Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 3

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qlhp jrtsb press fcljntt tnrg hearts that discern pidrxncb kbrx0an oack da vidqon paused an in stant to mop his brow before swinging upward to the next boulder my wordl he muttered she roust be moon tarn goat or something tbe redeweatcred figure of the girl ahead of him was his objecure but she aeemed to be climbing fast as he was for she was never much nearer at last he lost her around curve in the trail such as it was and finally came upon her flung at full length on ledge overlooking the most beautiful valley in all the balkans at first he thought she had fallen but then he discovered that she was crying and paused irresolute she was the newest missionary at the station down below and eometimeathe agony of homesickness was more than one could bear even after several years sometimes companionship and sympathy helped sometimes it did not he would take chance miss carver the booted feet kicked childish smnng the dead leaves upon the ground mk carver he young man repeat ed go awayr said the glrl jack sat down on convenient boulder to walt until the violence of her pentup emotion had abated somewhat then he calmly handed her his nandkerchlef ikow whats it all about bad news crom ftrtmt wtftwrirfctugi flngntmtyg gone wrong with your classes7 or the troubles in the world piled up at once something like the jast she smiled mistily oh dont see why ever came here well don either he admits you might have picked out an easier place to climb to thought maybe it climbed id feel better and didnt ask you to com anyway na but knew something wu wrong ive been through it myself you see not like this you couldnt have she paused and studied tbe plaid border of his handkerchief you see thought all missionary needed was the urge to go and do ltt and and he questioned afteramoment theres more to it than that such what personality me thought moment that covers lot of ground just what do you mean by personality what you have mow take you for instance the boys worship you oh yes they dot they never think of doing anythin without asking you to do it too mean things they dont have to ask teacher to help them with they tell you things intimate things and they they love youl he looked acros the valley to the lavender mlsbl and tender little slou crept into ills black eyes theyre decent little tykes lie said finally kind of love thcmmyaelf he turn cd toward her again but how dos that apply to your problem my girls dont feci thafr way about rne aw shucks give them time you cant ex poet them to take you to their bosoms at sight and girls are more cautious than bays anyway boye size you up and either make your life an inferno if tluy dont like you or decide youre good sport and give ou the key to the city practically uw first time they we you theres no halfway wltn boys theyre elemental girls now are more subtle think thats tlie word there no way of knowing wliat theyre thinking until they git ready to tell you then lialf the tune theyve been thinking some tiling you never hupected ttw girl laughed little shakily at that not so badly characterised ho admitted but think youre too mod est iclcmtntal tliough tlie boys may youve got to admit that youre tre mendous influence far good in tlielr lives and in the lives of tlie rw4 of us teachers too its nlc of you to say tliat lie said sincerely in fact ybure the rcobua im blue youre so marvellous wrfcuot hr atulcklookbutthft was no eoguelry hi the blue eyes that knet lus as directly and kjuaivjy as ft childs just garden variety tlthap lie denied with little uugh youre terribly discouraging then if you call yourself garden variety you are my ldcl of mwlonary ills fetrong brown hand closed over tiers with firm friendly pressure ill re member that alii oarver some time maybe when need to be reminded sea that volley now worth the climb la it wish could paint it or write it so people could see it no wonder the armenians work such beautiful colors into their embroideries and rugs they watctied the colors change and glow deepen and fade as the afternoon light shifted see the cleft la that ridge ilss carver asked her com panion that the scene of the bloodi est rnasaacre the lfcns has ere known an american mission station was near there it was filled with refugees claiming the protection of the flag but most of the people could not get there the turks got them tney killed men and old women the young women they took away with them the babies they killed tossing them from spear to spear until they were dead the wail by the fountain hi the market square there waa little village there witn cedars and poplars and sweetly blossom ing fruit trees was spattered with the fountain ran rubles and now the valley is serene and beautfful he turned suddenly elisabeth carver stood looking at him with surprise in her eyes he had changed in that moment his eyes were glowing in his lean dark face like the eyes of one who sees visions come lets go down it will be dark soon beter give me your hand for the trail is treacherous txiring the days which followed the two young people were often together they became elizabeth and jack to each other and the other teachers exchanged meaning looks and nodded kindly pleas ed at the romance