vrrifafrtidfi mlgui two the acton free press towpfy illwticmhbt myt ulur artnn jflrer irtth mmum kwt tluruir oiuj subscription rates yr dcj ualud stmt uilfaul sui col jc botb old camckliatioksw 6o ttt ot ub ht 5r fall rit bl irt5 wm ub rill uwr cnpilea will ke eried mn tmmled pd yet uu ton are mclaed mom souw ba by reuued utter my order of cheque advertising rates ltd notices wc per 1u first inmertlmm fr lime for tub lubeeqaeat uswtjoa suidev tec 1w for each lnrtlo if in buek uo tio 5c we ddltuoel notices qualify attraction such eoocrti eatertsinsaeats church ocicty or orkanustioa ntectina etc imc pr line mini mam chr sjc resorts of ncetlns keld udly urtd free in uemorissa notices 50c sod 10c yt 11 to poems birth mrri sod death utlces re ssssll kdvrtisenents ic per word minimum charge 35c cak boosed ascj slso loc extrs whe ppllcstloo sre bddrsed to this ofici dpuy advarfuteff rstes rf according ko spsce cootrseted for alaougb every precaution will be taken to wou irror the free press accept sdvcrtlatntf in its column do the under landing thst it will not be liable for any error la any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of sucb sdvcrtl semen is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press buitneai omce duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon sad to bat case ii any error so noted is not corrected by the free prcu its liability shall not esceed sucb proportion of the entire cost of sucb advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement arlof plix telephones editorial and 13 residence happy new year to all as the old year closes and new year dawns we would indeed be remiss if we did not pause for moment and express our appreciation of so many things during the past twelvemonths that friends have done to assist in keeping your home town paper abreast of the times and in position to render the service it should to enumerate them would be im possible and so we make our thanks include all newycrtidwrfs7lnbcicdt03rr twctwtmottthsult of opportunity for all of us may the same spirit of progress and unity of purpose be the guiding prin ciple and may the years which will be ushered in to morrow bring to you one and all full measure of health peace happiness and prosperity happy new year jo all in explanation when our readers are perusing these columns the editor will have commenced period of treatment that will confine him to the house for three weeks with probability oha few weeks after of only partial attendance at the office wo state this fact merely in explanation we dont want flowers just yet and tho trouble is with the stomach so were not thfowinghintsforthirrgstortit wchopeo on from home in sort of way but it may not bo up to the usual standard and we ask your forbearance and assistance the staffat the office will do their very best and it is quite probable better without our direct supervision and perhaps some of the omis sions of usual things will be seen as an improvement however the present procedure seems necessnry at this time and well do our best under the circum atattecs mn irefcytnrrir5s1stutlc that is carrying the extra load and may have diffi culty at times in working shorthanded past due legislation at the last bessioriup the 1935 county council two very commcndible resolutions emanating froi elgin county council were endorsed by hnlton county council the one regarding the opposition to the tax collected by the performing nights society we have commented upon before the other resolu tion urges that the highway traffic act be amended to provide that all persons owning vehicles would be required to obtuin an insurance policy ngainst public liability and property damage before they could operate thevehicle to every responsible motorist thiwilappcai touoftenawortrvutmuclmruis obtained by person with no financial responsibility and perhaps not too much regard for the rights of others if he does not actually kill an individual there is little or no punishment provided for him he may wreck good machine or send it occupants to the hospital for weeks und yet there is no chance of recovering any of the damages from him an automobile is capable of doing lot of damage in very short period used wrongly it cuii creut lot ot damage and cause lot of suffering the careful motorist should be protected to some extent from the irresponsible driver the legislation urged by the county council is long past rue in the interests of all brighter outlook in reviowing tho year just closing it would appear that general improvement could be noted true it may be in some instances difficult of discernment but if isgencrally admitted thatthtjitrendhaaall been upward business reports all carry this general note of improvement and the statement that 1935 has been tho biggest improvement in the past five years the new year is therefore faced with more optimism than for tho last few continuance of business expansion will no doubt be shown to those who have confidence und are ready to make use of the opportunities no doubt the new year will give the biggest returns elections which