tbdbbdat movmber 7th 10 the acton free press armounon tbo more me tbee country mine tbe more know twma love divine tht faadjoowl tbee mould to peaceful valley mountain bold loughinc waters pralrtaa wide mveat dim where shy things hide bnerald iilandi waters btue verdure broidered or with dew and so thou mlghtst lovelier be breathed the scarlet maple tree ella bckel twenty yeabs ago fran the lame of the free press hut 1915 the new stone rood on the second line through the dublin swamp is com pleted and la very one piece of rood building mr fred lltelm has purchased the double atone house at the corner of mill and ouelph streets the property will be considerably improved principal stewart reports registra tion of sixtythree studentu in acton high school this is the largest at tendance since acton high school was opened messrs henderson heeve hynds brown and oordon ilayward went to bronte last wednesday to see the sol diers march past on their big trek from camp niagara to toronto fte victor lne who left acton in august 1014 returned on monday ho received shrapnel wound in the leg and had suffered from typhoid fever inspector dcnyes suggests that an ad ditional teacher be employed as the primary rooms are overcrowded the council has decided to have an honor roll placed in the council cham ber of all acton men who have enlisted for ovenseas service born acton on tu ber 0th 1915 to mr and mrs albert white twins son and daughter died mccujre at balllnafad on monday november 1st samuel moclure jn his gsth year worms in children if they be nbt at tended to caute convulsions and often death mother graw worm exter minator will protect tho children from these distressing afflictions fojjltky fob marke to great extent tho ultimate suc cess of the poultry enterprise will depend greatly on the manner in which the pro ducts are marketed the discriminating customer will be attracted by the well fattened and well dressed chicken or fowl and will pay premium in price for appearance as well as quality success in fattening and marketing will depend to great extent on the operat ors knowledge and ability to prepare lila product hi the most economical olid at tractive form special feeding for from ten dais to three weeks will greatly improve the quality and pay for the fcxtra feed and labor involved only birds with strong conutltutlons can ttand heavy feeding with limited tixcrcbu birds that lock vigor seldom make prolltable gains in tho fattening pens serviceable crate six feet long by jwcntyfour inches wide and eighteen inches high may be mudo from jjats nailed one inch apart with gulvanlzed pan beiuath the slatted floor for the dropping partitions two feet apart will provide compartments two feet tquare and will accommodate four or flvw birds according uite to eiiiure freedom from lice duit the birds with flour or sulphur and create good appetite by starving for the first twentyfour hours on the second day give only slight feed and gradually in creaite the amount until uw third day from then until finished give the blrtki all tliey will eat twice dally at regular intcrvuls about twelve hours upart mix to batter uiat will pour slowly from pall sklmmllk or buttermilk with two parts of conimeal and one part of finely ground oats or equal parts of barley meal and boiled mashed pot toed may be substituted for tsio corn meal feed hi troughs suspended in front of the crate good flnkih should be obtained in ten to twenty one days feed enough to thoroughly satisfy at teach weal but leave nothing over in the trouglu to stall the birds fitarve for at let twmty four liours before killing bleed by atlckmg in tlia roof of tlie mouth and dry pluck grade to uniform size and quality and pack hi nest boxes detailed instructions on killing pluck ing and grading may be had free from tlie fubllclty and extension dnuich department of agriculture ottawa iniha one of laucksy sugalt kltokhjckkls india one of tlie largest sugar pro ducing countries of thu world with over 400000 ucriii under suifur producing approxhnaujy 6000000 tons of raw ugar whlrh lj procetued by more tluui 13 modem factories while primarily agricultural india is expanding indus trially and there would wm to be an opportunity foe canadian njimufactur of bidiutriul machinery to obtain share of the market accordbig to tlie industrial department of the canadian katluital italia ay thought ko will you ttlll love me when my hulr grey well darling xve utuck to through brown black yold and putlnum huwnt doiuflav kuypllm unlment is without rival ijloiw blading blatantly cull terbua wouuus and prevtnu blood pouunlng chronicles oi ginger farm acton free twtm owkndounb niwt now to be absolutely up to tho minute one really must talk about the earth ruake and why not it seems every one has dlovrent story to tcll one of our neighbors said ah felt as if she were being rocked in hammock while another one knew nothing about tho earthquake at all our experience was everyone in tho house wakened as the house rocked and found his or her bed also