Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 2

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paob two theacton free press thimbday november zlat 1035 81i arton xtt xta publuhml kt thursday actaa oatmrio subscription rates uo ya in vlvabcc ddrciaea addras rev ranfillations find that vest of wr srffiiii masses ss cheque advbjit1s1hg hatasleial nolle lti lln lor each ubequot insertion ssiirtie ix tartta to bucku ittblisvi dpl art ou apac contracted for utloo will be taken to iw advcrtlato is ua coin lr nm the pr prea accept 11 7b odetadta that it will be hbl lor arc la aoj dertlmeot poblibed butialer ua ryjool och aartut la eqoeted to wrtttoc by usldvtler od tetoed to tb office duly elaoed bj tb derliar aad wllb uch erro s7corrtu pul1 otrf to tto tbereoo that caeo erref aotad not corrected by ttbe free prei it lublllty tball not exceed ucb proportu unroll co ucb adlment lb pe occupied by tho acted or bear to lb whole pace occupied by auch nmrljax5ediir the foil or canadian highways total of 1108 person in canada were killed in automobile accidents low year and 17008 were in jured according to revised report issued by the dominion bureau of statistics property damage in these crashes amounted to 1200413 ontario had tho largest number of fatal accidents in which 527 persons were killed in quebec the total was 274 british columbias list was 81 albertas 01 new brunswicks 52 manitobas 41 nova scotias 37 saskatchewans 30 and prince edward islands of tho killed 437 were pedestrians and 470 occupants of motor cars motorcyclists bicycle riders and other made up the total amoiy those injured were 0703 occupants of motor car 0og0 pedestrians 1050 bi cycle riders with the remainder made up of motor cyclists and others its heavy toll individual care is the only thing that will make it less there personal rcspahsibitityinrhemnttcr telephones edltorial and boaloea ofioce baidence the sunday school lesson sunday novembeb lath polite fair trial while the particulars of the new reciprocity or freer trade treaty between canada and the united states arc now made public and the articles are signcdhgy the representatives of both countries it will be some little time before the effect of these arrangements can be felt tho new administration can indeed bo congratulated for its prompt action canada give and cariada receives just as the united states as the other party to the agreement reciproc ates casual survey of the rather lengthy arrange ments would seem to indicate that it would work to the mutual benefit of the masses of people of both countries of course individuals on both sides of the lines will need readjustment to meet the changed conditions and they may seem hardship to them ho1weyjejh1arvicwpoint takcnof the message of jiaooi zeci1ariaii ouldtii text blod wl said unto me let un bo unto tliu hotuw of tho lud ill ix uimn ttxt liulk 2s zoch 610 study ulao ezru lti xi im 112 hutf chfl and zech 1ts tlhli 621 xlivco jerusalem exikialllrm itomuc ot greater gwy20 wry little li known of the personal ufo of ilutftfl ho comes upon tlm aocnu quite tuddenly in u20 ii and dls nppcunl just an abruptly 11 luul bon thought that lio was born in judah prior to the great overthrow of moro thun ruty years earlier cf and oav uio ivmplo ul lll former bory hul prophecy has almost entirely to do with the rebuilding of uio temple ho calla upon tho people to consider their ways to think on uio material bencnts uiey have received and enjoyed ho does not lioultiito to remind bin fellow countrymen tho history teacher was tjecomtrur im patient at uio poojjy prepared lesson if there is anyone in this room who doesnt know anything pteauo stand ho shouted ben an unusually polite boy and good student stood do you mean uiat you dont knjw onytlihlb asked uio surprised lntructor oh 110 replied the boy didnt ullnk it was pollto to let you bo tho only 0110 suilidlng tiik notk tho whole agreement as it affects tho whole of both countries and viewed in that light it seems very fair it is quite certain that both countries found that restricted trade did not mako for better con ditions for tho masses with higher taxes made necessary to secure the revenue lacking from trade to secure the greatest good fair trial is necessary time for the citizens nomination day is friday tomorrow nigbt it is duty of citizenship to make constructive inquiry into the conduct of affairs praise also as much duty as criticism if you have had good service from thoio in publicoffice the past year tell them go and be sure they are again nominated for the office if such service hasnt been given frankly talk it over with them and nominate some other in dividual whom in your opinion would do the job better nomination and election time is the innings of the ratepayers use the opportunity to best serve the need of the present and the future of the com munity we all think the best laying aside personal prejudices youll like the rich full flavour of salada orange pekoe blend try package saiadatea iui wlfo at u11 ukhrr juddnnly ro minibcriitf that who hud ctl her buridny roiut in lu dvmi huutly wrobo nato iter hunband uiid hvo 1l to another ufir to hand to him up however mlntooli it ror liou to uus mli later who woj in uiu hilddlo of hi tcrmun tlilnklntf jt yoa un lniportaiit ni ituunclinttit th minister unfolded tixo note nnd rnd loud plemuj go home utid turn olf tlie sua tho ou ot the farmer botlo tt thornm eclcctrlc oil in the faun houjw will save many journey for tho doctor it is not only jood for tin children when token with colds and croup and for thu mature who buifer umt aluwiubh tlicy had been careful frmu unt uclush but there are dlr