Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 29 Aug 1935, p. 5

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thursday auoust 2tb 1938 the acton free press paok nvm mr morton is holidaying with friends at orilua mtaa beatrice crlppa spent lost week with friends in kitchener mr burton wiggins of port colborne is holidaying at his bonm hero mrs chas landsboroiujh is spend ing few days thhj week in toronto xr kenney is violtlnff this week with relatives in rochester 7aia dorothy mcphcrson visited with relatives in toronto over the weekend mr and mrs morton vkdted over the weekend with friend hi bufxalo hi mr and mrs mosaics lorno earl visited last week in brace bridge mrs carnochon returned homo tills week after spending couple of weeks at godcrich miss evelyn and master tommy at kinson spent last week with their cousins at rock wood miss freda aiklnson has been visiting her grandparents in hamilton for the post two weeks misses margaret macdonnjd and mao ohlsholm spent last week on holiday at wosaga beach mrs john wood dora and warren visited this week at the homo of her mother in toronto mausrs james mcgeachle and gordon cook are holidaying this week with rfriendah lgo jack mtneb canadian natubaust to baod nondenominational church or chapel at ils bm sw at klxwwqle ontario irt mr cheyne of lakeland florida is visiting at the home of mrs speight this week mrs it ii buck and lois of owen sound are visiting ut the home of mr mann knox avcnuc mrs jolm mowat left last wuelc wlui miss jessie mowat on inotor trip through the eastern states miss lavcrne tlmltli resumed homo tills week uftcr spending holidays with irkmdu at mussclnuuis lake mr and mrs mcpiurson und master archto maphcrson of rockwood visited in toronto this week mr and mrs frank and chil dren spent several days with friends at lucknow chcsley and bauble beach miss mary macphcrson re turned tills week to wavcrly to after spending holidays at her home hero mr bob bruyns of ball island dutch eotit indies is visiting at uio homo of ills parents mr and mrs bruyns mr and mrs currlo and uttlo joajine who liavo becn liolldayhig at the home of mrs currles mother have returned to pembroke mr and mrs griffin bprowl wish to announce the ensagvunent of their eldest daughter ada alberta to william ttnlay eldest win of mr and mrs robt tfinlay of england the marriage to take place quietly in september to all christian jack miners out standing achievement at the jack min er bird sanctuary la that of having made the fowls of the oh to bo missionaries of the gospel thfe began in the year 1016 it was then that jack miner began catching wild geese togging each one caught with an aluminum band on its leg and liber ating them into freedom again those bonds bear upon one side jack miners post office address and upon the other some simple specially selected vtrse of scripture by this uuique method jack miner by no means religious fanatic but sincere believer in the teac of the master hatlcteomplished the almost unbelievable tens of thousands of wild fowl now carry such scripture messages far and wide over tills con tinent many such birds have been allot by indians and eskimos as far north mi the arctic circle and taken to the missionaries for interpretation of what god says this time through the missionaries jack mlnrr exchanged colored bible pictures far the tags rrom the birds so killed these togs ore forwarded to him and kept on dteplay at his home and bird sanctuary jock miner is poor man financially and is how seventy years of age his friends are trying to raise trust fund willi which to perpetuate his home and bird sanctuary sothat the conservation of bird life and scientific research wark along the line of natural history call still bo carried on there the tagging of the blrda and making missionaries of them has mode the place known all over uio world today ten of of people visit jack min ort hnm during uir pilgmtinn jnm at which times it is open to the public yet it lias always been that there was due day of the week upon whlchjuxoni might visit jack miner or lils sanctuary that was sunday jack miner believes in sunday observance and lias repeated ly said tliat he would prefer to see people going to tuimo church rather uian mak ing their way to his liome to tee how he uses tlie birds us missionaries very recently he visited the village built by mr henry ord at dearborn michigan thi as you may know is village of homes and stores built with an historical background on