dominion and whilo in common with other countries difficulties have been encountered and arc being faced at present still tho outlook is not all dull the bright holiday weather is reflected in thr gen erally bright prospects for our dominion the years the past can be reviewed with great deal of justifiable pride the future can bo faced with optimism by all canadians at sixty with the issue of lat week tim acton fncc press completed its sixtieth year of publication and this week observes its diamond anniversary vol this week observes its diamond anniversary vol handcd out eithcr by the pc0 or no is dated july 2nd 1875 anniversaries come mcantimo woui appenr thut every year but the twentyfifth fiftieth sixtieth sevcntykfth and hundredth are marked occasions for those that attain them that is the reason we have chosen at this time to divert from usual recol lections little and get readers better acquainted with those who carry on the free press that was the thought when we assembled last friday as many of our rural correspondents as possible that is the thought in publishing the photographs in this issue prairie crop conditions telegraphic crop report released june 25th states that tho outlook continues favorable in mani toba and saskatchewan while prospects in alberta iiro not quite as favorable as week ago rain is needed in parts of southwestern saskatchewan and is needed urgently in southeastern alberta and in local arcasin southern alberta in northern al berta where crops are decidedly littc further rains were received last week ami warm weather is urgent ly needed to stimulate growth in the peace river area crops are late and some parts need rain grass hoppers are threatening in some areas but no material damage has resulted to date control measures arc being put into effect pastures are in satisfactory conditions especially in manitoba and live stock are benefitting the courla or the people tho supremo court ruling regarding the on tario temperance act as it affects peel huron and perth should be sufficient for tho government to close up the beverage rooms in these counties if there is any appeal to the privy council to be made 4eithoewrttrw mgbdwira gcsfioldthej and those who will reap the financial benefit bear tho cost and take the initiative at any rate three dry islands in the province might be an attraction in the sea in which the province now paddles around these courrties arc still under the provisions of the canada temperance act until they vote themselves out if the residents there desire to join the other parts of the province in having beverage rooms it appears that they can do so at any rate they should not be nut upon them without vote and the pro vince should remain neutral and be governed by the the courts in the meantime it would appear that the only fair thing to do would be to close up the 34 beverage parlors now in operation there editorial notes production of electric refrigerators in canada during 1934 numbered 30175 units compared with 16049 in 1933 sixty yeans sees many during thht period the free press has had five editors only the present and one other survive right rev dr moore for fortynine of the sixty years the late moore guided ably and well the destinies of this local newspaper for only eight years has the present editor been its owner success which may have becirobtained has largely been the result of the growth of the community and unavoidable the loyalty of friends to their home town paper many of them are scattered nt distance mostol them are close hand the task of conducting news paper and job printing establishment in crimmun tf the canadian radio commission will live on until next march which allows at least another col iectfon of the license fee the barrie tanning co has been purchased by wicket craig of toronto the new proprietors paper and job printing csiamisimicni continue to operate the barrie plant which will ity the size of acton is quite arduous but for the be good news for that town loyalty and assistance of friends it would no doub be incomplete may we at this time just say thank you we mean that for everyone because to enum erate we might inadvertently omit founded just two years aftor the village was in corporated the free press has during the years undoubtedly had much to do with the progress and growth and improvement of the community we hope that we may always be able to maintain actons un le with tin nm artdthcdistrict ihsterttnworkrvitltanytownand its newspaper that counts during the sixty years wo hope some evidence by the newspaper has been shown of faithful work in double harness and we appreciate the pulling with us of the community and friends whatever changes the future may bring we hope ur part in theconduct of actons newspaper will be such that the standards set by former editors will be maintained may we continue in this work together and the team work with that common aim in view thut adorns the crest of the municipality floreat actona judging poinu the conduct of young people is nftcn judged by little incidents for example the other evening one of the large glasses in tho door of the new public lavatory was smashed to pieces there werent many witnesses to the incident and if everyone had kept quiet the culprit might not have been discovered but an effort would have been wade feelings of anger were turned to admiration when the young chap responsible went to the caretaker the next morning first thing and took all responsibility and offered to repair the damage the costs will not be as heavy as trip to court