ilr tloiui for 1u ilse on tdcic cjittle tliero ijiould aluayi bo bottle of it in uio cnoimh of their own iasssionft yet they luid ticklccted tile reitoratlon of oodv ivousc as consequence uiwlr cum houie of themjielvej liad come to amount very little luitl if tho dew and the first fruits of the earth had been with tliuri ull hj it uiuioukii it appeared so held they had only themselves to blame kniullby comparison ainra and thli is not the lost thno in the history thu outcome would bo more glorious than of tho raco tluit men and women bent ivmplu solomon hud built in duyu cai uiclr own comfort und enjoyment were post itutf i0 ho have learned to tltlr bitter cost tliat fooilih man who dcplsea small begin wliat uity have striven to amass hid nin dan 34 mat 13 3133 amountisl to very little because they jjotur ucyin small and end great tlian hiulrntltvcuhl and foraotuin ood tobcin reauiuidwd anmll god ttcvcrtrtci5gtnoword ut mlne tlukhhujcautaxjtly using the small and weak alory sliall bo ccn again in thu earth to confound the urcat and strong and that despite the upathy and negll cor 27uj the vycs of uio lord fence of lliii people tile glory of uio ucrj upon xeruhbubel and uose eyed latter houao sliall bo grcaur uian the to and fro uiroughout uio wholo former and in thk plaeo wlu give eurtix in order to how uiat their owner peace saiui uio lord of hosts c2 fl tl by my spirit salui the lord 4c tlio prophecy of kccliariali is one of the most difficult booiai in uie blbla to undtrstand it is full of symbolhm angela piny prominent part in it icf ch 13 10 and the revcvitions made were largely cmnlnun dlsqualificaiion of candidates changes made this year to section 53 municipal act will have all important effect as to the dis qualification of caiididutcsathc approaching mwiiicated byuiem cf arob vj cipal elections snys the municipal world candidate pflrt ulae veutioih ucro micto is no jonger disqualified for unpaid taxes for the current he is disqualified if he has any bus ztchariah tfi lilslccp but tho revelation of which our lvwon is part tho prophet war wiiked out of his jicep before the the red triunle this week this week is the membcrbip drive for actons ymgaandonitsucccssdependsagtcatdertl for the good that this work can accomplish in the community the response to the appeal to get into harness in team work for plan to improve the youth and older life of the community should have the support of every citizen while everything that is desired cannot be offered the membership immed iately still it is only with wholehearted cooperation of all that the greatest good can be accomplished the appeal is to everyone and means are available for everyone to have share in the work if you cannot become member or assist financially at least you can be congenial booster and send the individual who solicits your help away with smile ttnd with wish for success its our opportunity let the red triangle be prominent in every window in town this week homes and business places or on your car angelic communication was made to him tho purpoe of the message viu intended to encourage zcrubbabel and jothun in tho uorlc that god had given them to do cf hog 25 there ucre many discouragements in the way of building the house of llw lord out the liandr of zcrubbabel and joshua were strengthend by the phophtts hngct and zechariah cf ljra 14 15 the latter uar iios by sanctified curi osity when god shoued him anything he dulred to know whab it liteanl in this ho rets good example for us his taxes due on any of the lands the municipality of confllanl qucfi woo what arc iullc iness or income taxes overdue and unpaid at the time of the nomination or if there are taxes of pre ceding year or yeav overdue andtmpaid in respect of the laud on which he qualifies tenant is dis qualified if at the time of the nomination lie owes more than three months rent upon the property in respect of which he qualifies subsection 4a of section 70 enacted in 1920 and amended in 1930 provides that in cities and towns candidate shall produce certificate that there are no municipal is fctrong in behalf of uiose whose heart pirrcct toward him chon 10 tlnre is no bidding from tho eye of god he umth all uiat men do whether it be good or evil prov 15 edwcirclsburcj irown brand 0rn syrup vl food nourished ms more canadian children than any other corn syrup prcjtul th canada starch co llmllnl onky woilked tiiubk itnmdctl enulbh itthor went into iortlld lulh iioum in new york for cheap mca1 in the wulter lie war hor rified to recofcnlw colleiyruc who hud ptoyed wlthhlnilnjoondwi great seottl ha guuwl ou uulter in tilu plowj yes but dont eat litre replied tho other with nome dlartlty nkw louis ive got inlque louki xdc bed but there uas no louhi xix thato what makes this bed unique miaondettbtanuung what happened to your nice lodger mrji murphy oh had to ifet rid ot him he told me he war baehjlor of aru from cambridge and found out he had iri aia set cutomer in drutt store on sunday mnrnlnu plcue rive me change for dime drufiulst here it is hope youll en joy the tcrnion wjlicllsuclpersoiiisang or tenant as un the amendments to section s3 person is not dis qualified on unpaid taxes against any land except that on which he qualifies and then only for arrears of preceding year or years it would appear that subsection of section 70 has been repealed by implication and that certificate as to the payment of taxes is no longer necessary simcoc reformer editorial notes it is quite evident that the turns to liberalism didnt reach england but stopped at canadas border for the next few weeks we suppose everything will be reminder of how short time is