Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 1 Aug 1935, p. 1

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yiy flfr rffh tuiskafcic asfiayiqk vvaaraffw it gta ss sixtyfirst year no acton ontario thursday august 1st 1035 eight homeprint pages five cents acton wins first of playoffs blanks georgetown by 70 locals played one of finest barnes seen in acton for many day sensational fielding and good hitting fealurejl actons play lost final schedule game to georgetown by 32 waterhouse made sensational catch and throw terry turned in exceptional game gsoroetown acton acton lost tough one to georgetown last thursday evening by uio score of 32 the game meant nothing to either team but both sides were out to win tommy teller on the mound for acton was ouuucked and should haw pulled out win but hot one that just glanced off tommyte glove was tho break that won the game for the locals momahon was the thrower for george town and he was sure throwing them past the acton batten for while in the first two frames he struck out five batsmen teller ran into trouble in the second when the scoumen bunched three hits to shove across onu run acton was held scoreless until the sixth although they collected singles in the third fourth and fifth in the sixth two singles and two errors sent two runs over the plate for acton to put them one up the lead was shortlived however the local boys came in and also shoved across cou of counters beaumont gnt frt wa tuhnn tin bm hit hyn pitched ball then chaplin filed out to terry walters then drove one through the box that tiiould have been perfect double play but it just hit the end of tellers glove and before the ball could be recovered both runncn wtrc safe tuck then sacrificed both run ners around and luddall then won the gome for georgetown when he drove hot one down tho third babe line to score both runners acton didnt even threaten in the seventh and were retired in order no umpire showed up for the gam so butt morton of anton and nathan silver of georgetown were the oftlclab tn charge the box score follows acton ab bf po terry if 15 walters 2b molozxlc 2b hbllowmy lb waterhouse lb waterhouse cf anderson waterhouse tyler rf morton 3t telfer gibbous news of acton and the district judging field crops mr knopp of gait woe in this vicinity an monday scoring tho nclds of banner oats entered in the standing picldorain competition held under tho auspices of tho department of agriculture in conjunction with acton pall pair election officer fcedxo james houston of tmllton who few wcclai ago was appointed lie turning officer for 3falton county in tho coming federal election has resigned on tho ad vice of hli doctor mr houston re cently suffered ktroke his successor will be uppointed within week presentation to retiring pastor rev and mrs poole and fceoree honored by congrega tion on eve of their removal r4r riiilo vinr rl arm wljlo walking along uw edge of the highway on wcdnalay last mm wm smltli peel street unfortunately fell and sustained fracture of tlte right arm between the wrist and elbow tluj mishap occurrvd when mm sim th slop ped in poet halo that luul been un filled and was overgrown with grosd and umiotlced prlends will wish mn smltli prompt recovery and all regret her misfortune accidents ii tannery pn monday two workmen suffered in juried wldla at work ut uio plant of beardmore leathers limited uiat liave incapacitated them for work mr james dobblc luul his left uiumb badly crush ed in uie rolling machine he was oper ating it id badly smashed up to the llrst joint donald swauston full while liaiiglng ieauicr in the dry loft and re ceived injuries to his back ad side which have been very painful but he lias been able to resume work both accidents occurred about the same time and in uie tame deportment of the plant 29 18 10 batted for walters hi the sixth georgetown bitcbie fyfrmahon wardc beaumont lb cha if walters rf scott rf tuck cf suddall 2b juuhie 3b 10 lq 11 24 720 holloway out on foul bunt on last strike summary welu won 43 in mercantile sofiball fixture played on monday night uw beardmore welters dufeatcd the jones boyd 43 the gome was cloue for uie entire seven innings with morton and weaver pitching ulr tight boll allowing live and she bits re bpcctlvely morton was uie big hitter with two out of uirca while lallottln left field for tluj welters made nice hocstrtrigcauliwiuithc tlclng run on third to tend the