tbtosday voav ut wc the acton free press icr task to lore some one more dearly every day to nlp wandering cbud to find hia way to ponder oer ndble thought and pray and arnlie when evening falls tnla ls my task to follow truth aa blind men long lor light to do my heat from dawn of day tul night to keep heart fit tor hla holy sight this is my tusk twenty yeaks ago fkrom the iaane of the free prwu of thursday auxttai 5th 1915 mm thomas scott has kindly favored tin frx pxkss with the wrut4bikjuet of china aeters this season chief scott and secretary dr cojce are attending the convention of thu volunteer firemens association of on tario at thorold principal stewart received letter last week from resident of british cohunbli who bad heard of the success of acton school enquiring particulars as to en trance to the high school as he wishes to send his son here over 300 excursionists went to ouelph on thursday for the annual sunday school picnic of knox church held at riverside part pte fred williams was homo thkt week from niagara camp to aay good bye to hla friends here the brickwork of the sine new eben exer methodist church is hearing com pletion roland brownridgo was the victim of pai accident at lirampton when the horse lie was mounting swerved xn jumping to the ground lie twisted 111 died sinclair in eaqucslng on thursday july 37th 1915 ilachacl sinclair be loved wife of ouburt sinclair aged 73 years august home seoieh at mattlfc leap 8tamum pltomisks action the august homo aland of the tor onto baseball club at tho maple lttif stadium on fleet street in toronto will cither make or brvak tile maplo leafs chanced of securing brth hi the in ternational league playoft seruj thut takes place immediately uftcr thu regular playing schedule syracuse chiefs with an improved club and line pitching etaif open the august berlca wlul two games at til fleet street utadlum on civic holiday afternoon monday august th nlgnt game will be played with tho chiefs on tuesday august 3th single guwea uro scheduled for wedntsduy auguit 7ui and another night contest an thursday evening august 8th chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the free frew by gwendoline clae time waawnen first came home that thought it would bo no joy to mo to sit out hi the garden because it was not bit like what liad plannud and hoped it would bo whvn was work ing among the shrubs and perennials last year and in tho spring week after week would think maybe next wcirk biiuii bo up and can buy somo bed ding plants and put snapdragons hero ruin las there and oh yes some nico tines too for the uttlo mimmlng blrdu delight hi tho lovely perfume of tho nlcotlncl but wwck after week went by and tho bedding plants in tho nurseries and stores were being sold and transplanted in their various permanent homen whllu hi my borders tho weeds grew apace with what time she had to spare daughter started weeding and trans planted octcr arid comos seedlings but what chance hod one pair of hands against tho rapid growth of multiple weeds anyway guess she got dis couraged because after while there were more weeds than flowers and although had my chair or toy cot in the garden it was not to admire the flowers but enjoy the cool breeze but presently began to realize that my garden was lovely thing foollth mo to think that was big enough to make or mar garden my first enlightenment wou after sun set one lovely evening when heard daughter cal mother mother toronto and baltimore staged great series hi toronto during the july wrksi with the leafs winning three out of four gained one of these games wont eleven innings under the floodlights bs fore tho luufs wuro succeiful balti more rcturiw in august for short threegame series packixl into two daytj tho first contiit wltli this penantcon tendlng crew from uuj state of mary landwlll bo night contest on friday august oth with two games billed us doubleheader on saturdpy afternoon august 10 til newark beard follow baltimore into the maple leaf stadium with blngie gamed scheduled on monday august 12th ttmsday august 13th both night coatxu wednesday august 14th will most likely be day game with tho scried concluding under the floodlights on thursday august 15th the bears are much better club thnn their showing this post month when they ran into dumsterous losing titreak they have always given the leafs plenty of trouble and thki august scries will 02 quickly and quietly roun to the front garden look cried daughter tiny hum ming bird oh no my dear thats not hum mgig bird its night moth no it isnt ive buen wutchlng it and can see its beak the little creature was fluttering round aome phlox and didnt mind our getting cloti to it ut nil and sure enough it wail bird with uttlo hod not more than an inch long and mostly brown in color we provided yoad mwil for the mosquitoes whlla we watch cd tho humming bird until at lait it flew away and wai lost among the alfalfa bloom tiw next afternoon had my chair under the trees and in front of me wai wild honeysuckle bush with its bright or an we color berries noticed quite chattering in the trees around me but did not pay much attention to it until to my surpruw four birds with tufted heads hew down to tho honeysuckle bush almost held my breath for fear they would fly nway attain becauw as juwatohcd them closer could cec they uvre cedar wax wines bird not very often seen at cloc quarters had the glasses with mo and woo amazed to find the waxwlng can make his tufted poll move up and down as easily ac bono can move his ears onu minute lie had tuft and the next i1l1 head was an fdeek as narrow since tlien have