Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 24 Dec 1935, p. 4

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paox four the acton free press tuesday pwnkmttcr 24th ifto af birth ibnkpi aa4 dwut an hwrtad in thla colwn witboat ektm ja uworua notic je aad me per uaa oordonmooomb at kitrjurner on urwyon aiigrnt 7uylfl3b muriel qertrude eldest daughter of the laic mr and mrs john howard mccoxab of ontreal to thomas tomer son of mr and mrs gordon drove street ouejpb bokn pbbozons at tlchbornfl ontario on monday november 25th 1935 to mr and mrs precious neo ivycolea the gift of daughter dixie florence ethel in mem obi am huffman in loving memory of our dear aon and brother john edward huffman who passed away tjecefnber 36th 1033 sadly missed by mother sister and brothers ocals and again merry cnrlstmadl tot paxx paxas will be issued again on tueaday next week roads have been splendid for both sleighing and wheeling after christmas comes the municipal elections in many centres prospects are that there will bo no election in caledon this year acton stores had particularly attrac tive christmas windows this year hockey starts in acton on thurs day night with milton as the guests with good costing of ice on the arena that centre is now in full swing tax par parss is raiiicrabbrevlatcd 4h wt owing to the tnmg day send in list of your holiday visit ors all readers scan this column each week the christmas concerts have made the evenings busy ojio the past few weeks tho boxing and wrestling ring at the ymca is quite popular spot these evenings the juniors entertain at hockey on friday night and elora will be the visiting team safe of orui cent postage stamps alone at the post office in acton on monday was 4800 the partitions for work ihop and storage room have been built the post week at tho ymca there hiufbeen absolutely nothing lacking in the appropriateness ot uk weather to christmas gasoline lias dropped another cent gallon we suppose to allow for ths slippage of uie season the travel schedule have been uirown bit off their timetable by the increased demands of uie holiday season christmas malls the post week have been exceptionally heavy but postmaster matthews and his aiautants came smil ingly uirough the new calendars are how being handed out und will soon replace those that haw adorned tlio wails uie past twelve months the usual seaulon of uie police court for this week will not be lield its the christmas season and ull cased are adjourned lor week the annual clirlsunas tree of acton and district legion was held ttt the legion hull on friday evening tim christinas trts liad good supply of grjit for uie families of uie veterans and find time was enjoyed wd as kturx swindled fajudc approximately 00 was obtained by trnarujrndrcssed and nltmtuve young woman who victlinhukl twb ouelph banks on saturday while bankers refund to cllcumi the rumor which was current saturday it ki understood tliat uie loung woman posed as nurse for welltodo patient whom she represented as being outside laid unable to enter the bank in one instance the woman secured 50 and lu anouier slie secured 40 by cashing woruuess cheques glrtbtmaa mtbougtb front arton jfuaxntb continued from page one the all holy and that ho has set aside all his divine perfec tipns and taken our human nature in order to show ills lore for ua must surclyxccl that lt tsur jhjhcst jhity to love him and when wo remember that ho humbled himself for love of us and lor love of our neighbor we begin to understand that wo cannot truly love clod unless wc afco lovo our neighbor are there any poor who arc honestly in need of help are wc honest faithful to our fellowmcn how could men oppress the laboring man and deprive him of his just share of his honest toll when they believe that christ their redeemer and judge will regard it as done to himself christ auumlng human nature giving his life on tho cross and commanding every one of us fur thu love wo bear him to love our neighbor lias given uio full solution of all the social problems tliat today trouble humanity anyone therefore who denies tliat christ is ood takes all meaning and force out of chrkits teachings if christ weru nut ood to treat our neighbor as wo would treat christ mvans nothing whatever lor the up lifting of humanity tho greatest enemy today therefore of the wurklngmon of womankind of childhood and of uio human race is tho man who tries to destroy belief in christs divinity such are uie lemons thai tho infant jesus teaches lis from tlie manager purity and innocence of heart lovo of ood above all things and our neighbor as ourselves for tlio love of ood happy christmas to all mclilude utwbox meditative uetter montreals great retall artery 5t catherine street having four im mense departmental stores and half