Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 28 Nov 1935, p. 2

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vaa tiro the acton free press thtmsixav november 28th hs5 tn artmt itxtttfrctaz pubuhd er tburwuir both ou change ot subsck1ptiom rates il on djr bould addreu rcqueatl cheque advertising batsi1 nolle lee pe jt pe ll ldlllonl nonce quajllrlnl jj atuev erllomel church loc per he yam notilc nd itxi pr charge ajc ttejmrt umori pmini ilrth mariiago tdtinnit ie per word bood j5c mlo loc etr to th offid diply pce contrtcl of cpt per death bolicem minimum chars as caah pphcallon are ddr ig rat vary accyrdtf auoubh bry precaution will taken to iou be lertier ml uj to the july iguedhr the lvclirj willi ucl error coco plainly otl thereof lljt ee ii ny error noted iol corrected ly the re pre ii lilwty olcj ucl proporlio ol jhe enure cl ol uch advrrliemer1 lll ott by the noted error her to the whole pace occur1 ucli dvcrtiemeur hy ttrxmur dtct teleihonks editoril hnil llu residence enriched by hit life jnmos one of the oldest and most revered jjublishorscfwofcklyiiowpapers in canada lias passed on after publishing the bowmnnville states man for 57 years as editor and citizen his was life that meant much in bowmrtnville and wider area where his influence was felt and the power he exerted for good citizenship continues to be shown in the continuance of the principles he inculcated in this journal ns his son george james continues the active publication of bowmanvilles paper his jionic town and his country were made better by the work of this veteran editor who has passed on amateurs tho amateur nights recently staged proved that when gathered together there is varied and pleasing lot of performers in acton and the district who can contribute toward making program very entertain ing and interesting most of tho performers had appeared at other smaller or larger entertainments previously and all of them do this sort of thing as hobby or at tho request of friends their experience in most cases hosbeen secured in tho various groups that operate in every community each doing its own work in its own way and by no means did all the amntcur performers in acton and district take part in this event tho organizntionsthat give oppor tunity for the expression or development of these talents are dofng good service amateurs hnvc lot of enjoyment themselves mid please their friends by their performances the trend the trend of flic times seems to be again toward iuivf followed local option richmond hill is thi latest place tf tau take its place in tho dry belt and toronto officials are scrutinizing petition to see that it is in ordr and vote on the question closer home we have erin village where vote will be taken on the question of remaining wet or going dry it is rather signifi cant that all this occurs within year nfter the trial of the beverage rooms judging from the vote most municipalities seem to consider conditions better without the beverage room in their midst if such is the trend with one year of trial what will be the effect after say couptcof years more of course there were objectors to the temperance measure but one wonders if they were not from rather noisy minority than froiuthniajorityoi the citizens of ontiirfs tt1s sary to have vote of the people to close the bar rooms but they return without the need or privilege of an expression by the voters truly the temper ance forces wage an uneven battle the sunday school lesson foa sunday decemueb 1st ezrap mission to jerusalem ooldcn text win bind wtan tuc bld unto mo let ua go unto tho houbo of lho lord ra 133 lesson toxt esro 010 2132 study also ezru bo lo lo noli lo 13ib 03 lil tim 157 11 iutco tllo itivcr ahnvn exposition seeking help front ood by 1wlntf and iruyw hathcr than from man 010 3130 tho ancient way in which kodly men ami voiuri sought the ravor guidance and lielp of ood was by fasting and pruyi of citron 30 dut esther 15 luke 37 it was good wny succeeded in this instance vs 33 31 33 it would be well if this way were today ijonui think placu in tlie present dln tpn nicy surely luivo read thrlr ulbliti orenysly acts 13 32 23 every great emergency in individual and church life slwiild be met by fasting and prayer there li of course no virtue or merit in the mere abstinence from food or otlur desirable things but there li power in that downright roauzitlon of our dependence upon clod and deter munition to obtain lib help that lcaji us to forego tiling that are good and desirable hi their right time und placo we would have more of gods guiiumc and help if ue with the