Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 1

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uul sixtyfirst year no fc acion ontakmo thursday august 2tji ijm5 kijht iomcprint rages fivo cents various interesting items of news fell in barn thane sanders of ii na rock wood buffered severe leg cut when fell aomo distance in barn on his farm the wound required several stitches to cloae and he was taken to st josephs hospital in guelph for treatment rev and mrs easter remorln to west rev easter who has been pastor of ftf and georgetown baptist con sresatlons tor the past fifteen months has resigned his pastorate and accepted call to york ton sask rev and mm kaster have made many friends during their residence here and while their removal is regretted all join in wishing them health and happiness in their new home they texpectto leave on sep tember 16th family gathering family katherinff was heldal the hpme of mr and mrs wm lands borough on sunday afternoon when tile following were present mr and mm irank wicked mr and mm edwin tandeborough misses dorothy and margaret messrs jack landsborough kvansahdo last of aaltr mfg jameg lmidjiljur joyce of grand valley mr and mn fred babpock mka eunice and miss ouve patterson or milton and mr and mn edwin landsborough vera jcah and ronnie of ouelph befarmalory frisooer steal cloihln before leaving prancl ooebcl 17 windsor serving term of and 13 monuis for robbery was sought by police throughout western ontario following his escape from ulo ontario reformatory working as trusty around the institution grounds oocbcl broke into the liomcof george roberts head gurdener at uio reforma tory and stole juuntity of clothing and jewellery before making his jjhli way ho was seen uioruy after his escape jumping into ulurge blue sedan bearing tui american license number and is believed to liuve been whisked oh hi the direction of uio border kaaurweya xnsiltale tie regular monthly meeting of uie nassogawcyu womens institute was held in the township hull on wednesday afternoon augus 21 the meeting opened by singing uiu huutuu oder followed wlui tlie lords prayer in uni son the roll call was ponded to by the many uses of common salt tho members of the acton and dublin brunches uvre guests and gave varied and interesting program tlie cake naming contest conducted by mrs oamblc acton was very interesting miss somcrville receiving imt prise tihi meeting closed by singing uie national ahuwm after which sociable half hour was spent truck driver not blamed coroners jury at brampton cleared rlciuird johnston listowel truckdrlver of blame in tlio death of constabi tcwman wutt of court street 6tatloi toronto who died following an accident on uie centre road souui or brampton on august 8th joiinston uas driving truck wlilch struck im automobile driven by watt failure of constable wlllui godber ako of court street station to appear and give evidence was commented upon by crown attorney davis godber was wltli wutt at tlic time of uie fatality and escaped wltli brukes and xhrvlf mv navli salt mlbpocna had on the bowling green aclan and georgetown and acton and muton flayed mixed toornamenu social time ako feature lost thursday evening mixed rinks of acton and georgetown bowlers played tournament at thegreen here it procd news of acton and the district ficijukcd at home of col beardmore members of thr executive ntalf of uiu splendid evening of sport and during action and toronto offices of beardmnre uic evening refrraliments were served leathers ltd were entertained at by the acton lad irs tjjc following is the result of tha karnes dr ptarens and buchanans rinks being the winners miss logon mrs mcdowell chii holm and dr fearcn wins plus 20 mrs ford burtonh frascr buchanan wins plusd the following are the skips of the other rinks and their scores ii cleavo plus lo mcdowell plus lo mr lluico plus 10 mcdonald plus 10 it elliott plus lo baylies plus lo wood plus mr kennedy plus lasby plus sweeney plus harrison and gibbons losses each on tuesday evening group of mlltoa bowlers played friendly jitney with acton bowlers fiftysix bowfcrs par ticipated in uie games and splendid ta veiling wau enjoyed refreshments were served by tho ladles during tile games the rink skipped by sweeney won first and that of xl elliott second these rinkrs were as follows ftfciw sweeney two winn plus 2l ralph mrs robinson burton and if elliott two wins plus 19 the scores of the other rinks follow buchanan two wind plus 14 lasby two wins plus mcdonald two wins plus macifeb one win pluu 10 watson one win plus wood one win plus hemsuvct one win plus mr dawon one win rinks skipped messrs white blalu robin son aild teller had two losses picnic at utouew