Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 10 Oct 1935, p. 4

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paixb pour the acton free press thursday october 10th 1s38 neighborhood news intcrvtin iteaw concerning other centra and commnattim in whkh many of our readers are interested erin mrs russell scott and two chudren of matheoon aro plaiting with her mother mrs olbuon and other reu tiiet miss nellie mulerr has returned home after spending two months with her uncle mr etauffer at castor alborta hereford cow the property of john mcarthur which strayed on tp ths ouelph road was struck by truck be kmslxhg to the ritchie cut stone co on tuesday and was so severely injured that it had to be destroyed quiet but pretty weddlnff was solem nized at the presbyterian manse erin on wednesday september 25th 1935 by rev orant when margaret irene keeier eldest daughter of mr and mrs herbert keeier was united in marriatfs with bert berry younger son of mr and mrs george berry both of erin township advocate churchill ospringb meeting was held last night in the schoolhouse in the interests of it smith reconstruction candidate only few voters were present at congregational meeting held re cently at the local church it was decided not to have fowl supper tbi fall mrs oliver of montreal nee myr tle standisb or prelate saakj spent the weekend with her grandmother mrs bla miss marjork allien returned to her home in toronto after visit with her father miss seweu and friend of st cath arines visited on sunday with mr and mrs webb and family the many friends here of mrs oeorge reruiickti of milton sister of mrs stewart will be pleased to know she will eoon be able to leave the ouelph hospital after her recent serious operation mr reg carter and miss murl1 young of stratford were recent guests with the former sister and hrotherlu law mr and mrs robertson mbs foreman and pupils of the school are blislly engaged in preparing their float for tile parade at erin hair umehousti the harmony club of the united church met on friday evening last when most interesting time was spent after period of tong worship was conducted by dennis hill the business session resulted in thu filling of three vaeanclss in uie executive president dennis him literary convener charles douglas and recreational leader kenneth stephen boii plans re made to ona contest aimilar to uie one licld hut year following the iuggcstioa of una young peoples conference at whitby btudy of the four political platforms was made the conservative was presented by mra stephenson liberal tom packer re construction clios douguu and by mr stephenson it was under stood that the speakers were not neces sarily presenting their own platforms but those laid down by leaders of the several parties and much instructive information wiu received the meeting closed with singing and prayer quite number of folk from tiie unit ed church congregation attended anni versary services held in oiul williams on sunday lost both morning and even ing under the able direction of tiev mr elliot of toronto number of friends and relatives from this community attended tiie funeral or tiie late leonard wauon held on monday afternoon from his late resid ence in georgetown short service was held at the home after which the funeral left by motor to ebcnezer churcn where service as held burial taking place in the fa plot adjoining the sympathy of tnzt isianu uuigiibui huud is extended to mrs watwrn and tiie family progress is being made with lmproi ments to uie road it uuinda 111a bombardment sometimes blasting tiie rock la responsible the now owners of mr jdoughtya pro perty have taken pooeslaii and house in the court of construction undfar thf dlxettlon of mr hciitley or lamlltonrnow en the wtutlicr uiictetcctlohnirvrthotbptcd much dlscutiscd theae days the former while it is talked about considerably never caused any dispute all are agreed it is ruther unciunnble for the umd of veur und has necessitated tlu taking up or roots earlier uian lias bevu known for some time thd latter is question requiring serious thoughto on the part of every elector public moctlifgs in uw vicinity are being well attended and interest man luit were glad to report decided lm provement in the sick in our midst dur lng uio week all ore on the mend mrs mills and helen spent last week in toronto returning home for the week end mrt storey wad visitor with them over sunday mr and mrs arthur lane and family of toronto with ids mother mr and mrs dorey of hamilton with mr and mrs mllllere mr and mru haines of oleil wll hams with mr and mrs jos scott mlas lumbers and mm author und of toronto with ur and miss