gome the teams welters woods 2b huffman lb fclllol tn ftmortonrtr wrwbodsrc pwil hams cf mooney ss killlek as ttydrr rf baylui 3b mogcdchle 3b jones boys jones weaver spired lb clifford 2b holloway aa buchanan 3b morton rf cook if mackle cf umpires winters and mcnabb tha galbralui ueunla the galbralth clan of owr one hun on monday evening members of the congregation of the united church lu acton and of tho young peoples society assembled in tho church to honor itcv and mrs poohi and george who left yesterday afternoon for tho new charge at slidgcway por eight years itcv mr soolc had been the beloved pastor of this congregation and nhard in the joys and sorrows of the flock mr poole as memento woe on this occasion presented with handsome cosy chair by mr motavlsh and tho following presentation address was read by mr beswlck to itcv clarence oie dear prlcnd and brother kindly and mutual uhsocialioiis always bring regret when it is neces sarily broken hence we mem ber and friends of your parish in tho united church acton fcol sorry now tlmt the time has come to bruak tics which lwvo so strongly bound us in spiritual and friendly fellow ship it is natural also to wish to show appreciation for faithful fg uiy tt suui tangtnig etoleii bases chaplin struck out byfdred members held llu sevenui annual re wcmahon 10 hit by pitcher by me union at waterloo park on july 20th mshon anderson by ivlfr beaumont riiey came from ohio wlndcoi saerlhcj hits walunj mcmuhon tuck ciiauworui toronto stratford bruj left on base acton georgetown hamilton oakvllle milton georee bflufrlrs ivlfrr nnd ajulrmsnn mtnwn clftylaou 9lrtnlk erbiantg mahon and ward bcore by tnulnga acton georgetown it ii 000 003 02 010 002 nots the diamond in brampton might be bd to pluy on but the one in george town takes tecond place und is not wry far behind the playing held of tho mower town the nruia just on the outskirts of the infield is urrible and the base natlu look aj if uiey havent bcen dragced or fixed up thk year nice lookini mud puddle around bmujiwi bii pweiiui kit ttf lyoi kxealing some nus cutting and weed pulling should be done before the next name it not fit dlumund for playoff game wcmuhon illtchtd very nice game and rung up ten trlkeouui tvlfer kuo worked very wll and uiould havj pulled out win with any kind or clouting behind him gvoructouii would have been credited wltli another lasi terry had lut of uork to do in the outlteld willi live putouts to hli credit putting tluriii anywhere near mint ii just like putting them down well lie certainly coveru lot of ground it will be noted uiat bob anderson the catcher and tcunu morton at tlutd base arc credited with no put uuu continued irccn face hve thing lichee we hope tliat uic gift offered wit uus hi adding little to your pliyslcal comfort may re call happy memories of your pastor ate in acton tight years of faithful service to onu congregatlouisuo task we believe you have given us in yoqr sermons and uddrees your work of organ ixallohtlnyour per sonal asuiciation und counsel hi your visits to our homes in tlmou of sor row and joy in your various efforts for the betterment of tlas commun ity the best you know and we ixonor you for it wo want you to feel and know tlmt you go from the church and uie community not only with uie hajuriy respect but also with the deep love of our people signed for ouj congregation c3i23tkit matt31hws heoordhlg steward duncan mctavtbir clerk of session in replying mr poole recalled how eight years ago lie luul come to tho cliaree at acton that was new to him now lie was going to another field look ing forward to doing cnthuuastic work in tlmt sphere he asked for bev mr morrow who will coon take charge iwarty cooperation hi uie work he was deeply appreciative of the kindly token he hoped tliat during ills ao journ in acton some benefit would accrue for uie advancement or the church andcommhnlty on behalf of uie young peopus society mr jj stewart read the pre sentation address and mr grcnvllle masaltti presented george wiui trtiv tehingbrusjraut itbv poole who left acton tliitj week artcr ministry of eight years hi uw united cliurcli to become ihistor of uic church at ilidgeway street lighting plans completed secretary to arrankc conference with local commishion re kardintf rebate of itates at uie meetingvof acton public utlll ues coram ljlon on lriday uvening commlvnloiur arnold chairman khig und iteevo ii harrison