jililuavrs paoetx tut acton ihhh pkubs thursday august 29th 1s5 obth ode donttkb orthodontia and hiring thus outlined my puht my tth are gone no mom can demi roughly with northern spy to eftt at all is quite chore with porcelain round my oral floor sure is my bite woree than my bark and every night my aet park in bunkltol and slip downstairs with aching gums and stealthy tread in milk to maul bit of bread oh why did xm dentist seek to find my jaw with pus areek he whispered its pyogenes or streptococcus each of these could be your nnsih overnight and having thus outlined my plight he sunk syringe in my jaw with novocain obrlmmlng oer and said you tell me if it irks then promptly shot the blaafed work soon after fitted with denture sallied forth to meet adventure though when ahow my latest grin im sure no one 14 taken in thats why chew without camprosulon and have to order with discretion the slushier kinds of hash and stow slum gulllaii cusisrd niuah and goo then unrned be all by my crool fate have ortho done tycr ere tu too lnusl unscy crossloy menu hints kecipea cor new and novel dthesjboaehou ideas aa4 gesaeitts jr today and to moiulow can ue economically made together licrca an idea to tempt any thrifty housewife desserts for both today and tomorro may be made from ono aan of sweetened condtnujed milk by easy thortcut and economical recipe tlio two dcsacru can bo made in half an hour and hut in the refrigerator to dull fimivn rnv fl today pineapple cream for dinner to morrow ciieam leaoh cake 5i cup sweetened condciisetthlllk tablespoons lemon juleo vi teaspoon salt tw drops almond extract cups frejji peaches cruulvcd sponge cuke or sponge layerd likud together suvctcned condensed milk umon juice bait and almond ex tract btlr 4intll mixture thickens fold hi the crushed filling between the twa parts or sprmd bxitwcen sponge layer sprinkle top with powdered sugar serve with whipped cream tf dndrcd pineapple cream cup sweetened condensed milk cups murshmauowji cut in elghtlu before measuring cups cntdied plnmpple cup vttur cup finely clioppcd nut meats uletid thoroughly sweetened condeiuid milk finely cut morshmallowi cruhtd pineapple which lias been drained water and tintly chopped nut tnoahi chid in refriffertar for 12 hours or lonficr seirw in slurbei elise garnuh uith rrlrasrhjr cheme scnts 10 wismtr vbzpxre voa picnics scsw isapialiiy and summer pic illzi isv czuzzr impromptu depeai cc th iiir inin and hii verdict ci rili cr irr if its porch party you tizli zzzcihlrg icne with uw cold drinki xi lis picnic you need fcjccthu to satisfy tlie sweet tooth mi ire up tome chocolate walnut dai line on biking day and tuck theni awty in the cooky jar tiien if the cun comes cut at tlie last minute you are ahead uith preparations home from the world again out of all tjlecrhig 11am whure thercjtteluuht hut luvii bknded in the cheering shut the door and draw the blinds now the day fci fading can be myself awhile done with sordid trading home from the busy world out of all the lulling out of all the bittcrncs the lonk and anxious waiting home to hour the kettle sing and hear tlv children chatter home where there la none to ccom none to fawn and iltuter home from the crowded streeui out of all tho scheming home uiwrc no selfish strife ipouu our idle dreaming men in every market place are merely money changers shut the door and draw tlio blinds here there are no strangers tjioll fare to fight again day shall bring its battle thank the lord for night and home and the childrens prattle here drop my armor cold and enter mt clulncs home from the surging world and out of all tlie madnuss edgar guttit speight for baakel or splendid rod aslrachan apples on saturday mr john dennett woa badly hrutood when the lumo ho was driving bolted and he was thrown over tlio dashboard and dragged consider able dlstnoo another team owned oy dr preu man of georgetown injured tho man who was driving them when they be came frightened by train at tho crossing the white oaks of oakville were defeated in boll game hero by acton by score of 1513 and th aotun club still held tho championship of tho county no doubt you would all ilka to kn tho ball teams of 1085 so hero arc uko teams storey henry dillon white wilds kelly uomshaw marlatt and djo oukvlllc ward coty wardoll cornwall kelly wardcll tuck wil liams and duxzard the adfhlndcr has been brought to such perfection by tho varlouu kiuuiu