score or so of tho 6c to 100 variety lias in very large distance of its length only three chdrches goodly number ore on aide or parallel streets not far away tho central one christ church cathedral anglican occupying block its adjoining neighbors being two of tlio largest departmcntals considerable the name of st james tho westerly one is st james the apostle and is anglican and about opposite tlie build ing containing tho business of toronto firm one of whose members is former fbec pbess foreman represented by an other cxfbcx patsd man this church lost iuj pastor this year by deaih rev canon shatford moil beloved by all denominations in fact the warmest enconlum tlie present writ er heard of him was from uie lips of united church minister ho liad ac companied the boys overseas and was greatly beloved the other to uni east is st james uidtcd church be big relocatlon of uie old fit james st methodist church whoso history readies back nearly cen tury and has had through the years men who were giants in tlie pulpit tills church has been for some timo without settled pastor supplied by men of out standing ability from other canadian and american cities however somemonthr ago rev bruce hunter of vancouver took over tlie pastorate he was an ac companist of the canadian contingent in 1017 at niagara camp and possibly overseas tlio other church to the west again luui already secured pastor to succeed canon shatrord in tlie person of rev mr wlklruon alio of vancouver with great abilities to his record it is somewhat unlqjie tliat these two important cliarges bearing such nearly similar names should be supplied so near the dome time by men of such outstanding ability from the same far awuy western city and likely in both coses history uih be made for good christmas always was an event in acton and is evidently still maintained in meetings merchandise and memen tos tii puiei pa ess chris tiruu issue is itself attractive kind wishes to you nil at therel coleman unukakaklle sutrakjtng have suffered much but am now convinced that no man lias any right to grumble if he can be hi without the torture of feeling that if his illness con tinues there will be poverty and inade quate education for those lie loves ihi imderbtandlngfriuithns who in their illness are haunted by fears for the future understand what lies behind their complaining and aik ood to pre vent you from being clumsy when you try to give them message of hope in lump cleawr thu butcher was rather sur prised when slim young woman enter ed tlie shop and stated for tweutyiivv pounds of beef all the same he cut on the joint and put it on the scales will you talw it with you or shall tend it to your home he asked oh slie murmured blushing pretti ly dont want to buy it you se uis doctor said liud lost twentyrive pounds and wanted to see wliat it looked like in lump tlie wormy tliat infest children from their birth are of two kinds thoto tliat ibid lodgement hi tile stomach und those tliat are found hi uie bitentines the latter are uie most destructive us they cling to uie wails of uie intestines and if not interfered with work havoc there millers worm powdcn dislodge both kinds and while expeuing them from th system serve to repair uie doniaga ibey have caused ivniiki ktalm creates and preserves lovely and jouthful complexions tones and stimulates the skin fragrant as llouer cool ni morning dew swiftly absorbed by the humes making the skin uonderfully soft textured unrivalled as an aid to feminine ulrguncv delightful to use imparts additional charm to the daintiest of women persian halm is the one toilet requisite for the exacting uomaii peer it ji as beuu tiller ieetime culture kmstxibalion tlio dlstribuuon of cultures for uie inoculation of legume seed to canadian farmers by uio dlvisloii of bacteriology maintained for educational and experi mental purpocs tho object is to en courage uio more widespread practice of sv4l inoculation and to accumulate data on uie prucucal results of seed treat ment under held conditions by means of rcportu salt in by farmers using cul tures uie division lias been accumulat ing informauon on uio practical benefits accruing from inoculation in uio opinion of umj formers uiemsclves out of uie reports received 1b per cent indicated benefit due to inoculation 81 per cent wlicn crops were grown for uie first time in large proportion of cases where no benefit was noted the treated and untreated crops grew equally well indicating not fullurc of uie culture but rauicr uiat uie soil was already tup piled with uie proper strain or bacteria felefiehlrig lts yam tuid cloth one of tlie many problems uiat liave been confronting producer of homespuns in uie province of quebec kt uiat of bleaching the hax yarn and cloth from 4u natural greyish brown color to