were prrumt tlie secretary was by motion in structed to pay thb following accounbi hydro biariinent mccutcbwon express 583 hydro power commission juno power 312730 tylers tranport express 170 jos symwi estate supplies 72q can general electric supplies 31 95 jos it kearney corp supplies 32 45 sangamo co ltd supplies 3600 highway garage repairs to truck 3195 northern electric co supplies 360 underwood elliott plshcr ltd repairs 2320 eilbl as howard iuppllcs 1401 mcdonald electric ltd nunpllcs 120 king convention expenses 4000 the double funeral 334757 acton all ready for the big three days of celebration town in holiday decoration ready lo welcome all the humccomem arcijeinjr distributed and point to splendid features for all the days with cood weather should make record more prizes for the calithumpian parade on mortday acton is in gnla nttiro just now to be absolutely correct uo should say half drusedup colored ughut illumlnuto the street and all the poiu along mill and main streets arc cticauxl in ceduji there are welcome slffiui out and soma ilugs but the next day or so will sec completion of the holiday preparation we aro about ready for uio big three days and granted good wcauier it looks as if time waci to bo provided uiat will long be remembered tlie twentyfour poge programs arc completed and irfaiico through thrm lt pretty convincing of uio preparations being well in liand 11 program for uw big community ilrvice on sunday evening is printed and ready for uili of john ip hoberimin and lug itenticr who led ho suddenly wuu tlie kiiuierlng at the home and sym pauituc followinlf of friends who assem bled at st jojajpha church and filled tho edifice und uie street about on dear george tile time lias come when as an arganbiauon of young people wo liave to say goodbye to you through uuj years we hav known you we liave lourned umt your quall ucu as meiiiher and officer of uiln department of our beloved church have byen excellent and you have always used them to uio full in uie furthering of uie interest of our oreorihmuon we ft el tliat we arte losing ono whose tlaco will be liard to nil yet while these dfrpartxireq mtkt luippen wlrkle man quelph and walton uporv arriving ut uie park uley were received by the reception committee in charge of mrs thomas douglwrty the jounfivst child present was master ken galbralui milton and the oldest pertum was mm dan machen walton tlie fallowing uere elected for 1030 presld cntthomas oulbralui reelected pirt vicepresident allan oalbrulth hamil ton secretary mlsa doreen cliamber laln treasurer leslie streetsvllle it as duclded to hold uie next reunion at wutprloo park on july 4th 1030 drownltli namruwly averted lisjtahnle wlue tluughter of mr und mrs whlliim wlk uould have lud her life in ui salrllnif uaten of the credit iilvur bmoy the lurge dam ul the provincial iuper company mill at ttrorgtioun if it lud not bten for david cnliihtuns prompt action in colnu tn hit ajt tance it is believed althouh uuiki jiulimiut in smoother water annie uus iinuble to cotuhat tlu current and had none down for the third time her sister ellxabeui who way accom panying her hurried after crcighton vvho had nit been swimming ut uu dam witlwut delay the nlnetwnycit old lad hurried to uie ticciie und dived into uic whirlpool fully clouied after fceviral dives crcltflitoii buecvoded hi locating uic ghl john crawford hi charge of jirttt aid for uio paper com pany performed artificial rtulruuoi wd mud vfylus revived before medical 4d could arrive every little hue uiere is alwuys someone who will benefit uirough them we are certain uiat you will continue jour activities in uic church to which you are gulng and we shall be watching to ece how ou are progiusslng around our little toun you will be miucd for the friends you have made herj are many will you please accept uils little gift uui our hope uiat jour future 111 be brinht nnd miccvufuh call in und swmjj sometime slimed on behalf of actun united church ynung people stkwaiit liatjita jolrrfetvn john nicol gcorcc piled cxprtv hit hli uppro crintlon or the renipnibrunce und tho hope that uny little bit he had been uile to do hud been of benefit to someone mr pooih hose home has ulwaj been in arton tpokv 1th deep fceltnf in the eparatlnn of ties from tho lioiuu loan and promised umtr she would re turn often to visit biuf aildritwus were also given by lume ilurrison vjmii ii ilid brown kennedy suwurt