Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 31 Oct 1935, p. 8

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page eight the acton free pfcess thursday october 3ut 10ss ketkss births marriages sad dmuu aae teserted ia this colama wllhoet charm la mcmorum ffotlcss and aea pr una aiuioml lor poetry married brownstored io atielnb on wed nesday october 33rd 1035 by rnv david marshall of andrewa church mary wilms daughter of mr and mrs thoo storey acton to mr william brown of etora mnrbottrnesookett at acton on tuesday october 29th 1036 by tho rev el brullngcr iucy janet soc fcett youngest daughter of the late mr and mm john sockctt roctwood to jack dawaon leybourac son of mr and mm alfred leytooume fergus ioluftfemoore at riverside church new york city on saturday october 36th 11735 by rev oeorgc emerson fosdlck ruth moore daugh ter of mr and mm herbert moore of dundas ontario to mr edward jouute son of rev and mrs jollute of west china lcarthornebbonat the united church parsonage acton on thurs day october 24h 1036 by rev dr morrow mary sabra nelson youngest daughter of the late mr and mrs john nelson to john robert macarthur only son of mr and mrs macarthur of acton died jwxjls at mlmlco mondav october 28th 1035 henry dills late orbea fiammnn avenue toronto bb1arj3more suddenly at xirkfleld ontario on sunday october 27th 1036 walter william beardmore ttt loved husband of katharine macken zie scartth at the toronto general hos pital on wednesday october 30th 1s ixool scarth veteran of royal north west mounted police boer war the oreat war and pro vincial secretary ontario command canadian legion british empire ser vice league 3puneral will be hold on friday no vember 1st 00 from st an drews church to mount pleasant ceme tery toronto junior farmers keen competition for various trophies in this county event fiftythree junior farmers from all parts of ilalton registered at the agri cultural office milton for their annual competitions saturday morning ten classes of live stock wcro judged at the following trafalgar township forma jps wulmotfa roweuo volley crest form eaton mclean ffeather stono bros and percy merrys other farmers who contributed live stock were ocorga booth and jasper howse in the afternoon judging of grain and seeds fruit and vegatabka and cream grading demonstration were run off at the milton high school the days program was brought to close with tho announcements of prize winners and pre sentation of trophies at dance held in the milton town hall agricultural representative whltelock was assisted by messrs jos wulmott russell peart burlington grant campbell moffat praser streetsvllle and harvey alton max peathcrstane and prceman and clare wuan of milton the prise winners were as follows robertson trophy high score in heavy horses jack turner duncan campbell trophy high score in beef cattle max taylor baranston trophy high score in dairy cattle martyn hcslop mason knitting trophy high score in sheep johnston neelonds the blake lock trophy high score in swine jack taylor halton seed trophy high score in grain and seeds donald mcnabb strathcona trophy high score to fruit and vegetables john bird palermo challenge trophy high coach spencer wilson korval bank of nova scotia trop for interplowing competitions wnn hv nthotowtiahlpjack taylor qcals the eleventh month to november morrow the weather has been pretty mild for the lost of october the mild weather has enabled fall work to progress nicely series of robberies have also been perpetrated at alton recently halloween tonight it isnt neces sary to do property damage to have good time heavy fogs the lant two nights have made highway travel rather tedious and dangerous difficult to ven stir up conver sation hockey as long as thia mild weather lasts several uocks of wild geese have been noted passing over here on their southward trip prank yelgh noted author and lee turcr passed away in toronto on sat urday he was in hbt 7gth year tim pbu patsij will have as usual very choice selection of christmas greeting curds watch for announce ment next week remembrance day on november 11th just as much legal holiday as thanksgiving dominion day or any other usual holiday if youre looking for the bjit valuis lu acton coiimilt tho advertisements this uvek they offer aiia spundld buying opportunities sils bennett entertained tho young ladlia sunday sclvool clou at llallouecii social tii eiung at her homo on lake avenue lat evening the liberal leader and new cabinet look office on thanksgiving day surely thunduy will now liavo tlw unanimous decision of being the wrong cholco for thanksgiving day milton and acton high schools play ed ft ganm of baske hero mx toylor and ernest wood dr an derson tropliy for interclub competl tlan won by milton chib prank chia holm emmet mcoibbon lloyd chls holm wm prosser johnston neelondd and reginald neclands canadian no