Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 24 Oct 1935, p. 1

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sixtyfirst year no 17 acton ontario wednesday october 23rd 1935 eight homoprint pages five cent chairman king leaving commission had served for fourteen years breakage of street lights is excessive at the monthly meeting or the acton pontic utjllttea oommteslon on mcauuy evening ooxnmlooers arnold been harrison were present and chairman king presided the chairman reported that the high way oarage had made arrangements to improve the water installation at the garage to keep it from freextng the secretary was by motion in etructed to transfer 500 from the waterworks account to the general ac count of the corporation the secretary was also instructed by motion to dispose of dominion of can ada bond maturing in 1040 through the bond department of the bank of mon treal sale of this bond was in accord ance with the arrangements made at the time the rebate had been made the secretary was instructed to sell the 1000 provlnceof ontario bond matur ing in 1041 at later date when the funds were required to maintain the bank account by motion the secretary was instruct to pt ftafmmtiir hydro department bell telephone co services 05 symon hardware supplies 875 tylers transport express 158 of ontario scptem tember power 301675 mr and mrs john marshall of nassagaweya township who on monday observed their golden wedding anniversary mr marshall has been for over fifty years actively connected with nassagaweya council acrow pass passs supplies el of ontario insur ance as ltd sup maoddnald electric illes and transports texprea and freight british american oil co gaso line fc phillips electrical works wire bobbins myers co repairs canadian line material lid supplies wagner electric co repair johnstone liumley supplks 283r7 1185 11 3170 9376403 waterworks bepartment hydro department power at spring 34 canadian rross co supplies is i51m the arrears of accounts were checked by the commission and liibiructlons issued for their disposal the secretary was instructed to write in reply to letter from the ontario commission regarding the continuance of the range campaign that the reason for amscontinuanot was the necessity of investment in line improvement as ad vised by the ontario commission another letter gave the explanation or the august power account as requested which satisfactorily explained um blat ter of the charge to uia local commis sion the superintendent drew the attri tion of the commission to the excessive breakage of street lights especially on bower avenue uie park entrance and the crescent bridge the secretary woj instructed to notify uie council of this condition for the attention of the chief of police chairman king at this last meeting tliat ho would attend expressed his pleasure at uie conduct of the wori and the cooperation he had received the commission ers fcxprscd regmt at hh ffinmv arj uy4 he woiim golden wedding ad mr john marshall nassaga reya pass the fiftieth milestone year connected with the naaaarawey counci soon return to acton again mr king has been member of uie commission for fourteen years arrangements were made for uie conduct of the aork until the end of the jeor wlicti uw vacancy would be filled mr king wlu take cliarge temporarily of an electric pliuit ptt massey ry motion conunlssloner kliig wau granted leave of abciice for no vember and december meetings and commbnlottcr harrison will be acting chairman surrounded by all the members of their frmlly enjoying rood health and wtb congratulations showered on them by host of friends mr and mrs john marshall observed the fiftieth anni versary of their marriage at their haic on the guclph road in nassagawcja township on mnday all afternoon and evening mr and mrs marshall were at home to their friends who called in numberfl to oiler congratulations on this occasion it was great joy to them that all their chil dren wcttt with uuunon monday mrs hoy kudd ouvlph mrs truesdale pus llnch mrs 1clsni amtcismrtassaga weya and mr norman maiuhall eden mills and uie nine grandchildren were also present mr and mrs marshall were married at rorrlc hill in eramosa by mrs mar sliallto brother rev scott assist ed by rev angus mckay and 6f uiosc attending uie wedding lialf century ago uierc were present on monday mrs scott widow of the orriclaung minister of ottawa mr jos wvilr eramosa and mrs annie scott rrantford mr and mrs marsliall are of pioneer stock mr marslinil was born in nus sagawcya eightytwo