white so tliat the bleached cloth could be uted for the many purtioseo required uie home it was neoesiry to evolve some simple pracucal yet economical mcuiod of bleaching after considerable amount of research work by uie dlvklon of economic fibre production satisfac tory procedure has been developed unit can be used effectively with little dan cer and at small cost in any homo up to the present ume uicre has been considerable demand for the formula used and all reports received on the worlc done have been favorable ukcokd gold production gold production from canadian mines in october established new high manuily record wlui total output or 301713 ounces compared with 2803g2 ounces in september und 205700 ounces in october year ago canadas total gold producuon during the flnt ten montlis or 1035 amounted to 2670084 ouncwi an increas of per cent over the corresponding period of 1034 tlie average price gold on tho new york market in canadian funds hi october was 35 40 per ounce at which price the canadian output during tho monui was worui 10707750 during septem ber gold averaged 35 20 per ounce and the ohnndian output was valued at 801171 arrow bus schedule leave westbound 945 1145 except saturday z15 31s saturday only 515 715 1115 105 satordaya sundays and holiday leave eastbound 700 tu daily except sunday 310 lz4i 4j in 645 90 ka r1nekakiks ttannkd to aix points in canada united states mexico consult local agent wiles eestauhant central ontario bob lines toronto chronicles of gingerfarrti written specially fee aeton fee rreaa owendoune clahkk wt pahersonro specialist in eye ortnoptle tzealnustn 18 wyndham st next tn ouexwi phone aio coallly accuracy merry christmas iernrarti and vicinity gardiner lewcdery xvli kepalrbif acton new years eve frolic ryan am guelph peatoiunq herbie jloyale and his orchestra novelties hoist horns kallooki4 etc dancinp 10 till admittsiori 75c and 100 444444444444i touiust tbafv1c continues ilasavy ixcitkakfd consumrion cannkd haumon in scotland tl tlie cunsumptlon of canned iulmon li on thtlncreiselnscotlundwmi keen coiuivtltlon or the marktt betueen ulberla japan alaska und canada can adas share estimated at about one fou rh according to tho indus trlul de partment of tho canadian national ilulluuy the market ls confined al most entirely to red salmon including canadian sockye and the most popular container uie luuf pound riat tin askc siotmoi dud cuii you trll me wluw thd pyrrlieca are how sliould know ask your knuuker idied bceit llouae cleaning tourlit traffic to canada during oc tober registered an increase of 137029 compared with the correi ponding month ol last year vlsltorn admitted during october numbered 11b2c43 of whom 1125288 camo by highway and ferry 51851 enme by truln and 5504 came by boat tour is to canada in octobir 1034 numbered 1045615 during the ixvenmonth period april to october inclusive tourists vlltlng canada numbered 000820 compared with 10303110 in the corf pan ding period or 1034 gain of 1240010 jwr sons cheerio hphe sincere feeling or good cheer and health and happiness and all tho pleasant associations with christmas is our wish to ovoryonoof you merry christmas rachlin acton ontattlo an avtveil chillstmas stoky 1ar the children now settle younlvta comfortably children and be very quiet und you khali hear an ufter chriatmuu story about hun la claus por tlie last 1w weeks every htuc boy and girl has been thinking and talking and perhaps oven dreaming about uiclr dear old friend santa clan and of cours you all know cxacuy wliat you wanted for chrlitmas and what you hoped lie would bring you and so of course you all tried tovcr so hard to be very very good because it was getting so near chrlrtmas but how many of you uilnk about santa cuius aptell christmas ah now that is quite surprise question lfnt lt7 perhaps some of you think because santa claus only comes once year you need xinly think about him at christ mus umc tliat is great mis take listen to me minute and will tell you something that is very impor tant or weeks and weeks before christmas iialila cluus and his helpers hav been very basy sorung out toys pretty uilngfl tliat children like to wear skates and sklls and oh just everything you can think of bildea that santa is very busy going over uio reports uiat his helpers bring lu about all the little girls and boyti telling him wliether uiey have been good and wheuicr uiey have worked hard at school or wheuicr uicy liad been nauehty and cranky perhaps not want ing to go to bed at night or rxrliups eqtmtoblmgtgtui ters or ui little boys and girls next door and not wanting to eliare their toys you soe santa has to look over all ststfttciewetcicieic our seasons greetings you and to yours in our community may this indeed be christmas of hearty kj cheer may the