thursday august 39th ims the acton free press paob sevxzf they sax tlwy ah well wupooo they dol bnt can they prov the otory true7 why count yourself among tho they who whisper what they dare not nay suspicion may aria from naught but malice envy want of thought they aayl but why tho tale rehearae and help to malm the matter worse no good can poaslbly accrue from telling what may be untrue and la it not better plan to apeak of all aa bent you con they aayl well if it should bo so why need you tell the tale of woo will it the bitter wronjf rodreaa or make the pans of sorrow less ww it tho ferrlnfl one restore henceforth to go and sin no more they aayl oh pause and look with in see how thine heart incline tun and left in dark temptation hour thou too ahouldst sink beneath tte power pity the frail weep oer their fall but speak of good or not at all banner recipes for labor day by betty barclay ss twenty years ago from che lawae of the free fretf thxraday september nd 1915 mr and mrs win wills and miss meta haw left acton for their new home in bracebrtdge after three years resid ence here mr ernest wordon son of wor den baa been engaged as member of the teaching staff of the ouelph collegi ate institute patriotic nuisd meeting was held in the town jiall when eloquent and con vincing addresses wuro delivered prof klerstead and davidson brampton wan tho smith trophy at tho tournament on acton bowling oreea last wednesday acton won tho con salatlon there was splendid response bv rititttw rttfyrlitty thr wnrfclnrinniiei to some labor pay means the blif parade to others it stands for the last picnic tho lost swim or tho lout fishing trip of tho year no matter how wo spend this holiday lunch dinner or on evening bite rout bo thought of by thu women of tho home hero are three banner recipes for tjibor day mcab each one now to you feel sum ribbon sajlad dissolve package of lcmonflavorrd gelatin in cups of boiling water add teaspoon of salt and tablespoon of lemon juice and chill dice red apple without peeling add tcaiipoon of sugar and tablespoon of lemon juice divide tho chilled jelly into two parte fold tho apples in one part turn into mold and chill beat the other port to stllt froth adding package 3oz of cream chucso and va cupful of brazil nuts chopped coarsely pour over the applo layer and net away in the refrigerator when serving cut in small squares plait on lettuce leaves and accompany with mayonnaise hawaiian vrappe easy to make refreshing to uuitc and an old to digestion in the frozen pine apple juico concoction named iawailan prappe and hero how you make it lu cups sugar pint water cups orange julct quart plneupplo juice boll sugar and wutcr togctlier for live minutes add orange juice and plnut apple juice cool train and frcczo to musli serve in sherbet glasses cottage clieestj baiad package lemon or llrmj flavored geln tin cup worm water and wflt grasp this opportunity the acton free press announces the most sensational offer ever made by newspaper time tables lja tremendous saving our readers can own the worlds handiest newest uptodate illustrated encyclopedia facts an wationalrailways at aotoit golii east dally except sunday l0 07m dally except sunday fl13 pj2l sunday only 734 pjn the chicago lllcr that passes through here at 31 toastbound stops at georgetown 40 gotr west dolly except sunday 855 ajm dally except sunday 223 pjn dally except sunday 7m pan sunday only oobsjn sunday only lljtsfcun standard tike thc learning of hundred universities covering thp whole fnfl st of huma hov tour gtmwvkmof arrow bus schedule effective may bib 1915 leave westbound 945 121s 21h fe bt 415 in 815 9ib pan 1135 kn standa1ud leave eastbound s30 81 knu dally except kuaday 1120 in 210 to lla tncq0 000 itlnettalueh scanned to ajlfc joints in canada united btateh mkxlco commit luad aciit the patriotic appeal in acton tho total in acton was 561535 georgetown 6840 00 nassagawcya 005000 and raqueslng about 700000 tho death occurred on friday oi an esteemed citizen thomas ebbagc who was perhaps resident within the limits of acton longer than any other person here ho liod come to acton in 1844 rous avison at uic general hospital gait on wednesday september 1st lolfi to jlov and mrs it avkum daugh tcr died bbaaeiil acton on jylday 37th augut 1015 tlvomas tebbagtf in hla 78 th year campbeliln nasagaweya on satur day august 28th 1015 tmlet camp bell aged 70 ycartt sdsndeltson at mdton an wednj day september 1st 1915 john hon derwm brothu of irendenan acton in lib 79ui ytor add douglas egyptian unlment is remark able in 1u tjulck ctrectlve action ite llaves instantly burns apralns tooth ache und neuralgia invaluable for core throat croup and quinsy stake good wvtato riants fcou seed potato tubers do not croetf tliey re produce true to type the only way to obtain potato croij la uirough uw ueed halls which sometimes form ail thd vines and that method of propagation li practically never rttirtcd to unless by someone interests hi orlghiathlg now variety tubers ore not really seed al tliougli commonly socalled but uro vegetatlvm part of the plant if there foretlie tubn aruot mhawl durlujt the operations of dlgghig handling staruge and planting tlie variety uilll not became impure unks by the rare chance of sport no matur how close ly to another kind it may be grown thus one may cantldeutly telect tuid tubcra in uie expectancy that like will produce like there bi difference in tho vigor of strains stocks and lillls wlietlier u1u1 difference is wliolly due