years ago and has spent life entire life there mrs mar shall is daughter of the late livnry scott of eramosa her mother was uie first white child born in uiat townslilp and uie second in uie county of wel lington for over fifty years mr marshall has been actively engaged in uie council work of nassagaweya he lias served as councillor reeve and for uia pist 24 years as clerk ebcnestr church lias also had thw benefit of uielr help and untiring efforts mr marshall uos sup erintendent of uu sunday school for forty years and each sunday yet con ducts uie bible claw he lias held pracucally all of uie offices in uie church mr marshalls busy life has been ably seconded by life helpmate who lias been active in the omens organisations of uie church uie womens insututc and ouier local uiclcues mrs marshall was unul few montlis ago tint pukk phkm correspondent for eden mills and it was the newsy items from her pen uiut our readers enjoyed each uvek from tliat community few years ago gatji of news items beneffacilities urged for gaol local uouiiehy jontiee acua machibe co feusclul sod both hcbools etotoml ed nlgfat borne time during monday night burg lars broke uie locks on the rear door of the acton machine co varthouiu and entered the building the safe which was unlocked was pilfered of via 60 three fountain pens were taken and jnany other small items in the office stnlm three of the spark plugs in csx hi the building were taken and the interior of the car ransacked for other the locks on both the high and public schools were alio broken and these entered whue the thieves mat through the building for loot little wms taken night harrop noted some wwptcjow circumstance during bis feted and stole to furnish details jfcvw toatag tnwstlcated by chief phttmmm and rrortocuu oonstsblo crcd and compiled historical data re garding rarrle jim at uie time of uie hundredth anniversary of aiencser church mr and mrs marshall compiled very complete history of the church which wol published in connection wlui uie event mr mid mrs morihall have had bujy life they liave terved and null urvlng uielr community ucll ft was uwrefore imall wonder tliut occasion of uiu fiftleui wedding annl veraoowas takliiadvantageortjrthclr friends to visit uieui and extend can gratulauoik and wish for them con tinuance of happy and useful years to uw next mlwtone the diamond wed ding aimlvcmary tlw regwoer con tained uie signature of lioits of these friends citizenship nlfbt mr barr gavu very intcresing talk on clussnshlp at uc weekly meeting of the united young peoplta society on tuesday the uphftcr was read by editor jack rcld and messrs maiaies olbson parkinson and ted clilford contributed quartette num bers on uie program the meeung was in charge of tom nlcols citizenship group bengal llaooer seitings taken in fteal locale rhansodiiud in scora of books and lusty soldier mined uie steep carved sided of indias historic khybcr pass have at last been used as motion picture background the xivct of bengal lancer has materialized from uid in teresting print of francis yeoujrrowns adventurous hovel the elaborate para mount film spectacle showing on sat urday at uie gregory theatre wlui gary cooper pranchot tor richard crom well sir ouy standing aubrey smlui monte blue and kathleen burke in im portant roles gbelnh mm cbatced with stabbing of abother as result of wliat police declare was drunken brawl on sunday night in st patrick ward guelph wesley palmer is in uie guelph general hos pital with knife woundu and reginald and edward mallott brothers arc in custody in tlw police uatlon the two men ere arresjed monday afternoon after statement had been given police by palmer the uirc men are oil colored and according to palmers story uie mallott brouicrs uerc fighting and when he intervened he was tabbed by onu of uicm in uie back just above uie kldneyu lie woe not considered in sorlout condition mrs wlggs of thecabosge luh one of americas immortal classics mrs wlggs of the cabbage patch liaa been made into dunning absorbing and delightful pliotoplay by paramount arid will be shown thursday and vrlday at uie gregory tlieatre acton wiui pauline lord fields zotu pitts in uie feature roles adapted from uie tea fevvjuino mksx blokstsjk but oftloer olie protested when he ordered the removal of iter uiutll ca fwoi uie parkingplace she had sclcetrd it nobodyw way and after all this is only culdemoe lt doesnt matter the constace repued what kind of car it is you cant fcave it here miss did you bear the mwful shriek uiat engine gave