the acton freepress thursday juiy 4th 1w5 sentiments oh it just the little homely thin the unobtruslw friendly things the wontyouletmehclpyou tilings that make our pathway light and its jurt the jolly joking think tho novcrmlndthetrouble things the laughwllhmeltsfunny things that make the world oewn hrloh for all the countless famous things the wondrous record making things those nevercanbeequalled things that all the papers cite are not like human things the cvcrydaycncountered things the justbecauaeilikeyou thlngb that make us tiappy julte so heres to all the little things thb doneandtheniargotten things those oh ifssimpiy nothing thi that make life worth the fight jurdy haw you little bride in yourhome7 it there is to be oxide in your family and it is your happy task to provide buffet wddlng breakfasts no doubt you are wondering what to aerve as sweet it must be something outstanding hi honor of the event but at the same lima it must be dessert which makes it easy for the guests to help themselves these strawberry tarts are the creation of famous chef and are entirely worthy of even such an occasion as great as wedding luncheon or break fast if you choose to call it so ambassador 6trawberky tarts cup cream whipped cup egg while athny beaten cup sugar teaspoon vanilla iv cups moist sweetened coconut cup sweetened sliced strawberries baked 3viinch tart shells combine cream cgg sugar vanilla and cup coconut place strawberries in bottom of tart shells pile cream mix ture on fruit and sprlnkl with remain ing coconut if desired place one who etrawberry on each tart before sprink ling with coconut serve at once serves nt mtkt ice clleam cup milk pound after dinner mints junlat tabkt tablespoon cold uaur cup heavy cream grapefetcen color jut the junket uhkt in cup with cold wutxr cruih with spoon to dis aur li vnltitg in mlvtur nf rrmm ond mljlc stir icll and warm to luke warm not hot add the dissolved jun ket tubku tir few seconds pour at once into freezer can let bland undu iurbed in uarm room until firm about io mbiutva ciiul and when ready to pack and freeze add four drops of grape recti color the savory sausage too many cooks neglect tlai humble sausage falling to realleo uint it lends itself to exceptionally attractive dishes here uro two sample rclp3 spanish sausage pound pork sausage small green peppers cup brtad crumbtj cup tomatoed onlou grated cup diced celery mix sausage bread crumb fcrated onion and diced cetery molsusi with tomutotxi cut tops off green pcppcni remove seeds and parboil for five min utes stuff with sausage mixture and bake in modvniu oven 350 degres for thirty minutes sausage stofved baked apples pound pork tjiusage cooking apples cup fcugor tablespoon butter pure the apples and remove tlic cen tres stulf with pork sausage place in baking disli sprinkle with sugar and oses of limestone dozens of industries require in process of mannfacturc limestone obtainable 4n more tlian 1500 localities in canada much ol ii of fine quality in addition to its use as building stone and for roads railway bal last and concrete aggregate limestone is used fur many purposrs it is the prin cipal raw material in the manufacture of portland cement and also in tle manu facture of calcium carbide and ana mi de which litter are the baits oj many cheau calproducts the iron and suel industry as at pres ent constituted could not exist if limestone were not available to free the iron from its ore in the production of gold silver and other metals ilim and inucxlone play important pans quantities of lime are used in tanning leather limestone is independable to die pulp and paper industry every piece of paper is made by its aid so loo does the glass industry require limestone ior most of its croducis particularly for window glass idlestonc is essential to the manufacture of washing soda baking soda and many qpher chemicals large quantities are used in the refining of sugar the uses of lime for plaster mortar and whitewash arc generally known when limestone is pulverized and mix ed with unseed oi it is known as putty pulverized limestone is also used in the compounding of rubber for footwear and flooring it is used oilcloth and in cold water paints some cigarette papers coo tain as much as 30 per cent pulverized limestone limestone is source of carbon dio gas which when compressed into the solid state forms the refrigerant known as dry ice now coming into wide use certain type of limestone wlten melted in small blast furnace and blown by highpressure steam into myriads of fibres yields fluffy material known as rock wool one of the most efficient insulating materials oo the market more montreal musings dear plex psxss notice that tho editor lias left tho rattle of printing presses and busy streets and indulged in cubing trip with ac companying quiet rcucctlonu the two go weh together usually and he has cordial good wishes for renewed mental stamina following quiet time with broolcb and trees lie dous not tell the size of his catch but there is true speckled trout brought into the city here from bock north measuring 