ua hill overlooking uio village is uttlo church wlwro man is employed dolly to play aacred music as jack miner emerged from lilting this chapel he was hcaid to remark to make my bird sanctuary complete should have church or clutpel where tho people wlu come to see mo can find somctlilng bigger place in which to worship and und god some men contribute money to mis sions for the purpose of building churchcln foreign countries hero is on opportunity for some man or woman of wealth to reach more people more directly and certainly with an equal power for good tlie opportunity to jack miners ambition realised to build little nandenominauanal church ut his bird mnctuary ut kllngsville on tario canada uttlftiox dear ffcn pbkos tho death as repwtcd in toi psess of rev johnston of the minnesota conference recalls an ac quaintanceship df over fifty yars be ginning up in the brick church com munity and also extended by some cor respondence in recent years on the ouit side from tunna reference in the chris tian advocate these frequently record ed passings of old time friends brines vividly tho fast approaching personal similar event in fact it is quite start ling to note tlie frequent offers of seat ing in crowded street car to one who suppose is apparently growing old another reminder of tlie past is your reference to the removal of the old paint shop from tho lane lead big to tiro speight wagon shop wliat chancy hi the trend of cvcnui since that building was erected but tlvo world moves onl the summer is swiftly moving on too period of immense and intense heat has suddenly riven way to coolness over tho moctln following fine serfes of sliowcrs not lightning cither tho flowcru are beginning to fade olthougn there are some splendid displays yet near neighbor on corner has obtain ed prize for garden display it being an artificial rock garden arrangement on on inclbio which liad bocu previously unattractive there lias been considerable cittc km in tlie doily press editorial and con tributed of the change of tlianksgiving day from monday to thursday in uio states where tlm idea first originated it always held on thursday and waa for many years also hi this country but good many years ago commtrclttl regulations regarding migratory birds travellers urged premier laurler to tr martlufl mcadow cluuigo to monday on account of tho nm or tmnihabi nut somk facts about jams jam is essentially fruit prarved by saturating all portions of the fruit with sugar syrup consistency and flavor ara important factors the ilnlslwd product should set firm but it should not bo tough and should bprvad raduy too much heating teiidu to impair tlie fruit jtlavor prolonfled boiling should lo avoided and there should bo no delay in coaling oif uio iuilslkd jam consistency depends largely on tho balancu bctueen pectin fruit acid and sugar investigations have shown that the amount and quality of pectin vary considerably in dlhvrrnt fruits hut that ull fruits reach their maximum pectin content at maturity the fruit should tlitreforo be picked uhen jilt ripe and should be uttd as ioon as possible is common practice in jam making to add commercial pectin this has the advantage of lessening tho time for bollbig necessary to obtain uood stt und particularly valuable for hioklhg jams from strawberries and raspberrlc wjilcli aro low in pectin tho role of fruit acids in jam making kt twofold tiiey are not only essential for tlu formation or good set but they help to ensure sufficient suyar inversion to prevent wuidlness from cane sugar crytttallliiatlan tlireo grades of jam are made in can ada crude or pure jam conslsiu of fruit and sugar only grades and may contain udikd fruit juice or pectin and permitted color and preservative provided tlatt tuiy added ingrtdltnu ire declared on uio label of the container corn syrup may also bo used in grade jamn if teclured chemistry pluys un important part in tho control of ui industry jtu vestlguuons hi tlio chemistry dlvadtui ut the cciitml idtperuiientul urm liave been of material value hi improving mcuiodrf of control symons hardware acton seus pure high test american wuter wliite cool oh no carton ho dirty wicks burns to tho but drop once used alwayv used dont bo fooled with cheap oils canada wsukiues gain large goinu ur featured in an ad vance report on uie fisheries of canadi issued hy uie dominion bureau of statis tics tlie production of tlie canadian ftshfrlei in 1034 ha ttal va of 34131071 this ilgure rprumthigntut value of tlie