they saw budding before their eyes elisabeths sweet little thing said doctor graham thoughtfully watching the two swing off together for hike after school hours needs little more seasoning perhaps but mrs graham agreed with him and fond light crept into her eyes as she watched them too jacks like son to me she murmured and sighed little tependahkc erun led doctor grahaia kfcver refuses anything in the way of duty and then goes looking up extra jobs the boys love him when lxabeth and jack returned from their hike laughing and joking with score of boys and girls who had joined them doctor graham met them on the porch of the teachers hous jack have job for you mean job too with storm coming up sure what is it graham leaned heavily on the railing of the porch ive just had me from willis an epidemic of diphtheria has broken out in the hills thcrcs doctor on the scene but hes used up all his antitoxin and theres no one else to send youll take all our extra supply ulll you sure wlio are these people they are group of nomads under hajalan mahomoud just outside the gati of icabuhl have the stuff all ready for you and the best home wo liave sorry to ask it but youll have to go tonight in spite of the approaclilng storm jock liad become strangely leuse when he turned toward graham ida face was white and hu eyes blazed tak antitox to iaohmoudfc men he threw back hla head andlougheu but there was no humor in the sound olphtlierla hi his camp and to think should be here to know of ltl whyrackl or an instant the tuo men looked at each other will not take antitoxin to malimouds men said the younger dellverately his face was grim and the storm began doctor graham and stopped he knew there was great reason than the storm reoeon which struck to the others very souj transforming jack frotn the moat de pendable and chrktlike missionary on the staff to man seething with primi tive hatred and shaken with pasrlon theyll die if you dont whispered mrs graliam of course they will if uere not afraid of catching it uould go tlur to uatch them die uould enjoy it jackl gasped elisabeth what are jou saying theyre turks lie said turks and youro asking me to go out there to save thm me and theyre not just ordinary turku theyre mahmoud men he laughrd again and thp sound was not pleasant to hear then ho went inside tlte house and clammed tlie door doctor graliam and his wife stared at each other dumbfounded elisabeth looked at diem both hesitated moment and then wtnt inside to find jack he was standing by window overlooking the valley jack she began he swung around you remember thatday when fo uiountam audxtaidyou wrmy ldualofa mudnnary ouletty he faltered then stiffened and the muscles btood out on hu jaw llemeia br told you about the massacre twenty yars ago hi that village look at me wliat nationality urn fwhy why american arent you am called jack davidson my name jakub ditvldun im armenian bom in uiat village was takbig oj my sliecp on ledue just above thjf village when tlie turks under moli swooped down from tlto hills rahvdawn saw them kill my father he dkhv du right away lie lived quit while tiiey killed my grand mother and tltey took my mother uw uy uttht brouier too they he ran hid kdendcr brown rburrs tlirough his blueblack hair and sliut his eyes against the vividness of tlie memory luixabeth thought of her father her mother her baby brother back in peace ful safe america and shuddered tney took my sister away iiy skur was not killed she was beauuful alio was just fifteen and sang like the thrush in the woods she must tlave fetched good price hi the slave market ran away came to the american mission and the took me to america when they went back and nenr am asked to take lifesaving antitoxin to turn the curse of god away from that people but jack thinkl youvo mis sionary its its your duty my position is that oa teacher vjlsa bcth neither messenger nor doctor if ttirk comes here to the mission and have to teach htm well and good but do nothing merer if turk came to the mission buza beth had an idea she left jack david son sitting by the window wqh bitter ness stamped upon his heart anil lined upon his face long time afterwards or eo it seem to him something roused him out of his depths something soft and compell ing tiny brown hand lay on his knee and baby face looked into his brown dimpled fists beat on his knee and childish voice lisped upl upl he took the child on his knee and she snuggled down into his arms slngl she commanded sing me sleep oh here she lsi elisabeth laughed down at them in well simulated burpiise shi jack warned her shefc asleep were here tb moke the world safe for children like her whispered the girl to teach them and their brothers so that they will be happier to teach tliem of god to heal them when they are sick you you would dread to see her suffer wouldnt you jack heaven forbid exclaimed jack lightening his arms bit as though the act would keep away harm where did she come rrom anyway she was brought here this mornjng by man who isald her parents are dead shes shes turk jack the young man looked down at tlw sleeping child and could hardly believe that anything so soft worm and ador able couldbe turk she and her sick mother and this man were left behind on the march alter the mother died the man was axrald to take the child