Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Sep 1935, p. 7

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thursday 8epteuber 26th 1030 the acton free press paob otvkm october october with lavish htfhd now spills her wine of flame and gold upon the mils itsplashes on the slopes and blends into xuch colorings of almost every hue deep red and russet orange yellow jade orapeblue and green and brown of every shade and in the valley hang like filmy mist her veils of opal blue and amethyut rootgray arid violet until it seems all earth is drowsy with the wine of dreams think that somewhere up around the throne godvi cup of glory must have overflown james courtney chaluss the sunday school lesson sunday seftembeb 20th 1033 twenty veabs ago from the issttu of the free press or thursday september 30th 1915 thanksgiving day for canada has been filed fur monday october 11th mr oeer enlisted on monday in the pioneer regiment now being re cruited at ouelph and thomas cum mins and sylvester simpson both of acton have been eworn hi mr hammond soout commissioner of ontario will visit acton and speak at public meeting on the work of boy three rinks of the burlington bowling club trimmed the bowlers at acton by good margin and called at milton and repeated the dose there an engine on the toronto suburban lino topped over and fell clear of uio track when it struck soft epol hi the road near ocorgutown the rally day service in the metho dist sunday school was an occasion of very great hi terra the attendance was largo and the special program helpful and lnbjrcoting tho congregation of the bapiuc church had farewell and presentation for rev and mrs llowarth at the homo of mr and mrs warren born marttn in acton on monday sep tember 20th 1015 to mr and mrs john martin daughter dennvsprowl at the home of the brides parents third line bsqueslng on wednesday september 02nd 1015 by rev j0 wuson everett edecmy son of john denny to suy daughter of robert sprowl watsotoburt at the home of the brides parents lake avenue acton on wednesday september 29th 1915 by rev avlson sliir ley wafcon son of jtobert watson fourth line to emma daughter of burt died nodwell at the homo of lie father beardmoru crescent acton louise leotham wife of alfonzo nodwcll john the minister and his people ooldcn dtsjtt beloved imitate opt llmt whlc la evil but uint which is liood he that doctli good is of ood ho uiat doeth evil wth not men ood john lesson text third epkuo or john time towards the close of tho find century place ephesus exposition the christian walking in tho truth thlo letter is utuo more than rcpetl tlon of declaration mode by the apostle in tho foregoing epistle there john is addressing pious mother and congratu latcu her on the spiritual prosperity of some of her family here ho is address ing beloved friend and ho congratu lates him on the prosperity of his soul in nearly the namo words the truth about tho apostle speaks or is the revela tion which ood has made to us concern ing spiritual and eternal thlngit in hu holy word and more particularly tho gospel the lord jesus christ which forms so main part of that relation tim term walking in scripture whtn used as it la here is always expressive not of an act or two but of continued course of acting to walk in uio truth tlien means more thori for man once in hli lifo to dkcover and embrace the truth it implies besides tills dally familiarity with it lutvlng it constantly before his mind and his mind and his life being as constantly influenced and acted on by it that va hold fait chrfei haying had our minds eniao balm is inevitably chosen by discerning women delightful to use subtly fragrant cooling and refresh ing imparts rare youthful charm to the complexion invaluable for soften ing and making hands flawlessly white tones and stimulates tlic bltln utuful for the fumlly abo prolecui tlie tender elda of uw child and in excellent for tlie father as linir fixative and cooling shaving lotion heavy tourist traffic pigurcs released by the canadian de partment of immigration and coloniza tion for the month of june show heavy inilux of tourists into canada an in crease of almost 75000 tourists is chown over june of last year admissions at all banter points totalled 1551859 per fcons of ulticli 1301477 came by hlffh uay ferry etc g0c50 came by train and 03732 by bout admissions at all border points in june 1034 totalled 1477070 tho international boundary betuoen tho united states and canada the most travelled ovvr in tlie uorld and the volume of traffic handled reflects he ease with which the border may be crossed both immigration and custonuj inspectors welcome the bona fide tourist and uw regulations are framed to make the movement of such visitors just as frv of tvtt tape and rtrlctlon as pis llble only the duty of guarding against the admittance in tlie gulie of tourlsj of persons not legally admissible nd tlu iwcesjiuy or safe guarding persons of an alien status against thttpobslblllty of becoming stranded betueen tuo coun tries necessitate uch simple formali ties as aro