faoe two the acton free press thursday november 7u118u acton rt jrefis fomubwi evry thord7 at acuv ontario subscsuftxok rates per yr la advance uoitad states gov additional single copu ac both old nd aciv addraaacs ahould ba given wba change of ddraaa la requested canceixattows fiu that aotl of oar ub cibri prefer not to hava their subscription interrupted in caa they fail to remit be or expiration while aub cnpttoai will not bo carried is arraaxa over extended period yet unless wt ara notified to cancel wo assume tbe subscriber wishes the service continued remittances abould be made by reaisiered utter moay order or cheque advertising kateslecal notice lae per line for nrst inaertion be par line for each subsequent insertion headers ioc per line for each inaertion if in black face type sc per line additional notice qualifying ss com ing attractions ancb aa confrti entertainments church oclcty or organuatlon meetings etc ioc per line mini mum charge jc reports of meetings held gladly inserted lre in ucmoriam notice oc and ioc per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices free smalt advertisements le per word minitnua charge ay cash if booaed jsc also ioc extra when applications are addressed to this osti display advertising rates vary according space contracted tor altaoagh every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising la its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free rvesa business office duly signed by the advertiser aad with aueh error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted la not corrected by the free preaa ita liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement the space occupied by the noted error bears tbe whole space occupied by neb advertisaaaent ngtrroriijtwlesv telephones editorial and business office residence it pays mr stevens in one of his election speeches stated that over period of eleven years the robert simpson company limited had paid these papers iho following sums toronto telegram 2048000 toronto daily stais 2878000 mail atid empire 361000 globe 330000 smaller payments to other papers if was further alleged brought the simp sort companys payments over that period to total of 6642000 and another great department store had paid even more than that this statement proves one thing and it proves it with vengeance that advertising pays it means that this one store spends over 600000 year 2000 day in news paper advertising in its home city newspapers ren frew mercury constant vigilance nineteen hotels lost their licenses last week as result of investigations of the ontario liquor com mission of course they had violated regulations of the ontario liquor control act by their rather round about connection with the brewing interests during the days it was the manufacturers who like wise caused the trouble and were back of the boot leggers there never was means yet devised of controlling the greed for business of this industry always it is reaching out for more youth to make into drunkards men with the appetite and no back bone take money that should go to buy necessities for dependents any government will need to exer cise constant strict supervision to keep this trade within bounds and the closest attention would seem to bo needed on the top of the business ontario conditions have not improved under the ontario liquor act the homo life has not been bettered vigilance can well be continued by the government in the enforcement of the act and its measures taken to make the liquor interests livo up to the regulations will meet with general approval remembrance duy seventeen years ago on november 11th the armistice was signed and the world war ceased without any act of parliament proclamations or other deecrces factories and business places closed and services of thanksgiving and rejoicing were held with varying degrees the day has been observed in the intervening years and next monday is by law public holiday known as remembrance day its not mere public holiday and if it develops into such iis observance and proclamation may be reasonably brought to question joy and thanksgiving after four long years of war with its terrible toll of destruction knew no bounds on that first armistice day it was the realization of thousands of mothers prayers it marked the end of terrible four year nightmare november llth culls for remembrunce it has been appropriately named remembrance day acton legion in co operation with the council is to be commended on its arrangements for fitting service on this day re membrance day is next monday let us observe it ifl its proper manner after all not eighteen yeur of peace cause for equal joy as the cessation of four year of var monument is needed someone ahould start movement to build monument to the average taxpayer he it the man who keeps tho home fires burning and makes the wheels of government go around ho has gotten himself into the position of taxpayer by thrift by spending less than ho makes by investing in the home town by building home first and owning roof over his own head to do it ho has denied himself pleasures and luxuries that the spendthrift had in plenty in every community he may be abused and referred to slightingly on many occasions but in good years and bad years he is tho backbone of the country and without him there would bo no govern ment and no relief he carries the burden that others shirk many times without complaint which he would often be justified in voicing he is deserv ing monument tall enduring monument for he like atlas of old bears the world upon his shoulders crnnbrook courier largfe gain in employment continued improvement in tho canadian indus trial situation is reflected in report on employment issued by tho dominion bureau of statistics which shows that 0914 firms enlarged their payrolls from 064077 on september 1st to 007017 on october 