34 incho long by girth which is to be mounted and placed on display at the station road during tho week in an american church paper be ing sent mo of man who had imbibed rather freely in recently licensed beverage room on sclng on immense catfish displayed on slab in store window remarking wen the man that caught that fish is llarl presume the old town has many banks of brilliance in the way of floral beauty there used to be such places here the tulips are fast giving way to other displays but there were many of them there has been ano season of bridal wreath which makes splendid showing perahps saw them in acton but the first remember was splendid bush at the end of the church in stevens point wis in tills connec tion re floral culture heard an ad dress in acton probably the editor did ako by gentleman who said that when in liverpool not long before he was told of wonderful american velvet plant wluch was greatly admired in nearby conservatory ho was conducted to it and found tall beautiful rich glossy plant which however was what bf bnrf lrvwwn tnhiln nninmon vc becomes dooftman mlchiel lvary the first irishman to win the coveied victor cross in the great war is now carnage attendant at the mayfair hotel in london michael startled the world in 1915 during raid against the enemy hnn ide at gulncliy he practically captured the enemy position by himurlf by singlehanded action anilnjtt irncade of germans he willed five with his bayonet shot three others and took two prisoners bachelors gift anonymous donor klacu warrior cnapcl utwestmuishtx possible the dean of westminster dr foxley norrls his revealed th it the ricli fur nishings warriors chapel in west minster abbey were provided by aa anonymous donor at the cost of half his saving he died without seeing them the chapel is to as shrine ol remembrance to mothers widows nnd or plians of those who fell in the war it was dedicated by the prince of wales man by no means rich came to me says the dean and offired me larq sum of money for the uork it repre sented half his life wvinfls and he waa believe bachelor hut he was extra ordimrlly keen iihout the ch ipel his one condition wan th it he should remain r4rr wr taoi fuid buko in moderate ovtn 35q dig rotm miliar worm poudcrs ore not turj pad by any otlilr preparation as vermifuge or uorm deitroycr indeed uur ro preparations that hae the mirll that it ha to recommend it mothers iware of lu ixcdunce tck lta uld at the hrt indication of the prts tnce of uorm in tlitir children know irttf that it irfectly trutworthy hitidlclne that will give immediate and lastlhk rillcf dxrfluivr cask judfco illlntf of reckctlon uaa made cuxhllr of local bank man prinlrd cluck to be cached dont know jou inud tlic new caslju tlu clu tomor produced credit card biiiliuivs card and lot of uturj ad dresid to hlmielf not fciifflclent idciituy said the cohlr pusliluu tlte clwck back wliy judgu protiihxl the man ive known you to hang man on ui evld tnce uuui tluit itiat ma be wild tlie judge but when you re paying out muney you have to be careful know of his gift im he was com pfetestriuiger the most touching irt of the story is tint he died about ijircc months before ills dream came true mothers all ovir fhe vorld in pen nle sent mc s00 through the mothers union for tlie ultnr ind nils iknnctt the lie miyoress of wcitmlnstcr who untiring uork lo our object used large sum of mom new signal code euqi1s1i languak liisii of interuatjoiuj oniimuincallan sluw as the result of tn irs work by an intimation il coiumittn new interna tion il sign il codt for ships and aircraft is been dr iun up nulls is tht isis lingu ije of the code or trie first lime in intimation tl radio iodt is intuuld uith in ilabornle tible for conimunk ulug sv mploius of disease in dttul to ship carr lug doctor sos as distress ranu il received ofllclit recomitiou for the tlrat time ihougli it his long tnn generally nccent ed lie aircraft distress mil may ly the angliciiid version aldezu tneming help nie is also to he olflcltl roadside canadian mullein and from tills he deduced tho possibility of trans formation of humaniapral character by proper lofcatlon good liouriulment of ioui and burn est faltliful care later llie peonies have attained ah immensity and uegance of dkplay such as never nuncmbcr tlic ocetwjoria and tml times fre tjuvnt npeparance on the streets of men in the khaki recalls the cad day some twenty yar ugo when lo many of our homes utre saddened by the coming of luch outfits and greater still those homes uhosc sons tliua outfitted never returned no wonder such rlmllar exporience is no drcadtd these day and small wonder that bomc earntct llko iojv lavclle smith former acton boy who jpent three years in warvhorroro are ia owingthe lend of other in seeking to influence tho nations rulet by pledging against hav ing anything to do with uur few public appuils by mr smith in tho press lias resulted in his already having received ixveral tliousand of iuch pledge in an altogether unorganled effort hovevir it fe only fair to say that many earnest admirers of his resolute