Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 24 Dec 1935, p. 2

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raoe two the acton free press tuesday deoemben 24th 1036 neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our teeaders are interested ballinapao aftx robert moody of schomberg visited last week at the home of her father mr wm harding mr and mrs prank blnnle have jtone to uvo in georgetown for the winter mrs howard large and imus hilda lonuuc of hamilton iipcnt sunday with mr and mrs culp mr roy culp and mr mcphfrson spent few days last week in hamuton mls capp teacher at peacock school held the school concert in the hall on wednesday evening there was good program by the children and good attendance waning tint faax passu staff merry christmas and happy now year bannockburn the following la the bannockburn school report for the month of decem ber sn iv lloyd james 72 xrma watson 70 jr iv edith denny 60 jetta rosscl jr iff norman mocdoiuild 05 sr ii harold uojuscl 813 wikion oordon705 chuvuco denny gg jr lob wabion 73 jackie oordon 65 sr eileen gordon 603 allan oordon 61 sr primer mac sprowl 70 beckett teacher evekton mr john simons fa visiting ills daugh tcnt at london mrs shepcrdion lg spending the chrlstmaa holidays in toronto mr albert hamilton of manitoba lias been visiting liu brother mr irvine hamilton and family the everton sunday school entertain ment was held last friday venlng in tho church of chrlit with the following pronrum song by the school chmrmanvi address recitation david mcdougall dialogue jack and quin alton atar dialogue by six girls duett draw stewart and netta jackjm rvcltatlon june hepburn recitation betty iiu1 recitation janet mcbouftall song by the school recitations christinas by nine boys recitation mri john alton piano trio billy stewart grace stewart netta jackson drill by osprlnge bovu recita tion jlmmle fountain recitation cocll meredith recitation murray stewart male quartette numjxjr recitations by mttbld mcleod bobby hill evan wat waumri vnunlvcrjluiiliilnlniui ion hepburn frances watson honajd hepburn isabel watson pantomime by seven ttlrls quartette number pageant und chorus by the school the correspondent wishes tin puke phesa and all its readers merry christ moa and happy new year limehouse on tuesday night of lost ueek tho christinas tree und entertainment was held at the seventh line echoo and thre wiuj ft vtry large attendance after the children had given their part or the en tertainment dancing uas unjoyed by goodly company on thursday night the annual christ mas trcj and entertainment uas held in the public school on the llfth line wid wo one or the boat held here in years tho chlldrin did credit to the training of their teacher mfcs grlntleu and everybody enjoved thenischeg the jirhool uas packed by er apiirvchtlve audi ence mondav night of thu week iau the flnt community christmas tree and en tertainment that hii been held in thl neighborhood uhen the united and pres bylurlan sunday schools joined hand in giving this treat to their rcholarn we are ghen to understand there uere about jio naiiui on the tuo rosters and sinti clam found he had toine job on ifft hands ghlng out the chtlclrenj prejxnli visitors io far hae been scarce and as the holiday comes in the middle of the ueek uv expect to tell jou more of this phoic next ueek mr ilobert doughty is lpending the festive uliwn with friends in toronto mrs edward manihall ii sending tli holiday ultli friends in georgetown mrs lucy krwln and daughter are visiting at the home of her slslvr mva edmund bcerman mbji beatrice lane and mn ted morrow visited at the home of mr robt lane mr bobrt line sient few dajs this ueek at the home of his brother mr arthur lane in toronto mrs wm gowdy is visiting friends in superior wli oyer the holiday mui auults muliere vllted the paren tal hoiuc over the ueekvnd the miows und cold weather have in terfered greatly vflfth the uork in the atone quarries and ut prenl there is not much work for the men although atone being constantly shipped out mr pircy hural fcivnatsyuie holi days with frltnds hi toronto we vxund to uie editor titan und readurs of tms fum ivm murry christmas and happy prajerolis new year douglas egyptian liniment uipc lally recommended for spider or lnfcc tloo of cowta teat tn valuable uuo hi of pwlnu cuttm and plinu crewsons cohneks mrs john hennett and mrs ray coul ter who havo been on the aide list are both improving miss dora lambert of acton visited her aunt mri john bennett on friday mr and mrs jack alrdrlo and family were in orange vlllo on friday attending the christmas concert of the salvation army in charge of former officers here capt thowells lieut graham members and friendo of community church are planning tdclghrlde