tthobsday jolt tb 1s3s thfe acton free press pact 6kvki glbi8 rkatek xt crrery girlhood thought of mine be white exfoogb for childrens eyes some day at bedtime omndjeafaln 7remd in me for they are wtoe the eyes of children and they ace tvbat we would hide these thoughts now make tqie woman that some day vu be kay ahe be krreiy for their sake xet every girlhood act pray be such that no fear would feel if to my daughter eyes aoroe day light should all my deeds reveal the woman that fculld must be mother worthy true and fine for that ood may purity every thought and act of mine mary carolyn davteo twenty teaks ago chronicles of ginger farm written bpc far the free maafcy gwendoline ci bee bamblk through east anglia concluded from last week from tha issoe thxtrsday of the free trtm july 8th 1915 the rains of the post week raised the level of palry lake eight or ten inches the clock lor the new post office and customs iiouuo arrived last week and will booh be installed the rlnck has four dials and will bo illuminated at night the results of the provincial normal school examinations show that mis mwiffll and nelue wllllamo were both successful rev mr avlson the new pastor of the methodist church will preach his first sermons next sunday the members of the kbifitt orderlies blble class presented ilev draper with largo cosy chair upholstered in leather on the eve of ills removal to mil ton mr jos 11 broddy traveller for wh storey ju son received word that his eldest son hod been killed in action in france ills second son la with the second contingent in england the picnic organ by rev father traynor at oubtio was held on dominion day and was great success another picnic under tho uiaiplccs of the congre gational sunday bchool churchill wad held at blue spring park mid was very successful the board of education received bj application to nil thu three vacancies on the btaif pre ft relict was given to the home applicants rev patiicr praynor has been up polntcd to the cliargu of kenllworth parish putlicr haliuven bucccotlj hlni the churches in eael anglla ore really wonderful even the smallest or them can generally boast qf fine stained glass windows or perhaps some ancient brauics there is an amusing legend in connection with queen elizabeth and one of the churches in suffolk this particular church was in the middle of main street and apparently the east end jutted out too far into the road making sharp and awkward turn for vehicles according to the legend good queen ftaajvnfl staying at ualllngdon hall fine old country scat which te still standing and in driving post all salrta church she became annoyed ut the inconvenience the sharp turn caused the royal coach slw commanded that enough be cut on the end of the church to allow freedom for traffic certainly tlje cast end of the church has square cut most unfinished appearance but apart from thai dare not vouch for tlie truth of the story in tlie very smallest village one con always bo sure of finding two building church and public house usually close together take walk on sun day and if your walk be long enough you wui find men sitting on the lincc or the bench by tlil door contentedly smoking und dkusshuf in their own phlegmatic uuy such tvmu of the day na are of interest to tlw nw an publicity by martha king davis dominion weekly news letter lnt htlng remlnls what struck you old llllaim tlasklt we quote lierc puzzle which appeared recently in the new york post which has caused some real head acrntrhlng the king wished to choose the wisest man in hli country as premier io do bo ie told thno of tlie west am going to blindfold you und point clrclrat in red or blue on your foreheads when uii bandages uro removed if vou jo red circle anywhere raise your right hand when you have figured out the color of your own circle lower oil hand and qil tint to do uuit will bo my premier the king jhen blindfolded then painted tlureo red clrclu allowed uiem to see again uutched tlie tlnxi linnda go up and then law the hand of mr descend how did mr know his circle wattred nation wide there ut scarcely corner of tills great dominion uhere the merits of dr thomas telcctrio oh have not beui tried and proved icia one of tlie world tnoitt efficient remedies for bor tliroat lame back and many otiier ailment arising from inflammation rubbed on the ln 1u healing power is readily ahorbld and it can also be taken internally english bin not as many wrongly suppose licensed houe entirely for the sale of