Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 18 Jul 1935, p. 7

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jo th july uth ib the acton free press faoe sevkn no wondekt tinkla unkte hero aod there in 4htf pleasant bun and air bossy ows oo wandcrlnir wlui uidr tlnkllna belavuiat ring in uie meadows tbe eat up many feuow buttercup on uk will they climb and eat all uko about their leet tinkle tinkle home they come abdut them hum it no wonder do you think that their milk is cood to drlnkr crew teaks ago fiiea the asaa af the ttn lyeaa thszasay jalj kn u15 chronicles of ginger farm tate me nii gwkndolcfk claude the mercury got tip as high s3 degrees oo friday flayers brought tax psxx liijrt prl of timothy which measured feet 6m inches length tbe entrance examinations at four centres of the county resulted as tol imn acton candidates 33 seed 27 oeonretown candidates 34 passed 34 bouon candidate 69 paied 44 oak tlllo rsndtnstes 63 pwrfm three rinks of btreetsviue bowlers played scheduled game on acton green last friday the visitors won the match by one point berry phg excursions are now much in vogue the wild raspberry crop is plentiful mr manly of township has purchased hundred acre firm frnwj xr if tttwy tr wft township former acton young lady writes an toterestlng overueas letter to friend here which is published miss anna onun one of the canadian hunus recently proceeded from tfriglsna to one of the base hospitals in iranee born pusher in erin on saturday july 11th 1915 to mr and mrs robert wisher tion mcdonaxjd in limehouse on wed nesday july 7th 1915 to mr and mrs angus mcdonald son iiiei kh3 afcmoffat nassagmwrya town ship on thursday july 15lh 1915 benjamin king in his 74th year cuts and braise disappear when buffering fror cuts scratches bruises sprains sore throat or chest and any similar ailment use dr thonxtui eclgc trlo ou its hualbig power if wellknown in every section of the community bottle of eh thomas ecleclrlc oil should bo in every mcdlclnti chad ready for fehe emergencies tliat hiay always be anticipated and mow vgtl till kummklt holidays 10o that the schools luw closed for the summer holidays and books glvo place to bathing boating und what not no one would deny the youngsters all posuibltf joy in uie two months rcceisi liut so often pleauant iumiiicr outing is martvd by tuivoro accident or fatality thwt purely word of caution is not vmioj better bo careful uum be corry tlcsui and act on these canity hint and thus make your holiday moro pleasant one than it might otherwise bo drowning and acquatlc accident ex ceed the traffic hazards in the months of july und august every year be careful and insist on others belnu careful and so help to break tills record follow these ruuti everyone should know how to swim everyone should know how to rescue drowning person everyone tdiould learn uie prone ireisure method of itesuscltatlon nuver dive in unknown shallow or rocky waters deep dive even hi clear water dangerous two liuunr rrrtn eating one morning young son came into my room with very doleful face and immediately proceeded to air his troubles 6ay mum do you think you could mend my pants expect can ghats the matter with them dont really know tve mended them three times but they always break open again the pants were produced and were very soon mended of course all they needed was patch underneath to re inforce the seam it was runny but it was pathetic too at least it was to me because thought now hard it must be for little boys who are suddenly bereft of their mothers fat of course might have aoked his sister to ox his pmntav but it was mother he was used to bringing things to and without her suppose he thought the only course open to him was to do things for himself that of course didnt hurt him at all in fact am beginning to think that it may be blessing in dlegulse for children when the mother of home is temporari ly removed suppose nine out of ten mothers arc the same they shoulder too much of the responsibility of the family as whole for instance alex will alwayti go to mother to ft his tie because she can do it so much better than he and bessie would much rather mother ironed her the zoo in winter than do them herseli xhfl mother for all she knows alex can fix ju wuys before tolng into the water avoid drinking any cold beverage be fore golntf hi swimming if aiflieted with heart trouhlejdo not bo in swimming avoid swimming alone in unfrequente waters or ut night avoid teashiu inexperienced swlinmeis tvuch them to itay hi thyllow water to beware of hidden hole uudden dropr lieuvy breakcru and undertows lie help ful even good swimmer should avoid takmg foolhardy chances in the water children even tood swimmers should not be allowed to swim alone particularly where ulere in high rurf or daner of an undertow save the chil dren on youit way you are on your way somewhere ir mlxht be vury pleasint if you could just atop ut any place in life wlnre you uyvd the seeiiery but that is not the way matter are nrranud you ure on ynur way to piowtoiu hupy rwipected maturity or to one of failure und iuujry you urc on your way to friendships that will enrich life or to those intliiiacles whieh will htrlp yu of ull uiut is worth having and drop you whm there is notlihief inocelo lve you urc on your way to stroiig vltuludtig faith hi goj and the uelf con trolled aplrhig life