sutherland air and mrs gordon meredith of totodto mr and mra lucas of acton wtmvtn ueredim on wednesday evening joint meeting or the ladles aid and quarterly finance was held at the home of mr and mrs swackhamer mrs thomas presided during the ladles aid meeting which was opened with the hymn son or my soul prayer by mra kerr and the scripture reading by etta swack hamer few items of business were discussed and fees collected mr swackhamer then took charge the church treasurer reported money oa hand to pay alt bills which was quite encouraging at the close lunch wot served by the hostess and very enjoy able time spent halunafad mr and mra preston and family of glen williams were visitors on sunday at the home or mr john harding electric lights were installed in the parsonage last week mr sherlock boreman of toronto spent the weekend at his home with rev and mrs foreman the womens missionary society of the united church here ore holding birthday party on prlday evening it being the tenth anniversary of the union mr joseph soper was at morrlsion this week spending couple of dayti with his sister mrs oeorge evans there was liberal meeting in the hall on monday evening in the interests of the candidate dr blair the meeting was well attended kvekton the everton young peoples society met on monday evening in the school room of the church with the president miss dorothy church ha the chair tha meeting opened with irhymn followed by prayer by the president the minutes of uie last meeting were read by tha secretary roll call was answered with vursc of scripture beginning with tha letter busineal wod then dcat ulth it was decided to hold hal loween social at uie church the leader miss mabel mfclcod then took the chair the subject being social standards scripture reading and talk on the subject uas given by the leader and dlscus uon on uie topic ed by mrs john alton mfcii dorouiy church sang solo the meeting closed by singing hymn and prayer mr and mrs harry hancock of glui williams spent sunday with uie latters parents mr and mrs hamilton miss gladys coullng guelph town ship spent last friday wlui mm waltir coullng mra mary loree is spending couple or wwlcs vialung in toronto mv and mrs mccutcheon and son robert spent sunday with mr and mrs will west fifui line mrs hobertson and mrs haggurty arc vfcilting mfs frank tovell mr and mrs chark mcarthur and daughter of erin visited mr und mrs ubherwood on sunday mr mid mrs jcsun spent satur day hi georgetown and attended uio cor ft town fair eden mills annlwnmry services were observed in the presbyterian church on sunday strvlcas uere conducted by the rev roland of york presbyterian church toronto who delivered tuo excellent vnnons uhlch were much appreciated by large nudlence both morning and evening special music was provided by the choir ousted by mra oollghtly alo the acton male quartette two very tine numbers at both jervlcca th fowl supper held in uie town hall qu xibn an lightful supper was enjoyed tho hall uas packed to capacity and the program uas excellent being in cliarge of the brant sextete from brantford mr johnston acted capable chairman and rev mr somervule gave very lino address visitors noticed in tiic community at tending the anniversary were miwidmruaxmllnound mls tjo lstbfrockwobdrkh dmtss margarctr mlno or acton at mr and mra bios mr and mrs anderson mr and mrny william anderson and son or oueiph mr and mrs kiliott and family or campbellvllle at uie ailbert son houh mr und mrs fields and family of toronto ut mr and mrs milnes mr und mrs harold ektw and little daughter at mr and mrs scotts mr and mrs oeorge mcpliull and mr douuld mcphutl at tho home of mr and mrs mcplmji rile ngulur meeung of the womens mbwlonry society of uie presbyterian church was held ut the itoitw of mrs itobcruort with sood attendance mrs asliworth mr bert ashworth mr forbeo colgate miss barbara col gate and mr ray morgan all of tor onto motored up on monday evening to attend uie fowl suppur alullveriuiry scrvlecs will be observed uie united churth next sunday mr and mw boruiwlck visited hi the luuite of mr attdars robert wilson sunday mr and mrs howie wright and family and mr french of toronto attended tiie aiudversary services milton woodier left monday on month6 visit to relauves and friends at winnipeg calgary and ed monton harrison mr and mrs ralph os borne and daughter margie of detroit mich were weekend visitors at tr home of mr and mrs david dickson mrs oowland and son douglas of mliton and dr and mrs king and daughter joan of oalt left on monday for twomonths visit to the formers sister fresno cal the halton county agricultural so cietys band annual fall fair