to tho encamp ment because there is death there so ho brought her here you beeshe is one of mnhmouds tribe its hfe hit ting children like this one pretty hard and lie was afraid children like this one funny jock had always thought of the turks as men fierce bearded giants with curved swords here take her jack witere are you gomg im taking the antitoxin to mah moud men and if you want to know wliy read the last two verses of the book of jonah elisabeth watched him ride off through the lacing ulver thrcadu or rain she tlun laid the child down on couch and turned to the lost two verses of jonah to the place where god reveals ills pity to jonah who had raged against the people of nineveh because lw hated their ulckcdness then said the lord thou liast had pity on the gourd for the witch thou host not iaboredn either madct it grow which came up in higbt and perished in night and not cparc nineveh that great city where are more than bixscore thoa sand ptrsons that cannot discern be tween their right hand and thtilr left hand and also much cattle elisabeth mot jack davldion coming back far up the valtey tlie next morn ing he come riding like victor and only she knew how much of victor hi was conoucror over heart of bitter ness over an ageold racial enmity exwhts kake uig gain conodau domestic exports in august had value of 7073fl 000 compared with 5332iflooo year ago and 723000 in august 1033 the increase over last jear was 154b9 000 or 28 per cent and tlie increase over two years ago was 20015000 or 58 per cjcnt tlie domes tic exports for august were greater than for any month since november 1030 many ltemti contributed to the gain in the august exports exports of alcoholic beverages roti from 509 000 in august 1034 to 715000 duo chiefly to increased buying by the united 4ee wla amounting to 17g04 000 compared with 13fita000 shipments to tho united kingdom at 14 010 000 almost doubled and those to uu united states wvra valued at 3404 000 compared with 355 000 unmanufactured leather ex ports rose from 178000 to 207000 meatu from 1345000 to 1700000 raw wool from 78 000 to 105 000 papor chicriy newsprint froirrdbohood to 101000 planks and broads from 2555 000 to 3300 00o shmgles from 44j000 to iossooo automobile fcxports were hlglier at bfid000 compared with 1450000 in august hut year and farm implements rot from 188 000 to 508000 mach inery from 3os000 to 034000 pig iron and ingots from 07 000 to 13000 in the nonferrous me tali aluminium ex ports were worth 1518 000 against 287000 copper 187000 compared with 1765 000 raw gold 528000 against 318000 lead 000000 compaivd with 564000 nickau 080000 compar ed with 2409000 and tllvcr 1070003 compared with o03000 asbestos was higher hi auirudt at 540 000 asalruit j000 and coal at 175 000 compumi with jo 000 no uafjkl now the mcinbci of the crew approaclted very dlstruacd passenger on the bout dont be downhearted sir lie said seaalckru never killed anyone yet tlie surrerlng one groaned dont say that lw pleaded lts only the hopd of dying thats kept me alive so far slats diahy by rosb fabqtjbaa friday joe ulxes wife says ehe dus sent beleave enny morn that wmo is good for ipalntlng fipells becus joe has ben haveing fainting spells or three times weak and she got him sum wine for his fainting spells and now joe has fainting cpell most gcnrelly evry day sum times saterday pa is still wirrylng over his bad luck witch he had when he betted an the bore lewis prize fight he bet with mr gillem and if it had endod in tho fortccnth round lusted of the 4th and bore hod nocked out lewis pa wood of win instead of loseing it sundavxjxss wllklns ac his wife had there babyoht rldcing today for the 1st time sence it waa borncd they tod ant emmy they felt free to take it out now on acct they finished paying for it yes uddy munday tim blunts olo ssodo ant died tho uthcr day and ha went to her funeral today and he told pa that he honestly bcleavcd tlie onlcy dates she ever hod was the ones they wcro putting on her toom stone teusday wird got out tluvt lilly sprlggs win the rolling phi throwing contest at the pta plcnlck last week and sence then she hasscnt hod no dates with her intended huobend wcnsday pa nccn in the paper where roan witch was refused lone by ho bank went and set bum under it and blue the bankup pa called the bankers attenshun to it hrre in town thursday phil jlnkins has started to icrn tho barber blsncss but pa says ho will hever get long very well at it becus he has got stoppage in his speech frlmo breakutg fov wound in some factories ahd workshops carbolic acid kf kept for uo in cauterizing wounds and cuts sustained by the work hien bottle of dr thomas eciectrla oll it is out as quick in action and does not scar the skin or bum the flesh afraid op nothing uttle girl daddy when you see cow aint you afraid daddy of course not darling utue girl when you see great big worm aint you afraid daddy no of courso not little girl when you see horrible monstrous bumblebee aint you afraid daddy no certainly not little girl aint you afraid when it thunders and lightnings daddy no no you silly cluld little girl daddy aint you afraid of nothing in tlw whole world ceptln mother cold dbinks foe dot dats milk drinks clajm the tetii of being both refreshing and nourishing in other words they are not only thirst