fish as marketed whether sold for consumpuon fresh or canned smoked drkd etc tlie total value shows an increase over 1033 of 0c25 025 oi 24 per cent on sin increoce over 1033 of 104003 or 31 pur cent the total quonuty of flsh of all kinds including shell fish cnurht and landld during the iear 1034 vas 0330860 cwt mid the value nt tlie point of landms mui 10715330 compared with catch of 0133572 cat und landed value of 10213044 in 1033 the three prm clnnl offlriilnordrr of valnp of production aiv salmon at 121757 lobfur 209754 und cod 33j7507 the salmon ilrjitry slms an lncreae in catch over 1033 by 240355 cut and un increase in marktud value of 11g011 salmon is mar ice ud chiefly canned tho lobstury fishercy belongs tntlnly to tlie atlanuc coast province prince kdunrd island nova scotia new bruiia uick and quebec canned lobster is th main system or production with total valuo in 1034 of3380c74 comnarld with the preceding yvar uie marketed value of tlie entire producuou of uie lobster industry uliowi anj increase or 745400 while reduction of 12024 cwt is houn in the catclu canadai fishing grounds are perhaps tin most extensive in the world on uie auanuc from grand marian to labrador the coast line not including the lerseer bays and indentations tnra uures 5000 miles the bay of fundy 0000 iquaiv mlus in extent uie gulf or qt lawrtnctf lully tciv times that nix and ouier ocean water comprlsni not lei uuui uooooo quar muw or ovir four hfuiti of uie ura of the iislilng grounds of uie north auunuc in uddluon uiero aro on uie auaiitlp seaboard 150od square mlluiof insliore waters control led entirely by uie oomhlloii llio ivclrlc coast of canada 71 bo miles lu lciigui und ti exceptionally well slkcl tered throughout uuf ulterior is series of lakes which togcuier ooittaiu txiutn utaul liolf of uio ireoh water un uio globe wmir rktnirrirnkprfmto it wascont plied wiul and in sliort time as remember tho church services were transferred generally to uie sunday making tlw day more of uimple holi day and longuiciimg tlio weekend tiius its distinctive slgnlficajice became largely last however note umt hon mr caium speaking for uie gowm ment dwells oh uils very fact and uiat not only on account of election inter ference but ulso hi its religious fignlfl cance uie cliange desirable many of yohr st albans church people who eluicr knew or heard of nov canon sluttford of this city will liave laarned wlui sorrow of his pass ing away at his old home in nova scotia where ho was trying to recover healui one of tlie oulitandtng figures hi tho anglican body lie was greatly beloved by ouier denominations and was fre queut speaker at various functions ha liad uirved uie sick and wounded over seas in uie war and since then lias been mveti more intensely helpful his efforts for human welfare his church larfco one on st cauierine street ki about opposite uia office or one or tins wikc patss former graduates uvc been up and down uie brock road many time and in campbcllvine good many times but never knew until uils weeks fskk paci uiat uie former was near uie latter dut dlstanceo may be quickly gotten over uitese days respectfully coleman montreal cupids uxjsy yeah cupid had busy year in canada dur ing 1034 according to government statis tics which chow tluit 73023 rnurrlati vcro performed tlie number of mar rlagrs solemnized in 1034 uoa uie larrest in uw past five years and represents un incrcam of 0150 or 14 per cent over 1033 figures of ulla total 33201 or less uian half took place in the cities and ouier urban ctntrta of 10000 popu lation or over more rctxnt flcures cov tring uch urban centres alone show tliat the marrlnge mje this year ulll bj eiui hichtr uian in 1934 for uie first five months of 1035 january to may mclusliv 21230 canadians stepped up to the altar as compared uiui 20700 in the same period of 1034 tho hauonal parks scrvlco of uio peportment of uio interior ottawa has just issued the rcgulauons regarding migratory birds fox uie current year nummary of uio regulations as uicy apply to ontario follows open seasons thicks accso brant ralls coots and wilsons or jacksnipe in uiat part of ontario lying north and west of uio french and mattawa luvcrs including uo district of manitoullnx gcptembet lui to november 30 ui boili dates hi elusive in uiat part of ontario lying souui of uio french and mattawa itlvers october 1st to november 30ui boui datos inclusive eider iucks north of tho quebec cochrane winnipeg lino of uio can adian national