simplicity and raith of lini ciut ourselves upon mm in rastlnu and prayer tho object of this casting in thbi case was that wo might humble ourselves before our god ft the one who desires gods help must get doujl lowbcforc lilmftelert fl if ue come seeking thlngtl le our right wo uiall not get them but if we come confessing ourselves sinners and casting ourselves upon mi grace vc aliall that which tliey desired of god was straight way this he hat prombcd to give to those who meet the li ii in ii lii unique this year thcnominationsjrictqnlhisycalerexilll unique in many respects thnt the ratepayers were well satisfied with the present administration was evident in the candidates nominated and the lack of criticism voiced at the ratepayers meeting and about the street the nomination meeting was one of the smallest held here in some time it is rather unustfal jhat just the required number were nominated for peeve council and school board allot them were the idine individuals who have filled the positions quite successfully no new names were brought for ward another unusual feature was the fact that the jreeve and all councillors were nominated and seconded by the same two men and found approval apparently by all in the case of the public utilities commission vacancy had occurred by the removal of mr king and it was essential that new nominees be placed in the field tha three agreed however before the time for qualifying and an election was slot necessary the 1035 nominations have been unique it is seen in number of ways the same qiuwlion in anolhcr place in midland the question of salaries for municipal offices is one of quite importance the board of education has declined to accept pay for their ser vices members of the town council there are paid on the basis of 500 meeting and public utilities commissioners are now asking for the passing of bylaw enabling them to receive honorarium of 100 per member and 200 for the chairman the financial position of midland is not enviable the town had to default on its bonds it ennnot therefore be claimed that thepaying of salaries or whatever ihcy may be termed has brought about an adminis tration that has placed the town in good position the more that is seen of the plan in other towns and in the light of experience in our own town it vould appear that the municipality is best served by those men of like spirit or the member of the board of education or midland who when the matter was up for consideration said these arg days when men should serve out of public spirltcdness and not for the money thcyget out of it it is strange that when times were good men wcre willing to serve for nothing and now that the town is hard up they want to bepaid it would seem that acton council used wisdom when lust year they went bjick to the public ptritod method of doing citizenship duty luuukull umt baast in the lord and vnu conicquet li anhumod to iulc help of nicn well mrht be but tlio church not no iivitc nowadays they proclaim their lulth in god who hai promlwid to nup py all our needs phil 19 nnd then rewirt to sorts of discreditable ichenuvi to extort money out of the todlcj for gcvvr uork hlr testimony had been vlt notable one the hand of our god upon all or them that neck him for cood but his pouvr and li wrath li nftfiinrj all of them that forsake hint the bible ln full or the truth that forms tne lp part of thlj tc chrin cnnadinn bacon entering thfi british jq pv 33 io id 34 is 22 lam ninrket is sold in competition with the worlds best 25 nomana 20 happy li uic man uho believer it and ualki in the he ulll never fear but tliv lx par britain has advanced from ninth place in 1931 to jmt in true cr joh 23 10 second place in 1934 in addition to supplying the 15 pecr 12 ftnd men rjiould he warned more frequently and british market with such lar quantty canada faithfully alone thji line and the au this year exported bacon to fifteen other countries should be emphasized every man including the united states newfoundland ber fftncl hl3 cilse wui prow an cxccptlq hut there ore no exception lie war muda different porti of the british west entreated or ua tncheslhe islands orsttpierre ancnvfiquclon japnn china fiji colombia peru and alaska bacon exporiq up million bolnrs canadas exports of bacon during the first nine months of 1935 show gain of about one million dollars over the same period of 1934 exports ot canadian bacon to the end of september totalled nearly 100000000 pounds with value of 15756 l7icomparodwith042sg700 pounds valucdat 14 872331 in the first nine months of 1934 this in crease amounting to 5153500 