as it new by asked motorist stt he approached railroad crossing yes what caused lt7 his presume the engineer had it by uie throttle crawford plexner uie film also lncor norattu several elements of uie book uhich has delighted millions or readers young and old for nearly two genera uons all of uie unforgettable epkjjdes from uie story are iwre the annexa tlan or cuby the curious thaiikitgiv ing dinner the hilarious uuratre liarty miss llaxys ueddihg and uie tragic deaui oflittlejimnry ice aim xhlftr ttcolhuioueatedlnlprove mrjt ithlflf tlv hlrnlff twntf ftf loeal illlilli conowci mullary mamoeuvtrnl milton agricultural park was uie scene or military manoeuvres on saturday when over 200 of uie lome scottish uinys assembled for uie annual general insjiectlon by urlg klklns assisted by col prank cliappel twentynve ewnpanics fro acton rurllngum qeoructown oakviue and milton went through uielr drills under the command of tint follow ing oil com company lieut reuth cole and ucul kilw com pany chlslioliii company ir muiur company captahi uarber signals lieut sliarpe stretcher bearers ncsbitt ilia pipe rolul under uie leadendlll of thlke major mccurrel ami tlw rrass rand led by sergt major isrrott gavd splendid performance as uie boys went uirough uielr drills in maimer which proved exceptionally line trahihig pul lowlng uie mspectluil builiet was held in the armaria and military cii uiuslwen wagud high ua the buys con tinucd their celebrauait by dancing to the music of lehmans radio orchestra of oak uie adequate bathing faciliucfl are required water has to be heated in kitchen the october meeting of the ualton county council wau held in uie court house milton on tuesday the warden was in the chair and all members pre sent with uie exception of mr duncan campbell and mr mcntven the minutes of uie lost meeting were read and confirmed after which mr campbell excretory for the ualton education association addressed the council requesting that the council give grant to help uie depleted finances of uie teducauon association mr campbell pointed out many wavii in which thv associauon had been instrumental in saving uie county considerable expense particularly in promoting fifth form work in rural schools which included voca tional work for both boys and girls mr campbell reminded uie council that uie society had not appealed jo uie council for financial assistance since 1930 but uie time hod now come which found uicm badly in need of funds it wau finally moved by tliorpe by mr rarrisou uiat brunt of 30 be given to uie rolton educauonal aieocla uon carried correspondence was read by the clerk after which council adjourned to await uie reports of uie committees council resumed in committee of the wliolc to consider reports of the stand ing committees with mr harrison in uie clialr county ruildlngs in connection wlui uie above letter was read from the deputy provincial secretary following recent inspection of uie county rulldlngs by uie provincial inspector dr lllasllp wis report recommended tliat certais dianges and improvements must be made in uie gaol straw ticks should be dis continued and regulation springs and blankets used instead water system and adequate bauilng facluiuc bj butalled an office wluiln uie gaol should be plac ed at the disposal of uie oool surgeon and grill typo doors were an absolute necessity dr stevenson goal surgeon ad drtsocd uie council hi regard to tht above recommendations and explained to uie council liow the suggested improve ments uire vitally ncceiary for uie efficient carrying out of ills duues ac eordlng to uie act prlonrs must be medically examined wluiln twentyfour hours of uielr admittance and for uils purpose uiey must be brought from uie gaol to hkt office in uie court house which was hardly advisable since uie prisoners slioild not be taken from uie gaol some system of running water was urgently needed and better bathing accommodation provided for uw prlson era one common baui was all that at present was provided liot water for which must be healed in uie kitchen and carrld to uie bathroom mr nitmpshlre slicrlff oio spoke in regard to suggested improve ments he pointed oht to uie council uiat uiese improvetramts luui been ad vised by uie inspector year uftcr year and utue if any notice hod been token of uicm he felt uie time hod fconie alien some action must be taken by uie council and urged uiat grill doors be installed in order uiat uie turnkey might havu dear view or uie gaol corridors this mr hampshlro pointed out wai absolutely vital for