shaking windows were rattling and clat tering ocuse were squawking and hens cackling son called out from his room whatever is happening was pretty near thrown out of bed daughter thought someone had got into the houw and was playing halloween trick on herl partner donned his boots and outer garments in double quick time and was away to the henhouse before could say jack robinson not that thought of saying jock itoblxuon but you know what mean dont know what part ner expected to find at tho henhouse or what he thought he could do ho says his first thought was chicken thieves anyway when he got there he found the quake had shaken open the henhouse door and half the birds had flown walk ed or been otherwise removed to the outside of tho henhouse and were walking around in the starlight telling the world about it since there was very little partner could do to help the poor jilddieb he was soon back to the house and after while we all settled down again and went to sleep have ulnoe heard of people who were so trlghtened they got up and would not go to bed again but after all what good could anyone possibly do by staying up personally felt much the same during tlie earthquake as used to feel during on airraid in england one was just as safe in bed art anywhere else of course if wo were in montana it would bo different matter but here in on tario whcru it in not expected that earthquakes wlji seriously endanger life doesnt it seem rather foolish to get worked up to state of high nervous tension lmve heard some people say they thought tlie end of the world rari coming supposing it were we couldnt stop it could wc and after all isnt lb uhowhig rather lack of falui to get uo toured about it perhaps am bit of fatalist over tilings like tills because do feel that one cannot run to cover with any cer tainty of safety as one has no means of knowing at what spot safety may be found and so wherever one happens to bo hit us ijood place as any other knew people in tiigland who left their own homes during an nlrrald to run to house uliere there was cellar and they were killed as they ran through the street tho same thing might hap pen in an earthquake so why not just itay where ue am and keep cool about it friday morning urn children were quite unxlouii to get olf to school to iwap stories suppouc in the driving ihcd they found tlie quake liad knocked doan their bicycles one man near here had his straw utack toppled over and in his brothers house tlie wallpaper crack ed on the freshly nape red walls on tlie radio tint morning heard mime wiuo wag assert tlmt in new york one hud even hod his hand slutkuil an earthquake is hardly thing to joke about and yet slight tremors such as we felt hi ontario certainly produce some ludrlcous situations so uiat when tlie wot is over and no one seriously hurt may be forgiven if we see tlie humor of it as well as its more serious aspect speaking of seeing am up against problem right now my oculist in stead of giving me bl focal glasses thought fit to give me special glasses far un 111 nowone pair of glosses has served every purpose and so now am trying to get accus tomed to tills awful business of changing my apees about forty uavn times day the trouble is never weem to be wliere the other glaxsa ore wlcn want to change tluui and yet if go where tlie glasiis were they are always some uhcre else now that may uumd like irish or doubledutch to some people but anyone who lias had tlij same ex perience will know exactly what mean then again tlie dliference in the two bights fci nuisance for in stance stop to look at the morning paper ulth my reading glasses tliat is supposing con and them and thun the telephone rings or smell my cake burning hi the oven and run to at tend to whichever it with the same glaues on of coune and after that tut on with my ordinary work and after awhile btgln to wonder why my lieod aches liave still another pair of glasses clip on sun glass for driving uhlrh usually curry in my purse tlie other day sat on my puree and it did not agree ului the glairs t1ise per sonal appendage are altogether ter rible nuisance tlie dentures for in stance which luive to rr moved when taking an iron tunic yisterduy got kind of mixed up wtuit taking my medi rhie and instead or the denture re moved my guswt and th the wholi family came running to the kitchen to und the riosim for my mild uttuck or lmlrhsl cmuvit bi clods gift to little men llruce liar ton landing time kiiiimu the duko huu laadid estates ljimled one mery thun he mar ried but he managed to run through vm all wrong number mr ladlesman hello llabo tho telephone girl off duty numor pleukot the custom velocity of rivera is greatest at beginning as hers imimlly hsv their urcea on viry high gmitml ihelr velmlty is urea teal at th xiiiinlug of their ctiurnu whleh is for many kt reams hiirceunlmi of raphlh und wutcrfnlla the velocity of rails whlrh ih often mimma eniuint very he inrl tided in any hfhnur of velocity of rlwrn although the imihtun glwn by rapids an well uh un