pounds in volume was mostly all in the british market which took 93843000 pounds or 094 per cent of the dominions total export and in the comparatively short period of four years pouer of thl truth canada position as an exporter of bacon to great man 3d rations fob bacon emk1b jexperlmcnua work conducted at tho dominion experimental garm hacuxn nova sept la during tho last few years hoji demonstrated that focda commonly grown or manufactured in eautern candda will supply practically all tho food nufrl cnu ncolaary to properly develop und fin kih the bacon haif coat of production ntudlca in tlw growing uf tho common cereal cropti how thut tliojin rropo 00u liarlcy and wheat quality considered cuji bo pro duced mora cheaply thun they can bj purchimtil with ihcrft polntii in mind tlioro can imi healtatuni in rotommendliitf u10 following rutloiut for icncrul una llnt ivrlihl lrom weaning at to wvrk to 100 poulid1 llva wulffht ground mlt 300 poundo ground barley 500 pound uround wheat 200 pounds nklmmllk llj to iwundt per pound of tiniln lulkture or hluli uruti ibih ttual jtoundji per 100 imiundu of meal mn ture second period from 100 iwund wi itrht to llnlh at 210 pximdit oround ouli 100 pound ground barley fioo pound krouud wheat 300 pound wli milk pound per pound icialn mbcture or ilh meil pound pt 100 poindi rnlii muture the iic to tart on thh ratlon li lell iu ii week the matt rul table for ueanlntf lui younuu tliu hi are not alilc to ttand lwnvv ration if found wceinry to wean 11 youmer lie ration thit has proen satbfac tory here oqu il pirli jround oiti ultli the hulk uted out or irround hulle oxui and white mlddlliiki tho plis at till farm are tturtcd on thli before canine in pjn or creep separ ate from the math ow and they cuff or no ictbick when thir practlep lt fohow atlilajlttlejnlkora to th mlidture and makjt all faotl ciian gradually when feedina fklmmllk in tlio above ration mineral mixture ui nectiay juitible one may bo made up of equal paru of round limestone common at and bone char or bone meal and fed at tho rau of pounds per 100 pounds of ijrun ration enjoy the best tea salam tea your 1ast iuuouh tho eoplo do not ctlnt who havi no mutakiii to rdtj kvrbody blun dirii iniikl the uiiwlw choice iiclua wrouk tumlnir and nojt people comj to the jmilnt whero lhey realize thvlv errori it ij not at all certain how ever how they will act arter that iionie iu tn to ihuv th liavo none certain dltance hi the wroutf direction they mlifht iu well kp on cvui lhotih tho llipnl iy nil way ituin oth ptople wlillti faelnt about keep up rontinual limentitlon over tho iron they have made 10 uiat ulltlter they nor then friend can have any peace give your piut error ju enoujili it tentu 11 iu tint jou can be iuro you hue learned all that they had to tcicjj then rornut them many canalran bookg satisfaction comis iuom conotjiist very little ri tin faction li trained by dodiiliu if you avoid taking an ei amlnatlon jou may feel ttnie of re hef but if take the examination and piutmaiqfllbt your ftnung of elation thoiuind tlnuii more ijithfylnf whatever ditflcultlct com from their conque not from avoldiriu uiem jummury of canadas literary pro duetloti jiut lxued by the canadian author aaum kit ion ahowa that among immiio by cutiudluiut publlnlied uil fall or mill to upthur are 23 novels 15 volume of verm44 volutin of hlstorlcal und mlrtllmeoiu uorkj and 4ti volume1 publbh in lrvnrh the fact that moat cuuduii tp4 ik and ruut tho samo unuuiie the iople of the unitikl suti and tlu urituh lsltti luu made it neiry for ciiiidlui author if they aie to lliul public porue to produce uoil wjuil to thit or the two older countrli eich ar one uek in ko veiulr oa rvul canadian liook wi ck for the purpir or brhitflntf to public attention the literary production of the dominion much canadian llt triry uor is flndlnfj rtcotnition not onlv in madi bat in other coun tr cantniav ii icon wixl ukceivkd tlvj on unptlon anziius bacon and luin ronfin tnu to be an excellent mibntltute skimmilk however la not ciaenual lor uie proper devclopihent of the bacon hoff ihijh ffradc fluh meal haa proved inttal to guctxxij jitu in tin onuy iu tim in 31 perlod and twlco dally from then to flnbshlntr ncgularlty in ceding la 03 kuropear and an3lolrd11r the native not lnteriny into the picture principally on account of ruflisur ncrupled trlu hlpminli canadian bacon were wjj received in india but traruportatln co and ihlppinc dlfilcuhua oprao dilns 11 eurmon of the trade bvin ijietll lllji umr um mmvi of ihf iuppliiis come from orat britain accordlntr to thv aprlrujniral part mint