have been jnaybe toogeneralarcscttlcd oranotherpcriodand business can proceed with some definite understand ing of general policy it would appear that the next few years would have more rosy outlook and with the chorus wc join in hoping such is tho case ontario business in its current business review the bank of mon treal has the following to say regarding business in ontario wholesale trado has been stimulated by the approach of tho christmas season with volume well ahead of last year collections are fuir to good retail sales have been affected by mild weather and winter merchandise is not yet moving in satisfactory volume christmas shopping has been retarded by unseasonable weather but retailers now report broadening demand and expect that the volume will exceed last years automobile plants are gradually increasing production after hesitation following an nouncement of the suggested new duties reduc tions in the price of most cars have been announced steel mills are operating at higher levels hosiery and knitting mills continue ful employed while some textile and woollen mils are experiencing seasonal slowing down tanneries are steadily em ployed boot artdshoe factories are well occupied furniture factories seasonally less active and manufacturers in the lowerpriced field feel that the suggested tariff change will adversely affect the in dustry flour millers are operating normally on domestic business but export trade is still below normal canadas national game hockey canadas chief contribution to the world of sport is taking hold in sporting cirlces of coun tries all around the glojic in former years hockey was confined to areas where jack frost was depended upon to provide ice but with the advance made in refrigeration engineering in recent years hockey is rapidly extending its boundaries irrespective of climate it is already well established in england mrdrrnnheomimmrtirttlainrear appear ance in china and japan plans are now under way to build an artificial ice rink in johannesburg south africn in connection with the emprc exhibition to be held in that city from september 15th i93q to january 15th 1937 while the rink is only planned for the duration of the exhibition hockey enthusiasts arc considering taking it over and organizing teams from among the fairly large canadian colony around johannesburg while canadian players compose large part of tljc rosters of teams in england and europe the distance between canada and south africa makes the migration of players practical im possibility hockey is played in all of canada and in the past decade or so has become very popular in the united spates spectators as well as players thrill to this speediest of games which attracts immense crowds to witness both professional and amateur contests and through the medium of radio playby play descriptions of the principal matches are carried into millions of home during the hockey season editorial notes and may 1936 be brighter happier and be fulfilment of your fondest hopes havent henrd so much talk lately from the prophets who promised mild open winter and even the hockey cans have got away to good start and the first coupleof games of the schedules over before the new year the wardenship contest will soon he to the fore and reeve john irving of milton is mentioned as very likely choice for the lionor he would mafte worthy warden the new trade treaties are ready to become opera tive at the first of the year it would appear that the consumer would benefit and after all jf the con nefits the re ct nisu su bene tici altqilll this part of tin fitii pities was missing last week perhaps readers enjoyed the omishion as well as we did its the first time in many years in fact we cant recall previous omission of the editorial columns weekly newspaper circles lost an outstanding editor in the passing of james ross of the winches ter press fearless in his expressions and always ready to uhftiupiou the right his is pen that worked for good the winchester press without his edi torial writings will have vacancy the sunday school lesson fo kunda1v jaljuauvwl mot3ieiv3 song ooldcn text my mju doth magnify liu lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in ood my saviour lulco 46 47 lcfiaon toxt luko 4j68 exposition itui mlraclo of uio incarnation juat what waa tho manner of tho union botyvcen the dlvlno and tho human in tho person of otn lord will forever hw beyond our comprehension llut ood la not llmlteti not lmpruoned by what wo call natural law for 1la own purpose llo can and docs work in wuya which bocalaio they aro beyond super our undcrstahdinf wo call bupornatural tho incarnation bra fact in human his tory tim 16 through it as in no othur event in the history of the universe in shown tho creative power of ood according to jlltf divine nature christ was the eternal and only begot ten hon of ood begotten from tho cs jienco of iiu father eternal uhd perfect without father and mother cf jolm jolm hub 307 x3 11 hut of his human nature mary of nazareth watt the real human mother tho time has come wlm ood in fuinl ment of 3ttit