to tlie lnriuenca of disease or is to wnw extent inherent may be left to uwj plant pauioiagutu and the gliietlclts to decide tlie practical cup canned crushed pineapple cup cottage chectu teaspoon salt dash of cayenne strips of red or green pepper dissolve gelatin hi warm wuter pbicappk juice and water chill com bine pbieapplc cheoic salt and cayemio when gelatin is ulghtly thickened fold in pineapple mixture decorau mold ulth strips of red or green pepper turn gelatin mixture into it chill until firm unmold on crhp lettuce garnlh wftii muyomialse serves only wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines toronto wus duly and transportation iocosthal kiia potato plants arc more vigorous oiid productive tlum otliers and that in reproducing from theae lie pos sibilities of praht xf one will during tlie summer stuku number of tlie best hills being careful to avoid not only dwarfed or unhealthy puuiui but also those exliibltbig tlie abnormally largo top grow tli known us giant hill and will sle tlut any neighboring plants siw pvcted of liar boring virus dueoses aro promptly pulled und drtitroyed and if lie will then fallow up this effort by further rigorous inspection of tho tubrs when dug he may improve his tuied atock or at ull events may arrtt tlw runningout proce which occurs when dlscoie alloaed to creep in uncheck ed at tlie dominion experimental harm substation lleaverlodge alberta gekctlon hiu been carried further by oie upproved system of proiiogatliitf in dividual tuber units under observation lrt isolattd poijtloiw but hill selection oi plants and of the tubtri from uve plants 4s wry good cuixkng the faum stock tlie essential factor in poultry hock culling is the removal of tlie unprofitable bird it becomes neceinry therefore to establish tome standard before culling lj undertaken if trapnesting or some form of progtney testing is followed as gcnurdl practice culling etandard1 from an egg production standpoint at lealt are partially eolvel if it is desired to establish minimum of 200 efigs during the pullet year oji standard for selection of breeding stock it la nuecisnry only to refer to tho trap neat records to determine which birds uiould or uliould not be kept it is under stood of course unit the essentials of breed characteristics and type will re ceive consideration if progency testing in any form is followed it is possible to go much further in selecting flock for high production trapnest rccodi ulatu have their limitations in tliat highproducing individual selected by uils method may come from rather poor sistergroup progeny testing ad mits testing tlie cnurc pulicteisur group and if selection is made on familygroup basis rather than on on in dividual record basli taking into con sideration not only type but avo pro duction egg and body welglit and low mortality while in laylnjj quarters it will be found uiut great improvement in production and vigor wilt result lacking actual records as guide cull uig becomes mattrr of selecting to typo oksumud to meet satisfactorily the requirements for which selection la made it la the only method puiiibl where culling of pullets is attempted choose birds which conform to breed characurlstum nnrt select quick actiw mvcu nictit tlie lyctor had invited uie village boys to uie rrcuiry for strawberry tea afur uiiy hud rtnlihed he seeking to point uie moral uald now boy uasit that nicer than banking uito my garth jld helphig vouravlves oh vcjt chorused the boys and why wus it nicer he a4ed chubby fatxd boy uaue air was uie tvply we shouldnt have liad any alltfur and cream with uiem vigorous birds that arc alwaya busy and seem to have plenty of work to do pullets should be well developed with deep keel and wide hack vnaurlng plenty of body capacity bright prom inent oye generally indicates nn ulert active bird and dcslrabio charac teristic cleancut head with smaotn waxycomb wllmndlcate quality through out tho bird and should be sought if egg uc is factor there is evidence to tiw effect that within the breed the larger bird will lay tho heavier egg discard all sliullowbodled coarseheaded or crowheaded individuals found in the hock and unless thvy arc to be kept lo peclal purposes fuch as fur the breed ing ptn it li que ttonablc whether it is profluiblo to retain any blixbi uftur th coinpleetion of their pullet year four largo volumey 300 explanatory piclurcrf 72 maps over 1000000 wordtf genuine dupont iahrilioid liindint 30000 separate subject special pullpage illuslratiotii color imatcs timcsaving abbreviationit charia and diagrams facts the new concise pictorial encyclopedia is printed on finest quality english finish paper superior in appenrance and wcaritif qualities to ordinary book paper for reference work that will be subjected to hard usage the type set in double column is large and well spaced to eliminate eyestrain while each heading is in bold black type to facilitate instant reference to any of the 30000 subjects the binding of rich red dupont fabrikoid with titles in gold on black panels at once stamps the four volumes of facts as books of the finest quality and workmanship you will be proud to own this set and display it in your library wt patterson ro speculisi tn 70 kmnlnauoa oribopua treatment taoriptloari 108 wjodliam st nut to xjmmvm phone 3108 quality aoeturacy serrie every unfamiliar name or term is an opportunity now it is pleasure to acquaint yourself with each new name and term you encounter 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