jionalexlilbltlon shield for high novice itobcrt allen acton senior section horses jack turner wra prosser btcf cattle max taylor stewart millar donald gates dairy cattle elnmett mc olbbon wm bootii sheep johnston neelonds ernest wood howard graff swine jack taylor jack lawson gor don pislier grain and gccdd prank chlsholm reginald neelonds fruit and vegetables john bird glen campbell jumoit sectton horses grant heslop robert allen archie gates beef cattle walter reld norman wilson john rinchart dairy cattle gerald graham irwin shepherd addlum woodley sheep claude mc uiughlln craig tit id john alexander twine roy tovcll melvln storey harvey tttutty grout and seeds donald mc nabb john mcnabb lloyd pisher fruit and vegetables george brcckon douglas mason morley peacock team competition winning coach team spencer wilson claude mclaugldln craig reld and nor man wilson second coach lloyd chls holm melvln storey douglas mason and walter rvld third coach mkrtyn hes lop grant hulop george brcckon and irwin shepherd fourth coach robert millar robert a1uu george huiderton wallace swockhamcr prevention op frost injury to potatoes profit injury is so important to tho potato growing industry of canada that in included with the list of potato diseases considered most objectionable from tho standpoint of seed certification canadian potato growers therefore should learn to distinguish butwecn low temperature injury and the diseases hav ing symptoms frequently associated with those found in tubers which have been exposed low temeproturcs tho prob lem of frost injury has been under inves tigation by tlio dlvkiion of botany at ottawa for number of years icsults of these tests show that great deal may be accomplished towards preventing tlio looses arising from this typo of in jury which occurs in the field in storage and in transit to market and gives rise to such disadvantages as destructive rots weak plant and to poor stands resulting from scedplcco decay the term field frost refers to tho condition in potatoes arising from ex posure to freezing temperatures to the field frcexlng injury is similar to field frost injury but la caused by ex posure to low temperatures after the crop has been dug third type known as chilling occurs when the tempera ture drops to the freexlrur point of water although actually ico begins to form in potatoes at approximately 20 degrees fahrenheit figure which varies with varieties or even individual tubers this individual tolerance to low temperatures may explain in measure the appear cnoe of frozen tubers frequently scattered throughout the storage bins investigations conducted at the dominion laboratory of plant pathology chorlo tte town show that three distinct types of injury to potatoes may result from exposure to low tempcratucs as follows frost necrosis occur ring in tvwr tinvjngbcerj news of acton and the district loses valuable horse albert braccy erin lust valuable road horse when tho animal developed western fever and had to be destroyed tills dlscaio is rare in ontario and is dreaded by huso owners and according to veterinaru cannot bo cured only when serum is used in tho early stages tho scrum is hard procure being tuilppcd in from tho record gold prod action new high monthly record in can adas gold production was cstabllscd ha august when the output amounted to 204361 ounces compared with 285732 ounces in july and 265560 ounces in august of lost year cumulative pro duction during the eight months ended august is reported at 3097d10 ouncert or per cent above tho output during tho corresponding period of 1034 on tario mines contributed 10360 ounces to the august total while production from quebec sources accounted for 41700 ounces and british columbias output amounted to 33450 ounces mani toba and saskatchewan supplied 12065 ounccn alluvial gold production in the yukon totalled 72q8 ounces and nova scotia furnished 660 ounces in addi tion jewellery and scrap received at tho royal canadian mint during the month contained 4121 ounces of gold sander of the river thruuzig fenter tainment for whole family all the thrills and perils of journey through the black heart of darkest africa wilibetirougntto afternoon tho visitors were the wut new of the event lunch was served by the acton scholars work on toronto tunnel to uio island has been stopped banictlilng else uutt the rt of canada can bo thankful for the ferry boats can give all uw trvlco uiat is required in that direction kukni kfty w1uprs it uenerallyreoognlted tholinaiiy of the hank failure which luiw added so greatly to the gnral depression ltw been due to ijoiiip somebody wondered then whup tvl somebody viae acted on tha wliuper institution perfectly acdvent went to the wall because they could not stand protracted run bonks foil becauba of goulp and so do human beings reputation are des txxjycd by whupers irt bomo young gwople will piii on bits