required citizens of uw united states need expect no incon venience whatever but uiey should be prepared to show ui5tli have uf flclent funds to complete their propcm journey persons ho are not citizens of the usa should carry evidence that they are legally resident in that country and that thvy ulll have no dif ficulty hi returning to the united stat tourlits automobiles arc udmitud ulth out churge and muy be tutvtii for ptm sure in canada under their state llcen for ptrlod or sixty dujs uhlch purl id may be extended upon application enlightened to discover receive it that we retain it hi our mind and this in lui purr simple unadulter ated form continued profession of christs truth to live in uio habit ual practice of it tl this apostles joy when lie hears of ills jcllowclirlstlons thus walking he expressed thli in very btrong terms he docg not say that he has no joy equal to thkf but he docs say that ho has none above it have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk hi truth an4 this strong language plainly shows ju two things the loftiness of hid own character this honored apostle with all his remem brances of the past and all ills glowing anticipations of the future with heaven almost opening upon him says lie gets as much happiness from ukj holy walk of others us he doof from any other source we know where lie learned tlilti we see tlie master spirit shin ing forth again in the disciple what was self to tlie blessed jeiis when tha food of our lost souk was at stake the high importance of this holy walking in tlie truth such man we are sure would never have rejoiced in trifle it important first to ourcelvor it is tlie best test we can jiave of our belonging to christ of tlic sincerity and reality of our faith in him our enjoyment of tlie oospel our spiritual comfort and happlnejjj depends on it our sane tlflca tlon or holiness de pends altogether on the permanency of the place christs truth lias within us our continued uallclng in the truth is important also to our fellowmen every undecided uaverlng professor of christs gospel among us dlifusec oad influence around him he doer mischief in tho uorld though lie may not aim to do it while uvery consistent follower of the truth does gosd in the world though he may ucarcely see it iii to walk in truth this implies sincerity or prlncpe honesty of intention in opposition to all dissimulation or rnille decided attachment to bv angelical doctrine habitual regard to personal holiness process in christian excellency why this alktng in truth should occasion the joy or christian ministers in your christian ualk we ultness tlie real ity of iour personal religion wait ing as christians tecurvs jour personal iinnnlnemi when im nn chrli by great eamcetneui and affectlonchro is no minister uiat will ever be uacmv without it iv tlio joy and satisfaction of tile apostles ministry tho subjvet matter of tills joy of tho apostles was to liear uiat his children walk in truth to walk in the truth is to maintain evangelical truth walk in truth is constantly to loep uiid enjoy uio truth it gives us solid irace it is tho peace of ood which paielh all understanding one morr wlien spiritual children walk in irutli tluy arw consistent christians walk is not tin position of laxy chris ttali tjie ijarenta and wuitorb joy one of uio parents highest joys his childrens walking in truth he haci no greater joy and hero wo munt begin wlui tlie remark uiat it is joy peculiar to christian fauars and mouicrs no parents con say from thiilr hearts we liavo no greater joy uiali ti licur uiat our children walk in truui ulilcoi uley are tliemsclvcs waikblg in truui no wolf prays for its olfaprhi to bocome oliocp let us then mark next uiat uie joy mentioned in tho text is special in its object havo no greater joy uian this to hear that my children walk in truui tncro is uiu point uielr pracucal religion uiclr ac tual cxcmplhlcuuon of uio power of the oospcl upon iheir lives tills proves that uie tcuclung was well received uiat tlie reeling was not mere excitement that the profession was not fulsciiood or mistake but wail done hi truui it heuluiful joy in wliich wo may indulge to uio full wluiout the slightest ftar for it is superior in its character to ull earthly joys now when our chil dren walk in truth and love to ood it makcf uj rejoice uiat another heart ii consecrated to hla irvlce we may well rejoice hi uie salvation of our sorw nl fiaiighbm wviuis thlt it th wtm too iate young man was wrecked and drown from small pleasure boat during summer holiday when brought ashore relative who had witnessed the culontrophe appeared inootutlato ruuld have saved him said had plan in my mind which seemed most reaslblr but did not act in utile oh if only had done bfore it was too luu1 lib grief was drvp and kiiictti mid it wrvi at warning ti all chrh uan workt rs to att promptly in their ndcavors to win wuk biforu it loo luu kai mesk jonei could bjprow enough on my policy to buy car7 olflclal life company you might but wed have to cancel your policy if you drove that kmd of car turns ue have