facturvrs that they are now coming into very general uue on vrlday tlio min nesota chief watt used to cut held of oali on tlio farm of mr alex mann and did highly batufaclory work ol saturday the junior binder made by harrli son co of xlrantford cut field of ojuj on tlie farm of mr liobrt warren and did real good job hi spite of the fact that thu grain was lying fiat tlie jrmibltloii camp ut milton had drawn quite an attendance pcrliaps liad hotter explain to wimo of tlio young er folk uxat uils camp featured addives and sermons of character to encourage and help temperance workers hi their fight against tho llauor interests of courwj the scott act was the prohibitory measure of 85 liut must cease for this week strict uasjdy chocolate walnut dollars cups sifted cake flour teaspoons doubleacting baking powdvr tcafiioon salt teaspoon cinnamon cup softened butter or other shortening cup sugar egg sktjtitrtttt ni tt melud cup chopiied ualnut incata teaspoon vanilla lublespootia milk sift hour once meonure add baking pouder salt and cinnamon and fiift again combine butter sugar egg and chocolate beating thoroughly add nuts and vanilla add hour alteraudy with milk mixing uell place on waxed papjr and lhape in rolls lncluis in diameter roll each in waxed paper chill over night or until firm enough to slice cut hi inch sllcvu bake on ungreabid baking sheet in hot oven 400 degrtcfi fi minute makes dozen cookies certain morbid conditions must exist in uui ktomach and hiuituies to un couroue worms and they will exkit as long as these morbid conditions permit tlumi to to be rid of lliem and wpar uvo child suffering uiti minors worm powders they will correct uc dlgw tlve irreitulurltlus by destroying tlio worms coidltloju favorublo to worms will duappear und uie child will luiw no moru buffering from uiat cause aix auktl cholly you are not like oilier girls bens know uwtl ohouy you are higlicr purer bwewt mora benign know thatl cholry to himself uy jove uuy are ii ankol late august and cooler days remind me that another change of season is at hand com on the cob that folks my age have to take off tlie cob to ivally tnjoy is also anotlr pointer to tlio fall season and the times when corn roast used to be popular and still la and the fire doesnt feel ui bad on cool even ing periuips it was tlie lieason that made ine celsct the poem for tills week at any rate home is great place just now ive been following the elections with lot of interest as always siema oa if ue dont change our methods very much there arc the two old partleti who iuim to swing along always and tlie occasional upcropping of naw party to uvc the country its been that wav ever nlncc can remember and gucs long before that last yvar the teemed to be up at tlie peak arid thin year it lookii like race between the lucoimtructlonlfiu and the soclil credit believcn they nil seem to be good on promises but when power li secured it usually turn out that they an all bound by certain limits but aw bucks youll vote your way and ill vote mine und we may both uo wrong bllt ul ica net armed up that we my or do ufinuu to spoil frteniuhlpu so jiut let ua take peek for now at the thin is which inlvnitcd fifty yeara no and were told of in the local new of acton and district paring been will ioon be in order among our farm friends rev mctnvlsh af nawiaga weya luui received call from the pres bytery of paris tlie upend promised li 1100 with munuc and onu months holiday mesjro mann uircshed lait wedneiday for mr bradley of aeorgiiiown 031 bushels of wlicat in hours and 15 minuttts this la great record for single days tlireahlng plendld pit of gravel was found in the new land purchased for cemetery purikult mr xwcon of woodstock has lieen chojien by tlie county council public school inspector for hulton it riiuhtd five ballots by u10 council to make thu decision nop picking commenced on moiiday the crop not more than an average one in this vicinity the voters lut for iaa5 luu been prlntwl und is ui uie luuids of uie chirk there are jo male vours aiul ui laluxt on uie list 8tve oalbralui has turned up again in tho newttpupcr ranks he now proirletor of uie whigliam rliims tiits advocuuj is new journalist candidate for public favor in lrguil tlie statf at ti wkk hud dcalru io express tbvlr thanks to mrs john ataln io ha heard at falrwolern fair london to liavo muijo from rlvo dlffcnnl rand petcrtorauon of iresed poultry