Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 7 Nov 1935, p. 8

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paok host the acton free press thursday no vesther 7th 1035 motku birth kmblti 1i dottfc in tahftad latus eohuaa vltkom fl aisauobr noticm ad mo ar bobn boboctson on wtednekl novem ber 6th ibs to mr mil mra nfcr mn robertson voting btreet acton uhtcr icabbied rankijnbenton nelson al tbe projtterlan manas actao on tuoalay october mui 1935 by the rev bennle mary isabella nellaon elder daughter of mr jona than and the late mrc kellson of milton to arthur william prankiln benton eon ot mr and mix ftankllnbenton of zjmehouee in memoriam uxtiy in loving memory of our dear loved one lacy lltucy who passed away on november 8t 1028 always loved and remembere by ivy bkity and setter ocals if you tell it well it wle oell ad vertise remember remembrance day on monday moildays rain was the heaviest of ills fall apoppy day an saturday buy one or two or tint kx poxss office will be closed all day monday remembrance day almost any time now the shopping days until christmas will be counted youll find the store with the adb usually have the newest and best offer ings the wednesday half holiday in acton can scarcely be said to bo observed aow ij the ippy wreaths for llemcmbronce day are on display in fcarra ftrocery window the hockey boys had their flrst physical exercises in the gym this week georgetown lions club propose to arrange recnitlonol centre for the community cooler weather and tht occasional snow flurry con bo anticipated with re curring regularity billy sunday famous evangelist died suddenly at chicago yesterday ho was in his vclnd year acton legionnaires will leave from the lost offico on monday at 15 for the servioo in itockwood the local prize winning essays in the legion icsay contest ore published on another page of thk ufeuo new drain and catch luujn will be installed on wubur strwst to con nect into the new mill street drain tlus book ihircluuung commutes of the acton fre library board are in toronto today waking their purchase toronto police were not long la an arrtt in connection with the brutal murder committed there on tues day dont neglect attendance an monday at the community service at tha sol diers monument and in the presbyterian church workmen have been re constructing the surface drainage on mill street from wilbur to leuow street and hwtalllng new catch bashu tli projections on tha sidewalk for the gas tank in front of the now symon store were removed this week and the street line improved thereby programs for the acton itockwood and kassagawrya remembrance day ber vlces have been prmted ready for uia eervlcesui theaenl yaw pvtsa chrlsuiiou greeting cards will bo ready for your inspection on saturday well appreciate your liatronage of uia homo town printers acton high scliool team played the milton school tiiim gamo of basket ball in milton yvsurday thu comity 3nwn team won and all tlio paruclpanta had good tune biu nlcol received uils morning silver watcli as award for nineteenth place in the thanksgiving day bicycle road rac in toronto there were 65 finished in uie race with ovr hundred starter tlu mission band of the united church held on enjoyable concert on yrlday evening hi the scliool room of the church the program wiui by uie knembcr of the band and included drills and vocal selecuons lit could klx u1m political leader ui tlie middle west coniplourd full course of study in vet erinary surgery but liovcr practised he branched out into politic durhig campaign his political enemies referred to hlnl with mbigled smrcasm and scorn as the vet and one day at heated debute one of them ti are you rtoally veterinary sur geon why do you ask queried the politic ian are you hit baub georgetown haselton st harry bale died in oeorgetown on monday in bis 63ad year after lengthy illness mr hale born in brampton son of the late john hale had serrlce record of nearly thirty years with the jt and for 35 yars had been section foreman in the oeorge town district five years ago he buf fered serious accident and had to retire from service he was member of the presbyterian church of the orange order add of the oeorgetown preceptory of black knights mr hale was conservative in politics hie is survived oy his widow formerly miss ella scales two daughters mrs arthur norton of olen williams and miss bessie at home and five sons oeorge of creemore gordon of acton clar ence of toronto and bert and thomas at home john mayberry lifelong resident of perth county john mayberry passed away at the home of his daughter mrs alex smith oads jllll ontario early sunday morning october 27th in his b4th year born lnmornlngton township he was the eldest of family of ten being son of the late oliver mayberry who immi grated from the county of tyronne ire land and settled in the queens bush nearlyone hundred years ago on march 20th 1876 the deceased wafi united in marriage to annie mc