paoe sec the acton free press tnmseuy nobwambxr aut ibis to the pessimist you grouch toecuae the ky la frf youte filled with discontent ho cnae 1a there la wht yon my your energy wipcut your face is long as any mule ydur phlioaophyb all wet your cultivating gloom you fool what pleasure do you get cheer up and show the world that you arc not entirely daft enjoy hearty laugh discard that wretched odd taboo now there confess tliat life what you mala you 11 nevtr full to nap it clifford purdj menu hints bedaca now and nmi duhea tfoaaebau id mad 6om tlanoy ulbheb fok lit vkul liy uctty borcuy as ivtry houiwlf luiuwo the brlu chill vuidf of full art natural anpetlu fcllmuluiu ihe puguuit urdor of vood wnokt the uinu like scent of apples truth fiojn orchards tin rbno umt mists uui nuidoui ut ejrlj morn lhexe art taliini tint jack trust will boon be call lmf iul keen huutflf roued thim shiiu if uuiuiun not uppuued ulih comuiofi dudu it med joau thing hi oceurd kh lh iciiujii ujju thine tunululiu uud hthnunitiiu at tl fall itelf vou luid your funil will appxec iuu llu loup ut jjlj luili but ei pttullj ruht uo auinfc ilxak euu tomato iup pound rouud tuux ground cup trulfr crumu tcoipooil illt lojipoon ptppcr ubuapogu ululuil dlliou cup iucvt picitlus thinly llced combine tiiuit wjup cracker crumbs aiid 5ilji uly mix uujouuli lold hi pilx irtxw into grtud loaf tin iud bal in moderate ovtii 3jj tie trvu for om hour or until done hilt loi excellent hot or cold ajd will kwp uirjj cuis hi nirlgcrutor muk im ixctuent nlun for ijjid wkliti citickjn alad cup cooked chuacn dicod cup wmill inet pck chopped cups clcry illcod line hard cookvd tza nickled bctu jaalt olid ptppr mujonnuim mhi chiejun pickled and celery add nuoouiik to hioiitcn add salt and ltppir if nocdwd arrangt on lettuce duruiah uitii jjlcvd and ulcod bedbi und uiort uuiyomui camdy wrifjtolrt 3jlfeat wlkji the chiuhxn run into thtj kitch en bvginif to lx allowed to makd candy tiiouur uith lud cxpcrlcnc cf juvuulle candy makhuf and ruiam branct oi burnt poti and pans art rroae to lav hard luarud nol ila ntjtt unit you can ay ycj if ou ltt thun rnakt uiclr candy wltli tht rccllk for tjitroi notliuig to cook uid tlu rwultlnu candy wholcsouu and delicious coconut apuicc1 candy cup dried uprtcols cup blitlddcd coconut cup nut nuau uaipoon uruted oranfev rind uaipoon frutid union rind tablupoou union wa viuh uprcot ojid attam minutes put apricots coconut and nut meats tlirouuh food chopper add orange and lemon rind and union julci and knead mhttuit until bkndtd if candy ut drj add enough orangu juice xo moliun if too mdut uork hi jnall amount of con ftctinncrb sugar ilupc into halli about inch hi diameter holl in ranula cj iutar maku 111 to bolls mil rogular know that they werent on the winter achedue ou old xolka wiu air recall lhatthe cemetery question was the high light in municipal aflalrs bade in 1685 xt oc slats diary by oliver wabebn sunday jane had houn jmrtio of tamo gurls over tlr wk end and they ouplcd oolumiu of apace in letters and ulot xnxte tato ride on how so other items in ducuajoon of the subject ulcy asl nyu ty to hun mr smith tax collector hao oomnjc hc hdu fong do yqu yt him cb hla canvuas of th ratepayers having jane pucd acd longest have called upon every one of them and dell kol there is of wants to rido on vtred statement of the taxes of each nlm mr robert carroll had his right monday pa got tra noccpaper when hand uodlj bruised and lacerated whui svlrtr at hi had acn thifi it it caught in machlnery al ua beard uu nrmoi day ucy rdaru rop more laimvry uct tlir et udr the ends to lite aiiuur bk questuiii ot munlclwl lai otux coodtn gtt ii uielr wlcilr utlulr ot tit wugtj paid to vitnit lummlvbion tin rut of ccnui jh hour