the acton free press thursday ootobol 10th 1035 books suppose then wero do books mo books to imd to corny nooks mb books to en the hungry mind and tetch too art no books to white hour ttnk today wttb wdy ko books to ewm ua tor while tyjbrteg tow or lure ft saaite but ibet ftiw books praise ood ftbowl it books and have we an dlbpcme with other ihtaaja tls books novcrowria that mataa men roberta naozkn cimr dessdit rerreahmc draughts of apple eider re one of ute treats which uw rail of str brins to ua her is doaeert which imprisons tbe aeuctous freshness of elder end the crbpness of rosy red apples appue cedkr tano package lesaonoavored gelatin cup tnn water cup aweet cider is cup red apples cut in matchsuck dissolve gelatin warm water add cider chill when attgnuy thickened fold in apples turn into individual nvm chill until firm unmold serves candy for lunch7 wky not it oives the younostters kp candy has really valuable place in the school lunch for sugar is quickly turned to energy and two or three pieces of candy for dessert are not only tempt ing taut invigorating ero are some new candy recipes thaf need no cooking the work is almost done before you start because the sweet ened condensed milk is blend of sugar and whole tnm which has been cooked down until it is as rich and thick as cream in five minutes kitchen duty you can turn out batch of dalntlm that will delight the youngsters sweet tooth walnut pruit ioap cup raisins cup walnut meats cup sweetened condensed milk put raisins and nut meats through food chopper add sweetened condensed blending thoroughly scrape mix ture into butered pan which has hem sprinkled with confectioners sugar smoothing out sprinkle top with con fectioners sugar chill cut into squares for serving orange coconut halls 23 cups confectioners sugar cup sweetened condensed milk teaspoons orange juice teaspoon grated orange rind cup shredded coconut measure iugar utter sifting blend with sweetened condensed milk orange juice and orange rind drop from teaspoon into shredded coconut roll in small balls place in refrigerator or cool place for several hours tw0eblu1s pie pouax1tomn days lilcs of luscious tempting groped in the market ore as much part of early call days as arc the leaved turning to all their glorious autumn colont hous wives in search of delicious pie nlling will nnd it in concord grape pu thlck en this pie filling with small quantity ol quickcooking tapioca and you will achieve phi wliich is easily lutndlcd at the table tapioca serves its purpose without tpolllng the delicate fresh tang or the grapes concord grape pu2 tablespoons quickcooking tapioca cups sugar teaspoon salt tablespoon melted butter 314 cups beeded halved concord grunts recipe pie crust combine quick cooking tapioca sugar salt butler and graphs let stand about 16 mlnuuti line dlnch pie plate wltii pastry jolted inch uilck mil with grape mtxturc sfoisuii of pastry evensong for songs divine half heard and half withholden that dropped on uilver pinions down the sky for visions fair half hid and half be holden compelling hopes that knew not how to die for all the wine untasted and immortal before mine eyes upon tile white dust spilled for all dear dreams olat shone above llfes portal and fell besldt its pathway unfulfilled for all unfathered roses red as fire ttiat lit my way with lnvfeih fragrant ilamc for all tlio old sueet pain of grvat desire tliat led me hither captive as came for all on bended kneed make thanks giving tiio unachieved that spurred my steps along tho unattalned tlmt made life worth tlio living the unfulfilled tlmt kept my spirit strong it bashford winr us nmctf hot oven 450 degrees 15 minutes then decrease heat to moderate 350 degrees and bake 25 minuted longe or until filling is cooked nutty salads and sandwich wlien you wish to turve something particularly pleading for lunclicon try nutanwtciics brakit huts are ideal for summer dbthrrf oh th with the pobatocs dug and the fruit pruxrvvd and the vegutablea all in the cellar and the heavy frou of thece nights it can bo considered fall with whiter just around the corner its nica to set with tx bit of fire in the houo and in these days get out come of the old boojes crap books etc and find lot of interesting reading as well ud keep ing little abreast of tlio doings of the day hen on article vlju1 from scrap book of many many years agdund going to pass it on for my column this week 13vils op flhltrno how few the girls wlio in the palmy days of maidenhood indulge in unlimited flirtations