party in the near future georgetown mr jack harrison war tri hamilton last cvcnbig with uie conservatory choir as tenor soloist mrs ashmorc was takirn to guclph general hospital last wtek where she will undergo an operation the little three year old daughter of mr and mrs doyle was knocked down by an auto on main street bi thursday afurnoon but fortunately uicapcd serious injury mrs campbell is celebrating her eightieth birthday today hr nephew mr edgar lyons and mrs lyons luifar are entertaining in her honor tonight warden harold cleave messrs fed and prvd erwin and mrs meadows attended the funeral of the late henry mckbiney at erin last triday mr mcklnncy was erlnvt oldest citizen und was 00 yearo of age mejjirs wilfred and prcy lcbcy re turned homo on monday ufter spending uui post wtxdt visiting frlciidslnchlcago and des moines iowa they had on cnjojablc trip and report heavy snow fall in iowa herald campkellville the pulpit or st davids church was ably tilled on sunday by bev mr david son of toronto meyri david mahon of windier crawford mahon of kitchener and omcr vanslckle of toronto are holi daying at their rcuplctlve homes mr and mrs ii macphall are home again after visiting relatives in michigan mrs shuert uho lias been in ill health for iome time left on saturday to spend the whiter in toronto airs mary moore la holidaying at her home liere mr and mrs hamilton nnd family spent the weekend in toronto the many frlendi of miss barbara snyder of guclph junction will be sorry tohc atrthatrshetsconflnedtrjrh erbedr sufferlng from severe cold mr and mrs campen and joyce tpent sunday in preston st davtdi sunday school concert wan held on monday night mr bert ferris of ingemoll was hqrne for the weekend number of tin village young people attended the theatre party and dance in milton high school on friday evening last an enjoyable time was had by all the correspondent ulshes the staff of the ihee pseii and all its readers merry christmas nassagaweya thcannul public school concert of no naasagawcya held last thurs day evening was decided success there was good crowd present to enjoy the splendid program which was rendered by the pupils of the uchool great pralso was given tho teacher miss mary mcphcdran for uie fine training of her scholars school sections no and joo held very successful concerts last week and fine programs of dialogues drills and rccltationu and choruses were rendered by tho pupils tho nomination for hcovo and coun cillors will be held in tho township hall brookvule on monday december 30 th for the township of nossagaweya and election if any will be held on january oth 1036 thcro will be two weeks holidays for the pupils of ico nassaizawoya as tho school will not open until january 6th 1036 mr ernest wilson of moffat lit spend ing his christmas with his sister mrs wm morley at peterboro mr and mrs darby and family of knatchbull aru spending christmas with mv and mrs daniel kingsbury at dundati uockwood uev taylor was tho chairman last prlday evening for the annual united church sunday school entertainment which was well uttended by parents and friends of thu young folks tho lengthy program consisted of recitations dia logues drills solo duetuf chorused fol loued by it pageant entitled living christmas picture during the even ing the program was interspersed with christmas carols with visit from santa cliiibi who came in with generoiw load or gifts for the sunday school people also on llday evening the congrega tion and sunday school of st john church met in tho basement of the prc byttrlan church the rector bev mr brllllnger was clialrman for varied program of recitations songs and short pieces by the young folks intcrspered by iiumbem from memberu of st albana church acton who accompanied rev mr brllinger toward the close of tho program mr richard harris contributed wime gjeanlngi one item in particular being sentence sermons under tho liead ing each day brings some duty that no one else can discharge some oppor tunity that will never come again somo blows that cannot be avoided some defeats that seem final but never are some reasons for making new fight for the right some encouragement to go in learch of your bct some responsibility that cinnot be avoided at tho conclu sion of tho program santa claus put in his appearance to the delight of the young folks and with brief handshake presented all present with gifts after which rev mr brllllnger closed with ospringe miss altken and mr max sut clllfe of toronto spent tjie uvekuid at tho formers home here mrs ida tovell has returned lvome afttr tuo weeks vllt in guclph mator kcnmth robertson spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt mr and mri george young tou nllno mau ler douglas is tttc tiding the holidays with