Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 1 Aug 1935, p. 2

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the acton free press nrcmanay atjoobt it iis fnmiahad bur thuadny at alton ontario ualud stalaa sc additional simla ou and ri adoraaaaa ahould nddxaaa ia aannaaled cancellationswo bu thai oo acrfbera lriatnot to ha their aobcrlnton totortpi to cua kntlall ralt belor ainlralton whuc ub ennttooa fll not crrfod in to an vt nerikd nku nn ootlnad to cancel aaanmo sould made by reiiatered letter mooer orfct or cheqno advertising batxslonl nouooc per lino far inacrtioa to por uno for ooch aubeeqneat ineertlon yzairilru inaartto ii block lot upni nor una rtmloril noticea ooolllrin or coro toiatrciiooo och coocortr ntertajnnent chnrcb nociety or oaennjeation oiectlnoo etc loc per line aalnl iclv5csorta ol roottlnw hold udlt laenrted boo in acborlom notice oc end tec rr line extra for birth kerruie end dcoth noticea free small adeertuemcnta por word minimum charae eeebllf booked rsol 0u0 oc eatra when oppucotloar ore eddreeeed to thu one dlnlnr edrertielnl roto ar according to apace cootroctod lor altnooih eaerr precaution will bo taken to erold error tho free preee accept edertleue column on tho nnderetandlne that it will not bo liable lor any orror in ony edrertieement publiebed hereunder unle prool oi ooch advertisement requested in writing by tho edrertleer and returned to the free pros buinea otnee duly alined by tbo edrcrtlier and with och error ot corroctiooa plainly noted la writing thereon and in that cane if any error ao noted la not corrected by the free free ita liability ahall not oaceed inch proportion ol the entlte coat ol men advertisement as the apace occupied by the noted error bear to the whole apace occupied by auch adrcrtlaetncnt arlop dills editor mi th xillorlal and sesldei aineai ufflcrrr welcome home the next few days will see many come back to visit in the old homo during the celebration days there is no need to ask citizens to extend royal welcome we are sure the visitors will meet it on every day the decorated streets will extend warm welcome the friendly handshake will impress the sincerity of the welcome we arc all going to have glorious reunion let us hope the weatherman favors the outing the program seems complete its now just among ourselves and the weatherman to spell success and another joyous reunion unmarred we hope by accidents and enjoyable to all acton welcomes the homecomers the free press joins in the welcome cooperative effort naturally the fpee press editor and staff were pleased that this journal was placed third in tho newspaper contest for papers of 1000 to 2000 cir culation it will only serve to stimulate our efforts to produce newspaper worthy of acton and the district any success attained has been due to co operative effort of staff correspondents readers and friends we extend our appreciation to all who have been contributory in any way and we hope for continuance of this assistance we apologize to cx wardcn amos mason for the use of his word co operative so often but like him we believe it to be one of the words full of great meaning another guarantee echo announcement was made last week to tho rate payers of burlington that tho water commission of that town would rcquiro 3704338 to complete the new plant that of course is news in burlington and not altogether welcome we presume but quito usual on public expenditure the news indeed will be interesting throughout tho county of halton in view of the fact that the county council last ycar guaranteed waterworks bonds of burlington to the extent of 120000 or so the present deficit of tho southern town may therefore bo of deep concern to all tho county county council meets today in milton we do not know whether this matter will be considered at tho meeting or not burlington will necessarily havo to sell an additional 38000 worth of debentures surely tho county council will not if asked guarantee the issue of more deben tures for this utility in one municipality but tho precedent has been established and if burlington has difficulty in the money markets it is only to be expected that assistance might be sought it could readily be seen that the last was not heard or this mhimntcc when thr mnttir was put tnrougtl cfturtctr last year but certainly the assurancesgiven atthat time hardly predicted the present position of affairs unique government the elections in prince edward island have prov en rather unusual and naturally quite joy to those of liberulleaiiings in political viows there is however great danger inn goyernmentso composed without opposition there is danger of reck that is liable to develop unless those return ed with such strong following have strong hand and keen sense