of the canadian national rally as editorial notes election week in acton is not on the calendar this year like some of the holidays elections can come too often from 1931 to 1935 total of 12446000 bushels of wheat have been exported from western canada by way of churchill georgetown will require second nomination to fill the municipal offices arain this year but the mayoralty will be keenly contested vcmtcrsehetflu oa4wclo imo poworin tiiiw wuq bgartlii quebec but the majority is rather small position is however divided group the op gold production in canndn during september totalled 2803g2 ounces compared with 294361 ounces in august and 244777 ounces in september 1034 the production of creamery butter in canada in october 1035 amounted to 20745037 pounds com pnredwith 27508244 pounds in september and 20404364 pounds in october 1034 intimatioikjhat radio licenses are likely to be ubolitfhcdwil come us welcome news it wu just another or the nuisance levies that proved very un popular and rather difficult to collect most commendible change in ontarios penal system is announced by hon harry nixon whereby hoys and young men who are first otyeiiders will not bo incarcerated with hardened critniuuh from whom they secuie advanced lessons in crime after youths convicted on first orfenees will all bj he sent to the guelph reformatory older firsttimers will go to mimico mid the repeaters will be in carcerated tit hurwush by this arrangement the chance of reforming youthful offenders will be greatly incieused harne exumiiier how often every true eel rca wiy lie wa1 entreated af me the god or the bible and the god of christian experience god uho hear and answers prayer it waj in exact accordance with very old promba that god llitened to them at jurt thl time deut 20 cce context manar had tried and proven uie uimc wonderful promise chron 33 12 13 how unfortunate that more who arc captivity throujrh bin do not put th promit to the tcjit though lira was man or prayer and creat and simple faltli he wiuj in no wba fajiauc but man ot leveuheadetl business fenrj pro vidinn carefully even in the jocular de taili of godv work for thlntrr honest in the siffht of men us well an in uie night of uie lord cor 20 21 while he coufd and did trust god he knelt and required an accurate account of oodj treasures that la the bible way or earryinff on gods work these men wlio were wiparated unto uils work werv regarded as holy unto ue lord lord should be holy it 52 11 tit were to exercise creat caro in uiu clutrco or uie uiingr committed to uielr trust to watch and keep uiem 30 this they did 33 isvery alrvant of god mutt ualeli cr mark 13 3237 and keep diligently uiat which hi en trusted to him thclr vlffllance wan not to cuase until uielr work wao dojie and everything turned over to uie proper onej at jeruijilem who should he there after responsible ii god brhika ezra and jiin com pany safely through to their destina tion 31 32 jt wan lonir and purllou journey it took uiem four montlwi ut traverse tlu duiertilliey were not equipped lor 11ki ln and carried treasure the way uium hifvted with thievish bedouin but god hud jiiituied ecru tciitlmony to the klnir god luid proven himself better than an nmiy he lr jiwt as able and ready to deliver ua from the hand of the enemy our enemy la far more subtle and powerful und dangerous uian lirau fcph 12 but he no match for our deliverer he too lti ller in wait by the wuy aatli protecuon wuj not for day but until uiey tvuehed their jour nivi aid we oiune to jerusalem uiv ucrt wui to us he will de liver us und protect us until we reach our jenuuileni the perrect koman dthajlt tjtlul li yetltle itiilmindpl and noi ivlle howard who obvloualy unurieeudllb iipredutory shortbreads 121 ginger snaps criu lily lb row baking chocolate lb calt 7c ejl dind condensed milk wkrep 2tinj 37c almond icing 20e cllfofflh dliwortd budded walnuts lb 23c gidn plch golden corn 7oi 1111 9c is in almonds cdlifornid blcjclicd valencia shelled ib j9 10 yi finail impofud citron peel ib 31c cndkd pineapple circles ilb 17c fuii fiv fljellof pl9 7c jfj soull alncn vlnc raisins with seeds lb 25c cooking figs lb 25c marmalade 27 molasses2 19 rd 01 giea food coloring 1oi bil 10c allinc almond extract foi bil 17c cut peel 0i5 lhmoh ciuon mluj iiii 10c u115 vnlll chocolate drops ib 19c fvupla ll superb mincemeat lbs 25c carrolls limited lettuce hothouse leaf luixo ituitchfm grapefruit vory cihki huvor for oranges sweet und juicy 23c doz onions 10 3c mikk deijvery phone 158 mill street none 15s acton ont c5t

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