paacsrx the acton free press thubgpftt ootobbt tro ims ill artan 3rii prpfib pubusbsd krj thursdsy st ulaa ontario subschiption ratesx per yesr in srlrarcs uolmd slate joe addltlunl slmls copws both sn4 mew addrssses ahuuld bs wcn whct chng ol sddrsas requested cancellationsw 6na llst mot ol our scrlbers prelsr not lo ha their aubcrlpllon lnisrruplj1 jtcas tw ld to nui beor sapirlioo while jb scrtdtioas will not csrrled in mrn over sn esterided derfad jet rmlees are notified to esncel ki robscvlber ua ts service coolumcd kcmlttwcoa boald be made by resltered letter money order or cheque advektisinc kateslejal nolle iac per hoe lor bret insertion per line lor each subsequent insertion header ioc per line lor each insertion ii in black laco type per line additional notices quahiytc or ins attraction aucb as concert entertainment church aocletr or orgenuatton meeting etc ioc per line mini mum charge sjc reports ol meeting held gladly inserted tree in fiemorinm notice soc and ioc per line extra tor poems birth marriage and death notices tree small sdvetlseroents tc per word minimum charge ase cash if boosed jjc alao ioc eatra when application are sddreeeu to thu afict dipuy sdvcrtisiag rate vary according to epace contracted lor aknough eeery precaution will be taken to amid error the free pree accept advertling in it column on tbe understanding that it will not be liable lor any error in any advertisement published hereunder unlss prool ol such advertisement reoueted in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free frees business office duly signed by the sdvertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case il any errorso noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not eaceed such proportion ol the entire cot oi such advertisement as the space occupied bsthannteilnrrirr bear to the whole psce occupied by such advertisement alllof dills editor telephones editorial and ouiness office ty4 lesudence 51 elections statements at aurora the other evening hon stevens made statement that might be construed in number of ways according to the daily press he told his audience he was willing to stand aside and urge canadians to reotect the conservative government for another five years if premier bennett can only show the electorate that the recent housing bill passed through federal parliament is real measure of reform either mr stevens is pretty sure ot his grounds and the premier has not as we have noticed taken him up on this dare another ques tion prompted by thisstatement is the wonder if only this one point stands between mr stevens and his former leader and if such is the case that the breach might be easily mended the heat of the election will during the next week or so draw forth som statements that will be difficult for any electorate to understand perhaps all of them should not considered too seriously after all the political speeches of these last days of the campaign will not alter the mind of the average elector young couple honored asuhesrlna suad friends frior their btarrisujv 200 at stake it might be well for parliamentary candidates liberal conservative and reconstruction alike to bear in mind the fact that standardbearers for the commons require to make deposit of 200 at com maud of the federal treasury this deposit will bt forfeited in the case of candidates failing to poll at least half the total number of votes received by the successful candidate in the case of candidates elect ed or who have made good run there is of course rebate as matters stand there is likelihood that no small amount of conservative and stevens money is destined to go into the federal treasury to there remain it is possible but not so probable some liberal deposits may share the same fate renfrew mercury voters without votes the preparation of the voters lists in ottawa has not resulted in the securing of as complete lists as might have been supplied had the work been execut ed in the districts where the electorate is known many an elector will be keenly disappointed when lo or she goes to the poll on october 14th and they and their name has been omitted unfortunately in this election there is no way of securing vote unless the name is on the list we know of some quite prominent residents of acton who will be without vote in the election on october 14th the only irtj timation given to voters to have their names on the lists was by way of posters placed in few places in each town the reeve of arran township mr jas miller his wife and son have been omitted front the list in that district and from all parts of the country 4rrtrttsheti imilnr nmissinns it is tnn imp now to do anything tibout the matter if your name isnt on the list you dont vote we cant even tell you where you