the safety of uie turnkey and gaoler council finally decided tliat it be left to mr irving clialr man of the county uuildlngs to make inquiries as to various interesting items of news garage improved mr alcx mclsaoc is making rather extensive improvements at uie highway garage on main street west now front is being put on the building and rest room and storage rooms are being constructed in an addition at the east sldo of uie building the appearance and focllluttj of the premises ore great ly improved by the addition night at the lost evening group from guelph visited acton and demon strated gymnasium work for the girkt and young ladles splendid evening was held under uie gvoup leaders of uie girls work finishing with group games in which all participated there was splendid attendance the visitors were served rcfrcslirncnlii and entertained be fore returning to uie city bannockbarn insutnie the regular monuily meeung of the raiihockburn womens insutute was held in uie form of social evening at uie home of mrs fisher on wednesday evening october 16th alter the busi ness wcrc dtacieisedthe follow ments and report to uie council pinancc this committee recommend ed payment of the following accounts mothers allowance 03200 old age penslonti q53 robinson subway account 7500 tle commlttue also recommended that an increase of woo in saury be yiven to uusurwxlntenuent ofthc iiause of refuge good roads committee letter was read from ua hidro power commission aijdng settlement for uie balance of ac count owing them tills account went back to uie year 1030 when str of road from uie royne to slreeuvljle was being wumd and improved and it was alleged by uie hydro commission uiat approximately eighty polfcs luul been damaged by construction aork on uie road cot of poled labor and board for uie men was estimated at si leg for which the county ws billed fifty per cent tlie coujicdl however oiuy paid jtiso ifae hydro commission were now willing to make certain concession and aijtcd uiat uu balance of uie amendvd account be paid 4144 ilwj committee recommended uiat uus amount be paid and uie account closed tlie oak uie subway tangk was also satisfactorily disponed of tbe special committee appointed at the last council meeting subiuitud their report and re commended that uie uin of 13011 04 be paid to the canadian national railways bcng hx of the amount spent by tin railway company at oskvllle and that continued on page fenvs ing program was given iristrumental by miss margaret rrown reading by mrs pred anthony violin selection by har vey pisher lunch was uien served and the remainder of the evening spent very enjoyably in dancing essay winners xn uie essay contest conducted by uie canadian legion in acton high school winners were announced uils week by uie judges jean rcnnle won the nrst prise and will receive uie bronxe medal her essay will be entered in the zone contest of che ljlon for further com pcutlon charlos henderson and patricia harrop wan lionoroble mention the subject was how can canada rest con tribute toward world peace the prise winning essay will be published in tx psxj pttcss at later date 14 aue tlie uance sponsored by uie lakeside cliaptcr of the on prlday evening proved most enjoyable social gathering there was splendid at tendance and uie hall decorations were very auracuve novelties and nolse makcrs contributed to uie jolly occasian tlie music was by ramseys sixpiece orchestra prises wcr won by mr and mrs chris taylor for uie tipot dance miss isabel rrucu and mr james adomson for uie dummy dance and miss mary mcrahi had uie lucky chair broadcast of vtsiung mucouonisis on thursday octobtr 24ui at 80 ii uiere will be national troadcast from ouebec over uie canadi an radio commission stauons lp which all uie dlrectom of education visiting canada under uie auspices of uie na uonal council or education will take port dr smart of acton england will be one of uie speakers on oils broadcast this will be final message before sailing on october 15th by uie empress of bri tain major hey uie exiseuuve secretary of uie nauonal coundl of education will auo participate appalxdcd kditot of ookvllla bur reginald pitt formerly with uie oak vllle record and klngton whlgstaji dard iuls been appointed editor of uie oakvllk star according to an announce theatimversary of united church large congregations and splendid discourses and music feature eleventh anniversary rcttutlful fall weather and uie features which rnake anniversaries very especial occaidons drew jorge congregating at both