Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 7 Nov 1935, p. 6

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paob0ix the acton free press thursday noveubek 7th 10s5 will be silent will auent that ujb wise my wisdom teach me day by day tu only clattering footo deaplae the tongue that doth no uiougbu betray will bo alien nature alone when human dps arc mul the voices of the mountain peaks await the atlllncaa aboolutc will bo alien and the flocr perchance ltd magic will diacluw tvere more than worth quiet hour to win the secret of rosct the hush of day the calm of night wiu unveil masteries of my soul till heaven may open to my sight through natures cvcrchanglnk scroll edmund dowd menu hints jfr for new aad novel dlahea htmiv ideas aiafl somttulnti old something nev some recipes arc bo good that no thought in given to changing them and each year they tastu better pickled beeu muturd helhji celery pickle and pear jam all coaio trom grandmothers cookbook ahlle jewel jam carrot ketchup and apples in cranberry juice ore eiuite new and unusual the follow ing recipe were prepared and usted by ualib ediui jl klllot fruit branch xto minlon department of agriculture pickled beets wash beets cut oif ups leaving about one inch of sacois to prevent bleed ing cook until under remove skins and if txets are unall leave whole but ifjuugc cut hi slice jpackjn crock oriniaroandin upoou of horeradbh pour over then pickle mixture utlng one cup vinegar vj cupwaur cup sugar one tcaspoon ful salt boll togeuar and pohc over beets mustard relish utiall cabbage ti large onions head cekry largv caullnower 12 green tomatoes green peppen red peppers 12 apples pat all through the mincer add cup sugar quart vliirtfar tablespoon tumeric lb lnubuufij uaspoon curry pcuder tabllpooiui sak tablespoons white luppcr tablupooiib celery beed fl well aad cook tun minutes bottle while liou celfcty picklk lieuls celery onions put through the mincer add cup brown jutar lb mustard tahuspoonu salt tablespoon pepper quarts lnegur teaspoon tumeric iulx and simmer uouly lj hours bottle while hot pear jam 10 cupa coasvly cliopped par cups sugar cup chopped prerved ginger with syrup boll all togullujr until thick and clear jewel jam cups chopped quinces cupei chopped apples cups cranberries cups water cook cranberrlw with water and skins fry cores of apples drain tlirough jelly bag and to the juice add cliopped apples and quhiccs cook ilve minutej add ave cupct sugar cook until tlilck and clear carrot ketchup cups chopped carrots green pepper cliopped finely onion cliopped finely cup cliopped celery two cups vinegar vj cup sugar tcuspoorui alt vj teaspoon paprika cook until tlilck press tlirough fruit press or coarse sieve relicat and bottle hot apples in cranberry julck robert swan the same was changed to acton the acton pump works on river street are now hi full blast muton boy was fined 500 last week for disturbing salvation army meeting thanksgiving day was on thursday november 12th and services were held in the churches jtfcuath warden bros have removed their barber shop to thw ofllco of tho old glove factory batchley georgetown paid si 160 for fun on halloween and joniea vant cieorgr und rufuu itcld added 11 und costs to the amount messrs brotliers and while liavv established tlu milton reformer both were formerly connected wltli ui milton nowu mr ii mccarthy hiu disposed of his boot and shoe business to mr win wluianis who has had charge of the ordered work department acton lodge tendered bro george mcfarlune banquet prior to hl departure for michigan last night eight tramps were given lodging in tin cells and last monday night live of the lay and goodfornoth ing gang prejud themselves for bed and board at the municipalitys expense jteevr storey has offered 10 reward for information which will lead to the convlctioii uio partlc who evidently consider it iport to smash street lamps the three lady teacliertf of ac ton public school will discontinue at the close of uie present year rvvlew of uiese little incident of ludf century ago und comparison with the news of tho present day doesnt reveal great deal of difference hal loween vui apparently pntty rough but