btudles concerning tho deterioration of dressed poultry by u10 division of uuclcrloluiry in cooperatjon with the loultry division of u10 central experi mental vurm liavo yielded nonnt lntir ewtlng facta over j70 birds utorod for llflerent periods up to weeks have been vxamhted to date and tho reauu but lea to the lmportanco of bacterial growth on u10 skin surfuco as factor in determining keeping quality undr pnicucal conditions u10 npollage orifatt laifts ari invariably pruacnt on tile ekln of frtxdily drcascd 4jlrd since these ran grow at storage temperatures there bt limit beyond which siollago cannot bo avoided at 30 degrees u10 max knumiatfu period is about wcoktf while ut 311 degrees it weelrf shorter fhli apidlcs only to blftli rccoivlig care ful and limitary treatment wlvro this hi neglected tho length of the period of safe storage may bu greatly kliortcned and hiay result in coilsiderablo financial uwui lrolxunf tolatoeri from injury ohservutiomi mndo on tlio dominion experimental purnuj havo demonstrated convincingly unit potatoes produced on wet land develop tender ikin and are more subject to injury when dug pota toes produced under tuch conditions therefore sliould bo handled very care fully while potatoes grown hi dry soil ore less liable to injury they nro often injured through tho fact uiat this typo of soil ti not carried over uw digger to compensate uils dbuul vantage when elevator diggers arc u3d sufficient soil uhould he taken up to prevent tho tubcra cojuliuf direct cuq ing parts of uie machine thojjj who milled the hand music at uie wcs tern pair in recent yeuw will le delighted to hear that uils oldtime popular innovation of uio london ex lilbltion has again bucome feature ahd five hands of tho district will give prolonged band concert on every day of tho pah tlie hands featured are elgin regiment band fit thomas forest boys band pctrolla cltbainv band middlesex light infantry hand strauiroy and fusllicn and veteraiu bandi of london speed evenlt always popular at lon don have further incenuvo uils year with tiki larkest purses ever offered by the western pair in every live stock department uieru is revival of interest junior gluts are given special uttenuon wiut mahr events including individual calf com pcutlong interclub competition cattle showmanship coiiipetiuon llvo btock judging competition etc womens and airls club have addluonal compeutlons and uw womens institutes exhibit and compotoltlon will play big part in 1035 kxliibitlon inside judging tho building few years ago of the ontario arena tlio last unit in small city of exhibluon buildings luui made it poiilblo for pruc ucally all the judging to be done in doors and at almost any ume of urn day interested visitors will find acuvily in uie tan bark ring and can sit in com fortable ringside coats that are pyra mided around uio arena it is here alo that the night horrc uventn arc held and tliui yeaf again uie lion allow will be held for four nights of the fair popular midway tlie uubln and cherry shows wlui uielr highly enter taming jidehaws cducauonnl many of them and their wide diversity or ride camej ugaln to london to provide tha mlduiiy the qrandstand performance is always fittnrn tji nti miyt ut the fraknuy pfayxlclah tile good doc tor lsolways worlhlij fee but it is not ulwuys pajlblc to get doctor just when you want him in such cojas common ciue suiiresls the use of re liable home remedies such as dr thomas kcleclric oil which is won derfully effective in casing inflammatory pains and healing cuts scratches bruuta and ipralnsi tlie presence of this remedy in the family medicine chest raves many fee how to make iced tea urn alii liwnlaf imxxmu of sauda budc la plat of frwa bodtei untar atar ailiiirtw pvaln llqam into twoqurt cbotoln wuto odd av cap ofjnnalated nfar ml kw of ihhh stk wll ni1 it ahtknfl ml contolno wltfi cold wmar do ooe mow ut co coo befora ajrftea tw alimttt octawlm utfim will uoom doady sam mi cklppad iw salada making hay while the sun shines in september wettftrn ontario farmer will msktnoj hay this sp4ambr wrien they vult waiurn fair they will eagar to tau tk opporluniiy of an joying really aiclting rtoltday and ift um im uarn whats naw in tha agrlcultufal na indutirtal woftdl you arj aturad of tha ultimata in antartalnmanfr at th westam fair brilliant midway grandttand show hon racai band concarn nighf horta show magnificent displays cr gauary