kern inellrintton of the bod of the htniitm bus iitnrt in hirtanl inlluincv on ihe rule of 1tn current lint tint velocity of river does not altogether deiid on the kioiw of uh bed wiys vrllr in the cleveland iiiii ijiulir mm is owing to its depth und volume miwit rlvcrs thero foru flow with varying velocity ut dlf feriit wumons of the year kurthfir niore heiuls in the coiirrut jutting httk of rock or other obttclea inter furo with ita ukm1 up thut the water of rher flows at llftroiil velocities at dlfferem parts of its btd uiovort ilnuur ut thu lottom thun at the sur face nhd nt the sides than ut thu mldclln there la no at renin that tins rogu ur curniil of miles un hour or oven half thnt the louor inn ton lows at the rule of thrtn mile un hour the misitliihlppl in the louwr coumo has velocity of about three and half hilles hti hour tlie congo has for many ration nbovi its mouth current of abott avn ml leu un hour tho lmhtus of its great rails ex tun ding for great dlstanco below them the nils similarly influ enced moves for long distance at nine miles un hour you fteem to prefer tho uracil to th6 plajira yea prefer to bo burnt by tho yun than roautod by ttio gohsinu chihuahua mexican dotf supposed to be oidat th chlbuahtin mohican dog named for the northern state of mex ico bordiitliigalougtlie hjo grand it is supposed to bo the oldest dog in america having been bred by the artec indiana state writer in the washington ost the outstanding characteristic of tho bred its large ears held erect and slightly ring to the bid the standard describe the chihua hua as tiny dog weighing from to pounds compart alert abd torrior llke his coat ts uliort smooth end oft of almoet any color preferably solid or marked like oblqultss black and white ho hnw an apple domsd hnul large lumlnouu dark eyes and short mwlurately point hjs ahy is compact wliort coupled but klonder well ribbed tuckod up in the loins and donchettd tho legs ard slender well alnewmtd with xiuall dainty foet and strong moderately long mills hlu tnll is fairly long and carried cyclokhuiutd time limit imminent artist hero ih my latest picture tho soul kikhi film censor very flno rut you mustnt allow visitors to look ut it more thun fojir hecoudn at time nobody home hour and ivsiuuu tho splitting up or tho hour and dio mlnuto tmich intp what is seem ingly curious dwiulon sixty pnrta is link with one of the uumt anclont of ppoploa tho chuhhjina or oarly nabylonlhnw the ohnldennii bo named by dntilel un manning ustron mncrii roiuced their studj of tho hoiivcnh to bomithlnu nlmoht matho mntlcnlly exact the renllrud tlmt tho sun mndo coniilete elnle of tlie himteiiu in tho course of thu your and ho arrived ut the degree hpproxl mutely the distance trnvolod by the nun ench day it win tlulr cimtoni to reckon in ternib of sixties and multi ples of sixty and later nstrologors followed their example unil split up the hour into blxt mihiii or minute parts and culled them minutes the mlnuto in turn unit tuvliltml into sixty parts snd so we get the sefcondg the aocnnd sub divlwlon of tho liour he but why prolong tho engage iniuitt sha you still have 1m0 ieh huvf you7 high minded wlfey huw tho dtureut uttlo hat today iluhbj tint tu jiikt like you ul utii imiling fur the dennht iniiteud of tho inodefiitely priced if and when rnni intt pny ilny tit the next origw off yanb doodu the tune of ynnui doimiio said adair fltxoerald in hlu storlofl of fomous songs iins bcn trncod as far back as oliver cromwells time whon in wordtt similar to our own it was sung in derision of the groat pro toctor or usurper whichever you like the air was handed down to the puri tans and anally hecamo new kng und jig in tlia natural ordtr of th it wbh flttwl wuli appropriate worilu by some revolutionary rhymestor and served such an excellent purpo in aatlrlxlng tho itrltuh troops that it wu adopted throughout tho col on aa as the patriotic song of the sons of liberty nuiuhmi park the highest national park in kurope crcatfml hv the luillun governments jhreo ih made up of the 210000 acres al the stelvln pass an alpine pnssiige way the hlgheut into italy including mountain groups ulth 10 pcakn averag ing nearly 10iww feet punulls for clluiherii und uklera the region ly prt murllv intended for the prenervatlon of the rare futiua found in the richly con ifer wooded lower alnpe ioimujh gstaway to saa tin hplt or land juttlhg into tho ilnltlc uau where tew yesrs ago few llwhermtu dried their nets and mtored ihtmii in upended hnuthalves and uiunen hurled pjitntnch in struwlluud hiiiiii iiltu for the whiter their utumlw tndav the modern majestic port of thu ilnltir dynla riduudh gateway to the hcu iis yeabs of age britains oueat wesaan sub eajaya hr tosv believed to be tho oldest woman lh britain mrs carollno merrlott celebrated her 10th birthday in mayday hospital croydon by being hostess at teaparty arrayed in her beat clothes and with new whlie bonnet she cut birthday cake that had been specially made for tho occasion and entertained some of her friends