held on friday and saturday last broke all records as regards attenda and exhibits the fair which was ofllcuy opened on saturday by foater of haneywood woo grand success in every particular the gate receipts being 200 in excess of those of last year receiving four firsts and one second out of nvo events entered miss gal bralth won uie senior girls championship at tho milton high school flold day held last wednesday brush was declared boys champion in the senior section while mactoobb captured uie intermediate class championship for boys and his cousin macnabb the junior honors miss cookman took uie honors in uie intermediate class for girl and miss turner was awarded the junior championship champion rockwoodpv the young peoples society of the united church held their annual rally on sunday morning instead of the even ing service the meeting was presided over by miss elizabeth hutchlnaon pre sident who also gave uie scripture read ing ross carton gave nno talk on uie meaning of thanksgiving the guet soloist was miss ida hill or paisley memorial church ouelph she conlfl buted two pleasing sokwf including my task and was accompanied on the piano by mr robinson berry the special speaker for uie occasion was rev murray of pawey mem orial church guelph who delivered very forocruu message calling uie youth of today to more spiritual life arthur harris letllu jryer tho next meeting will be held next monday evening which will be in ciiarge of uiu cluzenship com mittee several members of tho united church young peoples society attended uio hamilton young peoples convention held in st cauiarines october 4th gth flth they report very succctiful and helpful meeting pleasing entertainment was held in uie united church last week and given by yc canadian artists who brought witii them something different and some what new to the ordinary programs of uie day their musical and vocal num bers were of high tone and especially so of idrla hopkins who dkplayed sonw piano technique which was marvel to those present tho vocal numbers by paul barbour were none uiecbs enjoyed as well us the duetts bcapl te ehllly winds and uiroatenlng skiuj tha continuation school scholars held successful field bay last thurs day afternoon events in all classes were keenly onuisted members the womens institute conducted refresh ment bootii which enabled all present to struggle against the wauicr elements with hot drinks and sandwiches which were much appreciated the publicschool scholars enjoyed brier holiday during tho weekend on account or the south wellington school teaclien convention held at uie guelph in memorial hall oulng to anniversary servicer at eden mills preabyterlnn church on sunday no hcrvices were iwld here rev roland of toronto delivered vara cot nnd forceful messages morning and evening at the evening servlco rev jane of hassagaweya presbyteri an church assisted in the service mr johnston was also present in the owning selections by the choir and tho male quartette ol acton were also inspiring on monday evening uie anniversary tuppcr wus held in eden mills town hall and attended by large number in tho ivunuig luiiltiaid ppsffrir by members or thu brant orpheus sex tette or brantford who kept the audl enco hi cheerful frame of mind with their program numbers during brief interval rev mr somervule gave an oddretji last thursday afternoon mr lalng hud tho misfortune to have hu car damaged to some extent throih contec on wuy tlu outoftown car sukredenioocr deal worse dqe to being swung right about with uie result tliat both rear tiros were flattened and uie running board and fender torn olf as vu as the rear axlo loosened from uw spring by the hnpact mr luings cur luul uia front fender bent to soma extent very fortunately no onu was injured miss doris itoyoi of toronto ani mr patersan also of toronto were stuiday visitors mfc3 jean torranoe of slmcoe was home for the weekend mr alex clark cf st catluirlnes was uji for tlio weekend miss eileen mcphermon hiui returned homo from lief visit hi new york titato tno tovero frost of the past few nights luu looseiivd thu leuvis wltli uie rxjiult tliat uie ground ui umo placed is covur iuohtm tragedian uilnk it vitlihi my right to auk for rval wine hi uie baii quotlng scene stage manager klgtit old man and suppooe yuud like real poison in uio dcuul soedr huqbe8 clsavsr uberalprogresslrts candidate for halton county to the electors of halton county wo have reached uie dosing week of the campaign to thoue of you who have been following tho campaign closely and reading tho speeches made by prom inent speakers of all of the four parties seeking your support isnt it fact that you have