home of col ol bcordmore ut monohslrlsoii saturday afternoon moat enjoyable time was spent at tills new tummcr home of col bcardmorc bnlldinr frocreasln well work advancing wvll on tile hew symon block tho basement is com pleted and cemented tho plumbing and electric wiring liave been roughed in tlic partitions and tho plasterers are how putting on the flrt coat of planter tho building adds greatly to actons busi ness section and sliould bo ready for occupancy wltliin month or so kainhliug aioul the sport field juvenile meet niagara valht litre on saturday guelph it team to ilay toronto entry various items of loeaf interest oij medallist lu fimklkiruueli of arlon won tiolil mji for cornrt soiu tody tol hulter broken lev baajhed into oarm path daslibig ucrov uie dundos highway bito tho patli of car in clioine of dlghu cooksvllle cecil woodward fouryeuroki imii of mr and mrs geo woodward sununervllle on saturday sulfercd severe fracture of tlie right leg olgglndauiimpled to avoid the rhlldby drlvlm tn of tile 103rd birthoay on sunday mnt arnoi vounr of balunafad will bfave ktcached thfcl advanced afce on sunday very few is given tlie privilege of attaining tlie age of one hundred yean but on sunday mrs agnes young of bulllnufad will observe licr 103rd birth day in splto of her years mrs younu has good health and all her fucultlej only slight falling of hearing is her incapacity from tlie passing years mrs young is native of uw district being daughter of the late john smith and born in chlnguaeousy township iler father came to tlie dominion from scotland and tlie church home of lounger days was the white church northwest of clieltenliam she can readily recall incidents of pioneer dnjs and fully enjoys life ut her advanced age for the past twelve yeas or so she has resided in bulilnafad with her daughters friends of tlie district wlll join in extending hearty birthday congratula tion on sunday september 1st when she marks tlic 103rd birthday been ciit to court street utatlon and been returned to brampton asked if any action would be taken against god bcr mr davis biid there was no proof of pergonal scrvlca of subpoena and tlie matter would drop the jury wauj unable to determine the exact causa of uio collision but was satisfied johntun was in no way to blame lrf aiolmiuuj when kkmtrding lrvclht train attempting to jump on the ulde of moving freight trahi at tho filth line west crowing of the main line of tho in toronto township ueit ot streetsville on sunday evening russet liuslur carter aged 30 of bramptan fell beneatli tlie wheels of the train un had ills rlttht leg torn off between ui decoiution service held on sunday when ordw foraded to fairvlcw and d4oralcd graved of uocfsfd brctbreu on sunday afternoon acton held 1u jinnual decoration service tlie orangemen paraded from their hall on willow street headed by acton citlxera band to fabvlew cemetery at tlie cemetery tlie grave of tlie fol lowing brethren were decorated 1l walker ii smith thou storey david storey dr ii coxe jaa hall duvld taylor wm mumuii jotmkn ney sr cook reg penner and robert mills tlie service was in charge of bro browne and rev ijaster gavo uio address tluree guelph ftocletics guelph guelph aild acton sxkuj took part hi tlie parade and tervlce mi decor ated uie graves of members of their orders wreath wus also placed on uio soldiers memorial as part of uie service ttitf kvknino maal olokdtkk cumpalgnuig in uie itate of lib op pomnt mv tuft had difficulty in ipeav iuiee and the ankle carter riding in ing iwcauw of interruptions und con mucutcr with cyrlll harrbon streets ntant heckling from the gallery vllle frank davis and james maihu 11 flnully cubbage was uiroai on the of brampton uiat said by wu companlaiu stuiic und rolld out near whero mr to hav tliouleil show you how tuft aoou lie looked ut the voublo get out wvst and jumping out of uie and then jwild th audleiice roadster mudd dash for uij side of ladl and gentlemen tw uuit on uw train he imped for the urub lroiw of my udinurus lias last his head on frclgnt cur but muived his urlp and fell to the trutk truhtc orflcer ily the hrltle of few uveks noticed that jlodgion brampton und provincial her husband was dvpivcd fnwt of uio car according to wluiesscs uw boy allowed two eastbound autos to go by before he crossed utu road into ulo paui of digglns who was driving west the lad wns taken to grace hospital toronto for treatment miq strecl to be feosuhaeed flans have been completed by reeve harrison and uie council for uie re surfacing or mill street wluiln uio next ucek or so the new plan calls for gutter to be constructed along each de of the street from john to main strccuj and uie surfacing of uve entire itrla