watched for them every afternoon and not once have been dkmppolnted they do not usually appear until after three oclock presumably birds luke an after noon nap but any time altar three would hear their funny little bird call tsts on every aide and they fly about from tree to tree as if wanting to make sure that nil tnelr brothers and sisters huitbands and wlws are assembled and ready to take part in the feast and then all at once anywhere from four to dozen blriki will swoop down to the honeysuckle at exactly the name spot as if they uere all determined to captutc one particular berry they are very interesting to watch and notice their tuft goes up when they appear to 1h listening and down when they are buay feeding about six oclock whoever is responsible for u1l1 pink tea in the waxwlng community begins to round up tw keen avenge uie four straight vic tories claimed by toronto in their mid summer meeting breathing space immediately after breakfast juit tit still for mutter of ten minutes or so before plunging into tlic days activi ties this makes all the difference be tween being uorn out and frejui ut five oclock in the afternoon during the morning dunt say havent moment to upaiv sit down and have cup of tea or cotfee at eleven oclock you will coon ulth your work ulth reneved vigor whtii truuutnu if jou can snue time 10 into the refrtih merit room nnj have fivu mluull jlll and mme thing tu eat und drink wlun jhopplu dont tear from one ihop to another ulthout puiihlnt 10 that ut the uid of the div you are done up ami ready only lor bed when reading bonk pause every now und thvn unci think over what you have been reading till ill rent the tyes and make the uuolc more enjoy able the ciiuxhens party when chooelng games for the party it is vise to remember that children lace what is familiar to them if the chil dren insist on old games the hostess shouldfnpt introduce new ones unless they are likely to bo popular and easily understood ooodlcs that arc ltablo to upset tho digestion of tho little oncu are best avoided aa the party cannot bo con sidered success if it is attended by 111 cffecti cakes madoby the hostess her self should predominate furniture that is uublu to cuumj ac cidents during games uliould bo removed from uie room in which tho games aro to be played bokturoua games should bo avoldud just before the party is duo to break up us these tend to chill tho children when they get into the cool ir atmosphere pbogiixssivi ifo why do you call mo tugrbny slio because every time you call you make uttlo progress what never itops to eat or drink never goes to bed or sleeps never rests and yut la never tired is too fast lor some and too blow for others time reddening sky going threateningly to bed like huge apoplectic ogro anil somehow wo think of shelleys clouds sublime on uie towers of my skloy bowers lightning my pllolt sits in cavern under is fettered uie thun der it struggles and howu at fits so you now dont you that really have got beautiful garden nouilng can take away the glorious view tho aftifccuted ali or ban the lavclg slats diary by boss feabqcxl frlday ranae pelt says he uent bclcavo in stomants enny more becua ho went over to aa hki girl last week mltc and felt sure ho watt going to win her hand but lnstcd of winning her band ho got her olo mans ft satcrday well jake soya uils ole saying about finding ncadlo in hay stack is all tho bunk bvcus this after noon when wo was out acrot u10 crick purylng on mr fudges hay stack jake found 11 neadle he ct on it sunday eb neff was looking ut the cullender tod 11 and ho sed it cum out just like ho xpvkikted laber iuy cunv on tmunday ugen uils yr ho ted he noticed ita 1000 unie und it all ways rums 011 munday munday currio flatz told ma today rho wofl going to scllabrate her twenty 0u1 beruiday tomorra ia says if alio keeps on gutting yutig like uiat tho iidcim pulkr where he wlrks at is going to half to print peace about her crlsson lng tcubday fvumy irultt wltcli docs the warslihig for ma told ant emmy today uiat she thoht mebby alio was going to get proposle of marrygti before long bccuk her boy frend went jit blacked her eye last nlto while ho was calling oq her wander why tho bcause of it wcnsday fa went to u10 tcsteralit for dinner today and eat bole of mock tirtle soup and ant emmy ast him liuw did he like it and ifa rcplycd and on scrred uiat ho cuddent sec uiat it was onliy better uian jvnulno tirtle soup thlrsday clem meff tryed to borry 10 bill frum pa today and pa eed it tucnii funny uiat man who has cars wood bo so liord up and clem sod well if you ever have cam you will no wliat it la to be rllly hard up little blrd1 thut are bo interesting to watch isnt it strange uiat some of utu uilngs thut give tho greatest ploi mrc we can never posscna somewhere have read thbi ipiendld advice given in jiat few words if uw ouuook isnt good try uie up lookl keep cool kitchen remove all callouses and en large egyptian liniment wonderful remedy weix named teacher tfarry can you tell me what classical music is harry yes maam ita any kind feller cant whistle tools necessaby gentleman can you go into any business more profitable uian begging beggar well sir id like to open bank but havent got u10 tools what do you thinkt he you are always wishing for what you havent got she well tvfaat cite can ono wbh for the reason neighbor why did you send your son to tliu air tlurco father bccau ho was no earthly good arrow nig coach to faro kitchener 75 stratford 140 london 245 windsor 545 detroit 545 chicago 805 leave acton at 135 standard timo to faro toronto 05 oshawa 180 peterboro 430 kingston 