intoxicating liquor it was originally intended place where truvellers on tlie roud might obtain necessary refreshment and it war not until to later date that licences were ranted for the unle of intoxicants in ery old knglbh dictionary llnd it described thu inn tavern hoiue licencd to u11 uquori and to provide neeviry refreshment to traveller an inn keeper hi england compelled by law to provide meal to nil who seek lb if he rtfuixb it at tlie ruu of loe lng his license mat inns htno room set apart for thl purpotx to change tlie scene from the road to tlie river let mt uu you of week tnd trip took with friends on tlio rlvtr stour which runs through ej wid suffolk tlw flu day wi followed the winding cour of tlie river until ue vaclied watford mill where the famouj artist john constable utiy born in 1777 tlie uunery in the stour valley was the ubjvct of many of his won derful pictures and indeed anything more qtillt and beautiful it would be difficult to imagine there wi wnnethlng singularly restful in tlie country ildt of east anglla by comparison one realize how uonderful ore tlie liilk and peaks of drbyhlre which rouse one to energy yj iii 113 biiddmly wua not llstunlng itonny cenccb iio aald man here woman juhi coiiio in 8hh bilnjr stated thret tabled down on tlio left itonny mulled ah liuvnt lost your dluo ruing tit it tliiili you are torty flvt irold mdlct when tli uinihiuj jtilfl lady la she has mi miu of thono knit ted things and run tar it sh not young not beautiful mouth too largo face too thin hut theroa aomo thing hm tin re not man in the room who not glvm lit the one over when you cull turn little itonny ho shook his head dont have tu ned tha lady is avon bt clair the star la that itroadwny triumph blemish there wan quite sensa tional story hint winter ha broka off rathtr abruptly go on lnttrhtc htill ho hotiltatml was going to take you to tli4 nhow tonight get your uuhlaacd opinion but oh well it dm hti niattt avon st clair miih lorn in tho the ater klckd uroiind tlio footlights from infancy win die wna eighteen alio murrliwl rw nnlh rh young sap just out of colh ge hi had ono child sou lived mighty ontinthl and hap py for qnlt few nr but of course aha got tho ntnge ft ngulti it end ed in hidiikii she nt buck into the tluiitrlcnl world diking her boy and thu young uao tntla out of tha the advantaea of pasture records of tho feed cost of milk pro duction at tlie central experimental farm for the year 1034 allow that dur lng tlie seven stablo feeding months tjio average coot of milk was 72 ocntu per 100 pounds while during tlie five pas lure months tlie feed cost was only 40 ctaits per 100 pounds or reduction of ovt 30 iter cent and that in dry wuson when considerable uupulcmcntary feeding vus necessary similarly with toeftf cattle under winter feeding can dltuins it require heavy feeding of cx pcnslvu grains to make gain of two poundi day while on fresh spring pasture twoyearold eteerahaa been known gain 400 to g00 poundu in pokturu season gain of two pounds duy over pasture season of 160 days or tola of 300 pounds increase is cons ldc ted good average at tho nom inal rate of per ficad per month for cultivated pasture this gain is good hfty per cejit olieapcr than could be obtained undir whiter feeding conditions sowlna seeds of perennial slower teeds of perennial llowerd may bo sown now llic seedbed should be mode in losllion lie re it is sliaded from tin ufurnoon nun ilio urface soil should be raked very fine and tlio soctli wwn in drllli tlie deptli of sowing de pending on tlie ue of tlio beetlp the lariier ones should bo well covered bui tlie very mall ontb need practically no covering tin beds need careful water ing and weeding und when the seedlings lire irge enough tluy thould bo trans planted so li to make good plants to put into the permanent beds hi the full sure sign do you believe hi dreams riley ol do bald riley well phwats ut sign of if mar ried nun dreams he bachelor ifu sign hes goln to meet wld groat disappointment when he wakes up llang on shall have to give up smoking announced tlie young husband tlie doctor at one lung is nearly gone oh robert exclaimed his wife could you hbld out uuio longer until we get enough coupons for new rug7 ruined trade what arc you iall for competition what do you mean competition made the same kind of ten dollar bills tlie government does tlie thing which must be must be for the best god helps us do our duty and not shrink lytlon and the woodlands of surrey