on uie secuon from uie tracia to john street uio twentyfoot cecuon will be resurfaced tlie consent of the onuirlo deparunvnt of highways lius been wscured and uie cnure cost of uie twentyfoot section will be borne by the department rlnc uils roadway is pare of no highway this work has been badly needed und will make quite an improvement temperance forces to appeal temperance forces or perui huron and peel counties decided to retain roweil of toronto to fight the appeal of premier hepburn ugalrut the ruling or uie supreme court of canada which held uie canada tem perance act was in force in uiese coun tltu tlie decision uas made at meet ing of the execuuvc of temperance societies of the counties who also agreed to take other uteps with view to liavlng beer calc auuiorlucs in uicse counties cancelled rev xrwln secretary or uiu ontario temperance federatlua told uie meeuriff of recent interview with the premier wlien lio refused to cancel the authorities duncan campbell won at ottawa fair duncan campbell of moffat was among uie leaders in sharuiom prize winners at uie central canada exhibi tion held in ottawa animals owned by the moffat breeder captured prices in many clashes in compeuuon agauvt some of the dominions finest animals ills klnnellar mlntmaster was first year ling bull while double minstrel ranked second in uie class for bull two years and over klnnellar mlntmaster was re serve junior champion bull while dantrft mnrctrrt wart tvxxrvc isei usually liave column or two of base bull or ports for each week but this is an off week so its necejjuiry to ramblo around bit but perliups before wo bet through uiem will be enough to maka up for uie names uiat arent played juvkniij flayoff satuttbay wire reoeived ai noon today civcw noilce that acton will meet lacara falld lw on saturday afternoon and acton will to the faljbj on wednesday for uie return cakne herex chance to booifl the youncxterm they should havd fcood crowd on saturday there wus onouier call tor inouibatls this week it came from the george town ball club thu neighbor dropped out of uie league race jut week aflir acton gnve up uie ghost italum candidate selection of bluiw keith oil lbmlll of uu clut banc contit ut the canadian natlnul kxhlbltum in toronta toduy havr been celvid by thl ufturnoon jutt as fan selection of news items iiididutu for hulum county was kllng to nomii lion td lajt night by the ruling aociu executlve council 1189 voter in acton according uio volcm ibis com piled for uio dominion elccuons uiere uiu 11bu voteni qualified to cast their ballots in acton lolllng subdivision no liu1 2g2 voters no lias 383 voterw hus 3g0 voters and no has ifw voters xt is likely uiat tax polling bootiw will liuve to be opened to record uie vote in acton us only 300 voters ure allowed to thu subdivision and two of them have ovey uils nuinber hfr and mrk tl caltwt removed to brain pion mr imd mm hmejt coles and family removed thkt week to brampton where mr colts ii employed by the hewetsoj co their removal is very mucli ro gretted mr coles was cltbieii who took un active and km interest hi mnny community aifalm he was an otflcer of the und very acuvo in uie order he was secretary of the null filnh find wrmlmy of tllff tlie otiier night sporb coiumuitt in the royal city dully devoted cotisldcv able apace to recalling the ood times weve liad togcuier in hockey uiij baseball lit playbig agahist each other und holding our acton pluyeru hi guelph he even hopes guelph will bo in uui hockey group wiui uiese iaiiallerpluces its all right wlui us brother if uiats all the ambition you have but really it would aem that city that boasts populauon of over 20000 would hava ipunk enough to compete wlui gait kitchener and the like but then acton and georgetown and tho towns of 2000 seem to be abki to develop better material out of tenth oi uie population uiat guelph has hoy mon liae ye no ambition after winning uie trlcounty luague guelph peacocks arc matched to play toronto runncymcdo grads on lader day with two games in guelph good luck to joe kalne and his boys doun on the lakcfront the oakvllle boys won the lakcshorc leaaue cham pionship we dont like the told yuu so stuff but we uilnk we menuonid ar iwt ftbtlvb wori ii the baptist church acton regreli uielr removal und wish uiem every kucccmj in uie new home hi brampton the band concert lau nlfht residents of uio eotb end of acton appreciated the band concert given in uiut section of uie town lost night by acton cltixens band there was yood attendance and the property adjoining mr wallace lasby residence made wry suitable spot for uie event tlie program jlven under bandmaster mason was pleasing one it included number or novelty numberc