tavlsh wcllcsley township th settled on the farm lot fl concession ft ellicc whore they remained until 1028 when they sold their farm and moved to millbank where his wife died onde cember f3lhtts2r since tkeneoha3 resided with his daughter he was member of millbank united church where he was always devout hi liia attendance ho was successful farmer and man of high ideals and sterling character and highly bstccmed by all who knew him four children are left to mourn his loss one son oliver of gads hill three daughters mrs alex sntfth gods hill mrs wm henry mornlngton township mrs leonard armstrong erin township also three sisters and four brothers mrs albert large vancouver mrs albert smith wcllcsley township mrs root magwood mornlngton tliomus of stratford james william and stewart all of morning ton township there arc also three grand child rui and three greatgrandchildren the funeral which took plocu on tues day 29th from the lioma of lit grand son stewurt smith lot conclusion 14 elllce township was largely attended by neighbors frlendc and relatives numerous floral tributes bore tribute to the esteem in which he was held uev mv owen of stratford united church conducted the services at the homo and at the gravttildc interment took place at millbank the ballpearcrs were three bro tliers james william and stewart mayberry three cousins gordon john and robert mayberry immediate rela tives attended from stratford scbrlng vllle welltfcley millbank brunner hampsteod mllvcrton north morning ton lmwood london durluun kincar dine erin lktowel feeding fok economical lrokttr koottuctlon in order to produoe pork an economic ally as passible farm products which would otherwise have little or no value must be utilized for hog feeding ration which is balanced or nearly so niubt be fed however if satisfactory gains are to be made and if satisfac tory carcasti is to be produced at the dominion experimental station at prederlcton expekfments luive been conducted to determine uw value of potatoes when fed in combination with ground grains and sklmmllk it lias beon found that satisfactory gains caa be made lift npoiahj arifdat the rate of four pounds for each pound of grain skim milk should be fed lib erally with this ration for best resuiui potatoes are fed preferably cooked tliw grain mixture may consist or almost any mixture of common ground grains but it la advisable to include some barley in the mixture especially during the latter part of the fattening period where grain und milk only are fed suitable mixture constats of equal parts of mid dlings ground oats and ground barley until the pigs ufcigh about 120 pounds and then add one part of barley where potatoes are fed on part of barley should jc omitted this experiment whetv the meal mixture was valued at 11 65 pr hundred pounds ipotatoes had feed value of 35 cunbs per hundred pounds an experiment is aio under way to compare the value of ash nwal and sklmmllk as protein supplements when fed with grutn and potatoes and with grain only the results at present in dicate that ilih meal can replace aklm milk tuitlsfoctortly tlw hogu receiving fish meal are actually making slightly faster gains at lower cat tliun those leeelvlng sklmniilk in this tct tuh meal is being fed ut the rate of nine jhr rent or the grain ration for tlw rirst co daju of the feeding period iuid it is then gradually reduced until the grain mixture coiitaind rive cent of ilsli mtal tlw wry satisfactory results obtained where either sklmmllk or rlsh hiral are umhi to balance ration of farm grains or of fiirni grains and wute lkutor are of importance hi feedbig liugs ccoiiunilcguly prize wlntsflng essays how can canada best contribute to world peace miss jean bennie won bronze medal essays by patricia harrop and charles henderson receive honorable mention how can canada contributb to world peace by jean bennie canada can contribute to world peace by taking chare by actually striving for peace in her domestic relatio she can seek to elect government that is pledged to peace canada is an in tegral part of the british empire which stands for peace therefore she must become an active partner along with the other countries of the british em pire for she cannot have peace she has not helped to find friendliness makes peace thus can ada must beek on intimate relationship uith other countries and be prepared to give them all the benefits of friendliness btrangcrs within her galea must be treated not as foreigners but as guests the old slogan of if you want peace you must prepare for war is not obso lete preparedness in all departments of our national life should be quietly but surely maintained discipline had never harmed any nation and obedience makes finer government as canada has commercial relation ships with many nations her salesman ship must be honorable the quality of her texportfl uniformly good and the treatment of her customers fair canada must establish commercial goodwill to