heard so many conflicting bets of figures and arguments that you do not know whom to beliove7 it is junt uils fact which makes elections so un certain under ordinary conditions it lias been said that most men are honest except when it comes to politics or horse trading but this time wonder if all of uie platform oratory is gomg to have much effect there are certain fact wlthm your own personal knowledge refer to your own actual living conditions if during tho last ave years you have been prosperous if you have had your share of uie little luxuries and pleasures of life if you have had permanent em ployment at good waged and no danger of losing it you would know these facts without anyone telling you the con verse holdti true you do not need to rely upon tho statistics of any politician to prove to you how dissatisfied you ars you liavo been ill actual need in land of plenty you liave been denied the ordinary pleasures of ufa and in soma instances uie actual necojtltles of llfo some of your children have not liad enough to eat and not enough ciothjj to wear some of your children are wearing costoff garments which some ouitr person lias given to you some of you have been looking for jobs for over four years and you are still out of work you ore given mere plttancs to live on the head of family gets 130 per week and 00c per week for every additional member of uio famly taking uio average family to have two children this works out to 00 per wee for four persona if you do hot spend any of this money for clouies liousehold supplies such oa aoap etc but if it is all fcpentortfood it works ouuto ipt th live cents per meal per pewon if you liuvt tlireo meals day know there ore tome who abuse uio roilef privilege and who do not want work but uiht problem of the men who will not work can quite cosily be salved as soon as wo are prepared to give employment to uiose who do detrve it is it fair in chris tian country like canada to io govern our economic life uiat we have over oiu million people on relief on uie one hand and on uie other hand cxcws wealth in uio hands or tiie few no man is entitled to an income of uiree or four thousand per day whllo someohp else in the same country is on relief tho sable thing holds good wltil uin farmers you do not need to be tol uiat high tariffs are no good for uio farmer that the farmer uonta mariela instead of official receivers you do not need to be told uiat you ure taxed to deaui tliat tiie budget needa balancing tliat tariffs are strangling our trade that excess prollts and stock uatcrlna must be curbed uiat monopo lies and dishonest chain store practice must be curbed that you arc not retting quare deal you know all or uipjo georgetown mr barraclough or olen wil liams who was reapolnted justice of the peace in april was also appointed commissioner for taking affidavits september mr bellmghaxn banker of st albans england guest of nolle toronto was visitor to georgetown to attend uie wedding of miss lillian saun ders mr john mcdennld returned home last week from his mission field jiear cochrane new ontario and left no monday to continue his studies at em manuel college toronto mrs mcqueen who has been spending uie summer at the home or her daugh ter mrs mackenzie and wtcn other ontario relatives left on saturday last for her homo in roocanvule soak two young men were peddling grapes and apples in town last week lady purchased basket of apples and ten dered five dollar bill hi payment the man took uio bill to get it changed but up to now luu not returned the members of georgetown fire brigadettocompan ledymayorq lbhon paid return social visit to acton bri gade last friday ovening good musical program and delicious refresh ments combined to make most pleasant visit on uie night of september 37th mr saxes creamery on ouelph street was broken into and small quantity of money stolen the thieves gained en trance through back window on uio same night an attempt was made to rob wm kings butcher chop but when uie thieves noticed night constable wm emmcrson some distance up uie street uiey jumped into car and fled they had removed the grate above uio cellar window on the street herald figure that out parent do you und that jack works hard teacher ho likes doing nothing better insurance fire car accident sickness etc harrop repkbbkntativk gore district mataal norwich unless tha aluanea asaoranee oa the caaoalty ei gated fl tha merehaata caaoauy oa tha rortagelapraarla fttl house cleaning help wo offer special prlem ob clouting honae farniiinxri comfoivranis is ourtains jvortizrb tonmned sorties lined mt miaows each xi cushions at sed spreads it rugs per square yard 35 iace