quenchers but valuable food an ideal combination for hot summer days when appetites are apt to lag and there may be little desire for solid foods the natural flavor of milk makes it most palatable drink when served ice cold some prefer the tang of fresh buttermilk to that of sweet milk white milk drinks such as tho following made by the addition of syrups and flavorings are also quite popular cbbocolatti mlfjc shake squares ounces chocolate melted over hot water or ji qup cocoa few grams nalt to cups sugar l4 cups boiling water mix together chocolate or cocoa salt rmgor and water and stir until well blended boll minutes cool kmj in covered jar use to tablespoons syrup to cup of milk beating together with egg beater or shaking well ha shaker servo thoroughly chilled mrrk orangeade cup milk tablespoons cracked ice tablespoons orange tryrup moke orange syrup by boiling together minutes equal quantities of orange juloe and sugar little lemon juice may be added if desired put milk ice and syrup in jar and shako until blend ed and servo cold ginger krrrtr ji cup milk cup ginger olo sugar if desired combined very cold milk and chud ginger ufo sweeten to taste and serve at once milk blossoms jfecupjnlut noksxs oomingback canadas horse population has declined greatly during the past fifteen years due principally to the invasion of the motor vehicle into the field of endeavor so long ruled by the toqulnes unable to compete with the speed and convenience of automobiles as mode of transpor tation the horse naturally suffered in prestige and tflth the adoption of power machlnew on farms his sphere of use fulness becarne sven more limited with the result that the number of horses in canada declined from 3010404 in 1921 to 2933492 in 1034 notwithstanding the growth of the country during that period despite the continued decline in recent years indications point to better days ahead for old dobbin with both horse population and demand on the increase an estimate of tho number of horses in manitoba as at jue 1035 placet uu horse population at 297000 on increase of 1000 over tho preceding year an other favorable indication la the distinct increase in horsebreeding activities horse breeders dubs in tho prairie pro vinces numbered 16g in 1034 on increase of moro 30 per cent over tho number in operation in 1033 and num ber of districts reported inability to secure satisfact stallions imports of purebred stallions and marcs of the draft breeds numbered 50 in 1033 and this number was morti than doubled in 1934 jj what bi the principal part of the main part mane charged water to fill glass to tablespoons fruit syrup or grape juice blend milk and syrup together before adding charged water serve very cold orange lemon pineapple strawberry raspberry or fig syrup may bo made by using half as much sugar as fruit or fruit juice in the cuse of berries cover with water boll minuted and sixain through cluee cloth canned fruit or jam may be used to make the dyrup with moiit cyrupi few drops of lemon juice improved the liavor and tukn somk 1riend did you fish with ilus returning camper wsh with them we fkdied with tliem camped with them ate with them and slept with them assistant 1hjveb did you have nice trip very good my wife did all the driving mfow lovely so you could enjoy the seen cry yes all had to do was to hold the wliecl brfghten up with allbran youre had days when yotrve felt discouraged and low nothing eemed to go right frequently these dreary days can be traced to com mon constipation doe to lack of bulk in your this ailment may eamse bead aches and lots of energy correct it by eating delicious cereal laboratory research shews kel logg allbbjuv protide bnlk to aid elimination axjlbjlam also far nishes vitamin and foodiron the hoik in aurbui resists digestion better than the fiber in frnlu and tegetablea it is gentle and often more effective isnt this nataral fpod better than jwhg pat ent medicine often harmful two tahletpoonfols of auubau dally are asttatjy wly with each meal in ebronie relieved this way brighten days with get the redand grcen package at conr grocers made kellogg in leo don ontario keep on the if not sunny side of life cadesky otnroscnaust will be irfarrrtm oj monday november anyone suffering from byestrsin defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appointments may be made with mr brown druggist oonsultaiion pfuee office uoors in tm harvest sale at local grocers this week theres special no housewife can afford to miss crisp kelloggs corn flakes in great harvest sale specially priced outstanding value everybody loves the crunchy crispness and delicious flavor of kelloggs corn flakes and they were never more appetizing than nowin of fall order plentiful supply from your grocer today stock your pantry shelves serve kelloggs corn flakes with milk or cream for breakfast lunch an afterschool snack or wholesome supper for httlechildrentheyve nourishing rich energ easy to dige ifellosortnflakestsaveryoiu time as well as money theyre ready to eat no cooking or trouble to serve always ovenfresh protected by the heatsealed waxtite inner wrapper an exclusive kellogg feature made by kellogg in london ontario special on corn flakes ask your grocer tr nows to the time save

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