with tlio men of tlnlr ac quaintance that ever dream of tlio retri bution whlcli maturer years will bring as rule men who are so cgotbitlcal that girl cannot favor them with more uian the coolufit marks of friendship without having hcrtvclf open to tiio charge it being in love wluit license tlien docs die give to their tongues who consent to thu stolen lnterviewc the rllent hand pressureu tlvc nweet nothings of oonver satlon which express co little and in sinuate so much with ail the minutiae or llirting and the pity is these epi sodes so often occur between men of the uorld and young girls who ajv just out raid ir tor thfcr contamination exhibit nature they little dream of hear tile sneers and nee the hkanlng looks ofthctr supposed ad mlrers wlien with tlitlr own set it wouli most effectually eradicate any dealire for furtluy initiation in the art or flirting pretty sixteen pouta and blusliw at uiu information and taj uuit siie does not believe mcuwhohavsuttdof uelrown would speak lightly of tlio is ters kicw crop is jutit reaching us and we hm aaaured of jiiat fresli nutty navor the followhg arc ideal hot weatlier dlslied oltkam fw and bitazil vvt ualad cup cream cliecse cup chopped celery tableepooiui chopped ollvvtl cup crusliod iiroiil nuts leluoa or otlier salad grrn freiich drcslng ouava jelly mix cream cliem wltli chopped cdy and olives and form into unall balls lioll each ball hi cliopped urakil nulrf uu lettuce witlt frvneh dressing in salad bowl and then arrange cheese balls alternately with cubes of guuvu jelly on top of dressed salad bavohy sandwiolteti vt oup trtayonnalut cup minced celery tt cup alloed brazil uuu tablespoons minced pickle tablespoon chili hauce buttered bread mx the mayonnaise with celery brazil outs pickles and chili aauoe spread flubs bs alloc of buttered bread tlsbll the crusts have been from school with beads crammed with all the rubblah which fifty or ft hundred giru can interchange with each other and the trashy romances they have read surreptitiously under cover of some text book their deluded teacher supposed them to bo diligently studying they are bursting to be introduced to make their first conquest and enter that fairy land of sighs and protstauons of moon light rambles and romantlo situations or tender looks and all the fiddlafadd of sensational literature and what do uip motliers of these misguided cruo turcsr eighteen out of every twenty raise eyes and hands in holy horror if by ehanop their girl drop word in uieir hearing of their little peccadilloes thotr own youth to so car book they cannot re call it and the idea or any well brought up girt fluting or making freedom wltn young men bluunofull nays mamma bristling all over with puritanical chas tity never let mo hear you mention the like again and they never do but all the same the mischief goes on for they argue mamma did just the same when she was girl the nineteenth mother is as lwr daughter and not only listens to their narratives but encourage them by re lating su expcrlcncco when she was brilliant belle but the twentieth dear noble woman when aho arrays her daughter in her first boll drcos alsa encases her in doubleproof coat of mall against the world the flesh and the devil which latter means tho young roan of fashion she docs not send lior dove among hawks with the belw that they are dove of another color no she teaches her that maiden purity is no sure defence against mans wiles she tells her that men will presume if women will permit them and that there can be no true love where there is no genuine respect and that girl maintains her dignity and commands reverence where more lovely but weaker women falx it may be called harsh measure to open the eyes of coiumtogyoungcreaturof to the rude rule of life thus abruptly but if they are facte why conceal them is it hot better to tell her they exist and fortify her against them than to lei licr in sheer ignorance wreck her whole life were there more confidence be tween mothers and daughters more openness of intercourse more calling of things by uieir right names there would be fewer mistakes made in the great questions of life but thk habit of mak ing mysteries where none should exist of frowning down as wicked what is only natural of sternly silencing what should be sympathetically listened to and tho wrong if any exists judiciously pointed out luu led to tlio ruin of many bright gtrl whose greatest fault was her too confiding and unsophisticated nature and dear girls one word more xio not be too fast in