of duty and justice to all government without opposition is something new the eyes of many will be upon it to watch its con duct when placed in this unique position it has no opposition to its plans and therefore to do its best work constructive criticism will need to be develop ed and maintained within its own ranks its sessions will be rather unique procedure and seemingly un necessary its conduct of public business will be the subject only of powerless outside criticism its life and usefulness will depend entirely on its own record fnirnpss nnrl jnaire nll nf line views which it may not hoar expressed in the sessions but which will be heard from at another polling date collectively newspaper convention speakers seem to be im bued with tt great desire to impress upon the editors assembled sense of their responsibility the op portunity seemed to be seized on by one and all and such is not unusual nt other conventions attend ed to tell these editors of weekly newspapers how they can wield an influence in their communities thit collecuvelyprnetimedwillbelargelyinstrumentiil in bringing about all the reforms necessary to tli salvation of the dominion it is well that most of those so addressed do not take their sense of im portance too seriously and temper the addresses with allowance for the human failncs or those who guide the destinies of iheso newspapers true the editor can play his part in the advancement of his com munity and the consequent general improvement but just us editors collectively can be or importance in the dominion so can editors he of assistance in the community only collectively with the assistance of all the other individuals of the community work ing with them in common cooperatively after all the advancement und progress of tlieworld depends on us all as individuals and our acceptance or some responsibility no matter what that smull part may be sprap last week while listening to an address by col frank chappell of the public relations department of general motors we were struck by his statement of the few years of usefulness of the nice shiny motor cars that are now the pride of their owners in seven years they will be scrap perhaps sqoner if not driven carefully then we recalled trip of the previous afternoon over the niagara district there was the old electric line that on former visit of earlier years had been the means of getting from queenston to the fallsnow just scrap the new welland canalhas replaced the old wellnnd canal and left lot of scrap huge factory that had been the scene of industrial activity of some magni tude had signs posted warning against trespassing and was just scrap perhaps in few years these cars the roads we travel and the buildings we con struct will likewise be just scrap there is tendency to rather look with contempt on the scrap of today but will not those who follow have the same oppor tunity in later years to look nlso with contempt on the scrap that we of the present day leave behind we like to think about scrap it represents the energy and thought of many minds some of it was useful for many years some of it soon reached the scrap heap these inanimate scraps are lot like human lives tbrroritairnores the worst part of vacation is the effort neces sary to get back to work after the holiday time is over alberta has 234 candidates contesting 03 seats and the election date set for august 22nd the dis appointed ones ore at least going to be in the mnjorjty newspaper heading says that women will help farmers with crop which is about the oldest thk 8undat school lesson for sunday august josiah kcxloious rupokmeai golden text thou shall worship the lord thy ood and 311m only shalt thou serve malt 10 lesson text klnas 22 123 so vcrscu printed klnes 22 23 133 2123 study ilso dcut 13 lime c39c21 11 place jeru salem kxpojuoii godly voting klnr mojutssch began to reign over tho kingdom ot judah at an early wu oad reigned badly joaloh began yy reign over tho same kingdom at still carliic ugo and reigned well woo to thee land when thy king is child wrorj tho wise man ec 10 16 and taken as general leuincinlo this kl true lwt joslah was an exception to tho rulo and to tho application ot tho general prin ciple what tho earlier influences were which led joslah to follow totally different line of conduct than that pur sued by his wicked lather and grand father wo axe not told but lurthr on in life it was the discovery ot tho longlost law ot god that ted to the larger reformation in tho kingdom tho whole account ot josiahs life and reign oil recorded in kings chs 22 23 should bo read the prophets jeremiah and zephanlah flourished in josiahs tlmo jur zeph doubt less they and especially jeremiah had large influence over the king of low of jeldalls kings is