then ther are those who would be rough in this day if the restraining liand wait not laid on heavily the oyster suppers armxsopopnliir nowm in uiflbc days canadian mining keseabon realbring the value of modern methods and technique in mining operations the canadian department of mines has hi full swing program of laboratory and field work involving investigations that will effect all branches of canadas mineral industry laboratory tests and xpcrhnental work aifc under way that rvlatc to such dkitlnctly separate fields of endeavor as the greater utllixntlcm of canadian coals hi the domestic markets the revising of ore treatment processes fur use in cauadui new ifold mills and tla iuiprovement in quality of ceramic ware the jield prograin li equally broad in scope offlcent have been placed in strategic area gain llrsthalid ln furmatlon on the varied activities of the industry pield work also include slats diary by oliver warren sunday most neerly fcrgot to men ahen last wlc about lalged boy in are room in skool witch bo first come pri tccciier cxprcst sorrow and woodroc viicii is hbi name scd bu got oftcl tire some uscn laig and uiol he couldcnt ocalrslcy ctand it did ho haf to us bo im thot mtunday tlu mrs that leeches arc rm at skool ast me to ust iv to cum to the rm tills on empartent bisness slio scd when pa urove she said wood lie be aaa to tnc ncether nor pa cud her bhr xplundc ia being tlint to would mctn lw pay mo for raisin less trubbel in the rm ia sed he new cheoier sbiiotii bullevr hhn now tcusdny ast lizry tubb are house kleviier to so up my base ball si ahe urvey of uie limestone hidustry hi on dlktllned scd ihr 1m bhxycrn tario andbrltisli columbia field study sw of bombclbeezc in anewdeet col of uie lire clay and other iugli quality dldmt ketch on but she laft cluy resource of certain ureas hi north una im wise look wander what irn ontario study of the industrial jj ij if eney uilihtul situation hi quebec the prahrio weilsday had to laft at skool provinces and brltivli columbia sur sunday dont no if tlie teccher had to of industrial waters hi ontario and or no hut she did and seamed to hijoy quebe and the investigation hi on it she ted we an hear in the wurld tarlo of mineral products used for slimgle help utbers and jake lie up and scd bricks mineral tillers and sand blasting he wundred wliat tlw uthers are hear dutt of all the watchwords of life duty is the highest and bosu ua who sin cerely adopts it lives true life he is really tfte successful one it pertains to all parts and relatione of life there is no moment place or condition where its claims orr not imperative the poet states 1l well tilppl mid dreamed uiat life was beauty ijwoke ami found that life was duty win thayer doubtlesii helen do you think xjnrlr ororgr understands women tonl well in used to have money and now hes broke keep on the sumny sde the heavy volume of tests olid expert for they say iliey bay uh well suppose tliey do but can they prove uw story true susplcloiu may arke from naught but malice mvy want of thought why count jourself among the they who wiikper what they dare not say they say but why tlu lile rehearse and hlp to make the matter worse no good can possibly accrue prom telling uhat may be untrue and it not bolder plan to speak of all tn tt ou can they bay oil if sliould be so why need jou tell tin tale of uw will it the blltjr wrong redress or make one pang or sorrow hu will it the erring one retare hence foruard to and sin no more they ji oh pause und looli with in see how tlie lutrt incllnls to sin watch list hi dar temptations hour thou too ihouldit blnk beneatli lu pouer pity the frail utep oer their fall but speak of good or not at all butthefowl suppers seem to havvtaken their place rje millers worm powden will oradicato die worm evil tliat bears lo heavily on children and is believed to cause many fatalities they ure an acceptable modl elne lo children and can be fully relied upon to clear the food cliannels thor oughly of these destructive parasites and restore the inllamcd and painful surfaces lo healthfulneiu they nre an excellent reimclj for uiese elli hunting in que1ux peel arul qiiarief onpits wnicn wht hot break