iluilwaytt september 15th to november 30th woodcock september 15ui to no vcmlxr 30ui closgp seasoks tlicro is closed scosqii uiroughuut tho year on wood thicks swans omncj curlotf willets oodwiss upland plover ulackbellled and ooldcu plover greater und leuucr ycllowlcgs avocets dowltcliers knotc oystercatcher plialnropcs sults surfbirds turn stones and all uio shore birds not pro vidtd with all open season hi above schedule thiru ki closed season tliroughout tho year on uio following nojigamo blrdtt auks auktots lilttcrns fulmers ganncts grebes guillemots gulls herons jaegers loons murres petrols puffins shearwatertf and terns and tlicro is closed eeason uirougtiout uio year on the following hisepuvorous birds bobolinks catbirds chickadees cuc koos flickers tflycatchcrtj grosbeaks jtatdietig lows swifu taliagers titmice thruuh cs vlreocs warbkrs waxwlugs whip poorwills woodjicckert and wrens and nil othfr pfiifihhi whlclijcctlcn tlrely or cliltrly hmects no peion shall kill hunt capluri injure take or molest any migratory name birds during tho closed season and no nerwn sliall tell expose for salu offer for unlc buy trade or traffic in any migratory gamo bird ut auy time migratory gome migratory insectivorous ing or moleiting of migratory inscctivor und migratory nongame blrcti is pro liibitcd the killing hunung capturing tak tho taking of uie ncsli or eggs of ous and migratory mongamo bhds tlielr nests or ogtfs is prohibited tin pojiession of migratory game birds killed during uie open season la allowed in ontario until march 31ct following open season bag limits iucks cxcluslvo of mergansers 15 geeo 1g brant 15 halls coots and gellinules 25 in uiu aggregate wllooni or jacknipe 25 woodcock and not more uian 125 woodcock or 150 ducks exclusive or mcrgansem in one season guns ano appliances tlie ue or automatic au toloading swivel or maclilne guns or battery or any gun larger uian number 10 gaugo is prohibited and uio use of any aero plane powerboat call boat wounded live birds as decoyu night light and ahootlng from any horsedrawn or motor vehicle is forbidden pvrsona using blinds or decoyu for hunting migratory garni birds arc urged to consult uio rcgulauons for details of the restrictions upon uili meuiod of limiting tlie shooting of migratory gume birds earlier uian sunrse or later than sunset is prohibited tlie penalty for violation of thu migra tory bird lauvi la line of not more than three hundred dollars and not less uian ten dollar or imprisonment for term not exceeding iax months or both flno and imprisonment trnrrntrrnm nou itettlnir married and eltuig up hoiut indicates possiblj better uian ony care fully prvparld indfx returning public confidence and improving economic con ditions in the dominion tlie purchase or hoiiehold furniture and equipment by the nuly married couples and uu number or uedding ptvsintti sliouered un thtni uceeleratcs uie machinery or in dustrial production and retail trade this is reflected in uie increases registered hi the domlnlonbureau or statistics report on uie changes in the value of retail salui during the popular weddlnj months particularly hi tlie furniture store reports oitlgin of litt woolsack tlie worshipful company of woolmen la peutlonlns uie court of aldoriiun for an increase or livery this city guild is or ancient foundation daung from the time when wool was uie utuplo industry of england tlie ljrd cluia cellors woolsack luutlf was budltuud lu qutwii victorias rvutii wlieii ati aot was pasied to prrvetit uie importation of foreign wool it was ttiought uiat tho prvncv of wool uvere would be re minder of uie commodity uiat was uio hia hi source of our national wealth tlw church of su mary woolchurch wldch liad been destroyed hi uie great rlro owed lu likune to uie filct uiat uioro beam in uio churchyard for weighing wool the muiulon ilouse partly ktauids on tho church alto men trust rather to their eves than to their ears the efftct of preeepta is therefore low and tedious uhile that cxumnlei aummnrj and effectual seneca gregory theatre htlday august 30th 1ue cow1joy miluok aiite your favorite western hero georj obrien tiunui the big town with uestern tactics com edy ballad of ivducah jau cartoon buddya adventure ficenlc city of touers chap ter or tlie law or the wild satuiuoay augwst 31st the helaleir clear courageous drama about man who dared tight hui wuy back starring ralph bellamy and karen morleyv comedy only uie bravi cartoon old dty tray ltox news monday kkltkmthuu sad