545 ottawa 745 montreal 020 leave acton at 530 standard timo fkequent service during the day central ontario bus lines limited ii avilbsphqne 58 time tables nadian at acton going kaaa dally except sunday 1007 am dally except sunday 013 pm sunday only 734 pm the chicago filer uiat passes through litre at 031 teastbound stops at georgetown ut 040 bolbg west dally except sunday 865 jn dally except sunday 23 pjn dally excopt sunday 704 pm sunday only u08 am sunday only 1128 pm standaiid tlale arrow bjs schedule effective may 5th 1935 leave westbound 045 ta 121 tn 215 11s ttv olfi lun 415 1u5 stanxa11d ttmk leave eastbound 530 to 810 dally except munday 1u0 ta 210 llo ta 00 300 itinkitauiks 1jinne1 to aix loints in canada united states mexico consult local agent wbces restatjrantfc central ontario bus lines toronto what could he ahtiple on lot morning lliun getting ibreukfubt of kclloggu com flakes cool crisp be licjouh keady in an inwlunt evexlmwly loves kehogg and tlioy perfect food for liot dayfl broukf ubi luucli or supper li lit nouhaluiig enny to dlgeul cuicktsr hinges at dinner hilly una served with the wtntr of chtclceii 11m uruuuled man fully lth it for little and then guvij vp mummy lie sold picks may have another piece thu id all hliigiri nm iciiuws jie nirn rothn tonmakt branch or uie highest tree and from thin vantagu point fienda out ono clear call after another until away over the fields the hlrdj come hurrying swoop ing and circling in their flight and then flit baclcwnnli and forwards from one nearby tree to unother but always wlih in mght and sound of the master of ceremonies one afternoon there appeared coun terattraction to the waxwlng in iii form of green niul hllle humming bird und didnt know uhlch one uanud to look ut mat anouier time tlvre ciuiu bright gietii hunuulntt bird much lirger than the othtts hud ien in fact it looked more like oung love jbird this little thlnit wm ery hmd or pi hlng on trtt after tlullerinii iwimd for quite ionic tlnil in front ui thu lloaer it aould fly uuuy aiil ptieli on the erl end of an appletree bough where not one in hundred uould rur notice it bt ciuv lt pluiu ue dlended in perfectly ulth tin rnlluf of the apple tree another thing can we from my carden is imvt glorlou iunsetr ill mndi of suiiu koiiiltimv4 qult piucerurhkllm inlhilwiiwt pl1 tlnl mein jitit the kind of jun et lllutriite urouuluub line now the iulel colored tiid of evening imlut mueji und mile like that line dont yon like to think of the iini going doan smiling goodnighl iliuii we have the ktormy iunwt dark cjoudu rolling up wltli an angry kellogge lorn takes the worlds largestselling ready to eat cereal made extraeribp by an xeluive kellogg process and kept oveufresli and ituvorperfeet bytlle putentcd iteaimealntl waxtitk inner lag yusiul on kellotfgs for genuine value quality guaranteed made liy kellogg hi london ontario tfmtygt for comfort dont be sold advertising buy it beware of clever advertising and free circulation mediums were iwo of the lkoints made by morgan eastman vicepresident meconnell baxter eastman ltd toronto at the rogersmajestic national convention of retail radio dealers recently when you advertise you are not desirous of securing praise for the advertising itself but orders for the merchandise jou advartee said the speaker eliminate cleverness and instil sincerity into your advertising by the use of simple straightfonvard language dont smirk and dont strain for dignity tho purpose of advertising is identical with that of selling and you arc perfectly entitled to demand sales results from your advertising criticize your own advertising and lite advertising we do for you but criticize intelligently docs the copy incorporate the real sales argumcutdocs the headline arrest attention docs uie artwork moke the merchandise more desirable is the layout legib and does it tell its jnessage in natural sequence tpatterson ro specialist in eye ewnnuuku orihopua treatment prtaoripuoa 108 wyndtum bl kaxt to xjooim piiowe 103 qttailty aocurmy srie savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelpil ontario ii wjmdtmin mi llliluml4ukllillllillillilllllkllilliliullllllillillallmiaila be perriistent in your advertising few salmen make 11 sale on tlicir flrst call repetition uiid reiteration are two cisentials in all advertising you must call again and again until you strike the opportune time when the prospect is ready to buy dont be sold advertising buy it dont liave yourself placed on sucker list for every special edition every program every hither and yon publication that some flybynight promot er gets youtaunderwritivapuhli with fre circulation may safely be said to have no real value as an advertising medium your message must lie placed in medium tliat carries reader interest which willbring your message to the attention of the reader if were in your place spending my own money would most certainly invest the entire budget in two forms of advertising only window displays and your local newspaper and would appropriate suuicieut money to do real advertising job advertising properly applied wont cost you one tent because it must lower your selling 5readi youtt nhnled nailer mtu ba road ton occaliiom your tulltmjnea ltl ilbt yut tha klory af youi lujlii inu rdabl cosih and your llxed overhead more than enouglilpabsorb the money you invest in advertising your nonadvertising competitor pays in ichs volume increased selling costs in creased cost of overhead in relation to sales and loss of profit the ttoirfreepiiess ovenfresh flavorperfect subscription for all magazines taken at tha free preaa otbea