the acton free press thursday september latfl 1b3s 2ilfeartnn3ffmlirphb fumlahad kvary thttndajr at acta oetmrio subscriptiom rates pa yaa la adtc uaitd stataa aae additional siflcla jcoptaa at both old ud nw addraaaaa ahoold flfa wbt cfcaaf of addr raqaaatd canckllattoms wa find thai wxt of may wi acrtbera prfr ot to hava their aubacriptltm intoftupted la cam thr au to malt befora axoirauoa wula tub aehpttoaa will not carried in arraara ovr as aartan parlod yet nnltti va ara aotlaed to cancel wa uwa tb obacriottr wiaka tb aejrtc co remittance hoald be mada by rfuted letter money order or cheque advertising rates leal notice tae per 11m lor aral maertioa id par una for each nbeaq laaartloo raadere too bar line tor each laaartloo tf la black taoa type go par una addltlonal hottcee quahlytaat aa com ing at traction inch aa concerts entertainment church aoclatr or organisation meeting etc ioc per line mini autun chanr aje scyorta oi meeting held gladly inaartad free in mcmorlam notice vk and ioc par uae extra lor poem birth marriage and death notlcea free scull advertisement ic per word minimum charge ago caah ii booked jej alao ioc extra when applicatloaa are add to thla offica diatay advertising ratea ary according to apace contracted lor aliaotigb every precaution will be taken to avoid error toe free preaa accepts advertising in its columne on the under tending that it will not be liable or any error in any advertisement published hereunder unlaaa proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free veaa bustnese office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted writing thereon and in that case it any error so noted is not corrected by the free frees tta liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the apace occupied by the noted error bears to the whole apace occupied by each advertisement telephones edltorlal and residence first middle and last thats the order of the days in which we attended the canadian national exhibition we were there on the opening day again on press day and finally attending the closing ceremonies on saturday each time we felt amply repaid for our visits on the la fresh and beautiful on the closing day the grounds were bit more trampled as result of the attend ance but the place was still beautiful true the paint wasnt as clean but the flowers still had beauty the workers seemed bit more weary but wcrcrjust as courteous and attentive and col deacon and hip officers seemed just as enthusiastic at the close as whertwesawhiiiiaboutthegrouudsouthatilcstday another improvmenl thanks it will como as welcome news to actoninns and all thoso who uso the highway through here that the crossing on mill street is to be levelled and mado in better condition as we understand it the tracks are to be brought up to one level and proper grado made on each side it is to be hoped when this is done that another decision will not be made by the railway engineers to make higher level for the main line as was done when the other grade was made when the work is completed the council of 1035 and the railway officials will have the thanks of all who have from time to time bumped over this crossing next wck fair week next wcekwill be acton fair week and the next issue of tin free press wifrtefrofthry935 acton fair directors and officers have been untiring in their efforts to make the event this year set new high standards wherever improvement vns possible to carry out changes have been made to improve the fair prize lists have been altered and enlarged new attractions have been sought to please those attending and granted good weather next tuesday and wednesday the culmination of these efforts will be witnessed by thousands who each year find de light in acton fair and its attractions it has developed into real gathering place for friends from far and near it has all the feature of re union with variety of attractions that no other event can come near acton fair has been growing for twentytwo years its continued success depends on the cooperative way in which we all support and officers mess certainly wo know the meaning of the term but it seemed so striking on saturday evening that we cant help but apply it as heading for this article it happened during the closing ceremonies of the great just as we were commenting on not noting many intoxicated persons during our yisits to tho fair and the good order maintained the colore bearers of the various regiments were gathered about the big flag near tho bandstand the boy scouts held their flags at attention and the sight was indeed inspiring and ono long to be remembered but there was one standard bearer in khaki uniform who held his flag at an angle entirely different from the rest it acted as sort of prop and tho folds of the flag draped about his neck and shoulders occa sionally the prop was called upon to stopthe incline of tho weary bearer always he caught himself on that handy prop just when hesecmed about to pitch forward on the command for change of posi tions of the flags he was just littlo slower than the rest he eventually got thcro but when the ensigns were dipped it looked as if tho dip would be the last straw to his equilibrium wo dont know precisoly what his trouble was but wo havo our suspicions his regiment could hardly be proud of him he spoiled very impressive scrvico for thoscwhocoud3co him he was an officer and ho was mess thats tho sense in which we use the heading and perhaps his look was not so worried the closing of the is something we have wanted to see for some years and yet not witnessed until this year that assemblage in tho grounds about the stand the message of thankfulness from the president and the note of cheer the prayer by rev dr sedgwick and the final selections by the band and the lowering of the flag emblematic of the closing of the 1035 are something just little out of the ordinary in the nature of exhibitions theres always note of sincerity about the affairs of the first things are not forgotten or neglected