effort cannot jiut fvel cure of to completely cutting off cuch action under come cir cumstances have more than once heard it publicly tlkujiced uith lavello earnestly pleading his position yet othen pleading for reserve of conscience the foregoing lias been detained from mailing on account of non published letter last uvek more recently on june 24th occurred the great annual saint jean ilaptlte celebration in the way of an immense procession john the uaptkt has been the patron saint honoitd all along by the frenchcan adian people and is provincial holi day the jflafis however of both nationalities companion together in the decorations and us the gazette point ed out on that monday morning there in basically sound moral principle honored for john thu iliptlrt certainly uas man of and for rlghteoirjiecc either practised or to be sought after uos over tuo hours on sherbrooke street near the unherslty waiting for or ob jerving tlw proccrion and becoming rrd wi iikiiiih lor iff mid slats diary by hobs fahqohar frlday june was makelng fun of sum tlilnics wd and it made mo about aora and ted to her apooe you think uicbby tun purfcck dum bell and aha rtulyvhl and scd no dont think you urc ihirfeck dum bell becus dont think no ever becuma pcrfeck fiaterdayilfl pudge says things has changed lot sence he went ac got marrsxl ho bed that before ho went nnd got marryed why lie use to ever once in wllo find bill hlo pocket on munday mornhig or so sunday iwof out looking at the garden planted about munth oo and it dont look so good planted nickels wlrth of lettloe and sum red diahes and fuw cabbage and it looks like got lotta hollyliawka and sum sun flouru and mebby about bu of weeds and dandy lions uunday well blisters muther has hncly dlsslded to put up curtalna on her winders becus she says die beleaves mebby it will pcrvent tho nelbors frum seeing her watch them mebby teusday job 1ux la getting mitey tired of the way he is treated by the people who run the releaf blslness he aayt if they go to pitcher show cupple times weak they run short of munny and that if they dont play square with him he is libel to go and get his self job wensday llbby wort says she is in alhckel she dunsent no weather to dovorce her husbend or by xlevolver slic can get revolver for fow thlrsday the ensuranoe agent wltch tsclls pa his ensurance was held up by 3uurgular tho uthter nlte and the cn kurlcnoo agent sold him thousand life cneurance polllcy lie scd the control of ants lrvrmlau balm promoted dalnuness fluurm nnri bcfluty itb inrjyaucd la in its magical effect on tho skin swiftly absorbed by the tissues it leaves never vvfitlgo of stickiness delightfully cool to tlie ukln stimulating and invigorat ing softens and makes tlie luuids flaw lesriy white ubtly fragrant imiiarts youth and loveliness to tlie complexion pep ian balm is tho inevitable choice of tlie woman who carea although tho majority of tho can adian fipeclcs of ants llvu in colonics or ncnta outdoors they frequently cause annoyance by invading kitchens and pantries in search of food one of tho must common and troublesome house hold pcks known as tliu red anl or pharaohs ant confines itself entirely to hatcd buildings cuch an bakeries ri taurants and liouscs tills tiny rcd dtnhyellow ant had its origin hi tlio tropics tlio common large black car penter ant although normally an out door species nesting principally hi decay ing wood frequently occurs in dwellings particularly frame houses and summer cottages and may causo injury to wood work as well ns annoyance by its pres ence third common spoclcs is the umall yellowish brown lawn ant which nests hi lawns and gardens often enter ing houses in search of food ants are social in their habits and live together in colonies the majority of tho ants in colony and tho ones mout commonly seen ore wingless un developed femalo workers which are ln capable of reproducing their kind sach colony also possesses one or mora true females or quocna which are respon sible for tho generation of new individ uals the white helpless larvae and pupae which develop from eggs laid by the queen are cared for by the work ers which may be seen transporting tbem to place of safety when the best is threatened with danger ants which enter dwellings will feed on many kinds of foodstuffs but arte particularly fond of sweet and fatty substances the most satisfactory material so far ducovcred for destroying ants is eodlum fluoride sold by druggists in the form of line white powder thfa powder should be scattered or dusted lightly in piaois frequented by the ants and left undkturbed until tho lnsectd have dis appeared as sodium fluoride is aomo whttt poiso care should be taken to two steps too long after tho finish of 20 mile hike tho athtetlo director addressed tho hikers lined up before him any one who is too tired to go on take two stcpe forward every one but bin 1th alcpped up wl11 smith you re ready to go on no sir too weak to take two jli pal keep on the sunny side prevent children or pets from gaining access to it hfasculjnk ani jtminini teacher what is