contribute towards peanr peace in world that is caught in the whirl of its emotions is sometimes har to expla cana can be fcm frmihr throu wordooicr states men through the work of her lcadera by the simple loyalty to british tradi tions of fair play this demands energy on energy that ii unselfish she cannot claim other wise large shore for lierself in world preference or in world production can ada must be ready to take her shore in making the world rtalbu that ww ore oil neighbors tills is hard task but fortunately for canada she perhaps is in better position to do tills than any other nation she has proven herself in war to be able to rfcc to great heights of heroism peace demands like sacri fices there arc perhaps three ways by which canada can help flrst by educa tion it is difficult to get rid of prejudices tolerance comes through learning it la uie work of her homes iicr schools her churches and her institution to teach tills great gospel of tolerance secondly tlitre seems to be way for each canadian through uie raising of ills own ideals british traditions must be kept up tills demands our own cultivation of chivalry and good will it is the individual task for canada has prided herself on being nation of individuals thirdly we as canadians have many lessons from the past tliat coi paint way for us to contribute towards world peacs in our history there are moments when to be can adian meant that her cltuens had um respect und friendnhip of other people we cannot us citizens of canada sacri fice tills respect the pioneers liave won it we the present generation must maintain it and ftai tlio maintenance is as difficult and ccctly as the winning so can canada help to make world tliat is knit closer togetlier by her own efforts thus it is shown that ona can only and guidance from great hearts and minds the crots of sacrifice has been in uie field and now canada can main tain this peace wlucli lias been and has yet to be wan by looking upwards and finding lier own peace how can canada contribute to world peace by patricia harrop that never dotbeforgotten uphcavel between 10m and 1918 lias proven in blood tears and waste the wickedness brwoy yetrtrom tile aril day uhen the worlds lirted its battered head from the mud of the shell torn battlefield and whispered never again science has feverishly sought to produce more and more perfect advancement tliat it would scum tlio european conflict now impending must bo more devating than could be imagined iur this reason it lias become the duty of every nation to devise same iieactful means of settling international disputes following the signing of the armltlce representative or uie leading nations assembled in conference with this object in view as result the league of nations proposed by mr woodraw wilson came into being as an international peace body in the year 1020 to day ivpresentatlva of about hftytline nations comprvw uie league tho duty of which la to bring about un amicable settement of disputes between nations willi all its frailtlts much useful work has beui accomnlslied by tin league canadu in particular iluce the united states reluctant at being in volved in european attains did not se fit to join uie league and left uils country to interpret nortli american umlluitnt tills canada lias ably done nor li uu re any lvason why slu couldnt continue to do 4jx certainly she ean in uw future an in the iwut give uie league of xvitloiu lllr wholelnarttd moral support as events lutve proven howewr it would seem uiut mural support alone hardly sufficient the of uid lulotthlopiail dispute penalties hi uie form of ihuuiclal and economic boycott appear expedient in ouier words support of the league would con uutute refusal to buy from or ewn tell to any nation in or entering into armed conflict in this regard canada being largely an exporting country can wlthold much for we have at our disposal large quant iiica of food stuffs and materials so necessary to nations at war as wheatgrowing country officials elate that at the moment there arc in storage come two hundred million bushels of wheat to say nothing of the present years crop ordlnarly canada supplies many nations with immense quanutles of lumber british columbia lumber tn particular has chown its superiority in the manufacture of aeroplane propelors and fuslllages to wlthold this wheat and in oonsidemtion of the fact that the aeroplane is to play so great role in future wars to wlthold this valuahle lumber means placing two worthwhile stumbling blocks in the path of an ag grcajvc nauon moreover we control very large part of the worlds supply of nickel vital item in tho manufac ture of warsupplies in case sancuons should be found neccamry this fact was stated by hon howard pergubon canadian high commissioner in london and one of the dominions reprcscnt auvcs at geneva luckily canada re members too well st jullcn and ypres where so many of her loyal sons gasped in agony to consent to