it recorded that they did that which was right in the cms or tho lord cf cli 17 29 but it kl so written of joslah very likely thy king jijijhjijsmf xarfrom right in uie news but might sliame some ol the on to ottawa enthusiasts another week and the election date as yet not announced and no additional political parties in the field the campaign can scarcely be said to be warming up mayof simpson of toionto in his appeal to other cities on the relief mntters met with rather cool reception possibly indicative of the civic re ception he will be accorded next election day approval seems quitegeneral on the action of premier hepburn in shaking up the single unem ployed man to rcnliation that his relief assistance is over too much sympathy has over softened some until the desire for work has been lost last week the veterans or the north west kebel lion thoke are were left assembled in re union in toronto they met in the city at the same time as the weekly newspapets association and were guests on the same boat trip to view toronto harbor the uniouncemunt that liquor profits of tlit pro vince are creased by half million is really nothinj for any considerable pride the only bright spot is that reduced operating costb are partly contubu tory and that reduction is shown in the consump tion of hard liquors tho lcadliigpolucanio the day but that mattered wot at all long tu what ho did was rltflit in the eyes of uj lord tt hectoring the house of thd lord at twtmty year of age ofcwluli tooic up rlyht heartily the worlc of religious reformation se wtfan with his oim city and nation hilt carried on hki work into muiiueh enhralm eimeon und nuphtalf ileaeldah carried lib work of reform into enhrlam and manasscr chronicle 30 10 11 31 hut joslah carrkid hln reformation even further and apparently more miccess fully cf klnjfij 23 1520 and did not return to jerusalem until he had llntihed hla work at twentysbe years of ofic jorlah undertook tlui restoration of the temple it was national undor taklnff and the eodly klnff had associ ated 1th him in the enuirprlsa the great hlah priest huklah and other not ed and devoted leaders the men did thct uork in the way that all who wofc for ood oufiht to do their work ifalth fully so faithfully indeed did thoy labor that there was no need of any rcckonhik wlnsr made 1th tlum kinj3 22 they did their work as unto the lord and not an eycccrvanla cr eph ni the poser of the word but the great ccnt in the life nnl tvltfn of josuijh us the rcdlscavcry of the law of the lord the manuscript was found hy illlah in the temple and presumably was the very one written by maws cf deut 31 2420 the supposition of the destructive critics thn the jioculkd law of moses was invented at tills time and that therewas no dis covery ofnaiiujuirlpuhluiortoexktlnir is without foundation in fact why tlmre arc fifteen places in uie old teii tament that mention the low of mosio and the book of mascs but this is the only occasion of uhlch it fci written tlwt the book of the law uma by the jiand of mosei presumably there were other copies of thti law extant in the land and probably joslah had teen such copies but had never read them with any lull ncji or care how the law of ood could become forgotten bbok will never be easily understood nevertheless the truth and fact remain that they iiau for rotum both jehovah and ills word but tthlrln the book of the law pas be8ilveung mikbok mix together three ounces of tin three ounces bbtmuua and alx ounces nwrcury and warm in small clean iron vessel or largo iron ladle paste the odgt of the glass with strip of paper prevent the mixture from running off during the process of auvcring thor oughly clean and warm tho glaas then pour small quantity of uio hot not boiling mixture on to it tilting tho glass first one way and then the other until the worn spots arc well cowred itetnovu tho liapcr uct tho glass asldo to dry und when qui to liard apply protective coat of pulnl to tho hack to liavo thu children sound and healthy is tho first euro of mothe they cannot bo healthy if troubled with worms use mother oravcs worm ex terminator tho lord in uie lrmca of all the people ilo covenanted to do thtre tilings to walk after tho loud to keep ills commandments and 111 testimonies and ills statutes no part of tho word was to bo neglected and furthermore he agreed to do this with all hkl heart and with all his soul there was to bo no halfway bushicas here to perform the words of tho covenant which are written in this book having first got right with ood himself ho cauuml tho wllolo of his people to get right also and tho hi habitants of jerusalem did according to the covenant of ojod as result of joclahv splendid return to the faith of his fathcrr the spiritual tono of his entire