the ballyho of the midway doesnt over run the grounds everything seems to have its place in the banquet room of the administration building very appropriate motto adorns the wall the earth is the lords and the fulness thereof there seems to be an environment about each exhibit that lends an appropriateness perhaps that is an important jpart in the successor thec t4iercmustb something and there is that makes this yearly at traction outstanding editorial notes and after the fairs the election and after til election tha4lksgiving tile fairs are going to provide great place for political candidates to meet the countryside be sure to invite the candidates all back again next year encourage lie programs have proved worthy of attendance and 1035 gives full promise of topping all past efforts links that hold another link in the connection between the two actons will be formed when dr smart visits the can adian acton in early october and presents british flag from the motherland and the town from which we derive our name the first connection getween the two towns of course dates back to the time when the lute robert swan actons first postmaster nam ed the community acton but the recent revival of this very pleasant connection was made by the late moore when he visited the old land about eleven years ago since then there have been many pleasant links sir harry brittain presented to acton crest of acton england painted on english oak acton reciprocated und presented flag to the borotigh of acton through rev dr albert mooro sir harry made very pleasant visit to the acton in canadajind now dr smart will be the bearer of greetings from england early next month these are the links than keep us bound closely to gether mostof us have never had the opportunity of visiting acton england yet we feel sort of acquaintanceship thut makes us desire to extend welcome to dr smart and to meet him on his visit to acton the booklets forwarded have been viewed with great deal of interest by many since they have been on view in tin fhee pimss window the date selected for thanksgiving day for 103b does not seem tobe growing in popularity and in year too when most politicians wnpt to be popular and now the local fair boards will be having an anxjous time until the days are over and have been graced with good weather and added another success the ball playing for the season is about over and with one team in the runnerup position for pluyofta and theothcr winning their group the local fans qun look buck in 1035 as not too bad year tht business places on mill street no doubt ap preciate the thoughtfulness of contractor bell in not cutting off entrance to stores during the sidewalk construction the new work has been carried on with minimum of inconvenience political parties ure spending great deal of money in radio broadcasts of their election campaign propaganda but does it pay we doubt it fh people depend upon the newspapers in one case following radio uddress by political leader 2m people were asked next day whether they had listened in und only sin actually done so on the occasion according to the lindsay post of mr kings tjiird radio tulk 188 telephone numbers selected ut random to avoid unfairness were culled wih tho following startling result absent from home hi have no radio radio not in use is not listening to king 21 listening to king 10 the sunday school lesson fo sunday september lbth timothy christian worker in training oolden text olvp diligence to trc acnt thynclf approved unto clod work man that noedeth not to bo as handling aright the word of truth tim 16 lesson text tim 114 vtersea 10 printed here study also tho en tire epistle time 0708 place homo exposition timothy pauls dearlybeloved son 10 reading between the lines ona scca with eopcclal clearneco how much thu young dtaclplo on whom the great apostlo coma to lean no heavily oiler hv had become tpoul tho aged owed to home training and to knowledge of tho truth it had been instilled in him by his mother and grandmother the ahinbig example of thooo godly believing women should be emulated by wvcry woman inchrlats church to whom thu cure children lias been entrusted none anj too young to bo told tho atory of jesuit und tho records iihow beyond all slindow of contradiction that the gruut champ loan of the truth in all agoi of tho church have been vory lately those who in tearly ycam were instruct ed by their mothers and grundmothurs in the knowledge und admonition of tho lord hauls inurost in young timothy was uipecial and unlquo tho whole fnmllyto which lib belonged had been converted on paula first muudoa ary vuilt to lystra tlio great apostle to the gentiles wa at thla time in entropy tmrn knlcm church concerning thu question of ocntllo converts freedom from tho or dlnanceu of circumcision and other dis tinctly jewish observation acu 1g 35 tlie baptum of gentiles by paul on hu flmt midonary journey without requiring them to be circumebiod or to keep the law woji keenly criticized at jenuialem by tho pharisaic party within the church some of the came to anfloch teaching thaexccpt yo be circumcised after tlie manner of moits yo cannot bo tuivcd acts 35 rtoubtleiis uils controversy in tho church influenced paul in his attitude towards young timothy landing tho young mail favorably regarded by cer tain of tho brethren residing at lystra and iconlum paul desired to intro tim othy proceed with him on his journey through asia minor but because of tho jows uiat is because of tlvo prejudices of the jews who ware members of tho christian church paul had timothy submit to tho ordinance of circum cision for they knew all that his father wai arek and thus young timothy trained and nurtured in tho new faith by his mother and grandmother became the fellow laborer and close companion of tho apostle to the gentiles act 10 ii the power of the scriptures 714 the reason paul glveo for timothy continuing in the thingi which ho lind knrmdlli decplyjugniilcunt ono name ly he knew from whom lie had learned them