of hearsay sur mlaca suspicion aocuaallqkt ulat they oould not prove to save their lives some of them urem to fcl they have done enough if tliey say dont know te hoard it is bad enough to hear whether its true or not but thats what derogatory talcs about your acquaint ances storied unproved but unfavorable without pabalng diem on to some one else in some states it is dangerous to voice suspicion of banks solvency the law makes it an offense punishable by floe and imprisonment what penalty ka aevere enough for those whose whis per brine atoout the ruin not of rtnanrisl institution but of human sumt two savs wot say is the man should have all tlio say in the home thats wot 6tty say tho come only dont eay it let us haw faith that right makes might yaftn all right more money lie sighed youre aluruys uantlng money this lifes game of cliess nothing but cheque claque cheque cheque and she replied if you dont give me more money it will be even more ltko game of ch it ill be pawn pawn nivn same clfcciumsyancfcs uife lias telluig nor tuyathomo husband all about how she uon tlie first prbci of five pounds at the local wlust drive yes she ended at uwj last liand it woii case of either me or lucy darutn lie loolud up from tlie book he uat reading and remarked ahnt mlndcdly just the same as it was be fore we were married eerie sales books are the best counter check books made in canada they cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction we are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required yom homm printer rot temperatures sufficiently long to cause the formation of ico crystals when cut open such tubers exhibit darkened areas of three different types namely ring necrosis recognlbod as de nnite ringe ot tlie stemend of tlio potato and due to lsliort exposure at low temperatures net necrosis also in dicating an fcarly stage of frost injury and recognized as netlike pattern in the potato tissue blotching which appears as irregular patches varying in color from ught grey metallic tint to dark brown or black tills type of in jury requite from cxeessiw exposure to low temperatures and in advanoed cases tlie potatoes are useless for seed purposes 3l freezing solid occurs when tubers are exposed to temperatures below the freezing point of potato tissue when thawed out they are rapidly reduced to soft wot condition followed by decay turning wect potatoes turn sweet if stored for number of weeks at temperatures near or slightly above 32 degrees fahrenheit feature due to tlie gradual changing of starch to sugar fotatooi injured by frost ore cons id ered diseased and as such arc not re liable for teed purposes became of tlie retarded sprout development and the possibility of affected st ts rotting in tlie ground lous due to low temperatures may be satisfactorily eliminated by the adoption of four very beneficial mea sufls as fallows harvest tlie crop before heavy froau store tlie crop in rooms having umperature between 33 to 40 degreed fahrenheit by so do ing tlie potatoes ulll not turn caect and necrotic will not develop if pota toes are pitted they should have covering sufficient to preent the tem perature from dropping below 30 degrees fahrenheit potatoes transported during the cold montiis should be pro tected by strau sacks or convou thty should be carried in heated car and loaded to as to assure the free circula tion or air throutfliout when it is knoun that potatoes hae been undf cooled they must not lie handled until it is certain uiat tlie temperaure is above tlie freezing point city lost 1000 year once capital of arabia sotimwhiil to the south of llio pipo line from unroll iwmm of iraq to intfa and tripoli un tlm dlter ranunn mn ilea city of tint fortotten past calui retro not fur reiuowmi from tlio oulf of akaha on tfitn led nea wnn onra the veritable crossroads of tho old world notes writer in thf fhew york tlmos in tlio jenr 100 potra was raado the capital of arabia ita population wai then about rwf000 and cooda wcro bnnlght from africa arabia and ludlu for utorago befora being transport by caravan to tha valluy of the nile lulhtm ihoanl cla and the kiiplirntcs tigris allay ot audi importance was tho city that lh romans built two roads to tap its waalth with die fall of roma how arvar its doom was scaled hba metropolis of arabia was than abandonad except for small numbar of deaert trtbearnen tho arabs con smarad it sacred ground and dangar maosaed any one ancroacblng upon ft bat in 1812 tha intrepid swiss aev vantorar john fewls burekhaxim reackad tha city in tho dlagulsa of badouin sheik and returned to tall of ms myatarias comparative handfull of arabian faithfuls btfll inhabit tha city and to this day is only under the pro teetton of british riiartls ttoat rlsltors are admlttod into its historical and almost mythical confines poor chickens wlfi itenry dear we must have couple of chickens for dinner