nvjumn couldn bo rub ed aue inspiring in their mnjertc beauty but the quiet green meadows of tex and suffolk with cattle and sheep con unuxlly graying in the sliudd of tlie tr the ri or stream giv ono neii of tranquility one instinctively feek gods in ills leacn alls right with the uorld on thlr particular trip spent the nlrht at an hotel in derham and about sunrise the next mornlnr not lvlng able to sleep longer aroe stole down to tlie quay unloccd our canoe and happily piddled dovvnitream mio took lu old nnmo avon st clair hut honuhow luek dldn coma htr uiijr she iliuilu liindod in holly wood lind ono nr two muetnm then bad taut hit in couplo of rotten hlio sho uiih diiffy nhotit lior boj gnv him tri thing ulth the minnl fatal rthtilth couplo of iearh ngo vyhort tlio orhh nine she vim left on tha roek htlli und dr xjmt full ilnimy onldlnji cannlly gavo tlio had hi lib mnh slia put overwhlni hiio iuhi into tlmt play and if tlmcw hud hw uood it would have run till tin tin titer 11 down but you know hou thliikd wore mio got boiih dnrn good urltoupa but it wan ennulh hon ono mittln nftmioon com ing nut of flu fhonti nho uuu invited to enter rlow ar and that evening when it enme thin to hhnnt tho tlio htnr uiih among tho ml using ihtj ot in tnurh aith tho son ha hnd oen nothing of hi mother tho morn in prewu hlayed ann st chilr that faurlnntlnt rlr nctrotw in bronchvnvh flnist prodiu hon of tha year injhtorhuihu dlnapp arsi that nltht tin win iot tho uhiinl bndly written iii hjk ll com muni ca tion flft thotuand ilnllara to ho loft at rt nlmnty on crliit mill ronttnd no funny buninika nf ty tlioiifuimll well it just spray tlio kvult tr orchardlt are warned by tlie do minion horticulturist to follow uiu pub lliied recommendntioiis regarding tlie pniylng of fruit trcej tliowiughncss of application with the ilx of tlio proper materials will produce tlio deilred reulu contact rpriy should bo used for aphli or for any of tlio sucking in iecu black leaf 40 very tlsefuj lair leaf eating lnsecli tomnch poluin mch nn nr enato of lime or arscnoto of lead rhould bo upplied wlicn rpraylng the orclmrd use combined insecticide nnd fungicide cheapest of ail oljs considering the qimutlts of dr thomas eclcctric oil it is tlio chcapobt of all preparations offorcd to tho public it to bo found in every drug store hi canada from coast to coast and uucountry merchants keep it for sale so being easily procurable and exircmely moderate in price no ono should bo without bottle of it thou shalt not kill drive carefully arrow night coach time tables nadjan at actor goto tut dally exoept sunday daily except sunday sunday only the fihlfagp flier that hero at 035 nx eaattm oedrgetown at 44 gelnr weat dally except sunday dally except sunday dolly except sunday sunday only standa11d ttmb uotajbl oiypn mm ajiaajn xj 7jmpltm 1111pm to kitciicnizr stratrord london windsor oetltoit chicago turc 75 10 15 45 05 leave acton at 35jt siiindnrd timo to toronto oshawa pktcrboro kingston 01 montreal luive acton at 30 standard time ntequent service during the day central ontario bus lines limited wiles phone 58 could not haw cliojm better time it uos sunday momind tliere uoa not coul in clflht but from adjacent bush and tree came burt or conff trom llttc feathtrcd friends llrtonlnjr and loolc lnff wt almart rpell bound at tlu uondlrful iianorama of btauty that lay clout rulme in canada continues to nuadom ucre parkllng im tbv go vis loixow cold exitund ii tin nrovlncit in rthtrn ontario particularly in the mining anas tlie goat is coming niort into promln ciice as source of milk upjily for tho miners famllki ulcwle in the fsrl time provlncto luhermerijartdtnt uloig roclcy shores find tlie uoit an tconomlc lu indeed canada ulth utflcltncy muriiini lcu tmo irwnrr hout irrldi cent iu it caught and rt rl cctedth etjui clc lych an ffin rtraytr of llgh tlil tin roj higher hi cloud flecked iky watchlnj forgot to piddle and my cunoe win drlfttd into tin bank there let it lay and gue up to the enjoyment of leht and ound the non uiih frnntlr llo went to his filth for tin wip had hocomo rather uu noun man about town ho recognized tin for uhnt ho wnu ii lnod for nothing up nilthrlft but he htlll did imrul the id uv in iiih heart for aon st flnlr hn ntirewl to fork he hfty tlinuitantl but utlpuhited that hi hanilh tho rack ct nnd lu r4itnd nuntnl roiolva to ket thos kldnnpt or die in tho at tempt rnmi turned tollve nn order to flio waltor ii nmlh mippnip tho huft band