wiu crltciacd and oth matters pjtlty piauili upokliof in letters tlu priai luowu old hrlfr wild bj marsliall holmta wellxcd 140u ibt mid brought 511 gtoup of uul wtti 1hil ntnn tx of tlienimlvts by ringing door bcua ul uiulojliy mttclutllll itilxs inipcf mb lo belicvt uil but pcrliupj bouu uicm cliapt about lht uirvu uoort year nuul could givi mmiiv rt oolucuuiu crlaliil not lell anything ma wcall and mich wtrt iht 1tm of gtutral lutcrubt ill acton biicl lxalf ctjilurj eveby time iluabaad are you really embroider uig that foot pillow for mc dear hla wlfe yes love but if you ever dare to put your foot on ll ii wring your neck bamk song new words eloping bride acre telegram from father eloping oroom what does ho aay elopinc brldf don come home and uil ulll be forgiven business directory medic al 3t okatltudfc lvjwun lulm li true elixir of youth ilcfrttu and rejuveimuj add youthful charm to the complexion it ciuthl lhiuuiu uu tln maiaa ilianki lx to god for uu trees and tlu whhptrhu of tlu lalei iluauw be to god for thtvbeuut innermost coul ptrcelvi tium be to god for the tun and brcezta tlut conit and to bringing to ine nitatt yom out of uit long ato ilionlti be to god for i1l lo tor music of lot dlvhie illuiki to god for uui iuy wluji tlu iur brightly uilne lluenki to god for tlu pacv wliuh tile llihii hi nature bring or tliey wveui to me glory dropped doun from un ant lb wlng liionlj be to god for tlu light dancing among the leaeii making wr little porlcc in the ub the spider uaves haiku to god for 1iu pou it ilihie over uil ixe ovtjr tlu hills and valuja ovtr uui land and rhankb for tlie drops of dew tuom in tlu glistening grai hanks for the bird cnolri ihiglng their antliemo we pai ttianks for the jlglit of morning rhanks for tlie eveiihig sky thank for tlic lovely rainbow shining serene on ldgh thanks he to god for all all we receive joy or pain lluuiki be to god for tlu liarvct lluuucs bo to god for tlu rain iluuilu to god for his mercy may iu bleii and protect from above and ui us may lie of ilk bounty produce and bruirf furtli dowers of love hannah morrls chilli til uil rhij from worm aw if liou th lyniptatil aiul any mother can dt uet the yivw wit of tlicoe parablux the uritlilnt and irtttlnt of tlu child until xp lled and the ytum curtd uum tlu child cannot rt4 iln it ilth milufo worm powdvr ar prompt and thici nt not only for the cradlcllon of worm but alw or ton jipfaf ihlfln that urt run down hi couijluulce tlu pradj iu lor men otu hit tli op basted litt on up uv same tuendirj monday kontinucl pa writ huen tud hou culd peex see rop hin the caul set fruu trail ucrot hi wiy tin edltur calud up iv un thm hit tlu rop dr 1110 lurtt udvtrtucur la lookt solum 4tut mill thing or nothcr wtdm day i1 ft ball koach at art kool aed to me ht ted fcuu mir liukt ud bit clronr why ifl oll doilt llevt let to ft bill jur replldt mout sliurtly cant thin tlu kouch 111 llun umt tiw rwii uundir uhat lie ineni xpect no thing kumpltuitnu ri ihurvlai jo hlvt wlft ed to jot thot tlu woiiu11 in uie moon to joe lest whj ial uiot lf 110 niail wood be out liui if jo tit it he wundtr li iouj dilute ut turn tlihig rrldiy in u4 elur uiv lo do itiu no uliat 11 game wurin jake ev luld up hl hd it who intnl for to bv plade by kid nun te ii jtornili loo xjiect ju ronl or not uckl rite saturd 13 frend of mbtre llg kldd uho rjde on tin opirltc lde tlu crlc uikl better did not lonir ciiut he cood lie not uit lc uuir dr mcniven fbyatelan and fktrgvmt office and healdeneo corner avenue and elgin filimt dr nfion phvalelan and elnctro tharapy phon ii wm rui ptiywfrian and hn oftlro ii urfr nml 70 rimr prwlwlrk and mill dtrmta ilt phtt i1ai pnomno 33 ba hakold nash farmer barrfeter hot lor nvcary fvula conveyanmi