teoras of surprising aftractlva faaturat plan now to malta hay com to th i93s wttm fatrl 3i business directory dr mcniven pbyaldaii mod office and reldence corner bovio avenue and elfin street dr nelson fhytelwn mn snrfeau electro therapy pboaa ss phone no 23 sex 33ft harold nash farmer barrister solicitor noury pnblu co vja mi1x street actov ojt fouro oj0 to 1200 noon 00 to 00 no saturday 13 00 oclock kenneth langdon tklxtiate solicitor votary pnhli office acton gfcttrrtofara over bynueki cafe ifihi fitrerta yot appointment xnuirj acton s0 ooreetown 83 office ifour acton tuesday ad thunulay 115 to 43q lnjpj on rwjueat totzrrjkt any style any quantity tub lowest prices obtainable at litf artnn 3tvv tts lt buchanan dcnti sarrua office in leuhznn tdock ilouni until ni kvenlns by appointment claoved wednesday afternoon phooa lcv pearen eucccamr to late rr feel phone 39 mill street artoa teteliafey gold wtning uevxew tructivc nroiiram him been arranifcd tlila year fcaturlng utacc rvvue which la complete in ncencry lliihtlnn cuccti cutunil luid with larre ciut of slnu cm danccra mid comedians many with broadway reputations flower show featured tlio flouer show held in connection with uie west ern fair li be buc feature uuuln tlik year ample spacv provided for tlie lovely cxhlultn uiat amateur and prnfeiiilonal horlioulturuts arnumc for thb event and two hower shows are imniln being held uiiji year ouurlnu freah uloonui tlvroukliout uui week tlie do show will ayaln attract wln ium of note from ull jiartii of canada and kcvihui cntrlui liave alro been re ceived from tlie united states art kxtilblttlie imialieat bujldjntf on the uroundii liolibi the irrateiit attraction for many wentern fuh vlsitort uie art buwdinti thla year many wonderful pictured from koine of the best art al lerltji in uie world will be huiuf and luilntlnti wortli thousand of dollura will bi feature of the exhibluon icruud ihmle on saturday mluht jpeclul ilreworlui display tuut ucii ar riuiueil this feature will be before thu uraiidiitand but ureat deal of it can be lowed from ouier ikirta of the itroimdii gold mlnhiir woa uio outatandhijf feature in canadati mining activities in 1d34 iroductlon of new eold from all sourccii in tlw dominion amounted to u072071 flnc ounccii valued at 1430 220 compared wiui wn output of 2d0 300 finoqunces valued at b0 in 1033 bold being valued at 20071834 per line ounce however thcavcnigy price in canadian funds of gold in 1034 based on tlie average prices paid by new york or london wou 34 so as against 28c0 in 1933 for in ouier words uio value of the 1031 canadian gold producuon amounted in canadian funds to 103 53gg53 as against 84350237 in 1033 tlio quantity of gold recovered in 1034 represents an increase of per cent over the preceding ycflr but th value of production in canadian funds realized 216 per cent gain ontario led the gold parade with production of 2105330 flno ounces fol lowed by quebec ivith 300q07 flno ounces british columbia 206100 flue ounces manitoba 132331 yukon tcrrl lory 30700 saskatchewan 5405 nov scotia 3525 and alberta 303 fine ounces stimulated by uio higher prlccu pros pecting for gold deposits was most acuvu throughout the year in the vicinity of the older and we 11eitabl island camps prospects which lay dormant for yeara were revived and promising new ureas were investigated in different partu or canada ivsulung in the dlxovery and development of new mines these de velopments are of great economic im portance and have given to gold mining status comparable wlui thoie of the great basic industries of the nation mlnlmr nrv nrlrw nrivimrr rnnlrtlv mouiurd etui vivdly know when uitlr ehlldrni utxt troubled wlut wornm und uley iom 110 unwj in upplybuf tcllublii kiiledy moul4r qmvca worm lcxtcr tiunator during tho first quarter of 1034 and uere fairly steady during the second und third quarters they declined rather sharply during october und november but advanced moderately in december an index or hold stock prices showed net increase for the year of roughly u4 per cent cold stocks continued to ad vance for nix months after prlcci for gold itself had ceaicd to rise and simi larly the total appreciation in gold ittock prlraa iuicc uie mint par of 110 07 per ounce was abandonwl has been very inuch greater than tho currency premium established on gold tint wtatikii vouecat the fint olflclal statin warning was prlnuid by dally papers jujit