jiotorloiihh inn the fciinu amid tho wlhl npphiui of thn publle nnd tho hiiow hujid to it in on hjw etneutnr hound itonny flngi rt tlio in of hlft glnhj rcflctly th hit in to tin dory ito did tho icldnni lit rt whh fluit mo hhonilijl nnd he uni mly lu mm2ssm20sm2oosqaqa hli man that of uraij urovm rocky country uroduclnit pn hir dnrttd out hl an ubundulicl of brouilne fodutr li ad rllllunt nlumuuc multuiu nor mlrubly suited for goul and it ki to expvtwl tlmt ar tlie mining and lum lxilntf indu trlii ixich farther into the north land tlie milk go it ullt follow bcttkuiuit opportunely at thl moment the dominion department of agricul ture hui lied booht uullelln ho mi giving full information concernin tlie goat luduilry in canada and iioj best to nur iti he province of llriu coin bltthaa tlu it imm bee of milk toal in the unlnlon tlui no doubt to thu muunlalnuu nature th provlnrt und the mild climate of the wtat coitst riu principal breeds of milk guuhi in canada arv lbe imaucn lg kciibuit und uil anglo nubian they uptar to bt hurdi and ulud to uil cllniatlo ciuidltloiis of ul doilllllloil provldtxl rtaionablc ir 1m totted ol them in mo of the otht provlnctii trottu art pt ui rul by truck ovnvrji und otlitm living in tlie buburhii but hi the mining trull uortliuard in ontario und quebec tlu goat follow ing tlie gold ih gout lui lkhil will njuncd tlie ikwii litalu eow for not only is lu nitltc of high duutlc vulue but everywhere in canada jtv un lnervujttt of comnicrclal dairy produeu mode from fotts milk phili of col ir ajuilt th more mulril tone of itreum and iky abovt the irllllnf of uil one bird heurd ud den hrlek and lookiiir up ia heron illlng by ue did not circle and uoop othir bird di but ipract fnllj gliding tiend tnlj for the uood about ml lum untt vj tjnn to ht now ue nilrctllih defend from uie lib iim to the rldlcliloils for tlil next dhr ion uils nnort und moo behind nu und turned qulcdy to und ubout luud of cuttle hut coinv to oil rlier beul on ur of hu paction hi hhoiiulor hut coollcornnthlnluljikl gavo rt littlt hturl hit ion tho ktdnuper ronny nnddi ulth wimpr od llpa hlttt dliiappolntint ut hut it wni miidt ouhii tw th iirtnta with tin ir hni py union lit push hnt iiim lmlr potni in want ou to nit avon ht lent wh it mm all iihout un stiiudlnr if tiihh uil mr ton nn oh eohlit hum lb nl jihri nd to ttud rluht afti unmt mi nt nnd mndt hhi honit ul in utile pint in llnnd il it tl lint tlmt in tutim juiri in luud to honor tin tnnd of the fn shi put hi hint itt mini ny fib ml of uomn mit mid in low llir it olti til fin to title hlin ut to tho iiim ii giod ucii jonuuliut ulld of ie und uj ji con ldirlnj tin ulduu of ri treat ulun laid olre calwl out come on now ului in ou ti doln over ere let uiu onie ufore run el ihiui eonunaudid the apmtnmlil eattle tuovid uuuy il tlu lr youthful rilmiiun loonud lu lght alar tin tpoll uiu brokn he startled bird hi woldlng und chaturlng to tin loph of tin nearby trif and ko turned my lunik und iiaddhd uiatrtam luiihy thut our country had uivlii ua guliutbo rough and cojutblv to iri tuut in our iiuiiiory tlie wn rlty and bauty tu eliarucurliuc of tny brlovid kuat anglian wiury lt in nlijit ii tuku him to hhow slu unillid up ut nu itonny in it lriml inllhlu mini suildi uly lit th rou of uorriimnt inn into her iliirli vi if miu in olf you ii hi un ful mm iti nny diarj it mi miu unit idi uldi qiitalbt uunt1 cutokt in iituuiit dah in uln tho d4nid uro robtd ueiordlne tu tlu lr tuit in tlu mrb of monk nun und thu buried pruetlce hit liivo rltw to tho uuatrtlon ut only hum tmj muuky dlu lu hpalu advertisenients are pointers retail store will do more business if attention is directed to it by thousands of pointers imagine thousands of finger posts scattered over retailers trading area everyone of them pointing in the dir ection of the retailers store and bearing his name it would cost lot of money to set up and maintain thousands of fingcr posts and it might be difficult to get per mission to set up these fiugcrsposls fro those having authority but if one coxittl have them they would he good advertise incuts ood directors advertisements in ones newspaper arc in very truth pointers everycopy bj of the newspaper carrying the retailers advertisement makes that advertisement fingerpost the advertisement multi plied thousands upon thousands of times becaines thousands upon thousands of fingerposts good newspapet is prestige gmwwwm subscripluw for all magazine taken at the free preaa office