which were enjoyed tlic program was as an nounced in last weeks fwtrputss tho band too appreciated the action of uie ladlci of this section of the community in serving them with lunch the event en pre mr chun lanhburoiigh of actoi pluyhig with the lurm lujlejt scotuah bund of georgetown wcu the winner of the gold medal for conirt solo playing in uiu test piece the trombone solot of the hanover bund was uio gold mrduuul for thl pluybig acton frleiilu coiigratulut charlie on his success and the whining of uils distinction he is also member of acton citizens band and roeclvcd ilk early cornet tuluon under uojidmilter amoa mason of acton benmsvillo bund war placed first in uib class with b9 polnu port colboriic mcond wlui bflj point hanover third with fl7j polnis georgetown fourth wlui 87 points oukvlllr flfui with b4 paints and bowmanvllle ijxui wlui point lioy scouts jamboree oukville seouu win at kouuiern on tario jamboree acton troop in fourth flace boy scout jamboree was held tit mlltonau ioui scouts on uin trnnls courts laut evening acton tennis club viilud in gforgrtoun mid won from uio nrlgh iwirs by uiree games to two next wwd heiday brnniplon tennis players will vblt acton court when good games aro anticipated card collided ntjghwtf go to thrcahlnc on foot bertakltttthd wilson sutton figured in motor accident at douglas mil hilliiburg last thursday when uie car driven by uie two collided at uie inter section at uio mul and 22nd sldcroad boui cars were damaged considerably und boui drivers escaped unlnjurod aiid proceeded togcuier on foot to neigh bors uireahlng uttcnuea from acton hflltoii mlmlco weston uaid oakvllle oukvul collected uie moit polixus hi variout scoutcroft compeuuons und was auard ed the jamboree trophy it is beau tifully mounted silver shield donated oy uie milton town council troop must win uie shield three timej to hold it pvr manenuy the fouowlng is summary of actons standing in uie various compeuuons bicycle race ibt jack vangoozen relay race 3rd individual knotting rucc 3rd jack vungooisen first aid competition ko entry report of mile hike ith tom wat son firemens race also ran judginc distance 1th jack vongooz canadult votary total 594h50j totul of g048503 cutiudlulls aro eligible to vote on october mui accord ing to tho compilation made by col thompson dominion franchuo commissioner lliut figure represents the general registration of voters on uio balc let most of the constituency hsls have been sent out to uie different parties each cundidutu nominated is rntltle 21 coolfs to mmltlitl joooop it seems was appreciated by oil auto driven by father kills two yeorold sou twoyearold boys eagerness to bo for ride ulth his father brought hu death lost night whun uie car knocked him tloati as it uoi being backed from the garage tlie boy murvln irvln mc nelce son of mr and mrs edward mcnelce ran out from side door ot tugorwar 3rd obstacle race 3rd oardon bllton water boiling content also boiled klins gmiw 2nd jack vangoozon sumullhig also signalled the muton scout committee are to oe conumtutalcd on uclr eiforl in staglhj new dutrlct donuty popular tl l3 nnl to b0 member or gudph ildjo and made of each of uiu lists the funeral of late james cootxey among friends from distance who attended uie funeral ot uie late james coonoy wore mr and mm aruiur cooney and famuy mr and mm wilson mm martin obrien mr and mn charles ward und mri williams all of toronto floral tributes included offerings from the acton fire brigade uie acton legion beardmore leathers employees mr and mrs gambia and mr and mrs fred anderson mr and mrs smethurst mls emma hawuiome guelph masons to honftr dktrlt deputy plan ore being completed in ouelpn by officers of uie guelph masonic league for reception and recognition ceremony for right womhlpful brouier finlay who war recently elected district deputy grand master of tha masonic lodge far wellington district that the team last year were young cha thcu houlc bthind thc cur hlfl father backed it out the drive mr mcnelce ho would be heard rrom uiio year and now uie battle shifts to take in tuo lake fronts and souuiampton and oakvllle play off we wlvn the haltnn representatives luck because we be lieve theyll need it when left golu smlui bears down providing hes kinr as good as when we saw him lobt year picked up his sons body and called physician tlic lad war rushed to st joseph hospital but succumbed to his lnjurlus before he was admitted tlie fnuier said he did not know his non wa thu juveniles have been just prac tising waiting for uielr call to go to bat in the first round of uie playoffs today uiey were notified uiat they will meet team from niagara falls in uie first came here on saturday and uie