hub by all right ill take spin in tho car all kigutl all rioutt mother what am tho young mans lntcntluis daughtir well hes been keeping mo pretty much in tlio dark theatre screen on friday night in san dent of the river alexander kordas colorful ulmixatlon of uio famous bdgiir wallace story to produce which his director brother zoltan korda led daring film expedition into uio congo ptrfect casting place faul robson the handsome and brilllantncgror actor and alngtr last seen in emperor jonci in tiio leading role of bosambo while leslie banks who recently tcored in the man who knew too much is seen in the title role of uic miracle working british district commissioner uho by ids great personal courage and understanding of the nativu mind and heart manages to maintain peace hi tlie jungle klnn moo mcklnney beautiful ktcgro actrcs lost seen in halleluiah plays the lovely slavegirl lhongo and all give flawless performances halloa fbnfiilea meet at wnt mooreii fajmi everytlilng pohits to record match on friday november 1st according to pre sident stanley ilall of the halton mould board association tiianks to tlie splen did cooperation of merchants and business men of tlie county splendid prize list is bulng offered xloalng en thusiasts both old and young have their plos in readiness and koen competi tion ts anticipated at wm moores farm lot fl concussion of esquesing in addition to the prizes offered in tlie prlise list adams flour and feed store milton offering tuo sneclflls each consisting of bogus to tlie value of 50 tliete will be auarded to the yauntfesd ploaboy competing in clares and which are the intertounship claries for bojs in stubble and tlw tractor class in sod respectively scotch block womens institute is catering for the banquet to be hgld in llcny school on tiic cxen lng of tlie match carroll sjcrc tari and manager of the ontario ploa mens aioclatlon is to be tlie gueot speaker christ of the ancles is most unusual monumant the christ of th andes is one of the most unusual monuments ba the world it stands at cambre pass tha highest accessible point on tha ohlle aentlna boundary in the andes mountain in south am itn1009 nd argentina bad dlspiita quia over their boundary line throug the efforts of the clergy and the women of the two countries involved the dlsputs was settled by arbitration and tha money which was on bund to use to preparations for tito wur was used fog internal improvenhntrf tjndfr of sen ore arv gela de cantm of argontlns the women of the two countrh rulnodthe money for the eroctlon of largo statue of the christ in hxu the hromae used was that of old cannon which had been taken from spain in thm war the statue la 20 rot blirh nml mounted on granite pillar tablet on the base is inscribed sooner shall these mountains crumble into duat than ar gentines and chlleniih htvak tha peace to which thty haw pudircd tbemaelves at tho feet of ohrm th nodbemer vmmt qlalfioiu our stock of groceries is always fresh and at reasonable prices phone your orders we deliver special prices for this week golden wax beans tins 25c cowans cocoa lb tin 23c corned beep 10c pertin heinz soups 10 kindl tins 27c old djptcm cleanser tins 19c plum jam 32 oz jar for oc toddy tin 27c kcllogus all bran large pkg mcllo creme ccruul contains 10 whole whent hay rye etc pkg lioq sugar 10f with an oluee phone your order free delivery 3ccxxcooockxcxxxxocc knfcvv all bight enid would ou bcllee it ajjccd ahtrlur tip nfiiild rnthrrhaijima plcacc ma uants tuo pounti of but jttr exactly like uliat alio got from jou last week if it alrit exactly like sho lont take it very avll my boy replied the grocer or million pounds and lie said hed rather have tlio million pounds edna wvll darling he knew unit if lie had the money hed be ture of utttiiur you as well luckcv young iolta the lucky younff people are tlfoa wlio know from tlie etart just uliat they want to do ery iiiccesrul physician an eiwurii city was born luir to large mercantile establishment ap parently his fortune uas decided jle step into uellestabllthed suc cessful lbufme xiefom lui uas tui yean old houevir lie knew he wanted to be doctor and doctor he became he may nevvr be so rich as lie oould liae been had he followed hkj fattier tt footsteps but he la liappkr 1vw of you are as fortunate as he there no ucllttablulied fmiitlon waiting for you and moreover you do not knou wliat wou want to do no on can iuccced wltliout haviiuf an aini tlie liuiiral practice of taidn umj ilnst job thut ptvmnu ltwlf ulthout rijfttrd to taite or capacity will not of course pro duce tike bjt rulut ihe attitude of moat youiik people lioutver is tiiat one job ay uood as another tiuy do not know uhat thry uant to do thoe of jiu who are in icliool iiced to make ttudy of youtaelvd as well of your tehoolbooki mud out wimc uilnif of our ability your uite ask advice but do not follow it blindly tt will ikh