can secure list to see it your name is incorporated among the voters the secret seems to bo going to be kept until october 14th subject airmighl diucusfj although the tenseness of the situation continues tach week of peace sustained between nations who are ready to light af moments notice is something to bo thankful for in flic deluge olartlt the swing totliaui records and what not with which the electorate arc regaled these days we have never heard one candi date of any party say that some uniformity should ba made in the matter ot time by that we mean daylight saving or standard there isnt doubt about it that the present system is confounded and bewildering and that no sblution can be found except through dominion action and yet none of the parties or candidates have had the temerity to approach discussion on this seemingly little question the other items deuling in millions are much more be fuddling to the electorate and therefore we presume much bufer for discussion it could be quite easily settled we propose that the dominion parlia ment could make an enactment making it illegal for municipalities to interfere with the time and since the hours of labor can be regulated or are about to be the same machinery can be used to keep uni formity of time were sorry to inject such big question into the campaign but we know that it would pep it up and bo more readljy understood by the electorate than the matters ut present being dis cussed on the platform even the new parties have omitted ibis plank from their platforms weather guvsucrs another question that seems about as popular nt this time as the fact that the hies havent gone yet to where they usually go in the winter time is tin weather prophets who come along with the predic tions of the kind of winter we are going to cxperi ence of course these predictions arc usually backed up by signs and symbols which have never failed and include everything from caterpillars to the birds of the air the bark of the trees and the yelping of wild animals the queer part of it is that once one of these prophecies gets in circulation it is repeated so many times thatit becomes regarded as authentic and another weather prophet has come andpirthc prediction doesnt hold true has usually gone only to be succeeded next fall by more of them after all why not risk guess an unknown indian has no reputation for prophesying to lose only in very limited section and likewise woodsman from quebec may be little known in ontario none of the weather prophetsof the last few years have how ever rivalled the popularity of the chatsworth sage whose predictions were followed year after year whether they arc right or not the homo of mr and mrs herbert jjfcelcr sixth line erin hao been tho scene of two very pleasant nathcrlnffa lost friday friends and neighbor to about 150 gathered to do honor to their eldest daughter mlaa margaret who is to bo married this month many beau tiful gift were received mr cecil berry the happy man to be thanked tho friends in his jovial manor on bclutlf of margaret and himself tito ladles ocrved dainty lunch tuid the evening was apent in dancing lite fathering broke up wlut thoy are joly qood feltuwn again on monday owning relatives of both famines met for ulo natno purnooo mr martin near of georgetown call ed the gathering lo order and good luogtam uf song4 readings and step tlahclng followed mr ilerl davidson then read the following uddrcss dear margaret and ucrt vve few of your relatives and irknds havo met tohlght to upend little while wlui you prior to your new adventure in life you both liavo been born and raided among us you have mademahy friends and when called upon are always wuling to lend helping hand wo wish you every tueccss in your rrcw llfo and arc glad you are still going to live in tho community wo ask you to accept these gifts as small token of esteem in which you are luud algncd on behalf of your friends auce 11eiu1y mailoaitet davmsour at the proper time mcssns cecil berry and cecil kecler brothers of tho happy couple carried in the bosket of guul which was overflowing mr berry thanked tho relatives and dancing und music wat indulged in till the ucc sma liours the gathering brake up with pack up your troubles just the framework when this issue of tun fwx press is in our readers hands the new murrny memorial building will have been officially opened and dedicat ed during the weeks past wc have written good deal on this new activity in fact we seem to have covered almost every phase that presents itself to us until the program gets under way no doubt as we all become better acquainted with the work and pos sibilities of the the years will unfold variety ofmcans ofmakiugthisworjcagreatcrconii munity effort wc arc reritinded at this