holidays hring you grcut happiness and the future years even more elliott bros mill street acton ont success npo you aicl to your family and to everyone of us in acton and district we wish merry christmasand suc ccst through the yeai to come we arc grateful for the patronage of town and country for the pat year and wish you all success in return hintons 5c to store these reports hit helpers bring in before lie knows whcuier jimmy or joan de serve uio splendid uiings he has waiting for them in his toy shop and no wlui ull uils work by the umc chrktmos is over santa la very very tired indeed and when he gtts liome from his last trip lu rolls himself up in reindeer robe and has long long sleep but before he goes to sleep lie calls in his afterchristmas helpers and he hands each of uiem list wlut uio names of all the little people lie luu been to visit and he rjijs to them now my good helpers am exceedingly tired my shoulders ache uirough carrying bag on my back for so long have fill ed hundreds and hundreds of stockings and left parcels on so many trees but oh wont thosp children be pleased wlicn they wake upon cli71tilntfljrniornjiigan3 find what old santa has left for uieml and dear old santa tired us he ls just chuckles to himself as he uilnks of all uio little boys and girls who have been made happy uirough his great love and kindness but now he said to his helpers my aork done for little while but there still work for you to do as jou know my greatest joy ki making little children happy but want to be quite sure uiat they in turn are trying to make people happy too because no one ls too small to do that also uant to know if uiey are being very careful wlui the things brought them putting uielr toys away after they have unbilled playihg wlui them being careful not to break them or to tear their nice books mast of all uant to know if uicy are playing liupplly wlui each oilier or if uicy scrap or fight ix joan wanui to play wlui jimmys train for lluje while or jimmy wants to build with joans blocks dont want eluier of uiemtasay no uieyrc mine you shant liave them want my girls and boys to sliare the toys uiat bring them and most of all if every one of these children hears of little girl or boy whose name was not on my list want lie or uhc to give them some of their own toys and try and make uiem happy until such time as can look after liernmyse good will toward all js on that first christ mas when the three wise men fore gifts so on this christmas 1935 do we give in the spirit of rejoicing to you and yours wc wish merry merry christmas good health and happiness frlwrihi general insurance acton ontario lvtol it uppr what did uie doctor say alioit your heavy breathing lower oh lie said hed put ltp to that imwrssiiilt how you doing not so good its hard to moke both ends meet what you doing cutting cord twood ubttiut nix youif mun youtf liuly wliat do you usually ucl for umichlitif yuuiuf mni like ilia tuiaie llew dime hicluf attractive daiicuitf teacher oluf kiiy tiajstallu we wish to ontend out most sincere good wishes to our fellow townsmen and to any strungers that may lie within our gates at christ mas time edwards mill street acton and now said santa claus to his helpers us he snuggled down little fururer into hfc reindeer robe go you out into uie world go you cost and acxt north and south go you into every home and when you come back tell me what each child li doing with uio prttents gave him and ulwuirr he or ihe li good boy or girl and doing what mother und dad tell him while you urc uuuy shall rest und then when you get back 11 go over your reports and uv uill start working again for next chrlitmas oh dear oh dear im so tired but very happy yauned potir old santa the ikar lltue children he mur mured slrejilly hope hoik but uie afturcurlstmas heliers nevr heard just what santa hoped becaiua the poor old fellow had fallen fast lujeep and so lib helinrn tiptoed uuuy out into tin uorjd to start their work jus or santa claus hud blddeu tlam and because know santas helpers are wu tchlng you all uu time um tlllng you tlils just to remind you so jou wont forget to be jutit the kind of boy und girl santa claliii loves to visit ut chrlsunus time ikrrrji ijribtutas at this season of the year we pause to thank our patrons for their assistance in the pursuit of our successful business and to wish them all merry christmas pallant clothing and footwear mux street acton ont the seasons this uanct said tiie dowugvf us she watched uie crowd busily uiijoybig theuiselves lu my young days lutking hi ones ulioes waj bign of thnldity but now it merely ocw dance gratings yje take this opportunity to wish our mimy pulrons and friends very merry christmas norton motors acton ontario

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