promises lfl to move forward into new pliaso of ills redeeming ac tivity in human lfc oen 15 isa 14 how wonderful und mnrvelloibi thing it hi that motherhood should have been called into cooperation with ood in the accomplishment of his pur poieal tho mcsmuh li to come bom of woman this fact has thrown glory and llglit on motherhood forover xl thoiholysplrlt spirit ofsong and irtiuc not until artcr pentecost did mary understand um full import or the nn rvllc message luke 253b stupen dous spiritual truth ia rarely compre hended all at once jesus was to re ceive kingdom and be exalted until he uliuu put down all enemies and all principalities in heaven and earth in obedience to him cor 15 2428 but mary doubtless interpreted the words in accordance with the national expec tation of temporal mcsslah and icing her heart nlled with the holy spirit uhlch li preparing her body to bo tha temple of the godman overflows in the triumphant rong of praises called the mairnincat from ibi first word in the old latin version which is our scrlfiturx lesson for today my soul doth mag nify my iipirit hath rojoiced vs 40 47 that is the starting point or nil holy soul adoration of god true uorshlp is never if conscious because self is lost in the vision of god wo need to bring into our worship of god and especially our prnyers more of life spirit of praise and thanksgiving sam 12 phil eph 1g20 gra titude has always been the mark of noble mind in all ages and we have more mercies thnn wc deserve one which takes precedence or all thanks be to god for his unspeakable girt cor 15 iii the thome of the song the general theme of the magnificat is the fnlthfulncsn of god which li indeed tlie foundation of the whola mes sianic hope beginning on note of personal praise for ills grace to herself 4q it toucliwi on ooda mercy and omnipotence vs 4d51 celebrates his juiillce vs 52 53 and closea with thanksgiving for ills faithfulness to the promises made to israel cf mlcali 20 the greek word translated holp en means to taka prostrate man by the hand nnd lift him up this god had6ftrtdohetauiejewliihnttuom all along for ages he had shown them ills mercy forgiving their bnckslldlngs and saving them from the consequences of heir sins great and precious promises had been made to israel especially to abraham who was an cxampio of faith ful obedience these promise fore ijiadowlng christ were so worded as to pass ovvr to all believers narrowed to no people or age they reach down to uic end of time and pass beyond it to eter nlty it li of the deepest importance to lay hold of bible promises we walk by fnlth cor und faith leans on promlies hut on these promise we miy rest securely they will bear all the weight that can be put on them god faithful the birth of his son our lord jesus christ was the culmina tion and fulfilment of his promkes the fulth and hope of all humanity the desire of nations met in illm iv mary the mother of jesus the oorpili tell us little of the mother nf our lord but three characterlitlc are strikingly obvious from lukes atory iikr consuciiation to ood3 will there was little in her outward clrcum stanrih to have drawn the uci or the worl thmnth of the royal line of dm id her family was poor nnd obscure hut god uses maif or woman in pro portion to thlr consecration li sum lti 7bl the liu of mf there ls lu us the more loom uwiv is for god muryvas utterly yielded luke 30 so god could iiu lier liiitrument in the unfoldimnt of hli dlvliu purpose otherwise this urace would have passed over to another iiul familiar ity with tiik scniptuniss marys of praise finds spontaneous expres sion in words already consecrated by the holy spirit cf pausou from us 31 112 136 und especially sam 110 such knowledge of the ulbla is never gained auve by dally regular study we should btudy gods word dig into it mrdltute on it till it dwelb lu us richly time thus biint will bcr fruit ufur timkiy day hack of ovcry great spiritual leader qod fear big too late plrst little ijoy forgot to sale to my picnic party tomorrow second llttlo boy too into now have prayed lor blizzard somj shtfnk borer win draw or lose got ono thousand pounds aoporter bco every clout has ullver lining ionian balm the creator and preserver of beautiful complexions tonic hi effect and wonderfully stimulating safeguards und beautifies the most delicatelytextur ed skius cools and relieve all skins flushed or irritated by weather condi tions maulcav hi rcfiultu utue gentle rubbing and youthful freshness and daintiness in instantly created invalu able for softening the hands and making them flawlessly white truly tlio perfect toilet rtyjubduj for the woman who cares consecrated mother such mother be comes great clutfihcl for ood gtacc it ls in the impressionable years of child hood when mothers influence is para mount that tho foundations of thor ough knowledge of oodfc word are mont securely laid cf tim 15 no pruycrs touch us so tenderly or remain uith us faithfully as thow learned at tho mothers knee hkft humil ity there li no selfglorification be cause she has been chosen to bear tho longedfor