evidence of mlnlitcrlal fidelity that the truui is spoken to yoi that uie uay of truth is marked down and recommended in your walk as christians uv observe uie fruit of our etforbi for your good when ou walk as christians ue behold uie lncreau or the redeemer cause in the world walking as christians ue iaht hi vou ii dh rnikadlilulfxllcl lyuihuutiir ln future uorld conclusion if such as walk hi truth are our joy kli be extended hi uie world will tell ou why uils ul peculiarly uio great joy of some christian parents it is because they liavo made it subject of impor tunate prayeri tills joy kj quickening hi 1u erfect all who liavo fcver felt it know what an energy it puts into uiem have you some of your children con verted while othent remain unsaved tlien cliargo you let what uie lord has duno for some encourage you con cerning uie rest oncctooro uils high joy of which wo have spoken is very solemn hi its surroundings for it in volves uiit alternative what if my children uiould not walk in truth well uiat means for us during uils life many sorrouu nights of sleeplessness and days of anxiety you may vjew the uixt as specifying the tnlnlslerv greatest reward have no greater joy uian to hear uiat my children walk in truth kb minister ought to be at rest unless he sees uiat his ministry docs bring forui fruit and men and women are born unto god by the preaching of the word those who aro uio preacher children are often known to him they were to john else he could not have tpoken of uiem as my children and could not have had joy in uiem an his children prom uils uie inference may be drawn tliat it la tlic duty of every one who receives spiritual benefit and cspcclally conversion from any of gods servants to let tlicm know it put on christ publicly in baptism according to ills command unite loursclt with ilia church and commune with the peopli among uhom vou liaie buen bom unto god it seems from our text uiat john vr hi the habit of hearing about his spiritual children have no greater joy than to hear mark that than to hear that my children walk in the truth that implies uiat if vou make profession of your faith peopte will talk about jou john could npt havj heard if others had not spoken contentment gentleman once had board put up on portion of his land on it was written will uivc uils field to anyone who is ally conlviiled when appli cants rmiii he asked are you content id he general answer was am let width uio invurlablo reply was tlien uhy do you want my meld 13 toihiit with such uiingn as liaw uxl which should have very pec lul ill mr for nil oiikkiu jlnhsm ohevrfuluu will attract hiorc cus tomers sell more gmmb do more busl lii with uu wear and tear uian almost any other quality optimism is tho kttult li buslnciigitter blggost trade uiu gruuyt achiever in uio world pe hlmlsm has never done unyuilng but tear down and destroy wliat optimism lius built ul when did the lamp stand wliun it heard uie gas pipe order roofing now s77u7ti fr time tables twotrnmivslaaatii maul icoofinjr kxr elusiv twkmtad foaturea euaranloa wtboruhcn nd oy piuc tion fornow roofs orkcooaay send nd nftar for fxoo te ue council suik drdforkrot st dorabilir ei lflnstha stonat eastern steel products rover8 go arovingf oro oro flvo canadian hover scouts on board uio cana dian pacific lintir duchosm of york in which uioy hallod from ikfontreal to nttond tho world uovor woot bolug held this year in sweden haiitem and wcjttom canada aro roprononted by tho flvo who left to right aro domlnlk of potorboro out allan tllron of st paul alta 13 pnttoran noa acout of oalmwa oat klnuatqu wobborj of edhioa toa and kossolor or saint john tho canadian hovers will form part of hrltloh continkont of ltjoo attendlni tho rover moot or nearly half tho cntlro number ex pected to attend tboy will bo in camp for nix days at uio moot hoadnuartora on twaroo island not far from stockholm elaborate preparatlonu havo boon nmdo by tho swedish rovcm boats of the katharine who aro hoadod by prince gubtof mols oldest uon of tho crown irinco of swodon tho camp will havo flro brlnado tolophono byatom postofflco hos pltal and will publlsli dally nowhpaper in uio four official languages of tho moot khjoihu ivonch dorman and swodhih tho swedlnh moot will bo tho hocond world hover moot tho flrnt wan hold in switzerland in 1931 two of tho rlvo uovoru in tho abovo picture kciisolor and allan hlron attended thoi 1531 moot an open letter to the business folks of acton lllom titading iost to golf cluit it is far cry from an old trading post of hundrid years ago to modchi golf club but time has wrought th change at lower port garry on tho nd river 19 mlkii norui of winnipeg tlij old fort uas built in 1031 by order ot governor oenrlre fllm nf tliim land and tlie company or adventurers of england tradelng into hudsons uay thu ualb are 7j feet high and feet thick and endow about four acrti perhaps uie most interesting featufea architecturally are uie foiu circular bouou each 45 feet in diameter mark ing the corner1 of the rectangular en cloiuie in tlum uep housed uiu baku nop