supply nauan in war with chemicals for uie production df lethal gasetf it may be argued that to support the league to tlft hilt to refuse the export of raw materials and foodstuffs to com batant countries to deny trade of any sort would result in considerable losi of revenue to our cohntry it must be remembered uiot uils loss is of secondary importance when our sacred obligations to civllixauon and posterity is in uie balance when we bowed our heads before uie countless white crosses hi prance and plonders where lie at rest those who fought uie war to end war we whkpered never again how can canada contribute to world peace by charles hepderson according to the dictionary peace means freedom from war or agitation harmony concord public tranquility tills does not mean forced pace uuch as we find in germany where op paltian is not pacified but reduced by fear and force it does not mean peace between nations which are lying in wait to defeat each ouier eluier dlplomaucally or in arms it means peace voluntary of all tliose concerned the benefits of peace are apparent at glance peace promotes travel trade and commerce besides it is uie most logical idea that people should live in peace lasuy but flntly in importance it our lords desire uiat we live in peace the most important actlw measure canada could take towards world peace outside her borders would be to support existing peaceful relauons and insutut lons the most outsandlng of such in iututlons is uie league of nauons can ada since slw is member should up hold it and lui covenant in every detail in spite of opposition criticism and re buke even to uie extent of material iqlii canada ought to stand arm in support of uie paris pact which ouuaws war she should establish peace on on aggressor if necessary though uiese measures would bring forced peace it would develop in time into live peace more quickly than war would tlnce it makes complications worse canada should make known her suc cess in the past in establishing peace tn 1818 canada formed wlui uie united states former enemy uie rushbagot thvttv banned mirmp frrtwi hip great lakeu and any forllflcauon from the international boundary which now stretches from coast to coast distance of uitee thousand miles this treaty hoii been kept intact for over one hun dred yars an lncreditublc situation to european statesmen in canada are mingled in peaceful contact many rocw who in their homeland were intensely hoiule tiicse ore proofs uiat rival races can live beside each other in peace if uuy try and that peace is not merely lull between wajllke acuvlutti an active measure canuda could undertake at home uould be to educate her youth to liavc and cherish peace in such countrus uii germany and italy youth are taught that only war is woruiwhllc aj lung as this conunues it is canadas duty since here are mingl ed all races or the world to lead the world in cruruide ugaliut war with liiglivr and nobler aim uuui mater ial tic gain beldis being more log ical to teach peaceful ideas to youut it li mniv religious and religion is uie lifeblood of our civilization love and forgiveness are uie truuwi upon which uie christian religion is has love the lord uiy god with all thy heart strengui ttoul and mind und uiy neigh bor everyone hi um world as thyself chapter un verse twenty in veil of uie gosim according to st luke pargive us our tresspassed as wv forgive uuue ho uroiuuri ugahuv us taken from the lords lruir it universally agreed uiat if two nations wt unarmed wlnxx breaks out they could do ten times lots lirm uiatt if uiny were artiwxl so canada could contribute towards world puaee by eramosa names nomination date council makes usual grant to the local branch of legion accounts passed for payment the eramosa township council met for general business in the town hall itockwood on monday november 4th with all the members present and the itceve in the chair bylaw was passed appointed deputy returning officers and polling places as folloan subdivision no town hall itockwood john rlchardnon no loneys house pohr comers gor don swanston tc nft com munity hall everton it hortop ft no cb hall specdaide oilevc it no hansons hall ousuc thos cox the nominauon meeting for reeve and councillors for id3g will be held in uie town hall itockwood on monday december 30th at one oclock nomin ations close at 00 polling if any will tatij placo on monday january 6th 1936 from 00 to 00 the usual grant of 15 00 was made to uie acton and itockwood branch of uie canadian legion at the request of messrs prcd wright and glb sojls the treasurer was instructed to dis sent from any arrangement involving cancellation of pctialtlo on arrears of taxes undcf uie farmers creditors ar rangement act contract for rural hydro was accept ed provided tha mortgagee sign the con tract council passed accounts amounting to 5906 00 and adjourned to december 2nd at 130 wanting things it once was considered commendable to limit your uanb and learn to