mdjnm at 00 the ttlude ov pttankenstjiln during ul rilling chilling novel entertainment starring lloru kur lotf laurvl and hardy comedy lit for tat nowlty uttld ivoplo melody master will oaborne and band cominti westpoint ok the air fllftrrifl milnebtewant tcobinson stewart dpffs presbyterian church puslinch was uie setung of pretty and unusual wedding when catherine isabel and jean elizabeth daughters of mn stewart and uiu bite if stewart of morriston were married to alexander milne son of mr and mrs mlhie it it no bclwood and albert robinson of wll lams town son of mr and mrs itobbison of kxniptville tlie ceremony was conducted by uio ruv peter mathlo son of morriston and uio wedding music was played by mr william robinson brouwr of uio groom tlio choir of duffw cluifcli formed processional singing tho voice tliat breathed oer eden us it prvcoded uio wedding iiarty down tho akje tlie brldij re given in tnarrbigo by thilr brothi rs mr jack iltewart and mr kt iincth iltcwurt and looked charming hi similar gownt of whlbj chiffon thrlr veils of tullo were caught into caps by bantb of orange blossoms and uicy car ried shower bouquets of butterfly row lily of tho valley and maldcnliulr fern tlie brldwimaids wore miss plorcri co ktewiirt of toronto sister of uio brldrt and miss isobel nelson of pctcrboro tlirir irowni of chiffon were fashlonid alike miss stewart wore pink with bluvi accessories mid carried bouquet of bronze chryjuaiuicmumfi miss nelson wore grctn with mauve accessories and carried yellow chrysaiiuiemums mr all on milne was his brouiurs groomsman and mr mut sparks of kemptvllle attended mr robhison tlw ushem were mr campbell of saskl toon and mrjgeorge stewart brouier or ui brides fall reopening of the held at stewart lands home or ua brides mouier whrre mrs stewart received as sbited by the mothers of the grooms mr stewartaore gown of powder blllu prlntcd georgette wlui navy blue acces sories and cortmge of rosci mrs roblnon was gowned hi black and white trlplo sheer crepe with black accessories and coriaye of roen mrs milnes gown uas of black crepe with black oc ctssorkii she wore corsage or rosei or travelling mrs mllnu wore printed crepe dress and navy blue relngoto with accessorles of navy blue mrs robin wore navy crepe drcsi with quilted taffeta jacket and navy accessories both couplet left on motor trips after which mr und mrs milne will llvo at no bclwood and mr and mrs robin son in wllllamstown ontario lew grant studios ok dancing studio open kvery thursday thur sept 5th oinulsens classes to tap classes for adults kbpil ballboolir class for adults kn tap acrobatic and the newest in ballroom dancing parish hall acton tax notice1935 municipality of acton trftttb kotloeft toropgrhirwrthhnrt placo ot tho game this year as last andaxrtpayadlcrtn tu 6histalmcntatiiio public btllltkn commlikloii oificc fiitst instaijvient september 17ui secondtnstaxment novembeul9iii any ratepayer may pay uie whole of his taxes on or before september 17ui but one half the amount must bo paid on or before tliat date palluro to comply wlui this arrangement tntalls extra expenses and trouble an addition of four per cent will be made to every tax rate or assess mtnt rcmuinlnif unpaid fourteen dayr artcr the naid lvth day of september for the lirst lnatahiknt and the ioui day of november for uie fiecoid lrutalmcnt and it will be uie duty of uie collector immediately ufter us rald several dates appointed for paymem to collect at onoc by dlstrcs or ouierwtse under uie provuions of uie statute in uiat behalf all euch taxes or instalnunts or taxes wfcast take youit tax notict wltlt vow u1iks makifng myment mcpiiersqn couector dependable man is man who advertises nine times tout of ten you will find that the man who advertises is the man who most willingly returns your money if you are not satisfied he lias too much at stake to risk losing your trade or your confidence you can depend on him lie is not in business for loday or tomorrow only but for next year and ten years from next year he knows tlie value of goadwill you get better merchandise at fairer price than he could ever hopeto sell it if he did not have the larger volume of business that comes from legitimate advertising and goods that bear out the promise of the printed word dont miss the advertisements this very day they call your attention to values that tomorrow you will be sorry you overlooked don miss the advertisements

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