that is uiu outgrowth of tuclt fulth or to doubt despair und moral collapse which is uie fruit of doubt you uro on your way wliat it ute uoul at which you pe to arrive t2g tie quite rjlcely and thai would iron her dresses much better with practise yet uncomplainingly docs theie small jobs for lier children because oh well just because shes mother feup posc cannot think of any better reason mother iti always quite happy in doing tlicse little chores but the children are gradually robbed of their chore of re sponsibility and it isnt good for them another thing mother accepted at her own valuation by her children if she looks for consideration and help from hvzr boys arid girls uhe geisll if she prefers to wait on them hand and foot they let her it is easy to write like that you will say but how about living up to it yes it is easy to writ and not ko easy to live up know from experience be cause realize now wherein have failed tjbvcii is great revealer of ones own sins of ombjslon and commission mostly think of omission the tilings we have done cither wrongly or rightly uccm of less importance as uie years go by but the uilngs we havent done come to haunt us like spectres in thore retros pective days of comvalescense gjod gracious whoever would have thought such uerlous thoughts could evolve from the mere patching of pair of pants it is becoming quite task uicse days to cet ginger farm done at oil you would wonder why wouldnt you with nothing to do but stay in bed cut you see its thtu way for about three days wonder what am going to write about although in the mornings am always busy looking after my room cupar viririgtho dinner reading the mall and paper and on after dinner on the fourth day get out my pen und paper and my very best intentions and stirt right in after about page is dono one or two things generally happens either visitor drops in or else real what have written exclaim oh the dickens thats no goodl and tear the pagup into little bits the next day of course have to start all over again with often the same rvsult and all because im co tired of being cooped up in the houic but today did get one step further wufl it will come as surprise to many people to learn that the zoo polar bears detest the cold during the winter months they are probably the dirtiest animals in london nothing will induce them to take bath when the tempera ture falls below 60 degrees and if uio water bears boat of they gingerly make circuit of their tanks with their backs towards it trying the ice with thelr enormous hind feet in winter all the elephants are oiled from head to foot though an elsphant can be acclimatized to an english winter its tough nonre silient skin quickly cracks in cold weath er dirt and bisects find their way into the fissures cause endless discomfort few buckets of oil obviate this and until the lubricant soaks in give the animal the appearance of gigantic bronze statue saskatchewan fisheries improve one mans laanl what is the worlds biggest estate the question is prompted by the news that the zamoyskl estate in poland has been reduced by half the family having handed over roughly fifty per cent of the lands to the nation before this was done the estate was 350000 acres hi extent even now it is bigger than any estate in britain but the largest estate in the world is not in europe at all you have to go to australia if you want to see li there ypu will find the hold ing of sir sidney kidman famous as the australian cattle king it is over 39000 square miles in extent larger than ireland austria hungary or iortugal and thus uew day was born each morning thought of that little poem of carlylos tojoay sq hrrcjha be dawnhuf anotiictbiuey think wilt thou let li ulp unless away out of eternity this new day is born into eternity at night will return saskatchewan ushciiee showed an improvement of 18 per cent during 1034 compared with 1033 fifth landed by the commercial fishermen of uie province had marketed value of almost 310700 whjlo in 1933 the catch was valued at sllghuy less than 180500 in the pre ceding 6yvar period 19281933 the annual marketed value averaged trifle more than 376000 saskatchewans commercial fishing is carried on in the northern part of uie province in uie saskatchewan stiver and numuroua lakes of various sixes such as lake athabasca jacccnsh lake turtle waterhen and peter pond eight or ten different kinde of fish are taken in these waters but the whiteflsh is by far uie most important out of tho total 1934 catch of 4087000 pounds of all species more than half or 3530500 pounds consisted of whltensh and their marketed value was something over 163000 next to wbueflsh in import ance come trout with landings in 10341 worth 37850 and then pickerel pike tulllbee and mullets other specne entering into the oommercial catch in clude sturgeon ling and goldeyes pood deal of uie saskatchewan catch enters into local consumption but there are also shipments to points outside uie province including some export to uie united states exportation of trout and whitcficm to the united ataieo from areas as far north as lake athabasca ws an interesting development of few years ago not vet they had just becomo engaged shall love she cooed to share all your troublco but darling lie murmured havo none no she agreed but mean when wo are married the oil for the athlete in rubbing down uie athlete will