be con tent with very little all at 6nce uxcn somebody realised that uie people who wont uie least do not possess ue nut admirable traits in tropic lands where bananas grow for uie picking and palm leaves can be fashioned hi to more or less adequate costumes wlui very little work bananas and palm leaves satisfy most or uie populauon tills content ment instead of producing admirable traits of cliaracter however seems to put quietus oif development wanting things is uie chief incentive to effort the more man wants uie harder he will work there are coun tries uhere all uie average man can earn ulll do little more than supply him wlui enough to eat such man however hungry he may be worka in very dif ferent way from uie canadian work man who aspires to nice home an automobile and college education for his boy do not be afraid of wanung uilngi uie luxuries of life as well as uie neces sities intellectual uatlsfactlons as well as the fulfillments of bodily needs such desires spur ou to do your best not yet with grinding of brakes the officer pulled up his motor car and shouted to little boy playing in ut field say sohny have you seen an aeroplane come don anywhere near here no sir replied uie boy trying to hide hki catapult ive only been shoot ing at bottle looked again yes it was cane of love at flfst sight why didnt you marry him saw him sovetal times afterwards couldnt pool him readier now bobby how many do six and tftur make bobby eleven teacher guois again bobby doubtrully twelve nine 13 teacher how about 10 jjobby oh now you cant mix mo up that way five and live make 10 the luxurious royal guelph now placing shipmates forever diok poweli ruby keeler sat mon mkntk oberon toede3uo altou herbert mahbiiaii in the dark angel wednesday fkiday next joan crawtoiti brian ajiearne in live my life jewellery of quality for less moneys through arrangements complete with wholesale jewellers am now offering new service to acton and district have complete catalogues of wide range of jewellery offering you selection beyond that possible in any stock come in and make your selections sec the goods on their arrival and if they are not satisfactory you arc under no oblign fion to accept them the plan offers decided saving to you on the purchase of jewellery of quality approximately 25 come in and let us show you gardiner jewellety repairing mill street acton ont prevcnung the use or her resources for mat munluonji the use and export of nickel in particular which li used ex tensively in uie manufacture of guns and sliells should be closely watched since canada pousses pracucally tho worlds supply of nickel she could assist by con trolling its use thus preventing war by its control tuie would contribute to wards world peace until subsutute is found thus by supporting peaceful institu tions and agreements by making known her success at establishing peace by educating lier people youui parucularly and by controlling uie use of her re sources for war canada is in an ad vantageous pasiuon to establish world peace and it is her duty to do so stove for every home hi ltn fvmv nwl papl oil aosoltne idectrlc hot plates and splendid range of guaran teed used and iteoandluaned stows wo also furnish repairs far alt makeu of stoves your old stove accepted as part payment ivrms arranged we can save you money ponuku kqtmftwnt co tubluied 1023 19 woolwleh kl guelph oul eerier sales books are the best counter check books made in canada they cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction we are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required your horn printm flnt come one come all actons two amateur nights under auspices acton hockey club november 20th 21st town hall acton rules of contest au contestants must be strictly amateur district acton ajid npyn mllffl rarthui lntrlcs all entries to be mailed to rcacli box no 4b7 by prlxlay november 15th stating nature of number age name and addrcjjl of contestant and occupation judges in order to liuure impartiality an outoftown judgo will officiate accompanist professional accompanist ulll be provided for all on tranbl requlrlnir same and ulll perform for all contestants contestants will be notified uie night on which they ulll appear on program tho three conletants qualifying on first evening must again compete with entrants of second evening for arand prli winners ot special prltes will be chosln from contestants of the two performances mason orchestra will furnish music during intervals both nights irlnw will re awarded ut conclusion of second evening performance 1st iruc 1000 grand prizes 2nd vtua g0o 3rd prie 100 special prizes receiving honorable mention 100 for youngcmt constant 300 for oldeit conlenuuit 300 for mont unique performance 300 for ifamt vocal quartette watch for other announcements re contests and prizes admission 25c and 10c free press ads will sell your goods let us convince you

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