kerr and mks bnnett social irutliering with llglitluiicli was iwrved by the ladles and with mr and mrs ptvule and grorge uurrouudud by their friends of tlw church life und work uie hymn ood be wlui you uu we meet amdu was uuj closing liymti aild prayer of uiooe huemblcd mornlngcore some testimony to uie fueling and sympiithy uiat was felt for those who had suffered tragically when mr llobcrtson luid betn killed by bolt of lightning few days previously mr uobertson was in his fortyfir year and was born in trafalgar town ship for fifteen years he liad resided on uio farm just at uie outskfrut of acton on the second line solemn tvqulem mass wan held at st josephs church at ten oclock conduct ed by uev pr mcbrlde interment was made in uie holy scpulchrc cemu tery in hamilton tlie pallbearers uvrc messrs jos plynn lome mullin robert wal lace it davidson george somer vllle wm bracken and uie flowerbear messru duncan waldlc duncan mcdougall lawrence gibbons nnd geo euiou ploral tributes and nnuxi cards bore testimony to uje genera esteem in whlsli mr llobcrtson was held by uie country side included in the floral offerings were from uie following family acton agricultural society cook bros tor onto and pred hunt my and mrs lanu and family mr and mrs george somervllle brac ken family and mr and mrs wal king isobeue and bay grace and lloyd mranumrs mulhn andjfamily members of council and clerk of es quesing council mr and mm webster nd family mr andijrs george iryr mury stewart and harry mrs symoh and mac waterworks bepartment neptunekutional melij ltd suppllfa jh320 pererr werj present on behalf of uuj cclcbruuon committee to arrume for uw speclnl ulfhtlng by motion flat rate charge for the instullauon and service was arranged 50 tlie funeral of uic laui reginald pen ner was held in uio afternoon knox church failed to be sufficiently large to accommodate uic attendance of uioso who desired to show uielr sympathy by being present the young man had neluier klui nor kin in this land and it seemed uie endeavor of all to in eomo way make up this mining link the father and mother and tuo slstcra reside in somerset england beg came to canada when fourteen years of age the lervut was caiulucchl iutft paitor bev ii bennle who opukc tvnder uords and mr black dlsrlct up preventative of the dr banmrdo home abji jiald tribute tlie pallbearers were chums of uie nclglibarhood meusra prank mamhail jim sayers suwart lantz howard web ster wllfivd waldle and bob parkinson the iloaerbearer were moro friend mejn roy and artliur mckeown ernie pucker liirl siiyern and jack smallmun interment aiu made in 1ulrvlew oem tliy acton arrangements were made rejjardinj stove installation wlui consumers and dealt rii chairman king gave an outline or uic convention attended at blgwin inn anouier under for uie construcuon of foundation for the workshop on willow street wac received and filed until uw work is undertaken it was arranged to hold special meeting to confer wlui mr mason on this matter arrangements were made with mr holloway to act as temporary secretary during uie holldayu or mlw ii speight ttie secretary was requested to make arrangements for conference with uie ontario commission regordlng uie rebate of rate to be held if possible on prlday august th in reply to jetber from the uie metre service in uie building vas reduced and uie service cluirge made to correspond the secretary was instructed to ad vertlu uie new prices on electric lamps thai now prevailed it was also decided to continue the electric range campaign until september 1st event there are couple of changes umt liave been necessary thu ball game on saturday ultcrnoon will bo betwcti milton and acton the monday ganio will be senior ladles softball ono truelph lcafbttci vs brampton nhie biulds will take part in tho big bund tattoo on saturday evening they will parade from queen and yountf mftyrtyfrmrtrwttttntmnntitttpfrsr uesl1e reunion held atwoodsiock onsalurday ticnie itaocd and nicer chotien foe vmulnx year souuudde park woodstock was uia scene of very happy gauierlrig on saturday july 27ui when about 125 members of uw lesllfl clan met for uiejr idxth reunlon at one oclock all aat down to tables laden with good uilngs and at the con clusion of uie meal uie business meeting was held with uie first vlccjpresident mr leslie ingersoll in uie chair the following officers were elected for uic next reunlon to be held in two years