mown in cooking show apples rd excellent pack hi jars to each pint jar allow cup cranberries cup water and cup uugar add water to cranberries and kma and cores of apples took tjowly ten mhiutes drahi add sugar and bringing to boll pour over apples sterilise ten minute hi liot water bath or nftfen uunutes the ovtu at 376 degrees if apples are ih ha used often we thould have eoiiie cluuige froui apple ssueu and apple pie liowevr toounuune thcad may be aiiui bauch metliod for biakng appbj sauca uulckly and satisfactorily is follows wasli tlui apples cut in eighths add sufficient water to prevent burning oook until tender in cow red saucepan preas jlurough strainer iwteii to ute jrtlfa ulctliod retains full food value and gives minimum waste uakkd allltoi and vadaolifcu kvcl cord and slua six appws ivel and slieti six pcadu arrange hi altcr nate layers hi baking dish bprlnkui eadi layer with sugar and boko at nhiutes at oo degrees ticrve cold kir whiter dessert use camud peuchrs rcuervtng the julcd for gelatine des sert or pudding saucu uervy appubl cuataltd pa ilnt milk cga tablespowut sugar grated tpc beaj sa add sugar uicti mlk slraja add rated apple and boko in ooe emit ben some uvekr since went back to the old lile of half century ago for my column so there where will glean my items for thh ueek the baptist church had concert arul ufa sue uho uie local axtisu were acton cornet band misses orr of georgetown mr llarry jenner miss strange messrs gardiner und mc cauley of guelpli and miss clara wil liamson tlu mavorallty contest hi toronto was termed as waxing hot in late october our mercliants are getting down to tlie closaiiyhouratorahoutbodumu style again tlie county pair was great success about 4000 people were present and there were 2402 entrltt tlu guelph central pair association cleared 1070 by tills years exhibition miltonv rah of taxation is 1g jhllls they lmd matinee in vaccinating tlie canada glove works employees tlie oilier day result works closed for ueek coal is 060 per ton tlie grain buyers imv been busy tlifa ueek pilcus are wheat 82c to 83c peas 65c to 6gc and oats 2flc the boys who misplaced the school bell and hid tlie clapper on ilallowoen were rather humiliated when obliged to let matters to rights again the inmsirmn kaleliel poctory is ruslied with orders the ltaff lias buen relnforced during um week by two ex perienced workmen one from newark tlie otlier from toronto air miller llemstrect passed away hi cleveland ohio at uie age of 85 years portyflve years ago lie opened uie first grocery in tills place and set up uia first blgnpost on wlilcli was inscribed dan ville orocery by miller hemorcct pour years afterward the jiuto was given post orilec and on mouon of ui late atitli gouvlll tablespoons uihiute tapioca it teaspoon salt cup milk ualded cup bugar egg yolks beaten unui thick and lemon colored tablespoon lemon juice egg whites stiffly beaten cup grated raw apple or drained cooked apple pulp add minute tapioca and salt to milk ahd cook in double boiler 16 muiutes until uploca ui clear stirring frequent ly add sugar cool add egg yolks leaiuii juke and appltyj puld ul whius bake hi gnoscd bakhig dlsli placed hi pan of hot waur in moderate ovtii 3j5 degrees hour bcrvd hot wlui lweeuiicd whipped eruaiu tjrvea if deshed the wlilpped cream may ot forced through pastry tube into rosetks on waved papcr and frown in thy recking tray of an automatic re frigerator quebec has long been known as paradise for hunumen both amateur and professional the lordly moose blggett game animal on tlie american continent lias long been tlie quarry of the boldest sportsman the vlrglnai devr which darts through openings hi uie forests along the bankj of lakes and rhers uiui the agility of gymnaut sliares wlul uie moose tlie honor of being tlu most magnificent victim of tlrcksn hunters tiki black bear still to be found in large numbers in the foresbs of quebec is ulso cuperb but wily game the hunter in search of feathered game not less favoivd than lib biggame brother three specleu of partridge arc to be found in 0c province and uie shores of uie louer st lawrence main ly those on the south side ati well aso few islands set in