1st or by 32040 workers this increase is the largest so far reported in any month of tho present year and it also exceeds that indicated between september 1st and october 1st in any of tho fourteen preceding years for which employment statistics arc available the most outstanding features during tho period under review wore tho unusually pronounced in creases in manufacturing in which the cooperating establishments absorbed more than 12500 additional workers and in logging which directly provided work for over 10600 moro persons than at september 1st tho expansion in each of these industries was greater than at october 1st in any other year for which statistics are available mining transporta tion construction and maintenance and trade also recorded heightened activity while the trend was seasonally downward in service the sunday school lesson fob sundav november lui the same quake an earthquake of sufficient violence to wake number of folks and give buildings rather violent shaking was the rather unusuql experience of this section of the country of course there are delicate instruments for guaging the cxtortf of the shock but it has been interesting to say the least tohcar of the individual reports of the severity of the quake of course its generally admitted that everyone ex perienced all tho shaking quaking or such sensn tion that was desired of course according to news paper reports the earth shook more violently in toronto than out here forty miles away city news papers usunlly make things shake harder even to politicians city folks in some instances fell outof bed but us quite remarkable that out here all who were precipitated frotmtheir beds landed on their feet proving of course that folk in the smaller centres are more agile in spite of the training given pedestrians in citytraffic we have local story of some of the incidents of the quake but we failed to unearth the color accorded the same earthquake in the city can it be that we didnt all have the same earthquake editorial notes halloween of all nights for an earthquake remembrance day on monday not just another holiday but rather day of remembrance municipal nominations are scheduled for three weeks from friday and elections if any will follow week later heavy fall showers with attendant slippery pave ments and fogs that at this time of year seem very prevalent call for extreme caution with motor vehicles as result of meeting in brampton jm monday halton and peel will hereafter huvc one childrens aid society instead of the two formerly carrying on this work the preliminaries regarding the return ticket for hon howard ferguson from london and the ap pointment of hon vincent massey to the post seem to have been carried out speedily enough tomor iow the change becomes effective gcnerulfttgret will be felt that ill health may force tlnretirement of premier mitchell hepburn from public life the energy und ability that he has put into his work huve been the marvel of many and during his short term of office his accomplishments huve been the pride of ins followers and the envy of his opponents it ii to he hoped that ins health will so impiove to allow of ins continuance of public service in the present capacity ontario needs his leadership ezekibl teajcaqb personal hebpoiklsibilrrx doiden text each one of ua hhall givo account of hlmbolf to aod konuma li 12 lesion text 33 710 btudy jllao ex 18 132 33 120 time g87 iloco in tho land of tho ohaldeaiia exposition tho itarponnlbluly of tho one whom ood appoints to bo watchman 70 tlwyio veries should bo read in con nection with clis 121 10 3132 every minister every teucher and also every christian lit in sciuo watdinuui unto hlfl iollown jer 17 acts 20 2031 jlob 13 17 jor 19 20 it bt great prlvlltiro to havu tho word of jehovah glvcn unto us but it involves tremendous retponflfblllly it makesus stewards of tho word and re sponsible to carry tho word to our tcl lowmcn cf matt 28 1020 tho watchmans buulncss is to got his mes soku directly from ood hear uia word ut my mouth and to riva to others wurnlng 6n tho basts of that word and on tliut basis ulono cf 17 in c8 cor 11 20 col 28 tho ono who knowtt what ood says ahoufc thu doom of tho wicked and does not give them warning incurs an appalling re sponsibility the wicked man will perish but ood will rwoilro his blood at tho hand of ills unfaithful servant each of us would do well to ask if we aro free from the guilt of tho blood of our fellowmen cf acta 20 20 27 many wamtmzs will not bo heeded but it is ourbiuliwhbtouucrthcmvjhctiicr tlioy will hear or whether they will for bear cf ch 3s 1127 it is for us to warn it for thcra to heed oven if they do not heed wc have de livered our souls if men will not turn they must at last burn la cf peter or3uacts ib hob 13 10 20 27 13 25 how can we live 1010 it is most imporuuit question that ibracpk represented as asklngln vereo 10 how can ono who has sinned and whose transgressions and sins aro thcro foru upon him live tho question ei fully aruworcd in the bible the answer given in the louion only sets forth what thu sinner must do repent cf acts 38 but the bible in full of what ood has dono to make it possible for htm to forgive filru when tho sinner does repent we nre told thnt god lias taken our sins which were upon us 10 and put them upon another even upon iili own sonjesus christ is 53 oal 13 cor 21 peter 21 and thnt therefore when we turn from our sins and believe on him who hore our ruis in his own body on the crai god can be just and nt the same time tho juitlfler of him uhlch bejlevcth in jesur romans 2320 tile lord jehovah has ho pleasure in thu denth of the ulcked if god had his way all men would repent anil live peter but god does not have hi way with the one who persists in his ln john 40 matt 23 37 ood has created us in ib own image with the power of selfdotormlnntlon and