president mr lslle ingtirsou 1st vlcepretddent mr hoy leslie hwftiwui iialton and pkkl old tim kits tiathrr in brandon manitoba in sulb amuol lvent mr and mr uaxll truve200 mllcb to attend about idghty oldtimers and their friends from peel und llulton countlm onlirlo guthered at ciirnin park bmn don munltobi on wednuduy july lobi 113 und enjoyed their tlxth anniul bajtet picnic at four oclock mayor cater or brandon nave aii official wel come on behuir of the city und invited tho vbjtors to bring their picnics to jtmndou every year where hearty avleome would be lven by the clthvna of brandon mr john bowles post pruhldcnt of joxq askhilauon rpllwl to uie address of welcome and uutfikd muyor cater for the use of uui park rro concluded on paso freight secretarynmd treasurer xlr lloyd leslie georgetown bev chas lwjic corinth gave ft short uddres mentioning those who luive died since uie last reunlon who were mr joel leslie acton pre sident of the lost ruunton mr ilobeit luslu norvul mr wm leslli shiloh and mr ircderlck stewart corinth twominute alienee was ob served in uielr honor spkmdid program of races etc was then enjoyed by nil mr luilc klntore bcv leslie corinth und mr ot st cauiarlnc ere in churue of uie sports picnic supper us served ut six oclock members tof the clan were present from crunbrook port ile tor onto hamilton st cifuuirhies oeorj toun korvil acton jftockuood auelpn aj liner iiiftersoll tliuitn jord corinth zlmuiu klntore und dorchester blueuteu sgndy was learning to play uie bag plpeif one night wliile ho was ntnlt ting ubout thu room skirling for all he wiu worui his wife utujmpuxl mild protest ilmts an awfu noueyre mokhig she uuld saiidy sat down und look off boou uicil got up ulwi resumed hid piping in his stocklnvthl feet progrum pour of uie baricfci patucliatlng arc prize whinurs georgetown luis won at both uie tl and uio wuterloo musical pesuval pcrguu cltlxcns band and pergus pijyland wcro both win ners in uie waterloo contest and the giwlph bugle bund also won uiere to make uie calithumpian parade more uttracuve additional prbus arc being offered there will be tuo clown bands and the parade will assemble in uie purk and go by way or knox and bower avenues to uie down mill street to main street and up church street to guelph street and uien down mill street again to uio park it looks lis if traffic could juut cease for uie hours of uio parade tlie motoilst who ujuawks his horn to clear lano will never be hcank just word about uie oumr parade routes the saturday parade will go from uie park to church street and guelph streets mill and main streets and knox avenue tlie sunday evening parade of all the local organizations in uie town and dis trict will form up at the bowling groan and proceed by way of mill and main streets and knox avenue to uie pork these are just few of uie highlights and items not previously announced everybodys busy very busy the paint bruihes are working ovcrume but it will he dry bofore the big days ewryone everyplace uys welcome may tho weather be fair various interesting items of news acuviile at tennis court in the tennis gomes last week be tween acton and brampton on uic courts liere the visitors won tonight grand volley club vkilts acton for scries of ganuv on august tth uio acton club boes to georgetown uic following week august 17ui acton goes to miltorftand on august 23rd brampton will visit acton fait at llama ltuji jvcrious ben lit many friends will regret to hora that mm amou mason luul uie misfortune on monday to sustain fruclure of uio right limb and is now in the general hospital ut guelph while preparing for holiday trip to sundrldgo eho fell on the floor at her home on bower avrmiernmmnftomc mirnnritw of uie edltoftson convention weekly newspaper ml from brlluh coiiimhu ttf newfound bmd cod vetted hi torooh tot thre bays last week in common wlui upwards of two hun dred editors and uielr wives uie editor of tut pukx jpafcsii and mm dills at tended uie sixteenth annual conven tion of the canadian weekly newspapers association held in toronto lost thurs day prlday arid saturday and likewise in common wlui all uiesc ue liave wished to rost up ever iince it was busy time there woe plenty of food for uiought in the addresses boui as to the work of uulding weekly journal and in envsr fnlnmpnt nnd rttrlujplny wti were not able to rwich toronto for the thursday morning session uhlch included uic opening by