tlie heart of uie river teem wlui feathered game duck wild goose woodcock and jacksnlpc are to be found and hunters who fall to fill uiclr game sacks arc rare quebecs laws governing hunting are generous despite certain necessary rc strlcuans devotees of deer hunting uils jcar may pursue their quarry from sep tember 1st to october 31st excopt in uie counties forming uie iouuiern zone of uio province where doer hunting is allowed only from october 1st to novem ber 30th moose may be hunted from september loui to november 30th in uie counuos runted noruiuf the bt law rence sjmui of uie river the moose season opens on september 20th and uudjan november 30th in uie counties of bona venture ctttspc tttitt naattttfct hunting for caribou is permitted from september 20th to kovcmber 30ui for feauiered gome such partridge grouse woodcock duck jocksnlpe etc the hunting season opens on september lut and closes on december 16ui in quebec and uiroughout uie ouier provlnco of uie dominion network of land and water highways railway and aeroplane sivice jiatw brohght tho former remote regions wluiln easy reach of the great centres of population and tlie pleasures of uie hunt and all its thrllk are now accessible wiuiout liard slilp or delay mentutork on gold ores continues as the feature of activities in tlie ore dress ing and metallurgical laboratories treat ment processes havu been devised for practically all of the gold milling plants that lmve entered production during uie year much of tlie work bi in uie nature of microscopic studies and experimental uu on ores and ore products from es tablished gold producers test work on base metal ores haii been confined large ly to the development of new imtolurglc ul processcit for properties wlui proven ore reserves and to problems relating to ulgikrinctal recoveries at established product ngppoprtuih ceramic hivejiugatlonii arc mostly in uie nature of laboratory tests and ex periments with uio keen compel uon exisung at preient manufacturers are well uien vlare did you get uie idear tlilrbday it say hi uie nooscpapcr wlare pa is an hnployee of tliat sliurley tempel luis boy frend cll shurley alnt go notlieui on jane and was not for my modesuy would rhnmark uiat are mtrrer sliowes janes li fur liansumei uuui uie iiooarpaper bhows shurlcys jane bi luckey dame priday well wks of bkool lj in my arrears and cant tee where have learnt nouilng cept to uirry how long thirty more wh is imte to divvouj my hole life to lernen nothen saterday busurs darn him tuk jane to paruo last vnmg jlo muat have give her apath nunfeck or lumpen ennyhow herd her ast him did ciinyboddle tell him how wunderfle lie no he scd ac she then ast him making every tif ort to improve uielr warts in order to stimulate sale the faclliues of the laboratories are being utilbed more and more due to the great er use in the clay industries of sclen uilc principles the introduction of new processes and the development of new product not lit btrugyeled not to but liad to laff tiik champion mr mcnabb after having jeajx read to him wont sign that havena beeii jtbh lie keep ten commandments for manuion hi heaven an inl no iaun uie tackle nearly hundred fur tuo roonu in the high strevt stranger was dining in aberdeen when uie meal was owr he lumded uie ualur penny tip the waiter looked at uie coin in ills hand do ken mister he said tliat the champion abscr in aberdeen gies me tuppence tile stranger held out his hand cmll ingly lie he fuatd shake liatids wluj tlie new champion ansuers xltvansr you noticed that your happiest hoars occur on days when yoa feel your best have more of these happy days yoa and all your family cturcl health while you have 11 keep on the sunny side of life the greatest enemy of health common conslipatloil it knay tiluc loss ot apjetite and energy cerumty ll kill enlhnshuml yet if can be lanuhed hy eating delicious cereal laborat tests show kell aulbaah supplies bulk and vita min to relieve common eonati pation also iron for the blood the bulk in axxbaan much like that in leafy vegetable how much pleasante to eat this deli clous readytoeat cereal than to take patent medicines two table spooofuls daily are usually uf2u elent