seventy tlnee yearn uuo and how the scofrets scowled when it proved accurate t10 olflclal responsible tor tiiicli daring commitment was admiral 1iuroy who at llrst director of the meteorological dcpairtniint then inuler the control of board of trade doervcji be rtmem bred ui uie futlier of uui weather fore coilt ho evolved uie tywum of collecting and collating rcporth from number bf scattered usurccii whereaa uie modern foitccauur li krpt in touch wlui oondl unu ull owr the world he received hut live rrporu froui ubroud tuid these wore uuully duy or two lutel fiuroy cutno an untluicly end overwork drov lihn to buleukj hi apru 1bu5 lie left behind him biujm of vahinhld duta an wcaulcr obccrvbtkul aol acton fall fair special prize list concluded from pane three 44s best pair dressed chickens donor to receive same by it lclshman casli 50 453 bttit working mans cold dinner served on tray consist ing of separate victuaki 1st by farm womens cheerio club cash 125 2nd by society 75c 00 4g3 best dozen tea blscuiui baked from lily white flour by hortop mill ever ton 1st 50 lbs lily white flour 2nd 25 lbs lily white flour value 25 473 best loaf homemade bread made from high loaf flour donor to receive namtt prbic winners must liave receipt for flour showing it being purchased from ii lindsay 08 lbs high loaf flour value 00 483 bet collecuon of fancy baking varieties 1st 200 2nd 5100 00 49s best double loaf of bread baked from robin hood flour donor to receive rirm day of fair by jd mclellan 24 uja robin hood flour value 73 all itread must he double loaves flohiu any vlant slkciats 503 best collecuon of plants and cut flowers to cover ten square feet grown in 1035 1st 300 2nd 00 00 513 best basket bouquet of gladioli 1st 200 2nd 100 00 523 best basket of cut plouvra 1st 100 2nd 60c 50 53s best collectl6n of cut flowers arrangement to be con sidered by hugh walker sons guelph per elliott broc acton 1st goods value 200 2nd coods value 100 00 543 best begonias by miss rossim cash 00 553 best window ibox hanging pot or garden stand goods from greenhouse in spring of 193g by wooilhall ss musselle ht 200 2nd 100 00 iwrlranrtftrsnncixyk 5cs best collection or ludlet fancy work not more than fifteen pieces not exhibited before here 1st 300 2nd 200 57s best collection of cushions new und uptodate by gordonmackny co toronto box of fullfashioned hose to be had at ulllott bnii store acton value 583 best babjs layette under one year by georretown lumber company goods to tho value of 503 best model not exhibited before made by boy under 17 lft 100 2nd 75c 75 003 to the couple married the greatest number of years attending the fair registration to be made wlui gatekeepers or secretary second day of fair the acton ivtt iuksi one year value 00 cis to the person attending acton fair from tlw greatest dis tance report to secretary tor computation of distances tm acton fuu pit uui one year value 00 023 best appearing child under 13 jvan and doll carriage in the school parade by litirrs quality grocery 1st 100 und 75c 3rd 50c cash 2s special added events vtltsi kvkning uapl tal llour lot lluci oiwsn 1st prlis ibii uaplo lcaj moiir and 1rlm 40 lba muple ltal mour 3nl ptim 21 lb1 muplo ltuf mour by muple leu hour co winners apply lilllott llroa acton for tlour wkonksuay juttunoon vac uui llnt vlout tlruwn by teain or luirityj hltcluxl to furm waiiun dutuiuu optional no entry jm oiieil to ull jjuit bd entered ui puridn iroiu lowi hall ut one oclock oil wodnduy and uo to ttrounujt 1st lrur looo 2nd ltlic hoo 3rd ltue 4ul jrlio dr bruyns veterinary stirecn all calls receive prompt attention tyrms ucoionable phosli 135 acton ontario oificemill stci harrop sc phone day or nijjht s3 riiddencc bower avenue acioa all calls promptly answered etaie rasotifthla snsceuulnkous francis nunan account books of all kind huda to order periodicals of fcvery description carefully bound ruling neatly fend promptly done wyndhnm street guelnh fw eagleson oiltarloi xui tkuulnloct ifail mf llccblcml profcsdotul hzifinccr surveys reports hstlnuttca puag duaxnage wolctc ettctxltt tckhonet si ornnlhd oni general we sltctalizk un life fife health and accident automobile windatorni piute glana ttftilw tiitlitv honda annuities and all general lined of insurance ocean steamship ticked laihno cosaanlbu kxckixtnt taciutieb fred wright acton the door of opportunity tbansndadi wfll ogm th door to wbmterac in wtncvmk