each one decldci for himself whether lie will turn from his evil way nnd live or not but ood has done everything in his powvr to lead us to repent not even stopping at tho giving of hli only begotten son to dlo in our place john 10 aod is cry ing to us still as he did to israel of old turjn ye turn ye from your evil way and llvcv for why will ya dlo why whjtj ye it is not enough to he rlght couu for day it la only righteousness that is continued in that counts with god when man turns from his rlght eousnes to sin hla righteous dopds which he hath done shall not bo re membered 13 tills primarily iti on the ground of law but even under grnco it is required that wo continue in tho faith acts 13 23 hob 10 38 humans 70 the other cldo or tills truth ki that tile one who truly believes tmcrijrbom wgni mtillmn iki 10 30 john 10 28 20 john 10 luke 13 15 the dog may return to his vomit and the sow that was wash ed to her wallowing in the mlro peter 3022 but uheep will know tile true shepherds voice and follow him but stranger hoy wul not follow john 10 3s 3720 there li deep slgnui cnheo shall surely live because he is uarned ex 21 how blessed is the privilege of wichlng men only one of all those who are warned turns from his sin und lives jos 10 20 on the other hand if the wicked hear the warning 14 and heed it and turn from hbi oln nnd do that which lawful and right etc he shall surely 41ve jio shall not die the rlghteousnuui ood demands hi nut mere ly negative oivdja up sin it posi tive doing that which lawful and right it is not merely thu tree that bears bad fruit that is hewn down and ciut into thu lire but every tree thnt bllniith not forth good fruit matt 10 many rust upon the fact that they have not done anything bad thnt is nut enough are von doing uny tliiiib good ood goes lnui illustrative detaui 15 and they include not merely doing evil no longer but making restitution fur the evil already done llut till or course all under law and by the deed of the law there shall llish be ju1 tiled in gods ulght iloiiiulu 201 ilo the oospe shovw in bettii way by putting our trust in mm wlir ryrlectly kept the law lllmscir und hun bole the imiilty fnr ua who hud brok it tclul 10 13 cor 31 and the liniment we du thus believe uu ms choick judge the jury finds you guilty prisoner thats all right judge know youre too intelligent to be in fluenced by what they say judge you can take your choice 10 or 10 days prison eull in foggy condition ill toko tho money yr honor his comeback hatter in thriving town stuck tile following notico on his window our felt liaul lit so well that they aro not fell not to bo outdone tho man across tho way produced thu following gem our carpctfl arc sold by tho yard but are not worn by tho foot serve the best tea salada tea rub it in for imo bacjc brink rub bing with dr thomas eclrclrlc oil wul rclluvc lumr back tho wkln will lm mctilauhly ubsorb the oil and ltwlll txmc tnitu tho urucu and bring tpixdy relic try it and bu canvlnoed aft tho llnl tntnt jdnkit in tho pain coined out and there arw untplu rrountll for saying that it mi excellent article its xile ujpkeep lionaldrt noo vaa very bltf and rod onii night hi und tvw cronlea were tuti in tin local pub man donul said andy lfc must huti coitv hrap filler toe get noei llk thit ftj no the orncglnul cbit that wor dki nierrnhyd ioiyu ltrt the con tinual upkitp mixture fcchool inspector began by putting few qurjuonfl to tho small girls now hi bald if all uo good people uvre uhitc and all the bad people wcro bluck whut color would you be yoitit of thu children mild uhlu and alhrrti black but little gloria who had rt mulm ulent until tho otlrcra replied iaid lmlaie xir xd be btrvaky mm every tin wo evr committed bi blot ted out and we are jiuitllled from all thlngn cacu 13 3a 30 l3ut having uiui believed on 2iliu and thus been juutliled wo will keep ooda law by the power of uit holy spirit whom ho on whpm wu have believed givca uj to dwell lu uji ronuuui 14 and as far us hut in our power wo will make restitu tion to those whom we lmv robbed or rouged in any way hero again we aru taught that when god forgives he for gcte nono not one great or small of his xtrui tliat lie hath committed tduut bo remembcrvd agabwfc him there la agrcat and hlijjahplfl in fh thought for all who truly tvpent and seek lilvino forgiveness edwciitlliurp rown brand csvte the famous energy food product tf tfce canada st co limited jjrur pnict shortening all bran kellers 20c new figs to 25c new prunes ib 20c heinz ketchup jt 35c new apricots 29c new peel ib 21c pineapple old fuhloikcl raisin cookies ibt 25c pork and beans 16ot tint 15c giicuti pttcb tender peas 17os um 21c ayltner golden btium choice corn no tint 21c auilrlin peaches 16 or tin 13 mw seeded lexii raisins lb 15c fresh from the gardens jaunt jemimas magic plantation pancake breakfast aunt jemima pancake flour ikg 15c sliced wrapped side bacon cfcircllt creamery butlei pure clover honey old colony meple syrup ctifoul flavorom cowce uq 29c l0 57c no tin 23c ifcor oil 23c lo 35c chocolate treats thin iwott bucutt heavily coated with ncti diiu chocoula the teaioni bltcuit itnulion pound 15c glasscos jam frethly tnd rtpbtry or stfwbrry jam with pctn ddtd to mur clr firm jell spclly priced salada tea the new health cereal it regulates the one nd only sauce bil 27e 35c value venof cough syrup bil 25e th complete houitttotd teup oxvdol lg pug 19c good et its nime gold soap 25e the antiseptic sojp lifebuoy cilret 20c hawes floor wax 1lb tin 43e ib yellow package good humor frumenty the shortening that makes foods taste better crisco nb 21c 3lb tin 59c hot house fancy sound and dry lettuce for lie onionslo 15c grapesjssxlclb sweet ivncy quality sweet and juicy potatoes 3v2 tloc oranges 25c bananas golden ripe d02l dozen free delivery phone 158 carrolls limited mill street phone 153 acton oil