table doths is oar uupl mm and goad wotfc tnanahlp and sendee on oth article spotless gleaners laitl st aotqm w4 eightyfifth annual erin fall fair friday and saturday october 11 and 12 fair opened by hon ftuncaii mtannau minuter of atriauuur bif parade at 130 contests and hplcndid program parade of livk stock at 41b follow the crowd meet at erin fair uilrmt bocauiu you have lelt uie result in your own lives let mo rupiat paragraph in my unit letter to you tor all of uicse reasons euggest ta you uuil wlien you mark your ballot on october hui nent you diould put osldo entiment and party loyalty and consider your own welfare vou ijiould vote for the party whoso platform will heat bervo trommmt uie common people meuii tiw mech anic tho farmer uie great middle class opposed to the millionaire class and uie big interests in claiiiig wish to tliank uie electors of this county for uie fair and courteous baring wliicli lutve receivetl without exception at all of my meetings have tried to accurately place beforu you uio fuels on understand uiehl and liave tried to appeal to your common senro and good judgment rather than to your emotions you have been waiting loiitf time for thta chance don uirov it away votis ublcllail yours ahicerely huohks olkav1cu motv of all the wutchword of life duty la live highest and best he who sliiccrrly adopts it lives true life he is really tiiu buccuiful iue it pertains to all par and ralittloiia of life tticre no moiiietit place or condltlmi where it claims ur not imperative ilio poet uuloi well alwpt and drearnvd ulut life wus beajt woke and found that life was duty wdi thayer radio broadcast george currie conservative candidate for halton will speak from chml hamilton 1010 friday night october lllh at 545 pm saturday october 12tli at 115 election time specials buy goods produced in canada ity canadian larmtiuti and canadian uiiiuk fou canadians kelloggs 23c macaroni j5 clarks lifebuoy 23c librys 7r isc wftons cltusiitl w1ikat lackao falcon no clarks barrsquahtygrocery shop and votk in the interest ok canada fcntttb stptrcli nf sattaiaawj aotom parncoip boer avanoa ujdo the latnlster ulow one man boasted 1x15 sunday school and bible classen 700 rev ii somerrlue of eden mills tuesday 00 young poples xeasue meeting in choree of literary oroup wednesday 00 unity mens club everybody weuxmav flrrsbglnrten knox catjwca actom uxv bknkik tlflnw uanae wlhow btreet sunday october 13th 1s5 1100 in void or voice 30 the sabbath school 00 iteconstrucuon note no youruj peoples qtiud an monday night anniversary of the ooncregation october 27th 1lwatb weloomk liapttet einirrii acton 10 00 to sunday school 1100 hev john uclntoeh tuesday 00 ta xt uncljsruifed small advertisements alwrtbcata butler tbls qac cent pe woi uiniaaitflav dim 5c pc iamrtioo fikeiiiatvtlaab tor tjoo if paid cb loe a1ditfawil charged ber iteaas av to booked roil ftent aparunent to rent all convenience newly decorated uachxjof acteea hog hhifrlng satukoay tfl go and krade hotf trucking free hat delhcred by farmers w70 holmes tt lost piece of slieet music on tuesday at noon please return to browns tore row hent no 18 tlw crescent all convenience apply mhjls 143 453 martfueretui street toronto fou sailk weaned pis ofeyjrge koberlon lot 25 canocavslou noiifiafiaweyiu toixetswanto lefihorn and barred hock pullets want ed hlfthest cash price iild give full particulars w8 box 33f peflous ont notice notice hereby fclven uiat will not be responsible after this date for any debts incurred by my wife she bavin left my bed and bourd coleman jr acton october oth 1035 card ov thanks mr norman mclcod and the family are deeply appreciative of uie many lclndncijj which were shown at tho time of uie death of their beloved brother tcell the sympathy expressed and uia kindly acts will always bo kraterully remcmbffrixl calto of yiianks mr georce mcdonald and family ap preciate deeply the kindly sympathy and neighborly thounhtfulnerji uiat war shown at the time of the death of tho beloved wife and mother of the home these many klndnefrci ulll nlwajs ho rrato fully remvimbered sl lll 31 georgetown good prices pxdd foi liqnes injured cattle etc or anyuilm suitable for fox nlcat but animals must be jumrured inhwjlitely to be of use and moat in perfect condition vannatteit wx patau poppy and remembrance days novemkeft 9th and lith uesmsctivly will corporauoiis churched uocletkhs etc and individual kindly place their orders for wreallis for heinembranoo xay as mil as poslble please acton ajd district leoion no 197 subucripuona for all migprtztoea taken at the fr prw offlca ivfmifckuriki

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