eta mi btrfft acton oxt houm 30 to 12 00 noon ioo to 5do saturday 12 do clock luml fluwlely while indlpui ible to tli im uho unpjxelutui ultu dl tlnctl in dillkhtful to ilx jxltcateli fragrant toolhej dry und irritated bkln cornel and preru ilawle toilet nquldtte for eery dleernliu uo man tme uld to beauty mix bi kiuin ruber dj mui uum uu ret lnu ehln in uui in the runnlnu imnd it un old nil tin bib pulul in tr mt of tlu il department toie lull utue tti uiuii ipprt utud lilin mid ul will ur en ih in it tlu running timid hid iufiim ah 11 hi ui ftii nit id ud th j1 hi itl tul it ild ili 1u lb uti il ul ik td ut il in th 11 hi hl ju lln th ud lit it ii ul ii ml lu 11 hit ili ihu ii 111 klin tl li fl id nil in il iu nut iwil il ut uli ir jit mint 11 ui ith to itimi li in lie oh unit ill 1i4iu un ml tlu othn liiu lilt my 11 lul ua tnly un tlul td lutli duliii while wulting uu uir tlu editor told uic uui otlier day that lie liod letter from jack agnow hi uu wctt jack of courto wajiud to bo remembered to me and bald lie waj blad luid cone back to the recollections of fifty years ago matter of fact he ut me read the wliole letter as he oftxxi dot tlie note from folks who ustd hie liere and ctill look on acton as pietty nice lioine town read another one from mont ionurie can rccull the chap wlio li now hi neu land but bvhig of young ceneration don remember him til but my re codec toici brought me for taie of the wedding cake ih people in thiii aorld do move about and glt in variouj corner ion they but made up my mind to get back agiiln dili week to the half century recolkc lloic tlnce juek agnew uood inuuyu lell me how lu citjoyed tlielii it uil the eictom uppjiintl to rt eiuoie the leliool eueherj al the no li ber meethig uf tlu elio hoard ihe beeretny aic udverlllng tr te lur ir the ac nd third und fuuilh depart luent ut eal iru of j00 jjo and ujieethely lieu ueie 7j fir liu ptulll il itu liudit or juuie lliuun uu ulo ucetpteil for uoeul at tj per curd lliaukulvlng day lu iuuj uau 011 ihurdti nivemlur llli lulily elu ti mil prt ut im mhi nut liy uui luli 11 11 uu nov lu ii ut 11 jo to he txiel til il lv ul kiel uu huilul lit erime in inneoll jii uh th rthvw re be hum oil jt tlu icll ilbu ule 1111 11 in kill ml jlultj ii ml ml ih uii ml uui il ntl upi lb it 11 ill iij ir limit uiid imnil it ehr und thl nil 11 ujll luiu it but ih hit lit mr kiu he tl 11 tl ttuu 11 ami hit it uit 111 jil tlllj ii 111 in mil luh hl olhunltlh have woiktd lu my pua ui iwltl far 30 year cn beat unit lw ut luarrud un th it iltbeu 11 huliili tl titiitil bi ii iln lit el nib 11 iith inuil in uppll muiileipal laiutul iu itiiiu null ul lr in in until th tl il tiu pint ihl in 11 mil ill il of in utie not until miuii hi illhi it uf mud tli nut muili lulling uiiamba it uaa llm ft inur hi lutfa ut 11 id lo luu eulit pa lli tiuiiu dully un tlku iluy mlled tiuni itgulitiu but yuu and in 182j llttk boy ot four was pcdn for hl portrait to sam ivorthcou vtnerubu geiituuian of tvciity eiui uu boys motlicf ruddy plain richly drtiad elderly lady occupiod pcwt of vantogi wlur kiu could obr ortut model and convu and with her liontl foldcd nodded approvji to wliat ctrucz her at the moment nortlicou ux tolld jriut he iiad been pupil or licynold and liad ajmott tuo tliou cund pomthig to ids credit tlu right iron to paint tlu luir of john jauuj rutkin tli llttl lad itood patiuitly ouly now and tlu11 kttlng ilw glance wander toin uu carefully atttuuuted light of tlie room to tlu iunsiun ouhdde look from id motlicr brought hhn quickly buck to tlu ptii kortncou was adding tlu iinitlihig touclic to the llgure quahit llttk ciiap in decoluu frock and bluet uudi looking out with bright eved gravity on bewildering world the palnud child polled