uie morning and evening services of uie tlnlicd church last sunday and the united church op panada news of acton nd the district ptoel county conunties white gkmst acton ontario uie paper mv pitt will assume his new duties immediately starting hit newspaper career as wauirfront reporter tor uie whig in 102a lie becomo subur ban editor but allowed lilmself to be diverted into commercial pursuits un tblc to get uie printers ink out of hki vchis however he rentend uie news paper field with uio oukvllle lucord 10 remaining wui them unul his recent appointment uie eleventh anniversary will be remem bered as very memorable occasion the flowers music and sermons were features of pleasure and interest it was spry nappy thought uiat prompted uie action of having uie hew mlnlbtcr of uie congregation rev dr morrow preach the anniversary sermons it enabled uie visiting friend rom other congregations to meet him and hear his messages at uie morning service dr morrow took his text from uie second chapter of first corlnuuane 14th verse but uie natural man recclvcth not uie things of uie spirit of cod for they are fool ishness unto him neither can he know uiem because uicy are spiritually dis cerned there is great principle laid down for us mutual adjustment there is universal medium uirough which god communicates with uie children of men tlie great individuals who have made achievements have been those who saw the unseeable who walked by faith and caught tile spiritual vision modem in struments of wonder were trivia to the spirit uiat god has placed in man every soul must be in tune with uie infinite to receive his mosages what do we mean by uie holy ohost queried uie speaker what was uie still small voice that elijah heard what wus the voice in uie burning bush7 what is uie voice uiat has spoken to myriads of men and women uirough the ages our pather is uie first person jesus uie second and uie holy spirit the third prayer is the tuning in with uie infinite is our lack of adjustment with god not what is wrong with our world why is it uiat after 3000 years since uie coming of christ that nauont and individuals rar against one an other tune in with cod is the great secret of getting realisation of ood in our jlvis at uie evening service uie cougrega gatlons or knox church and uie raptlst church joined on uils anniversary oc coidon and ruv rennle assisted with uie service dr morrow chose uie uurd and fourth verses of uie fourui cliaptcr of diond tlmouiy for tlw basis of his evnlng address por uie time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after uielr own lusai shall they heap 11 thfrnnlvrt liybf itrhlrw mr justice mctngue received the traditional pair of white gloves at the hands of sheriff hutchinson on monday when no criminal cases appeared on uie assize court docket continuing uie record held since 1032 the judge congratulated uie county on its record sctucment of 11000 was reached in civil action between wattman of brampton and earl stmo wattmans son allen was struck by sims car and his leg broken several months ago case of local inierert case of interest locally was setued in the hamilton court last week st johns church ancsster is not enutled to payment of 200o0 from the estate of uie late dr parmer formerly of acton for parish hall and endow ment mr justice jeffrey held in judgment given saturday the suit of the church against toronto oeneral trusts corporauon executors was heard in supremo court earlier in uie week trb inrdshlp reservcdjudgiiient as to couts against plaintiff mr justice jef frey expressed desire to relieve the cfrarcttof costs declaring thatthe dens were justified in bringing the action the will of uie late dr psrmrr provided for payment of 20400 to the church but uie bequest was not to be fulfilled according to uie will if uie estate depleted in value below 127000 the testator included clause in whicr be explained be wished to be just to hi family before being generous plaintiff claimed uiat statutory declaration giv en by dr parmer constituted contract the defence showed uiat uie estate was reduced to 130000 and held there was hq contract personally think uiat it is great hardship if the church does not get coats observed mr justlcs jcffry adding that uie testator was dttply interested in his church boyd appeared for plaintiff and said there would be no appeal cart wright represented defendant halloa hewtxmtt aehurre kilh hundlag at inlmuuood blotch tho international plowing mutch held at caledonia last week broke nearly all previous rocords