time how ever of the admonition of dr best at the laying of the corner stone last year if memory serves us right the speaker pointed out that the building only was not the but the spirit that enters into its activities and the actual work accomplished in the program in the young lives of those whom it contacts the building is formally finished and launched on its way of usefulness we ran across this clipping the other day it takes 570 bees work ing their whole lifetime to produce single pound of honey but they do produce it this is something for the human race to ponder over bees know enough to work together editorial notes october 14th may be an important date but in the hockey circles it is not as important as october 15th in the dominion elections the polls will open nt r00 nnrt rlnsr nt 000 the eighthour day doesnt apply to election officials some communities arc now planning for their annual halloween frolic for the kiddies acton did not hold an event of this kind last year markdale voted out the beer parlors by 317to get more pronounced as the present system remains on trial central electric stations in canada produced 1851130000 kilowatt hours during august compar ed with 107g8g5000 kilowatt hours in august 1034 and 1701544000 kilowatt hours in july 1035 the visit of distinguished guest from acton england dr smart on sunday next will be an occasion of foiniuig another link with the motherland the event will be of interest to all the shelbourile economist makes timely sug gestion when it says now if one of the inventor chaps would kindly como forward with some simple machine to attach to hones to cut out the false starts in the speedinglnihcriug events at the full fiirs iff tea at its best salada tea business directory mkd1gu dr mcnivrn ottice ajus tie4nc corner av6tu and kldn street dr nelson vftrafelft pad tmryitm kuwteo thmrtvf pbcm ani ho on mm iirown ho told tno umt you toli iwr tho wmt tfiid you not to tell irr mrn orvni thut8jcuj thin if told hi not to ull you told her mrx lirown dont urll her unit uild you the told jlkvtji li odd lumber when la it vnif when you take ufc letter away wiiu 117 william wuh viuj uul ytu ml cm yu inmrr iue vr ll you vm ojixen 7fcsx tjal rout the child iron vim fa met of worm by lining vioonr oriavev wcrrn texta rmlnitor it xtuidurd remert und tin of limi uivc eiiiued it re puiatl1 clip this coupon tin acton fkuu pwss acton ontario am reader of titu acton fhee phess and accept your offer on facts the new concise pictorial encyclopedia for only s49s plus duty and transportation name address send pour coupons and is 95 to tiie jbm faicr oftlcc you pay duty arid transportation on arrival ot books thih is the last coupon to be published with thia offer fresh biscuits chocolate puffs ibs 25c chocolate cocoanut candy greambaus pound growers meadow cream soda biscuits 1lb pkg 13c 3jngpx sliced pineapple no tin 9c mapl leaf mincemeat jl pound a9c carrolls economy blend nw low plcl neilsons cocoa hlb 19 fresh coffee pound ijc sugarcured sliced side bacon pound 30c del gm styu maiz corn 23c old dutch cleanser uctftf tot jl hoccftl kb ouurf uikiiwut old cheese pound 21 auni jcmimj pancake flour carrolls limited bananas sf oranges 35c doz lemons for 8c ontaltio onions 10 15 cuijuty pkiptats tomatoes cooking alpuis peaches and chapes at special pluces jttj jt mr 2nd j3 hakold jair rajfjtfc jk bsrrbir ukiur vsubs miix stkzkt tultj iualtw ft jo rr arvul ixjo is lw at eutrrla7s i2r tjcxst kenneth langdon barrbter bnhrttrsr xaaary rihi offlca acton over fleynuek cafe main streets ror appointment phooe acton 05 oearvetrxm oftlco hour acton taesdjty trad thursday 115 to t30 ins on rerruest dentajl buchanan office in black lioui until nt kvcnloffi by axjpolntinent go for erctlciu clacd wednesday attemoon thaam 14m pearen j3enial sucofisor to ijttr rr ba phcmr 39 itlu street ictoal vetebdjajla dr bruyns veterinary suiseuu all colls ueceive xrompt attenticn phowe 135 aotom ontario ofllc shu sireet harrop sc thano 3day or klaht residence bower arenm adaa all calls ivomptly atvwered umim silscelxaneollia franos nunan account books of 11 kind buuls to order xerlodku of brery dicriptioo carefully bound ruling family knd promoily done wyndliam street ouelph out al eagleson onurlo uus bomlnlon xjuub baa fay fec4id tinfnailiinil lpnjftinf surveys report asumated pimdm iuawage woltk specialty teuphmo si ormucertbe onl general we sreclaljzk in llfo piro health and accident aulomohlle wimislomi plate glasg boiler fidelity bonds annuitiefj and all general lined of insuranc43 also ocean steatnaliip tickefl ilkauintj companies kxckjjlknt fjuaiitia fred wright acton mill street phone 158 acton ontario the door of opportunity these small ads will open door to whatever are 8eehlds