birdlike on hb uft foot and wltli uui oilier in mid air was ccarcily the good llttu fellow cedably uludyuig uic liokj ni kortlicote rug wandering why tliey were uur and wlio nuuu them ko mort was the in terlor of um actual room the grolsy knoll wltli misty valuy in tlu mldilf dlstonct iior tlie stuff backed cluiir tlu troo in tlu decorative background neltlier wa uu tiioggy doggo of tlaj canvas forepawa ready for uap aiul tall auog at tlu ifttxl finger of iuj matter uu tome tubducd bcotttle crouch vd at tlu tkirt of tlu taifetaed lady aguiilst maroon tung even young dog gies fun lovhig uujugh tluy be luul to beliave well jolin uuutln uhat whl ou have off uicn lu tlm background osjccd noruicote pointing beyond the misty vol the litlle boy looked at him and at hl uiouier und uien out of tlu window blue hllk lie caul lfravtly murmur iiualn nodded ihe ltuug over tlu child uau lake home lo the ttudy margurel uil tin uthed in wn ufter holding up her trailing uiretx or one long lioar le unng ovir uu fair faunlike hud th tomtcd out theverse to him with nu nlttiry linger und 1w teiild to him repatmu hum ufttr her llu pa ulll of tlie boy uere of lit uu tkvl liii uid chiefly lmltutlve think to that bhed faculty of muk lulleve that peonlc th only child ml tidt und iul up brighter mirr tlu uuld when mum ml uil kin ui it iihiai iug him un ii ily wilt and uiluu the hid hiit bed uudnu mm it juan aid mill 11 llu thill ultt ulthdriu urlu hit own iwntry ik in if eurt ti lw iieurate in tform und ihithm he llltti ly htlaevir to lutr run 11 tlu hl huld at uu in itipn hi untilil ellmb up 11 hair km ovtr tlu hi if tin ulth uiunaiul the led cichl ul und ituuif iil litihl land lu had ih mil tt txh ut th ni il lie ul th 11 tl uhil hji 1111 hl ii life uul wlnuur oil tli wu 111 im in 111 hl uid mlh him it ul uiitlni hid li nt li th pi ml th in tlw hhi time iiuv bi in hi tl illi 111 lillltl ul llllllll iou itti tli nil or th nual hut man uijiu ht ulfi that lur imuli ii ituiulitlin uu uil uuuuj and that luulu ti rt iui if it wi 111 uu llil uu now 111 ulw tint uultr ten irima lu ild her and you ik uu caiihllly hi liundd uu man uu franc not uiul thu leply wic iliauk very mui tlr much trubbel with them mutt wkh logt liadnt of unit dlde when the house seems empty with maty may at boardbig school and letters seem long time coming and the holiduys are weeks away pidr tip the telcphenfca jlqag xhstance chat rraiult buttut coti butter producuon hi canada prairie province lin bctn lncreaing at faur rate tluui uic output of the whole do inion iiartlculany during the lost hv in 193i tlu production of cream bulur in vcunltoba saxkutcluwan and albirta wic g7 u800 jiound which iipretiiuml 2tj per ctllt of tile total production of uic dominion for uiat year production in thcc uireo provinces in losi ut tuo jind one half uhum uiat of 1920 uhiltthe output of the omin iou ut uholc was about doublu that cf 1020 in uu cast of the prulrai provlncu wluuc larfft proportion of th butur outputj ehipped to ditant nurkls knowudgi of tlu facura aicung cot most important iitudy of creamery manageuujit rttveni uiat tlia average manufacturing cott woo 45 cent poi iwund in ib creameries wldch wurt groupod accofding to uu pounds of butter manufactured ilu average cot of manufacture in plants in wlilch uro due turn was under 100 000 pound of butter for uui jar was 83 cents per pound while in factories liaving an out put of over gooooo pounds the ura war 13 range of frt cenj per pound xhe rahgcucoot from uu iowjit to uui highcrt was from 62 to 5fl centu difference of cents per pound in uil study uic cot of uucnuactur lng pound of butter lnclucu all item of cost from tlve time uic cram rf odvtd at uu crvamery until the buiur pocked into 60 pound boxc