might have proven but its not that it takes lot more manhood to own up toft mistake than itdoci to evade the responsibil fty and it merits and receives lot more respect the witnessing of seriousjnotor accident usual ly has rather lusting effect and impresses the need for care and even then nccidcnts seem sometimes just supposing the marchers now in the west actually reached ottawa what good could be accom plished this iden of massed gatherings enforcing governments has been overworked the sunpat school lesson for sunday july itb canada leads in lobster canning moses leader and lawoiveil golden text nicsed is the nation whose ffod as the lord psalm 33 13 lesson text 24 cvracs print ed 3b 1218 study aiso chap 34 3735 time about 1400 inaocs egypt horcb tho wilderness exposition tho great leader tho scripture chosen or todayn les son is quite inadequate to tho proper portrayal of one who staudui 6ut as one of tho greatest figures in the history of mankind ho was barn in slavery slave mother concealed his birth that homjht not suffer death under the decree of pharaoh that all israclltlsli boy babies sliould be put to death the great tank given to moses was to toko people which had been in egyptian slavery tho worst uiat tho world has ever known with its hard work without pay and its cruel whippings and make it into great nation with tho purest moral and spiritual ideals that the world has ever known lie was called to constructive ntorly all children airo subject to work of the highest order ito waa to worms and many are burn with them be tut to speak the president of the spare them buffering by using mother slnlatlc university with its various de graves worm exterminator an excel partmcnu ably manned not with four wt remedy but forty years course of study tlio task waa threefold trut religious to make church wllh tho under lying thought of one god father and itulcf of all second political to make great state or nation living under wise laws with high spiritual conceptions people which could survive internal dis gcnfiiont and the rude buftctlngs of other tiatiorui third social to keep the in dividual and tiia family pure and clean nhfl in fright relations the principles off tho coast of canadas atlantic provinces the worlds greatest lobster producing area is located and every year more than 300 canneries draw from these resource the raw material from which they produce one of tho tastiest of sea foods in recent years an in creasing part of tho canadian lias been marketed allyo shipped in the shell is nothcr way of saying it but most of it however still goes into cans in tho pout five years tho total annual pack put up in nova scotia new brunswick prince edward island and quebec has averaged in rounflgures 137900 cases containing 48 tandord sized cans each lobster canning involves number of different operations and canadian lob utcr canneries ore required by law to measure up to certain standards as to sanitation equipment and methods their operations are subject to inspec tion under the meat and canned foods act which is one of tho reasons they turn out bo excellent product canada supplies all but very small port of tho worlds production of conned lobsters what goes on in every bomb collingwood has tax rate of 55 mills this year revised assessment relief nonpayment of taxes and cobts of education are given as the causes for ni smu the new brunswick election was at least decisive even more so than the turn toward libcrnlism in ontario with 13 against the new regime will have little opposition perhaps not enough holiday fatalities were again the feature of the news on uesdny hut tho waters claimed more than the highways there is still room for improvement on bo th ontario needs to get records for holidays more free from accidents cheque cashed against individual accounts nt the brunch banks of the clearing house centres of canada april totalled 23g7 000000 against 2230000000 in march showing gain of co per cent or after seasonal adjustment gam of per cent the very kindly reference of rev mr poole on sunday evening to tin fin fiussaiid to thoe who have its guidance in their care was deeply appreciat ed our associations with this minister who has held the pastorate of the united church for eight years the longest of any pastor of the church have heen very pleasant as we might say of many ethers present and past of the churches of acton 1hc compliment was just little unexpected hut none the less appreciated mit forth liave never been abrogated with him uu primitive and patriarchal period closes and we have tho birth of nation the career of sjolu is divided into thrvc periods of forty years each ii tho vlrrt forty ycatn in the court of phnraah it is summed up in jmt fifteen vcrsrs of the second chapter of kxodur most lilstorlanr uould have made miich of this period not lo this recorder he hkri much more important things on hand we wbji ue knew more about motc mother who caved urn llfo of her child and carefully thought out way to jprccrve him from death and provide for his future she was real genius hi planning as the adopted son of pharaohs daughter xfowy movvd in the inner circle of uic court life thcro were four treat temple unlnjues memphis sals theuu and on they were famous tor their scholarship it is probable that toscsuus educated at the university of on which is bout ave miles northeast of modern cairo the allurcmenui of court life the learning and the korgeous ritual or worship in the magnificent temples of the egyptians do riot seem to havf hod any appeal for uiis young man ya find