find dr thomas ecluctric oil an excellent article it renders the munclcs and sinews pliable takes uie soreness out of them and strengthens utfm for strains thai may be put upon them it stands preemln witfor this purpose and athletes who for years havo been using it can testify to its value as lubricant the character of each one of us and uio fortunes of uie world are entrusted to our higher natures this id our way out of moral chaos and darkneatf itcv iluf ns ellis the average winters day beglna with struggle uie struggle of beginning it at all conotance smith foot ailments treated fee very reasonable for both ladies and gentlemen fifteen year experience miee allan regmcke clwpedist 17 arthur st 1uelph rrnltn balm the peerless aid to love llnuts delightfully fragrant dainty to use leaves no stickiness little gcnuu rubbing and it ut swiftly absorbed by uio tissues tonic in effect soothtn iind dkpcls roughness and chafing koojis ukhlri soft and velvet textured unrival teroraanrfc mmt used by lovely women everv wherc to preserve and enhance their natural beauty edto have cot outsldu in the garden of course partner came olong with blankcui and tucked me up ond impro vised screen to keep the wind awuy until wondered if were outside at all but alter while was left alone th birds got used to my presence found wiui quite harmless und they fearlessly hopjahl about from tree to tree pre sently came two little chipping sparrows und was able to txe them much closer than ever had before their utile chip chip li in different from tliu house sparrows chlrrup whn was in hapltal used to love to listen to the birds there was bush quite near jo there were plenty of rqulr rejs and birds in the hospital grounds norly alwuys wakened about three thirty and stayed awake for quite whie and so rwjii learnt to know tho order in which the birds welcomed the dawn the very llnt one to raise his voice wus the barn yard rooster alter him came the robin couldnt ixm him but he must have been quite cise to my win dow os if he were bring tug special nmsaie just for me und in that ihht week when new day was not the ijsut thing to face it was lovely to hear his cheery song cheerup cheer up perhaps he jweked in all the windouti und wherever he iuv wakeful patient iterliaps lie bung cheerlip hope he did the next bird heard was bluejay but only once did tux the hush of hli blue whupi fur time there stiiieii no other birds ut ult tlnn us uie duwn was breaking tame reular chorus cf upurrowh htarlliiitbi erowa und auuirrcls delicious tliu vioetf operate like age bringing on dlwawe before its time and in uio prime of youth uioy luave uie cliaracur broken and exahusted junliw arrow nig coach to faro kitchener 75 stratford 140 london 24s windsor 54s detroit s45 chicago 805 lcavo act0n at 1135 standard timo to faro toronto ms oshawa 180 peterboro 430 kingston 545 ottawa 745 montreal 020 leave acton at 530 standard timo frequent service during the day central ontario bus lines limited time tables nadjan nationalr at acton geteg east dairy except sunday daily except sunday sunday only usd tho ohlcago flier that passes tbreasal here at s35 csvrdbotjdd stops art georgetown at 944 daily except sunday daily except sunday dally except sunday sunday only standard ttma1 wiles phone 58 any time kc bowl of kellogga corn flalceb in millc pv cream is uppcuzimg and de licious at any timo of the day and tlieyre extra good wilh fruits or iwjrrieh added idcal for incuufant itc frchlting for limcltcoti cliil dren love tlieni for hupper they encouruge bound bleep bccuuhc they digest bo eunily the erinmet4 of kel loggv corn flake in pro tected by hutautleti waxtiti inner hag grocer everywhere hell kelloggy quality guaraiileid made hy kellogg in london out corn flakes ovenfresh flavorperfect your printer he should lie selected for continuous service he should have permanently estab lished reputable business he may not qviote the lowest prices hxitliis estimates will be based on the use of papers and materials that are the most reliable and are best suited to your pur pose plus reasonable rate for his ser vices afssbrcjc sg ww arr0w bus schedule epfexttive mat 5th 1s5 leave wesraound 915 1115 aous 415 pu tjs kn sltf 1ls5 6tanoaiu time leave eastbound kj uilx aa zjo mijlo tarw aa 940 in ixinebjuuts planned to aix points in canada united states it mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines toronto wt patterson ro speculiat in et eomblallab orthovtlo tmlsuots fi umllliaw ids widliam bl next lauaarv iiicre aiss qvuolty aotu7 siaiaia iumisa hlaiu savage co watches diamonds china glawaiyi wjebiding and engagement rings guelph ontario utulolljiumtuiukuglllllllleillullilullltltbllillgilllllljgljhiua he is always willing to give you his advice on technical angles of your print ing problems and your close cooperation with him at all times and your confidence in his ability will be fully repaid by those many little extra services which he will cheerfully render you from time to time its such service that is rendered by the acton free press sixtieth anniversary year phone 174 or 131 acton ont you printed matter uwn1 hs road od btfoastoxts whorw yodr will toot be heard lot tn put the story oi yoar into readable hhapel the acton free press subscription for all magmzlnea taken at the free ireaa oftlea

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