ohargeei fur guuicrlng uu cream and 00 uj of prbiting and shipping the butur are therefore occluded girrd le the paper called lur tlu gifted bride no uoiuji she got eight toasu rf nine percolitifn und 11 nut pick troubled with twfflrmrorhnr past 25 years thou allbiian brought welcome relief howl thin voluntary letter from mr iteour linvo ihcii trnumid with eon itipation for the punt yium tiitd puutieally every eutliuitle without icimltii heci ntry detei intmd to iivi killoiiu an hiian fuic ujui kellogg 11 ail ithan him nut only lielpid mt hut lit vt it in uti uctuul uliuf fot hitinit tth tipu lion mi lit 111 te mi ad diem iipuii leipn mi to tikutu tout bull tu lite in ictillnllt lllean piividuii bulk to uiil linuuuti hi it ultio fuliiiiihuu viliinuii 11 und 11011 lui imlu in al hlun in ft 11 tlu and bufu foi nmnml inilivid uum ofti 11 niniti tvi tivii than hulk in uitii uiul vt tuhlt 11 mt it duiy luithi uuk down witlnii tliu iuuly twnt thin uututul ftuul pluuaunttir than jiutemt tiudlcliun jiiht mt two lulih tiumtifulu dully huiiile ciuid with taeh nuiut if not ro lloviui ucu youf doctor gut tho rud und irruuu hackagu your grocurrf mudo hv kollogg in londoti ontario bup th cunny su mi utm will cheef you tip and mary too night rates on anyone stationtostation calls now begrn at 3pj kenneth langon nrrtmtrr soelcltor notry nbttm officci acton oeargvtown over scynuck cafe main street hl por appointment phone acton 63 georgetown bfl office hours acton tuesday and tliuraday 115p ni to 30 ingd on request ijenxal buchanan dentzl office in tuhniin slock houru until pm by appointment oajf for extractions closed wednesday afternoon hoo lit pearen sids denial moved to our mc quarter in ihe symon block phone 20 uui street actcn veteritjauv now showing the 1935 edition of free press christmas greeting cards thoso who hnv bn thtst new 1935 cards say they are the best ylt the price range is so wide and the assort ment so complete its time you were making an inspection wide range hey include number of rather novel and new ideas which we think will please you the runge of cards thdt arc available with selective kredliinjsitiauch wider than in previous years moderately priced dftagmbruyms vexinju7 barged all calls rctclve prompt attmtwl phone 135 aoton ontaiud okieo lilll btrtot harrop sc lhone day at nlbe itaaheuoc slower avenue actau all calu lroinpuy aunwcred naxihl0 m1bckulankous francis nunan account book of 11 klndjt taude io orda ecrlodkidaofjotilmrtbtloo carefully bound hullntf tuaaxti aa promptly done wyndolm btreot ouelnb oni eagleson oniwia knd toonlnlon xmoa uezuenj lttlnnl bmtnm survcye iteporta frhhmli imns dha1magk wollb srecialltt telephone si oiancevtte oat we think you will ajree tluit when you see the cuids and make your comparisons with any otlier offerings that they an moderately priced according to the quality ottered we are inthei proud of the selection we are showing no representatives mi lepi lsultutlvc coles was for the past few years our very capable and we regret that his removal from acton lust ins sli vices to us and you we will have no fprcsentativc tu call uu yuu this ear he cjuds will be on sale nt the office only oi by other in rangeineiit to suit you we thank you oi the and patroiiagojhjiie industiy in the pa it may we have the pnvilege of seiving you and many new piiliuis with 15 gieetmg cards the acton free press uuullly 1rinuiut since 1k76 phone 174 general wu ertctaijie in health and life fire aeckient wmclslorni plate gland boiler ridelily bonds amiuiuea and all general lineu of insurance also oceiui steainhhip 1ickeljl uaiiinc cohuamltil tnctlllh4t vaclutikll fred wright acton thou shalt not kill drive carefully subscription for all taken at the vne prem 0oe