redeemer of lirael only in finite wonder and gratitude for godi condescension to her low estate marys own wordi 4g 4fl utterly repudiate the false doctrines regarding her held by the corrupt and idolatrous church of homo which exalts her worship even above that of her son especially ths doctrlno of lur siiuesshcui far from being able to save others she acknowl edges her need of saviour for her soul true humility is the highest grace that can be clothed with humility god often chooses the lowliest to usher in the greatest cvcnui the lowliness of mary became the ladder by which god de scended upon earth gave life to mortals set free the souls of men and opened the door or everlasting life to all cbeste1 ottass seed nkkds ca1ujtjl handling crested wheat grass beed requires cleaning before it la marketed because as it ls received from tho threshing machine it keneraliycanialns from to 45 per cent or more by weight or light iectf clialt and short pieces of straw as weu as die seeds of any weeds which may iiuvu been prevalent in tho standing crop it la not possible to remove all of certain weed seeds sucb as stlnkwccd mall seeds of wild mustard and blue blurr from crested wheat grass seeds with tho ordinary fanning mill the indent dloc typo of machine will remove material which is considerably shorter than tlio grass reed and it will also re move material such as bita of straw which are considerably longer than the seed combination of lho fanning mill ulid the indent type of machine makes very satisfactory arrangement for clean ing crested wheat grass seed in setting up the indent jllsc uio common wheat and barley disc should occupy tho central section of tlio rotor with the smaller dkc tit uio front tnd to remove the ilmrt weed uetk wire screens are not recommended for ibo hi cleaning crested wheat grufis seed but arc us ted in the booklet on grow ing crested wheat grass for seed pro duction by stevenson and white of tlie dominion forage cropc laboratory ut fcjuskutoou issued by the publicity and fexteiulon liranch do minion department of agriculture ot tawa the riason for naming wire screens it in case the proper sizes in vine sieves are not available to the farmer the vilrcslcve blockit up readily with refuse and seed and requires great deal of time and labor to keep it clean range lnyihtes of sieves and screem is also lbtted tills is neces sary becaus the seed varies in nif from hwn4ttnaikji to use different tilevcii for removing dif ferent materials all the latest infor mation on the seeding care and cultiva tion of the crop harvesting curing threshing and cleaning of the tjeed is contained in the booklet strongest glue made from fish tlie most important thing in life is work king carol liquid fish glue ls claimed to be th strongest in tlio world and stronger than tho strongest wbod in wmo ex periment ea te on in this connection states the industrial department of the canadian national itallwayu maple blocks were joined with glue mado from tlio skins of codfish put in clamps for 48 hours and then put in an hydraulic press which applied shearing force so that the glue would glvo way before the wood if tlie latter were stronger in the tests it was never possible to deter mine the exact strength of the glue be ciiiiur the maple blocks always fractured leaving the glued joint intact although full glue has been known for 150 yemw or more it lias not come into much favor but recent research show that when properly prrparcd it has little or no odor and great strength the advancement of this industry is of great value to canada particularly tlio maritime itovinoea with their great wealth of deep sea fisheries like gentleman wheres old illll been lately liavo not seen him for months what havent you eard7 hes got three years for stealing car what did ho wont to steal car forf why didnt he buy one an not pay for it uke gcntlemanl thoughts foe the new veaft think that all of us each day should do the things tliat come our way tiie beat we can think that we should merciful und kindly be should wear with very gentle grace humility in every place accept the privilege to bless our fellow men with klndunei and not let pass one chamco to give bit of pleasure we live ptinglebarteer cheapct of au ous considering the qualities of dr thomas eclcctrlc oil it the cheapest of all preparations offer ed to tlie public it is to be found in tvery drug store hi canada from coast to coast and all country merchant keep it for sale so being easily procurable and extremely moderate in price no ono should be without bottle of it libbvs pork and beans no tin ioe campbells tomato soup tin 25c tea eagle blueberries no stin f9 aylmer pie cherries l2o tini 23c sauer kraut tomatoes jacnnaru choice no 2v tih n08v2 tins 19c kippered herring isex tin corned btt 19ox tin oc rolled 0a 19r1 cream of wheat 98ox ffcfl 22e australian peaches 16ox tins 27c matches 20 gold soap 11 carrolls limited oranges navel medium siie doz iceberg head lettuce ror 15c ekesh juicy lemons ekee delivery 1hone 158 cooking onions mill street phone 158 acton ontario ijj lilijjwtw