more than you know if xj uccd ul ducovcrliuf wtiat you would like do with yuur life dlcliv irtvaattsatok detective in tin proper nonae of the word trocw crlmu or obtains se cret informiitlon for tin detection ul erimw his occiipiitlcui itcdlruotly ln eonnectlan with infratilnim of law on the otlifer iisihi an invihitltttor as the term is ordlnhrlh implo ci is one who occupied in tlin hold of raeercht generally sclent lie ono wtio en kd lu seeklnk facta ifeflslatlve luqulry into curtain fin way be eo ducted by on lnvotiilirutor and tha ha qulrj may load to tho dotctlon trt in fractions of law in uucli an instance tho work of an imotitlhtor and thai of detoctlvo it lit be ulonje identical channelii but it in uu incidental chau nal for tho invcutiiruior und the occu pational channel for tho dotoctlv literary dlosl the keason japaujia chkoholoyy confuniuf early jupanoi rhronoloy ly fcott fuslni and to siaj tlu ishst lnfrafrt sayii writer in the now york her aldtribune rhu la uultlclontly proved by the oarllowt hltirl which glye tha uvorago nx of tho tlrst omporors as somethlnff over bundrtd yoars uot conrukln of all up to about 000 tlie mlxtura of uicend and fact of fairy taloa and truth actually my thology so mlxthl with hlutory that mortal man can uoparata two no one can nay juut wliw tit super natural ends and tha natural betfibs dollar days are here again on friday and saturday wc are otterintf special induce ments in furniture and houe furnlshinkh be sure and make your purchase now and save dollars see our window display showing few of the bargains urululltttliut there ucre three otlicr cus tunficrs in tlie toro at tlie time to hear go unquallled compliment paid to htt broods and tell you mother uiat im piamd alio is particular tuint tliat replied tlie lad bat lot of dads relations are lsltina at our house and ma dotxjit uant em to be cjmliitf ataln the luxohious royal guelph nov ftayimo oft socrates iaul muni ann ivoilalc the crusades tin mlchty zklour vuml lilnitv wilcoxon loltetta you3 vhtkmv hllhav tjfcxt shipmates tytkvkr dick voweli hu11y iceeliat fak4u tt gvavyvj the most famous pets gtavayard tha world la tho dny cemotery in parhi ou of tho torn intones in whtsh bear tha fauiouu cyntciaai th nore sea of man the mor love my dog there is also dov ceme tery in kenvliiaeton itardau lou don it wsu startwl whan ao be louaiutf to the dudis of cambridge was killed in road accident sad is bow full auwrs iauitln etfu of mouli hcleatlsts lonjf have scoffed at the ahsleot beluf that moon ught can cu luoacy and render food unfit for usti howavcr prslktvnt claim that certain ash cautfbt lu the ulvr nils would spoil ov might tf lft lu ths ibrht cf tho moon havo iteen found to be trus colliers wei kly mut mob to srvdhu in the guildhall icry january 20 ualde uoiiey ulvcu thu maid aerv kut who has bwu in arvlce for two years or mora in lulldford kiijfwnd thw old cuatotn lu nmliituluud uudar the will of john mow who died tu it im chilmit aro wttlod by tui thr intf of die dining room suite in solid oak consisting of buffet table and chalra lglitly used dollars day siwiat itartain for any studio couch coercd ultli sturdy enjfush nepp wu1 open into lujl slai tied pit ted ului arms und marshall iprlncn ilt cft dollar da 4otjou kteular llt j1s00 wardrobe in walnut iuihh pitted ulth four draucri and clotlui hunger auo mirror very delrubla plcco of furniture itlo 7c sliding couch complete with ixrvlceablo nad wdl make lirge comfortable bed dflltor itrcular vrice vi so 995 maltresses nilid with cood quality cotton toll tdce foot inches foot or foot inches dollar dujfi etich 500 card tables sturdy construction covered ixlth uuoth imitation uutlier dulrelit color in tfi dollar dayti 150 table scarfs in slllc tapestry tliowlnur choice 100 dl inns dollar daja each cushions covered ulth slllc in rase oretn yellow and moct shadtt suitable for any room dollar djjs each 100 curtains in tusrtin nft bl xhadg 33 incius by iii jarte vtry prctfy dollar day per pair 0juu chair seats perforated can be cut to any 100 window shades cream and green or white and orcn combinations 3flx72 inch tn ifund oilod reliable rollerd dollar dayi euch 100 mirrors oreen wliltl and hlue fraknejt oooil ilt ckur aiaij dollar diiys each 100 jardiniejie stand in round or wjimre top wuhmt hnlsh dollar djya just few oe the big furniture values we offer 100 our annual chrinuiuut club plan has already started uy paying ikmwit we will htild any article until chriitmati fhilippttoe tlb xkut construction of tli rlco terraces in the lruako country ot th philippines is of luch uacuru as to indicate that the tribe has llvd in its brveuit hbi ut for more than l000 yuers johnstone rumley home furnishings and funeral directors phone 30 acton ontario ooooooooooooooooooooooooqoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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