mr and mr jackson tile school houe wa packed on wed ntsdaj owning for the annual christmas concert lengthy program or choruses clfatlnni dialogued drllls etc uoj much tnjojed oneact play the tvpupli displayed some clever acting nit ci ms uppctnd at the clay and dutrlbuted prtsunls rom wellladen tiee ml foreman spending the vaca tion ulth her parent at balllnafad frlendi or mrs neil mclean ulll be pleaiod 16 know there is slight improve ment in her condition her son duncan of liberty siudt arrived on wednesday morning for tenday vlsit sincere sympathy is extended to the family or the late arthur dulflcld the compliments of tin seajoin are extended to the editor staff and readers of tin puce puluh by your correspond ent the chool report for december sr tv dorothy mckenzle ah ln ijtru tilers 78 jean pvavoy 7u4j jr iv grace burrows 74 oeorge roberlion flfl gordon altken 50 george locker 4fl sr iii roy peavoy 0qb jr iii norman mekcliile 73 dauglat robertson 64 jr ii helen alkeji 70 keith bur niwu 70 eminu taiiiley 66 jean underhlu 67 ikenneth pvuvoy 113 sr iv helen sinclair 6fl jr ih tommy ptuvoy 70 reggie box 70 anna oreman ivaclier mothuri can easily know wlun tliclr children are troubled with wornm and thy ittee no time in applying reliable rriuedy motlier gruvcti worm exuf mlnutor prayer tlie many friends of our local station agent mr ii milne regret his re moval to elora to take charge of the nr cpmpanya office there during his twelve yean titay here mr milne has made many friends in his dealings with patrons of the railway and during the past couple of years has been treasurer of the united church mr milnes many friends nnd acquaintances lin him suc ceui hi hit new situation and alio future new home mr leo travclln ls at pro smt filling the vacancy mrs fred mcwhllams who has been in guclph oenoral hospital for treat ment uas able to return home lost ueek end li making good progress in recovery although confined to her bed mrs jolm mu trie recently celebrated her birthday and was the recipient of congratulations from nfimerou friends she made her own birthday cnle for the occasion and also treated rome of her friends which was quite remarkable con sidering her ape mr john smith auay to detroit again for another stay of some duration recent and wieuind visitors were mr and mrs wm usherwood of cvcr ton mr and mrs elmer au rey of guelph mr and ilp rcts allan and daugh tr of toronto mr johnston llewat of simcoo fttrnxrtnrrxrx sroyc emrtdrohto are home for the christina holldnyiii mm ii mllroy vlilted her daughter mi milroy in guelph last ueek mi mbers of mr and mri max milnes family attended the school concert in kden mill lait thurtday evening the many friends of one of our former rockwood boys mr strachan croft 111 bo plua ed to learn of hli transfer from goderieh cnr office to brant ford and alo of the banquet tendered to him in aoderlch at which special oc casion several of the business men and others ppsent tendered him farewell ulio presented him with club bag and other acceijiorhi mr crofts numerous frieiuli here wlih him success in ills now position the womens institute held their regu lar monthly meeting in the biuemeut of the pnby terian church on thursday evening the meeting wiui well uttended ulth some junior institute members pre jint mrs george iivvrty uas program convener during the evening numerous gifts uere distributed from uu christmas tree all lit with tiny electric lights which looked very effective among the branched the caretaker was alriq rememberrd by the institute with hundsomo gift schools clouid on friday for the holi days tin tiachers are away and will enjoy the christmas fatlvltta ut their homes mr vnd day of woodstock collegiate home for the holidays twenty ytfabs ago from the ivan of the free ptom of thursday december 30th 1015 at midnight tomorrow leap year will be ushered in then nell lilies hi sons of the scotcl block were very successful at the recent poultry show held in berlin they carried off uvo firsts nix soconda and two thirds mr llnxe trio district represen tative of tho department of agriculture has resigned his position and enlisted for overseas service scrgt coles recruiting ofllcor receiv ed two more acton boys for cnlkjtmcnt on monday ralph swackhalner and clarence matthews tho cornell and board of education were elected by acclamation for reeve oeorge hynds for councillors alotf bell charles bailey david henderson smith for school trustees speight john kenney john kennedy i7io high school at homo and re ception to former students was most enjoyabk function an attractive pro gram was firaeiited and mr etholred white was selected from the exitudents to not us chairman an honor roll for those who luivo onlbtted was hung on the wall for tho evening tliiy