chronic cases with each meal if not re lieved thi way see your doctor made by kellogg in london onl business directory dr mcniven pfcysacian and bargwm oftlce and residence ocrner avcnuo and xlgtn 6tree dr nelson phyalelaii and hlcctro therapy phooe wb dk wm cullen ptayairlsw and surgeon oftlce flours and 70 comer itcderiek and mill cureeta telb phone legal ihonc no 23 oi bar s3s harold nash farmer laarrixier solicitor motary sttblab contttuecr eta mill 8thekt actow okt hours 030 to 1200 neon 00 bo to s00 saturdaya 12 00 oclock kenneth langdon barrlaier solicitor noury tuhtkx otiiccs acton oeorg over seynucks caie main suu ft ior appomtmcnts phone acton 8sr cieorgetown b8 oftlce hour acton tuesday aaal thursday 11s rn tp 40 jp nz inert on request dental just good kaailxiision some fobc uses big uortk de name turkey sprlads hli uill feathers tiid uncle kuii dey makes an ele gant impression but tliey dont repre sent no real meat what auovt nionnu asktd how he held tlie attention of his audience josh liiulnga explained tor instance will say tliere are two thhigjj on earui for which man is never prepared what are uiey crls will come from tlie audience death taxes murrlaul jlapplnesa wealui kojie youre nil wrong uum con clude milemnly tlie two uiui4 on earui for which no man ts ever iirepared are twlnul john winkler incredible garintfb uouuuty aiodesty hi laulom the attribute of the untried modesty lau thing we learn ucnerully by aliame and failure young christian la mnbluotu to dktlkiaulali hlmaelf as tuiiit ut unee it uie aged subit who eotinu it an hujior if lie bo permitted wlui shutim to take thj lowest puce itoberlami ivruau ilahu true elixir of youth refreshes and rejuvenates adds ioiitlifui charm to the complexion soft kiii and beauuflcs uie skin makes luindii flaulessly white indispensable to the uoman who apprcclatti subtle dis tinction delightful to use delicately fragrant eoouics dry and irritated skin corrects and preserves liwleaj toilet requisite for every discerning uoman true aid to beauty gmipjw cadesky ofiomknuar ww be in acton oh monday november anyone suffering from eyestrain defective vision or headache should not nils the opportunity of oonsulung th1 eyesight apeciallst appoitmenu may be made with mr urowa dniggist oonsttltation wtel office hour fal lid fad buchanan benimji office in yjtifrf bloeac liourc in until topenansbj by ajpohibnent oaa for rriractlons closed wednesday altfmootf rphooa 14s pearen pental sc moid to our new quarters in the svmon block plione 29 mill street acion vetek1kay dr bruyns veiehnary kuixetm allcolls ileoelve prompt attention piioke 135 aotlx3n ontario office mill btreet harrop sc phode day or lflht3 iieildcncc boucr avenue acton all calls promptly answered x2aiea iteaaonable auukljlakeo106 francis nunan bonicblatdw account bookd of all und made to order perlodlcahl of fevery deacriptiaa carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street ouelph croc dependable man is man who advertises nine times out of ten you will find that the man who advertises is the man who most willingly returns your money if you are not satisfied he has too much at stake to risk losing your trade or your confidence you can depend on him he is not in business for today or to morrow only hut for next year and ten years from next year he knows the value of goodwill you get better merchandise at fairer price than he could ever hope to sell it if he did not have the larger volume of business that comes from legitimate advertising and goods that bear out the promise of tho printed word dont miss the advertisements this very day they call your attention to values that to morrow you will bo sorry you overlooked dont miss the advertisements eagleson onuria fttta bamjns land 1hh mlnj ffiufcim surrey report wtl puntf dblalmaok wok1c btkctattt 4rplnm xi general we sreciaux tn ime fire health and attlntalhuf windstorm mi gim uoile lteuty bond annuiliea and all general lined of insurance julbo ocean sueamsnipi tsckeiri utadino coanmu exckllkmt racxuraa fred jl wright acton the door of opportunity thensraall ada arffl opa ta wkaterw foa anaeefctawj iribl

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