many of the classes uttracted bctueeii forty and fifty en tries compeutlouwas uwrrefore keen and notwithstanding unfavorable soil conditions some excellent ridges were turned by uie plow boys halton was wu to uie fore in number of chutes harold picket of hornby won premier mitchell hepburns tea service embleinuuc of uie cluunpionshlp in stubble ray rlacklock of campbell vule placed tixui in third class stubble which attracted fortyfive contestants in uie intercounty compeuuua tho hal ton team composed of stanley puller hornby donald mcrjabb george town and ray hurrlodc campbellville placed filth in competition which bruught entries from seventeen different counties in uus eumpeutlon stanley puller placed twelfth amongst uie any one competitors all of which speaks well for keen compeuuon at the halton match which la to be held november 1st on wm moores farm khgiwelng township ars and uiey shall turn away their ears from uie truui arid sliall be turned unto fables his subject was our jax guubruaii we are living in period which seemu rebellious against law and order said dr morrow he would define jaxs as uiat tendency in modern ufa which defies recognised law in music it is ade fiance of all musical law it has lnvodvd poctrywitstitsjumblo of words artwiui4ucubfcitanduturutworkr we even have joxs statesmanship it is an unbounded trck back to sav agery it seeks to undermine the wals of civilization jaxx lias come into the leaching of religion and we have jaxs theology uus teaching is correct what anchor have we fur uie oul7 just as jaxk sees only in man an improved beast so it aces in jesus only an improv ed man it docs violence to uie chris tian faith arid prmciples rut it will wear out just as uie anvil wears out uie hammers the speaker sold he had faith the young people of uie day the world had never pos sessed better young people he was not pessimist in uie midst of all this jass of life we are entering on new era the young men and women axe coming back to ood and the things uiat are real iman is more than an he 1108 uie divine spark within him that marches on to eternal destiny we are going to bury the jaxx and go on to better things the music by the choir and on uus occasion was indeed of jqlen dld order the choir under mr bert night the first meeung of knox guild for uie season was held on monday night with the past president miss rruce hi uio chair the scripture was read by miss jean rennk and mr rennie led in prayer the new officers for uie year were then installed and uie pre sident mr jos uurut took uie chair the program was in uie form of an amateur hour under uie capable dlroctlxibtor messrs charles klrkness and jos hurst and uie following pro gram was presented cornet duett by messrs chau landsborough and lloyd easterbrook brass quartette by messrs norman gibson george simp son lloyd easterbrook and charles vocal solo by mr clarence henderson piano duett messrs harvey hansard and jack graham vocal solo mrs allen instrumental jack rlow martin hassard norman wright mouth organ selections norman wright and wm hall impersonation mr wm burton reading mrs dessureault interview by rev 1l rennle vocal duetl jack mcmuilen and rill mattocks selections by uie sunday school orches tra violin selection vernon agnew vocal eolo prances chlsholm vocal duett resale rawlings and laura halt major kirknesa made some very flt ung remarks between these numbers rallou were distributed at uie end of the program and vote was taken as to be number this was won by mrs dessereault and the second prize went to norman wright jack rlow and mar tin hassard for uielr instrumental the meeting closed with hymn and the repeating of uie mlzpah benediction coming events announcement of mobllsc con cert or other events fade thla hhns mrm charged to pr line toiifa minimum dur to uy at of november 30th and 31st will be amateur nights for acton and district watch next week for full particulars auspices acton hockey club knox church acton anniversary powl supper on monday evening supper served from to oclock good music al and literary program the dublin womens holding halloween concert and mas querade in dublin school on prway november 1st at sjo 2sc everybody welcome lunch provfclocl the acton and ibe cheerio club are hflng kttchre and dance in the legion hall wednesday october 30th at e15 prist wi be given for euchre mxmio tap orxhestra adnkslocl me masoo rendered the anthem we give tax jncluded tj protldm arsd concluded on fags prw wlcnta rer

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