cf lie knew the piety ani coiuiecratlon of these flood and godly women he was aware of their prayerful nvaii humility and fellowship with god all theill fine quululu went to recom mend the view they huld and which they had tuuttht to timothy timothy mother had bercun at the rlffht time with him in babyhood note well here wlm paul ays the holy scripture tho nacrvd wrulntki vt havo the power to do thittln mm their preemlnence over nil other boolcs nil other writings paul hre of rourie li referring ti tho oh teitiinient which when rend in th llht of the 1th of christ jemts coupled wltll implicit trust in him nlvo mtlllclent infitriictum for fialvntlnn thero is more power in the bible to impart tho wlwlom that brings llfo eternal than in nil the rttit of the literatim of the ngns it li throiikh bririblng us the fnltirthat is rooted in chrut jesus that tho scrip turei make iui wine unto salvation there is no way to salvation except by faith in chrust josus aoln 12 john 311 and the illble li tho instrument which god has chouen nud appointed to bring us to knowledge and appre lumslon of that faith john 30 31 244 11011111113 10 17 peter 23 jna hi paul declnrvji that all scrip ture is given by inspiration of god this doea not ogive witirtho theories of great number of thoiui who profit to imiiiseiui credentials which warrant their issuing pronouncement the words in hi ndmlt of being juuuled with and the tiling luis been donu tho chanuo in the was not imuln for linguistic but for theological reasons tho trans lation of tlu 11 is vtry remotely pexislbk one but not that naturally mig uejited by the order of the words und their relation ono to nnother hut those who do not like pauli doctrine cannot get rid of it by merely nils translating tills one passage in tho ikjeond icpktui of die apostle to timothy ham 33 maiy 13 31 john 10 35 acts hi 31 35 komuns 1ft huh jvter 31 thin god bruathtid scripture ih profitable for four alllm portunt purpoivw teaching reproof re storation to an upright ntut instructive training in rlghtcousni the out come of the study of uerlpttirn is that th man of aod women oomplrlo ilttcd for haw furnuhd coiiiuletmly unto tevery ood work iv the lack of fluiew for engaging in vuli ous form of chrldtitui activity today lea ulmoat pjitlrcfy from neglect and lack of knowledge of holy scrip ture there is crying need in the church of god today not only for return to tho more diligent study of holy scripture but to prompt and unques tioning acceptance of and submission to its teachings when definitely ascer tained these teachings may appear to isi unreasonable or impossible neverthe less wo should accept them if the bible is the word of god how foolish it is to submit its teachings to tho criticism of our finite reasoning littlo boy who discredits his wise father statements simply because to his infant mind they appear unreasonable not phil osopher but young foot but the greatest of human thinkers is only an infant compared with tho infinite god and to discredit godfe statements found in his word because uiey appear un reasonable to our infantile minds is xit to act tho part of tho philosopher but tlw part of fool when wo ore onco natkned that tho bible is che word of god its clear teachings must bo for us the end of all controversy and dktcus slon as wo should strive to bo doers of tho word and not hcamrs only de ceiving our own souls jan 22 nothing goes fartlicr to help ono under stand tho blbla uian tho purpose to olwy it jesus tutld if any man wlllcth to do hlti will he iihall know of the tcacll ln john 17jtt ured will means ti clear eye ifour eyo in single that is our will is abso lutely eurrcndertd to god our whole body shall bo full of light but if our eye bo evil unit is if we are trying to iiervo two matiters and arc not absolutely surrendered to one miuttery god our wholu body iiliah bo full of darkneus matt 2221 the friend of ah surferern dr thomas eckctrlc oil is valuable remedy to all thoso who uuffcr pain it acryoi illzcs li liniment that lias the blessing of half continent it lit on sale every where and can be found wherever en quired for goodbreeding is curface christianity holmes buy the best tea salads tea keep warm next winter with gilson volcano furnace heat your home comfortably econ omically and with little work gilson furnaces arc scientifically construct ed to produce even comfortable tem perature throughout the house in any weather sturdily built to give un interrupted service for many years here probf of gilson furnace efficiency when it 73decrcetf below xoro at yroquoltf mu 11 gaune our liotel tiulte camltuxahly heated with the mammoth urnaca inataflcd thla wintcc loul slyouln val cnne out automatic humidifier par immediate acceptance only am authaftxcdw tho factory to natal gil ton automatic humidifier vkkk villi every tiew giihoh puftiacc the humidifier aella every day for 1300 it keep tlic air comfortably molat prcvcnta cold and kecpa popl healthy and happy low prices small down payment easy terms it eay to own gllaon furnace am all down uayiiictit and monthly baymctits ko reaaoiiabu that you will nev mlta them mid fouwlll toon have it paid for in many caaea kdayarorltu inluelaaved vacluitktx free moonev acton ontario or wrre gilson manufacturing co ltd guelph ont otkar guott producta jltrcendtilofiins circulating vna hunddlfiera coal illowcra klectrlc waahcra klcclrlc ronera gaa hntflnti walxr klectrlc hefrlceratora commercial ktfrlceratlod new fresh biscuits lb chocolate puffs victory swet mixed pickles 27 oz jar 25c 25c ff mpl lil lard pvt 16c the one and only sauce btl 27c quaker oats lg pkg 22c soup 225 xxx vinegar matches zinc jar rings do 19c blended or spirit sure pocket for lite size 5c gallon 35c 20c boxes 300v ed label pk 27c gilmlt lye cadi and cairy ttc tiri bulk engllih mustard ib 28cj pfatarvad rnger it 23cj fels naphtha soap oxydol tars imfcll packagu 20c 25c carrolls limited ontauio cooking onions io 15 oranges ssc bananas 25c silver skin mill street phone t58 acton ontario