are ernct black warren brown jack chap man melfort collier will doullas willie kenney edwin maddock john moore will mullln lyed wuliaim and miss anna wf oram nurse jubm davis in mitchell on friday decem ber lath 1015 to mr and mri ii davli daughter married crewsonroszell at the home of the brides father on wednesday de cember 20th 1015 by rev stephen fred crtwmn of actortrto bchslu may daughter of john roszell hlusburg beardmoresilcocic on ividay december 2uu 1015 at buencw aires south america gordon beardmore of acton second son of alfred beard more to lillian dorothy eldest daug tor of sllcock inst ce fg of barkstano lodge roundbay leeds england jsfstsetstesctctstctcttfttfwcic you und to yours wc wish you all happiness and joy and very merry christmas dans cape acton ontario good cheer yje iliy christmas these two words llnve behind tliem all our good wishes for your future und our to our patrons nnd clients for their many kindnesses to us through the years of the past may happiness health prosperity nnd wealth be yours in ever increasing abundance merry christmas johnstone rumley mill street acton ont happy and prosperous new year holiday candies assorted lbs mixed nuts in shell bs 35 chocolates lb 24c mincemeat lbs 25c table raisins lb 30c old cheese lb 21c 10c 18 25c lr silui kumpkm ribbon queen olives ginger snaps lb 9c sage or savory tin 10c soda biscuits 1ib pk 13c new dates 15c natural figs lbs 25c clover honey pan 23c shrimps tin 19c mayonnaise 8jot 23c corn syrup 18c cocoa cowibi 1lb tin 23c jelly fer pkgs 25c grape juice i6 ktl 25c pineapple juice 10c tomato juice ioo 5c peaches di lb 21c apricots did lb 29c plums lobd 10c pineapple sid tn plum jam 26c asparagus ti 15c tomatoes ajtim 25c ayjmer peas nostin 10c white corn 25c dsal mon jlb tin 7c cough syrup btl 25c ar3ines guit tin 8c plum pudding by wagstaffes 15 to 16oz size kj if catarac dry ginger ale bti 48c klus deposit carrolls limited snitrb efurct of eanoibi aotom pmxtor rv harrw wla tjck pnonaoe avtnos sunday dhextember 29th 1055 1100 the ml liter subject isaiahs portraiture df jesus 1215 sunday school and bible classed 700 tn the minister subject drifting thursday 730 bible study hour everybody weloomi jjrfabylfrian knox church acton uev benn1e hlatatw ftoanse wluow btnet bukday deoe3jber 2flth 1035 11 am the auld ycai and yet just year old 30 thu sabbath school happy landing nou tlie watch night service under tlic guild next tuesday nltiht at 1145 come and spend the luit minutes with the young people tho llrst sunday of tho year la communion sunday jim 5th the wltk of prayer start with that week always wxutout apilbt gijurcfj acton sunday decbmukr 20th 1035 10 00 sunday school 1100 dr ii schult uncla5sipied small advertisements advcrtucmefllri under lhl ltodtng one cent pr word minimum char lloo if paid ch ioc ci4jtional la chrel where item have to be booked moo shipping satoodav 00 and htade hok trucklnjf fre ifoys delivered by farmer 00 t1ank holmes foh kent apartment on church street four room apply raciiliit acton ioit sxlz prcli mcntr for tale pork and beef wauduws creusont comera custom sawing the saumlll at llmehquse li prepared to jinw all klndr of loss in the sprlnff delivered during tire niter 502 wm gowdv ou6aijg terretr for sale apply rioper ii no acton lot conccalon krln telephone erin 254rl3 notice lie sliowmlic of sldeuulks notice is hereby fflvcn to all that tho provisions of tire bylau requirlntf tluit nil sidewalks in actop be kept clear of snow will bo rigidly enforced tro vlslons of this bylaw tnnko la compulsory for unanu and owner to have the know cleaned fromtho fildewalkj adjolnlnfif their property not later than 10 tn on tho day following fall of snow alluro to comply with thosa provisions ulll be folfoued by prarecutlons mcpimrson ief of police acton december 23rd 1035 jt mom neichbofhuod now pbv thr jlx ll ijl medium si doz cooking onions 10v grapefruit for 25c apples cllanukkuies grapks at special pkices ehee delivery phone 158 mill street phone iss cton ontario to all who patronize mc in my insurance business sj etentl the seasons giootingc jj harrop agent seasons greetings an another christmas and nw year roll around wu wlah to ex tend to one and all in acton and community tlu seasons grdeunfcji to all you good people who havq favored us witli jjmw of your patronage in our mlddy wo are very tliankful we believe we have made many friends khjce our establkhtucnt in acton noma nine yearn ago and ionf as you favor im with your buidiitsjt we will en deavor to ulvo you aujusfactlon ulvether it be honuxdioelnf he paiw to waaoiuj laying traotor slumw wcldlnif bumpers orhid lntf etc wfcj wish vou alil usury choist1jas and hapjy new yeajl geo cowie son

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