people was given new vibrancy there was everywhere renewed inter est hi the forms of worship instituted long before and in uie tilings for which they stood as fcmblem the writer of uie second book of kings says in jmnt dra wo surely thero wnt hnlden naovcrfronf tho days of the klngd of israel and judah but us in uie eighteenth year of king joslalil canadian oat mteeding activities fifty years ago failure to and var iety of wheat suited to canadian condi tional led to the introduction of pro gram of plant breeding which has bean carried on unceasingly ever since with rusulut that have made canadian grown wheat famous throughout the wovm an ouicr important field crop which la re ceiving tho attention of plant breed rfl is oats tho oat crop ranks second in total value among all field crops in can ada and makes up about 30 per cent ot uie total crop production wlui crop nf such national importance which being groun under widely different con dition of j11 and climate thero oro naturally many probkims which demand tho utunuun of the oat breeder in ills erf arts to ussul hi maintaining high ntundard of production and quality tho iomlrtion department of agri culture through the experimental larms system and uio dominion hust laboratory winnipeg has been for many years endeavoring to breed varletle reslstcnt to such diseases as stem rust crown rust and uio smuts tho oat im provement program includes uie develop ment of early high yielding disease resistant varlcucs suited to the various districts of uio country uie development of btronger ttrawvd varieties improve ment in uie quality and yield of uio standard sorts and uio description and class licatlon of varieties collccuon of more than 00 varieties of oats hosben introduced from foreign countries throughout uiu world and is being studied wlui tho hope of finding some uiat may bo adapted to canadian condi uons or may tuvuoss certain qua ilk uiat would make them useful for breed ing purposes wiix uk nkvkr ileaxln she why dont you like girls fttnrnvrfth7agedr sho illascd he yes bum hits and buuiuiat uxri im broke sound advice just listen io kolioggs ricfc krispics crcjdo in rnilk or cream so criap arj crunchy and their flavor is as inviting oa their sound kico krlspics are nourish ing and easy to digest an ideal hedtimo snack or for tho childrens sapper they invitd tcetful bleep at grocers everywhere in the mother gooee story package made hy kellogg in london ontario quality guaranteed cd it on to others and co hecan thu work of great reform shaphan play ld an important part in the reformation by reading gods word to joilah the flnt effect of uie reading of uie word of ood to the king was to waken wlth 1t him conviction or cln 10 ilavimi len convicted of sip by the word joslah jecki to know the will of jeho vah in those days the prophet of ded wai depended upon to discover and reveal uie mind or the lord 22 cf ix 10 15 sam icllir 22 17 ji 21 irrk 14 20 17 in this dljaiuuion it our prlvilifje to be dlnelly tuuijht by the spirit thrmih the word john 20 11 13 14 jniiii tuta 7jui rv i7tut7ju it uruth wiuh cuiiu upon jmlih in afi daj wii btcaiti thev failed til ki tin word of the loid 11ml did not di aft uhlrh wn wrltu in tu boolc of till tow mini iv ihc gnat heuvul in jc runalin and jmlih ha vim itunml the utll of howih and being convinced of the certainty oi ills word klni undertook the lmtiluon of that hi ulth all hll hear lie iwitan with the leadipi of the pnpl but he lelt mine of the railkundlll until mull und gr at weie to hear the word jot uli bvuan hbi reformation by turhlng tb whole peojli all the wor li of the book what alghtl king reading all the words of uie bonk of tli law of jehuvuh to his uicmbud people having aoualnt uie people with gads law us rjviuld in mls own word he that of ull kilude cowiiont before its canning time ouautv fruit jars doz 99c 113 153 glass jar tops dozen 20c zinc jar rings down 17c jar rubbers down 14c parowax packages 21 jelly ma kko pkg 14c xxx bltjad splii cocoanutmallowchocolate fingers 25c kelloggs or quaker cornflakes 7c kraft velveetaorchateau cheese 2p53briir25c aylmer campbells or libbys tomato juice 1001 tins 14c vinegar gallon 38c who mlad plculn spice lb 19c wkol mustard seed ox 5c powoalaa tumeric 2oz bm pklllng salt 50lb bag 45c llplonl tea lbrdpig27c mclrnf fruity punch fwyeol49c eaglet condtdted milk 15oa tin 18c halm baltd beans med tin 10c sliclv fly coils for 5c clover leaf sockeye red salmon 17c helmet cooked corned beef 19c new pack aylmer peas sieve no tins 21c crossed fish norwegian sardines ti 25c carroits staked tomatoes lbs for 13 potatoes 7v lbs oc okanges per doen lemons 25c for ioc bananas 25mu mill street phone t58 acton ontario

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