in spite of her ac mrs merrlott li rtlll an active woman mentally and her voie is surprisingly strong she cats tlireu meals day and drlnlat aovcral pints of tea with great enjoyment wlwn nho was born she was so small that for week after her birth uicy could not put any clothes on her she loves to recall lier fathers talc of how one of lier uncles bet 100 that tlicy could put her into quart jug they tried she gleefully said and they got mo in born at tooting corner ten years after waterloo mrs marriott remembers tho crimean war the corn jlaw riots and the coronation of queen victoria bhe hosbecn married twice and her second husband died in 1d0g she worked in laundry until tilie was 86 etywi of the world tighten till tension eloping girl papa is going to lw complouly unstrung qroonlf lliats all right dearest wo will wire him at once correciof ot tlmonjury troubles many testimonials could bo presented showing tho great ctlicacy lof dr thom as eclectrlc oh in correcting disorders of the respiratory processes but the best testimonial is experience and the oil is recommended to all who suffer from these disorders with tho certainty uiat they will find relief it will allay in nammutlon in the bronchial tubes dohzkion weekly news letter the quiaglsn egg laying contest the sixteenth canadian egg laying contest held at the central experi mental farm ended on october 33rd having completed its 51 wewk course tho complete results of tlie year tihow many excellent pcrformancco by both the heavy and light brcuds feature of the contest was tho good health of tho birds and tho absence of infectious and contagious diseases total of 107 birds qualified for rwgis tratlnu which corresponds closely with urn total for hut year egg weights were excellent throughout tlio contest there being only 13 pens which falkd to aver uku 24 ounce to the dozen the average etg yield per bird wa tlie highest over rocordud in contents at ottawa the ontaxio vt laying contest on wednesday october 23rd tho ontario egg xaiylitg conlent enmo to an end after course of 51 weeks assisted by tlie alencw of any serious sickness or disease tlie records of this years blrdi arc vtell hi advance of those of any previous contest ut ottawa lro ductlon wan unujuully steady liartlcu lurly during the middle and last stages of tho contest the uvernge yield per hbrd was 20 thk higher than that of last year tlie number of birds whlcli qunlitled for registration was 203 or co more than last year etfg wvlghts were very good 49 pens showing an average of over 24 ounces to tho dozen for all cg laid tlie barred plymouth uoclts wcro tho most conspicuous breed in tho nnal re sults time tables nftdian nfltionalflailways at aotok 700 loota going kaat daily except sunday dolly except sunday dally except sunday sunday only 714 poll the chicago flier that passes lluwi hero at 31 toastbound atopa ak oeorgetown at 040 going west dally except sunday 8js5 aun dally except sunday lt3 pjn dally except sunday 7jj4 pjn doily except sunday 1231 am sunday only 00 am smiday only hjopjn standahd tq1e woman is chief job sliould bo to liavo home and lots of children mary mckford arrow bus leave westbound 94s 1145 except saturday 21b fr in 51s saturday only s15 lis to 111s 105 tiaturdayfl sundaya and holiday leave eastbound 00 am dally exoepi sonday 910 in 1245 cio tn 645 tax 906 in rnnehabica banned to aix points in canada united btateha mexico j4 2i irfvoa when the weather or household duties keep you indoors and there are so many things you need and you simply havent the time to go shopping how handy it is to telephone the grocer or butcher or dry goods store is always glad to deliver your order just when you want it so the telephone smooths your daily path and stands guard in emergency consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines tobonto patterson ro speclalxai tn eye kxamtaatlta oruiopuo treatment ti li log wyndham st next to ouelph wohe 3108 quality aeeoraey hii laiug the cwue op your telephone is just what you make it lant of lb niitiubmtmii jamioitilli tlvml mttlil uiiuknnwu itu ih hiht of hit iiliihkvifiih ho uin uritlny ii iu pliiy hi iul whon un iurltunn closfil iht tli4atitr and ln uii4 fiutd to iiimiiuiou idtf work in ttiu uutj mul turn to tuuchlu ho many of iui utfj mii on dignity and hhort in lairformanco ft tn atouttj tax notice 1935 municipality op acion second instalment november 19lh an tuldltlon of four wr cent will bo niudo to every tax rate or uhiai nwnt rtnialnlnc uniuild fourttji duy after uie tmld 10th day of november for tho second liutlulmutil and it will be the duty of uiu collector hmuodt auily after tlie tmld iivoral dayu apjiolnted for naymait to colloot ut one by dltryt or otherwli umlcr tho nrovbdanii of thu gutute in tlmt behalf all kuch tavci or ituituliuliili of taxtmi wahu rakk vouit tav noto with vou wlirlm making iaymknt mcpuerson collector savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario sei acton free press subscription for all magailnm taken at the free press offle