interven ing until christmas the past week wo received bundle of clippings from press clipping bureau containing items re printed in other papers from the free press one item in particular seemed to have been quite popular vitii other editors and out of curiosity we tubu lated the clippings of this one item it appeared in 123 papers from coast to coast naturally you will wonder what sort of article this was that was re printed so many times it was an editorial regarding the trend of the times in auction sales and point ing out that nowadays the terms specified were usually cash not only weekly papers reprinted the item but dailies throughout the dominion one often wonders what material is the most populnr and what comments will be stirred up by what is written we admit wo little thought when we took our text from an auction sale bill that the subject would strike such common chord and be repeated over such wide urea twentysix other clippings referred to the fme puess sixtieth anniversary und seventeen reprinted an article on the abolition of the county council the rest were varied lot it is quite evident some of the fmu putss articles go to rather wide aroa similar bundle of 300 or 400 reprints from the fkeu pkess are received front the clipping agency about every six months it is but part of tho service that newspaper in every com munity does for the town it represents and is some times never known about the making known of tho community it represents ret trtofc irt snivlo approximately 100000 persons including proprietors and partners as well as employees after twentyfive years the reciprocity pact be tween canada and the united states has at last come into actual achievement the christmas shopping spirit starts early with lot of folks and merchants should now be adver tising und displaying their offerings va 14 ch id ciif dan vttifnirti mrmatnanor zcharlah abu displayed commendable humllty when tile anflel oijced htm knouelt thou not wlxat theoe thinri be he frankly answered nojny lord afialn zechariah retr us good example if we do not understand any thing in the word let uu admit that we do not and look to oad for tho explanation lmtcad of attempting an explanation of our own nothing could b2 more encouraging uuui jehovaha uord to zcrubbabel ho laid no array to speak of no material power but god reveals to him the wonderful fact that the victory la won not by might nor by power but by my spirit every true victory must bo won in gods utrengtli all real power belongs to lllm ps 02 11 when we have him on our side it matters not how small may be our natural pouvr chron 14 11 in the power of ills spirit alone can any true victory be won ac cor thcs si hi 11 24 32 judging from reports from communities of this size chatauqua has continued to leave its trail of deficits for public spirited citizens to make up in communities where remembrance duy was not observed as public lioliday the press is having quite it time explaining how much better is the two min uses of silence than observance of the day in accord with the proclamation editor pettypiece of the forest free prcs celebrated his eightieth birthday and is still guiding the destinies of that weekly journul he hus been fiftytwo years ut the helm served in the provincial legislature and was president of the canudian press association fellow editors join in congratulations on this enviable record is iios 17 with them is the arm if flesh but with us is the lord our god to help us fight for us and gam for us victory chron 32 pit 20 flb 33 10 20 2t 44 37 ito 31 ih the mountain made plain 710 there uas mountuln of difficulty in zlrubbabela way but no matter how real it might be it would become plain before the divinely sent and divinely strengthened man mountains ore noth ing to aod jer 51 25 nor to faith mat 21 21 in coming day moimtahl before jerualem is to be lit eraly rent in the midsi and gre it valley caused to be there ch 14 every vnlley is to be exalted und eviry mountain and hill made low that the glory of the iord mluht be revealed is 40 as the foundation of the temple had been laid with ahoutlr tiara 1113 ulno should zerab babel bring fortli the headstones with jiouungi cf lira 1517 he had begun thp temple and he uto shohld finish it tills headstone is type of chriut the stone which tlu builder re fused but afterward made to become the head of tho corner ia 118 22 cf mat 21 4244 hut ultllnirnt of zccluuriahs proplaecy would be proor uiat the lord of lioobi liad bent him tl cf ch 11 15 the begbmuigl of the ivniple liad komi to many day of mall thhus ttiru b13 hug and doubtleu limy had been tempted to deapltvo it but tills day vu not mid ahouul not tmvo beejl deaplaed for it waa tile beginning of very great thin the lord was with christmas baking sale out nd sbrtbomt dtled coffee 1ibpkg 35c hclnx cooled spaghetti 17c mclaren stuffed olives 46x jar 10c dominion choice lima beans 11c halm tomhto cattails pu baking powder soodcd ausualiftt valencia sly raisins ofng lemon or cut peel new auibellan currants red gic cu cherries buifotd detiert pears 16oi 17c pound 5c mlb 10c 2lb27c klb 10c ketchup bvuhiwica sardines 17v2c tins 13c trfoll towrt cleanser powdored ammonia hjwi lmott of cedar oil laundry sop tint 14c pkg 5c li 14c no tin 10c chocolate puffs bs 25c malted cheese fkgeksoli 25c maple leaf lb 25c pink salmon is surprise ban 23c soap cakes 14c scoumtg pdi sos pltg 14c 21c carrolts limited lettfie head io cea tomatoes hothouse 20clb grapefruit lovely flavor 6f or ijujje buncri each celery hearts loc oranges ss 21c htee delivery ihone 158 mill street 158 acton ontario

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