return match at niagara palls on wednesday lets all ret out and boast the juveniles along on saturday that rumor about meeung uitt guelph team amounted to nothing but rumor as so many things from uiat centre do attempted in uils district and tho en thusiasm displayed by boui spectators and scouts stamped it nr an outstand ing succes plans are already under way for next years jamboree and om uould not be surprised if uils annual do uould grow into uie giuatcst scour ing event in tho souuiern district milton are also to be congratulated on uielr fine scout troop they have near until he heard cry and climbed nbaut sllt smartly uniformed boys who out to investigate the boy is survived by tuo brothers and sister mr mc nelce is part credit hydro engineer and former councillor orflcer owens brampton invest gated hurriwwi davis and marshall were taken bi tlturge by traffic officer and driven to uie brampton jull whv uiey were examined und lodged tempor arily on nominal charge cururu con diuon on arrival at uie hopltul was considered mruua but not crlucul geruld dearest iho salil know someuilng troubling you und want you to tell me uhat it your worrlj ur not your uorruj now ukey are our worries oh very well he said weve jujt liad letter from girl in toew york and ijies hulitg us tut brvueh of promise champion and reserve grand cham pion in the cow classes duncan camp bells divide marengo 2nd was in ucoid place while matchless augusta was second in senior yearling heifers kln nellar broadhooles was uilrd senior heir calf bubliu institute tlie dublin womens institute hcid uielr august meeting at uie home or mrs ii wvhster with uie president mrs mcdougull in the chair tlie meeung opened by singing the insutule rally song followed by all relating the lords prayer in unlion roll call wus answered by an ontario industrv and lb headquarters an invitation frin nussaguueya branch uas received and accepted it is expected the district president mrs agnew will be pre sent at the october meeting letters of thank were read mrs near was convener nti ciumdian indutrlis ani the folloulng nigrum uas given read ing byair wauon valui of funn egg chorus by six school glrli paptr by mrs vungooh on thi minlllf indtlstry reading by mlvi young on summer ruddinth regurdlng our sum mer tourlst trade reading by mrs mclsaac on the industry or chewing gum community singing fouovwd am afur that nouvr fxhlbltlon vote or thanks was uiukml the hcuis for her luupltulity the meeting closed by singing the icuttonul anthem lameji wos urved und stieiul time spent trhhr there is yet plenty of activity rain is uie only thing uiat interferes with uiese games and visitors have been frequent both boulimt and tennis then for uio midseasons it looks as if the gymnasium and pro gram will be available for young middb aged and elderly tlie alterations ou the building are getting along nicely und at the next meeting program de tails will be on uie state with the na tional council oiflcluls and jumping into winter wo might even byouse around on prospects etc but uieil october 14th yet over munui uuuy und no one will want to lose their votv so of coun any strangj faces unit might huve un elfect on the hockey of next year uould not be seen njiul utter uie election pearcey allen oakvllle jflckuy star uas marrlfti in toronto recently thu di tulb of tho uildtng iui glvmi in thu oakvlllo lucortl fulud mention that on their return mr and mrs allen will reside on street in oak villi but uie oakvllle star supplied the hl fofmatloii that this popular couple will live in north toronto but us wo said before perhaps all moving will not be done unul after oe tobr hth und others like wurcey may only have shortterm lease on their pius nt home sleveiu club social night on tuesday evening uie local stevens club held social night at the legion hall tlie sneak cm were all local men and the meeting was in charge of pre sident browhlow mr reg finney in his address dwelt on uie nature and prospects of the reconstruction party and felt convinced that stevens would not fall in his promlsea he touched also on uie nauonal debt and tho present economic dktross and assured uio audi ence uiat there were no strings attached to uie new party mr plank dealt ucrc without iufc3ruan uie neatest ap pcorlng outfit at uie jamboree the most outstanding characteristic of tho muton scouta liowevcr is their flnj sense or courttty it was not only uiit they did everyuilng possible to oblige uie yilung scouts thattwas impressive but uiat they did it in such commend ible eenucmanly way tin acton troop will welcome another opportunity to co operate wiui our milton friends with uie reconstruction party in relation to agriculture mr barr gave guncral