premdent adam sellar or hunthigdon quebec uddreslea of welcome by pivmler mitchell hep burn and mayor james simpson ap pointment of committed and discus sion regarding advertising regulauons we landed ut the lioyul york just in time for the noon luncheon aler the luncheon the feature was the presenta tion of the ncwsjuiper awarcb to uie papers adjudged best in uielr elates the northern news or klrklund lake on uie mason trophy for papeni of over 000 circulation the icewmarket bra won the clurk trojihy for thot of 1000 to 2000 clrciuiition upd uiu grand lvirk gtikeue the huuh savage shield for pupeiu of under 1000 circulation my wynn of york tan prisentxl the milsoii trophy to mr charles tres adder or uie northern news tile ilarrle examiner nnd uie cornunll pree holder uere placed serond and third in this doss the clark trophy was presiited by mr bruce isxiien of slnicoe to editor hebb of the newmarket kru other newspuiwnt named hi order by mr piurce were tlie cowlchan leader of duucutr 11 tu aotom 1snti lsixis and uie llstowel banner the elm ira signet and uio cobourg world uiewolf vllk arcadian and uie port credit newi and uie comox argud and uie lachute watchman ttiomus love of uie orahd poixi goactte received uie hugh tkivmgo slilcld oontlmied an pago mt bones of the right limb were broken above uic ankle priends whih for her speedy convalescence and regret uw mishap caht be hero tin luyt peai editor liad note thvi week from john agnew from hartney man who expressed regret uiat he can not get home for uic rcunlon all wo can say is uiat were juat as sorry as jock li because we dont know of any one who enjoys uiem more and lt would not surprise us meet him hero yet knowing his fondness of joke ho wanui to be remembered to all uie old boya and girls and especially to bill storey he says ho will bg watchhiff for uie account in tub phbb pbxss boy injured ut hay loader ut oriou becoming tangled in an automauc hay loader attaclicd to wagon drawn by team of horses on uie farm of his uncle lawrence gear near orton walter gmlui aged 10 of toronto is in seri ous condluon in lord dufferha hospital at orongevllle tlie boy was running behind uie machine watching it pick up the hay when he got caught on uome of the prongs and before uie team could be stopped iw had travelled the full distance of uie loader about 20 feet and dumped wlui uie liay into uio wagon he was cut from head to foot andcovcred with brulsctl two year more foe oar obi knife eoundguilw bytiwtrt vrk on charge of having weapon offenslvo wulard mclllch ontario ho formatory inmate at guelph was sen tenced to two years in kingston peni tentiary melllcii who conducted his own defence was said by crown wit nesses to have produced knife and uttered uireaui against reformatory guards when ordered to leave dormi tory and return to his cell tho knlfo was taken from uic prisoner after brush with guardu jla has been under an order for doportauon to uio united states since 1031 mclllch repeated tho statements he made at his preumlnary hearing some weeks ago to uio effect majority of tlie reformatory inmate carried knives officials said only few tearmtera uho required them in uielr work carried knives dublin insutule mecuti the dublin womens institute held their monthly meeting at the homo of mlj emily young on thursday july lath ut 30 with the president mri modomiall in uio chair tho meeting opened by sinning from the iang sheet followed by all repeating the lords prui er in unlon the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved the roll cull was answered by book have recently enjoyed donation of two dollar was given to the acton luir board some articles lire ulib being made the mbject uus education with mrs wank convener mrp prank then took uie chair und the fol lowing program wus given mrs web ster poke for two mlnuui on the motto success lit but your best to uie best of your ubillty chorus by six little milk mulds paper by mrn prank ntltled the teacher the parent and the child mrs brownlow gave de monstration on chlldvj school lunch paper by mra hobwruon enutled an ear for music an eye for picture mind for booku and hobby uiero are all asts to happhtesn mrtj prank tendered vote of uauiks to tlie hostess and all uiate wlio took part hi uio pro gram to make it auccecut tho mecung closed wlui uus national anuiera lunch was served and bochu time spent

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