showing favor to your gentlcmtm frluids stand well on your dignity and at tlio least sign of undue famljiarlty bend him to tlio rightabout cavalierly if man loves you lie will tell you so in his own time the lord of creation in tills nineteenth century fc not so overwhelmed with modesty that you need go halfway to meet him and lie will prize you all the more if you aru not too lightly won beside it is most satisfactory tiling during those interest ing little episodes called family broils to be able to inform your better half that you nevr would liave niarrled him jiaj he not given jou no peace of jour life till you did it is better to be the prudest of tlio prude yee better never to have had an offer of marriage but from the man you marry tluua be tlie girl wltn tho nineteen beaux on th lookout lor the twentieth and have your name lightly spoken of by men how many wives are humbled to the very dust with shame at the remembrance of formrr entanglementii and more than all that thllr husbands have been cognizant ol them what would they not give for power to undo the past7 how meagre after marriage seem the doubtful de lights of flirtation to tlio dlscomfluu of uw present wlien some former con eelted lover tries to recall by lmpreaa mint of look and manner their former intimacy under the very eyes of the huiwind keep your cliarms of mind and person pure and frji for the liappy man who is call you wife and you will mako noblor women and better mothers thnhyiprni mirnt may ip hvif fiffn nocvent ftbeb by everytttta to tbe family wtt make yomr bssna safe frsm f1r put lighted matches and mokos out before you throw them away keep matches when small children cannot reach them never smoke in the garage barn or attic nor in bed remove rubbish waste papers and all necessary combustible materials pro vide metal ash and trash cans bum rubbish only in safely covered brick or metal incinerator watch the fire examine all stoves furnaces and amuke pipes to make sure they are safe and well away from woodwork or otlwr burnable materials have needed re pairs made at onoc value the advice of your fire chief who says that many fires are caused by dirty or doroctive chlmnoys have tho chimney cleaned regularly and have all defects repaired escape tlio danger of flammable llq lid nrea and cxploulons by keeping no tfaao llno hi uw house do dry cleaning with sato liquids or eend the work to the cleaner never start fires with kero sene notify tho elcctrio company of elec trical trouble and the gas company of gas leaks iteplace town fuse with now ones not pennies avoid home made wiring jobs teach everyone in the iamlly to be careful ot fire to watch stoves fire places electric irons and all other pos sble nre causes and every day to re move old rags papers and other rubbi fireproof your home as far as possible by oresafe roofing flre stopping hi hoi low walla and partition to stop thd spread of flame and noncombustible basement celling inquire of your flre rhfrf when jbuy ing flre extinguisher to be sureofget tlng the right kind dont hesitate to ask your firemen whenever you have questions on flre prevention remember always where the nearest fire alarm box is and how to send an alarm if telephoning bo sure the ad dress iei clearly understood use neighbors phono rather than one in the burning building explain to bvcryone in the house what to do in cose of flre liow to put out lire in clothing by wrapping in rug or blanket wliat to do when grcaso catclus fire in tlie kitchen save life and property from needlct destruction by fire by keeping the prin ciples of fire prevention always in mind and never taking change with flre bints on stains pot grass stalm use cold water soap and cold water or alcohol for black coffee and tea stains use bouirsr water bleaching if necessary for creamy kinds of atalna use cold water and then boiling water tor grease and oil stains use french chadc and blotting paper for iodine stains use warm water and soap alcohol or ammonia for ink stains try cold water and then use on acid or breach mgsuipalice home hafe first burglar need eyeglasses socnd ditto what makes you think so7 first burglar well was twirling tlio knobs of aafe and dance or chestra began to play ewry careful and observant mother knows when her child suffen from worms she also knows that if www remedy bo not speedily applied much liorm will result to the infant the best application tlmt can be got is millers worm powders tliey drive worms from the system and set up cumulating and soothing effocui so