the feminine or bachelor boy the feminine of bachelor la ladyinwaiting hatettv yop nouced that yow happiest hoar occur on days when yon feel yonx oestf hare more of these happy days ton and all yomr family gnartl health while yon hare it keep on the sunny side of life the greatest enemy of health is common constipation it tdky cause loss of appetite and energy certainly it kills enthusiasm yt it can he banished by eating delicious cereal laboratory tests show kjelloggg alxbaaw supplies hoik and vita min to relieve common const batlon also iron for the blood the bulk in aixbbam much like that in leafy vegetables how much pleasanter to eat this aeli clous resdytoeat cereal than to take patent medicine two tabhv spoonfuls dally are usually sufiv ilenr ch ubbai 11 altbrah cotes with each meal if not re lieved this way see your elector hadwiy kellogg ia ijonclon onl finally retired before laclng larcc re uim insuhancu in canada life inurnili in force in canada fitliiuted it iluuil t50 pr lirad of popu ition iklkfrdl customer can you hijp hie sicl gift for wealthy old aunt who wtuk and can hardly walk clerk bow about boiuc floor wiut uiittipn hatcmrrs worknun unt irllud core of ittlcr ues jtid to more than 000 vrs old hi huckiituh utithlre nulund prcjt hly lh lt of pr historic pcncr cooffrncc the object of living in work xprl euce luipliuss henry kird include au vleued even win re uat tlie thoujuinds or expectant rlght eri cngllji enjoying it tu uell aj iyench thought of an tujuinbly dva crtbed bi urlter ulioce works none of luough ilioj calculation wa txpnad in uch un unlimited way as llioumd upon thouuindr and thou uicl ot thou ind in the present in ltnce tlie pre inodernttly put il at joootjx lhirv utre the prenchcan ndl in socle tit and churclu and chool re jire nted il ell ast hurtle of tire mm pullet and other public in inl lo iu ripn entlntr many ph ua of life from icqut cartier ar rival in 15 j4 ouuard uerc duplajed tallnir sl ithi rim tr et car touple or blocl1 loutr down for home ran into the arly wclum or it it had lurmd doan atuater fur out uet uherc th throngi uere greater than any provloiuly jeeii the lmmcmo era on tlu rn crt or tlie moun tain 100 feet high vlibh on being uilited at night jo mlk down river the workf the society bearing tlie nanil of tlu patron taint your oollmak 4057 wluin avt nue moiureul rilaktmkmq viva did ou njoy your ride huit tvtiitng with that yoinitf dtwtor ute ihmild ity did he 1ul ma charming roadside muuurr the suppose you came suddenly upon two roads one straight welltrodden the other thin and twisting off into under growth if you didnt want to arrive at any place in particular you might select the latter but not otherwise before you as buyer run two roads qjiejs road of kn ofanadver tised product thousands use it there is no mystery about it no doubting with nothing hidden it leads the way defin itely to fountain pen floor wax or toothpaste that will give you satisfaction when you use ah advertisement you use ah open road when you dont use advertisements you go the doubtful road you have only hazy knowledge of the product ahead no trademark or name to depend on guides you the result may or may not he worth the effort you dont know read the advertisements anything thai is widely advertised breakfast food chewing gum groceries has proved itself good by advertising advertisements put you on the open road to satisfaction business directory drj mcniven physician and surfkin office and residence corner scrwfer venue and elgin street dr nelson physician suod soxxeon electro therapy phone 8s legal phone no 33 boa ssft harold nash farmer barrister solicitor notary pnblls caateyantoer ete mux street acton owt houra 030 to 120 noon loop to tq boo in saturdays 1200 oclock kenneth langdon barrister souetior notary tmhiu offices acton oeorfcetahra over seynuckrs cafe main street for appointments phone acton georgetown 88 office hours acton tuesday thursday lis to to 430 lnga on request dental buchanan denial surgeon office in irishman block ilounr rn until flp tat by appointment ooj for extraction closed wednesday afternoon phone 14 pearen succuuli to jlttto ui bell phono 20 mill street acton vfcteiunattir dr bruyns veterinary siurpeon all calls receive prompt attention ivrms ueaoiiabld phone 135 aoton onta1uo oblce mill gtrcot iiarrop sc phone diy or night s3 itcjildfcnoe bover avcnuo actofl all calls promptly amwcred halt reosonablo miscklllntoljs francis nunan uookbluder account bookd or all kinds hmds to order periodicals ot bvcry description carefully bound rullne neauy knd promptly done wyndham etrcct quclph onl eagleson ontario md iiomloloo ilmd 8anjar ueclslered rvtilesxtooal rnrlnr survoys weports estimates plan ultainage wojjjc akwcial teltbljoa 31 orarelne ont general wk sieciaijzk in life firo healk and accident automobile vvinikurm plate glm loilyr fidelity bonda annuities und ai general lined ot inaurunce also occim senimlii tickets uad1nq costtaniks lyctutw vaclimus fred wright acion the door of opportunity these 8mau ads wul open ooor to whaterer ym are seehinc tjt