address on uie alms of the conitruction party and the work that needed accomplishment for uio welfare of tlic dominion dance was held foi lowing uie speeches and lunch jrved and splendid social time held ii nfordeti taki scat on trafalirar council william mbrden of oakvllle twlw warden of halton county and for 10 consecuuve years reeve of trafalgar townslilp came out of nine montlm retirement to accept the nomination as township councillor yesterday afternoon lie is elected by acclamation to fill tlic vacancy left by uie deaui of edward orrj formur warden of peel county and will serve ror the balance or the yen mr mordens record of 10 comacutlvi yeau in the reeves chair was outstand ing for thu fact that never once did lie ciimdnlgn und on at least two occasion he was on un extended trip ut the time at uitt otiiotloiu hli iooid of xjivlca includes well iui hti urms ujj reeve and county warden uireo years ai councillor and two an dputy ilieve ja wakibrook former reeve wus chair man or yiterdays meeting held in uu touilkhlp hall others uho siwku in cluded reeve victor hull deputy reaw norman glllwrt and councillors wllliji hull und luaty all spoke highly of their lute coworker orr an exlwuled ntrdlul welcome aa the in coming councillor gold froducuou increased canadas gold production in june reachvd record lieights when uie output amounted 205772 ounces compared ului 2g0230 in muyand 240270 in jun 1034 production during uie first six months of 1q35 totalled 1518177 ounces iui mereuie or ofj per cent over uie output in uie corresponding period of 1034 ontario tho leading goldproduc lng province contributed 105101 ounces or the june output quebecs production udvanced to 40050 ouncee from the may total or 3g1c0 production from british columbia sources rose to 31210 ounevs from the miiy output or 20050 mani toba und saskatchewan produrirs had an output or 13541 ounce as against 13053 in may alluvial gold productlo in the yukon during the monui amount ed to 4200 compared with 727 in may shipments from nova scotia to uie royal canadian mint amounted to 883 ouncv1 compared ulth 440 in the pre vious monui in addition to uio new gold received at the mint receipts of jewellery and scrap in june contained 4402 ounces of gold during uio mrrt half of the cununt year 24053 ounce of gold were contained in tho receipts or jewellery and scrap gold quotations in june averaged 35 05 per ounce canudlan funus und vulued at uils prlou the output was worth 10010300 the may uveruitu price wiut 434 040 per ounso and the compuud value of the nionuit output yjui 0400500 tiij1 cuiuokjk master tlie general purpaw compilt teo of hid organization has laid plarw lor gala night when the lodge opeas ror the fall term on tuesday septem ber oth the man who paid it may be uie woman who payn but albert westmorc clarkson youui paid twice in cooksvllle police court tuesday charged with causing his ahtomobilo to be driven reckltusly he was assessed tl5 and costs and lib license was suspended for 30 dayv then he paid 10 nnefor miss mary davis who was driving his car without permit the cliarges were lali rollowlng collision with car driven by clarence coo mlmlco in wliieh mm coo and their daughter were injured west more told the court uiat ho wus osleop in the car at uie time of uui crash hav ing worked all night mkji davis was driving at his request there will be two rjogeants at tlvo canadian nauonaj exhibition uilrf year aside altogeuier from tlw great grand stand presentation uiere will be caval cade magnificent spectacle in which the rlrlen of thf tnn will wi fminiu faith if1 curloik iuud injwml irlhman how tluwi little dlbease in mtb ar callid hi dilfereiit places in germany uiey call vm gemu in ihuli paiasltes und mlkerobcti spirited military chargers and hx uia authenuc costumes of tho long ago ttila striking novelty will bo held in connec tion with uie horse show in uw col iseum coming events viiumincctuenta of heeling coi or other events uuiur thli liiiu are charged io cent pr villi minimum charge fur auy iiuunccmciit of ajc sports divy at kdgewood park labor day september 2nd races oonuts dancing the legulnr biislnwii meeting of uio vomcni institute will be held at uio home of miss hawthorne on thurs day september 5th at 30 mldnlrbt kwlle sunley park trln monday septem ber 2nd 12 05 standard time dance la jark itumaiys orchestra ail mlsslon gvnts 50c ladlri 25c tux in cluded announcement is made this wek jf uw lvopetiing or lew grants wtudiod or duneing in acton tiiese were very liopulur lust year und uie full reopening lu irehuid we cull vm hturts ui thurmiuy next tup acro batic und ballroom dulichlg are featured

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