that tlio clilldto pro gress thereafter is palnlcts and satisfy ing when the electric wiring gets out of kilter or pipe bursts or the roof springs leak or the car gets balky and refuses to leave the garage and yon need skilled help in harry it by telephone that everready sentinel of safety in big or little emergency you are never stock when you have telephone the taim of your telephone just what you make it extend to the men themselves and heaven knows there is need vayin advance other but gentle maiden here is great mystery you may jiotknow it but so it is tlie fastest society men the men who disparage women most pltl lessly wlio are often only too inumate with uu most worthless of your sex are tlie very ones who expect and exact the utmost rectitude of walk and con vtrsatlon from their wives ulsurs and daughters caears wire must be above suspicion and so hliould every otlier mans wife happy is tu wlio at tlie altar rcelvm her husband ttast kbu from the only lovnr who ever unbraced lurt but too often uws marriage vowi are spoken by llpd whoae virgin bloom llas long since been brushed uway by the moustaclie of tlw worldling and is question which might be agitated wltli beiierit to the rising generation he tlier tlie re has not much evil arisen from tlie lutblt of kksing how often lias tlie drama which commenced with the humid ueal of soft affection ended hi ruined life and sluuneful grave judas klmsss truly were tills custom stamped out there would be fewer brok en hearts and soiled reputations mothers have great responsibility in this matter greater than many of them rsfum their daughters oqtne liomu hum walked into life polko ltatlorf at qulncy massachusetts and put on tlie clerk desk and said am going away for tlie wvek end and leaving tlie car wltli my wife she certain to get summons for parking in tlw wrong place alio alwayn does so licrxs tlie money in advanoe nothing kfcluouh hostess at cliildrenti party to small boy well my llttlo man how are you jolm aged four quite well thank you exoept for bit of whooping cough fcitop the couxh ooughlilg is cuuacd by irritation in tlie respiratory pjissagxss und is the effort to dklodge obstruction that come from inflammation of tlie mucous membrane treatment with dr thonuut lelcotrlc ou will allay tlie in nammatiou and hi consequence tlie cough will usually slop try it and you wul satisfied why ki horse very umltbl onuiuil because it can utaiid lot of cliatf the shortest thing in the world no not gnats eyelash nor mos quitos whiskerpublic memory business directory dr mcniven rbjnfai mmk limn ottlco and lutioefta oomer avenua and sato straee dr nelson fh mm etoetro therafit dr wm cullen fbjeun ftad onieit hour and 7h comr tradarlfk and will stmeu tlihnu 138 you may have been iunmffiislrfer fifty years and the people know about it but they forget new customers are being bom every minute and they grow up and have to be told note to merchants unlets you keep telling thetrt by advirtiamir what you have to offer uiem the fellow who hurf only been in bulncfld tlfty wceba and who advertweri inlellitfcntly will prove to you the truth of it you must tell them to sell them urn at phone no boat xm harold nash farmer barrister soueltor ntry pamav cenveyaneer kio mux 8tszet aotow owi houia ojo to 1200 noon 100 tn to do oo eaturdaya 12joo oclock kenneth langdn barrlter seuelter hmtmrf vmb offices acton oeorgetoam overt seynucks caf main street for appointment phone acton cteorgetown 88 office hours acton tuesday thursday is to 430 mga on request benxal jv buch office in letshman block hours until pm fcftenkis by appointment gas for extractions closed wednesday afternoon phone 148 pearen benial bucocssor to late dr bell phone 39 mill street acton vetehinaby dr bruyns veierinary all calls receive prompt attentico phone 135 acton ontario off tec mill street harrop sc phone day or nlghtb3r xcesldence bower avenue acton all calls promptly arwwered hate ueosonable miscfcajlaneocri francis nunan bookbbjer account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyudham street oueiph ont eagles0n ontario and bomlnloxi yli registered prefeaalonal engfaieei surveys reports estimates plans ultainagfc wom bpecialttt teukuioue si oranxertbcv oni gener life firo health and accident automobile windstorm piute glass ttoilcr fidelity itonda annuities und all general lined of insurance also ocean steamship tickeu 1lkabino comfanlk txcktxhnt kaciutikb fred wright acton the door of opportunity tbeae sud ada wffl ojmb door to whaterar yh an seamnc