all his sym pnthkii and all liis interests are for the denlsed race from which he came go ing out one day tu he doubtless liad done very often to visit his peopiehe scfc on egyptian beating hebrew it is too much for him doubtless hitting harder than he intends he lays low the cruel taskmaster he thinks no one lias teen him but he learns wry quickly that he is mis taken iar trying to help fellow countryman in distress he is compelled to hoc for his life hi the second forty wars on the backside of the desert what cliange prom the active and gay life of the court of tho mightiest empire of its tuneu to the silence and nlonotony of the desert now he wh war so honored and looked up to whose slightest expressed ulsh was attended to by fawning servant is reduced to tend ing rhcep ilut if moses ever rcgretujd the change he left no record of liis re gret there comes times in everyones life when there is relogntion to the backside of the dewrt but it is not always taken ai well as moses took it moses in uiki period gained laiouj hr usetolilhtwlieiihe aflfwards lefliie htut of israelites in their wanderincs this period it summisl up in one short chapter exodus this period is brought to close by the cull by clod out of the burning bush to moses to tho uorli which marks the bj ginning of lirut cjioch lnftlie history of the world iv the third tarty years ai leader and lauclver of nation period croudtd with important wnts to unit four books liodus lev iticus numbers and deuteronomy mak ing barest mi ntlon of them are not sutricltnt to lell lhe whole star alter tr call of moses he ut once lant lo pharaoh to demand the release of the thtldiin of lrael think of the tur prae uud ucwluurmuil of pliaraoh fugltlw who has been hunud his order coming iwfure him and demand ing thut he release de pl ad body of sawt1 aliu dues not conn as asup pliant but us the ainbaiiador of lilgher pow di numllug and iiulsthig that pharaoh ls oblige to comply then follows lhe story of the making of nation in the forty ar or desert schooling the kvynolr of the throe ivrlods li diuiii leadership god ruling in uud oyer the atfalrs or men it in god who culls mos to liu lisk it ls gml who sndu mots lo pharaoh with tho duumd thut la let the children of lsraikl uo it fci god who duvcts tlie exodus out of fcypt it gid for whom the wllderm tubcninclu rrreud it qod wlio lve uw ten commandments he is fulfilling hu promised to make of tills people great nation through whom all tho world sliall be blessed and como to better things that its subsequent history was sadly marred at times was norcly be cause of its wilfulness and perversity god wan at all timed faithful but israel was not time and again slio proved fi errant to her qod and kuflcred solely in consequence god is evek true it is the creatures of his hands who fail watch in your homo hoar tm 7ua pmrs or any other newspaper is read possibly the main headlines on tho front page axe first scanned but it ls pretty aafc thing to say that women readers wul turn very early to tho advertise ments of local flrrna which advertise fashion items food items and other offerings related intimately to current needs and deolrcs every woman knows what aha want not per imps in tho precise form or color pr variety or manner but certainly in the main matters of her dcalre pr need tills applies to clothes hats shoes food items beauty preparations and many items pertaining to home furnishing and so wonien are eternally an the watefrlor information and for temptation theyi arc swiftly perceptive of the adveruoc ments which present and propose the things of their dcslro or need and obviously it is those retailers who adver tise to them who stand tho best chance of their custom it ls the same in tho case of men lew men buy impulsively when they jcavo homo each day for their place of employment it not just to get rid of urelr money what they buy is mainly something whose purchase had been planned clothes or oilier forms of apparel liardwaro items motoring sun dries sliavlng and other bathroom needs plants books and so on men like women liavu bwen reading tho advertise ments in line wuh their ripening desires und hilentloiis and of course they so in artrt numbers to those retailers who have been informing tltem and soliciting tlielr custom all of us instinctively go where the light not where the darkness ls ad vertisements are light so they attract the buyem to those stores which they al hi mine the way to get business to ask for it can the truth of tills statement be suc cejduly disputed and lioro vi another lqually true statement tho publlc buys from tlioso who invite its custom owl fill your cereal bowl with kcl loggs rico kxisp ich great luncheon dish just the thing before bedtime jico krispics crackle in milk or cream sound that children cant resist fine for the nuracry supper they promote restful iuvp nour ishing and easy to ligrflt at grocers everywhere in the mother goose utory pack age thut children love mudjp by kcjlogg in london ont las scos chcrrv with added pectin jam 29c im pure clover honey 45c no tender leaf superior ich quality ox pkt cheese 18 baking powder cocoa cftrro pure cowans perfection helmet cooked 12oi in corned beef coffee ipi pork and beans lard cocoanut blueberries tomato els sr 14c maple leaf pure 50dasfk 29c7 corn aylmer white no tin special lifebuoy soap 20c carrousl limited bananas st 25 doz watermelon finest sowegu they iiru luscious eutinj ea lemonssuis cabbage green ijteads ea new potatoes mill street acton oril

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