iwapr hu if moxugfjiqok iiadmt min km ilhloue house in klndlv tone uiink of tin ilure thevre loi will belave mum lirut tolme in me lolfe herrings alive before houst and ttorihoue the governors nldciice occupied it evident uho are our prler all they the centre of the nuaiuinmgle and li walk hi darkness ulio ualk dlor noa the main tlubhoue this old build derlj uho walk hi the lleh uh ing ha been round with faitwruhui ualk after tlu lr oun ungodly iill to detail the simplicity and dliinity of by jour walking not in truth out tlu old daj whin it wai governors unrlghteouiuv the cauj of giki ii houe having been recaptured the porch dishonor hli eiiemlei irlumph 111 llghtid by uiittnr repliciu of the frit mis are painfully alfecttd let muit headlight of the hudson hay com al look uell to ourselves and take heed pan ils dtaver which ijrjt ialbd to our oun spirit and conversation ilk from gruutund england in august in truth the itibject mattt of he 11135 roiuuii the horn under sail unitllc mhiltrv it ai truth not onlv run hid rt vaihouvcr in march 10ju truth in the bare jense or the term but he original oil lump now electrillej new england woman tells of di truth in the hlglu st tnse uinnutak ib uhiiji wiu retovnd from un old stablu covering hi iuw took hi the drawing truth infallible truth the truth without in wtlinuil luurby llghlt tlie in room gating at an aujuarluiu with iiiula which ui cannot ho liappy nultlutr 1km irwin liul lhe ruuiilv are wurmwl inurest nnr herlafttr vou may be wluiout carran tow hippi in ia hudi well mary jald the inltms of the much lnowhdgf in nn giolo iv long jiars ago one of tin stove1 whut do vou botany jou may lie ulihout inufliwi hmnd in the im meat of the old kiuiw ledge of tlu thing and not iulfr fort th oilglmil llimtone tundlal laid the ght miull but in refirence to uik if uhkh ha marked oir tenlury or sun but till uilhue it not jou hj rool lnditil mil htm and lnulnw till refortl lhe iiac lver red ir ou hue it are made wbe unto lig liuur alialiiui it linwaary for us while heie and fm our welltwlng hereaftu hl jvpllan liniment an ex it lhe manner of that mhiltry iilml li wuth for ftmlt alu rnunvit have no ijuattr joy than to hi nr that emu in horn and oukkly reltevta hiv ihildrtu walk in truth iay thithtu pialn iwi lllngji ami joint itltf ihe uiwktleti initilstry una churned rld nvt tkij and jlckly chll eemdltloil in wohiu uouuf gruvs worm exterminator relieve until uitd colore health pievull iwiu drvii owe thlr nadiah natlonabfiailways at actoif co4nc east dally except sunday 10 07 mjn dally except sunday i3 pii sunday only 734 pan the chicago lllcr that passes through hem at d31 castbound stopa at georgetown it 04o gotnjf wes dally except sunday 8i5 ajn dally except sunday 2j3 pm dilly cxcoiit sunday 704 pjn sunday only 08 ny sunday only nlfl standaitd time for tour co arrow bus eitctive may 5ui 10js leave westbound 015 u15 m2ls at as 613 kn 01s pja btakdajid time leave eastbound s30 slo dally oxoepi bundjty 11je0 tal 210 kn 10 ta 600 kn qa kn 1tink1iauiks 1lannei to aix 1ointii canada onited states mexico consult local agent wojes restaurant central ontario bus lines toronto wt panersonr0 peelalm ey ejmmliilhii oritopuo tnttnttiu iniljlli 101 wjndluuo si noit te ooelph phone 2108 quality jloearmcy flu cntlemen vou are frequently kolicitcd we know by salesman for outoftown prinlinp houses for thance to bid on your printing and tbia ojien letter is addressed to you to express our appreciation of the loyalty you have shown to your home printcrn we venture to believe tliat this loyalty has put money into jour pockets directly and indirectly directly because your support has justified us in investing the necessary capital to get together the most modern and efficient commercial printing equipment that wc believe any community of this size in canada poseascs result you get printing oftiglt quality al lower prices than would be otherwise possible of course the out oftown printer may occasionally quote lower price on individual orders of printing in hope of getting more business from you but manifestly no outoftown printer can liopc to comtete in price or service on your year round general printing requirements with local printing oritablislukjontkucliasourij indirectly became of course every dollar you spend with local industries is going to come back to you in some form or another we promise to make every effort to tontinuc to deserve jour support by keeping abreast of the times with the most modem machines and methods for serving our community sincerely yours acton ontario the acton free tress be true to your own community it gives you your living savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario 21 wydhmu3 bl iuaufckuuiiiiiiiijiiiuiiibiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiaii 5readi yovkt thals knatutf wu read oil ocal0tiri wlurt youi will tool be hardl llt tad put th ktory of your buihifi inta rcwdabls idiakwl the acton free press subscription for all magazine taken at the tvce pretw offlca

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