thobbday jahoabt 18m the acton free press fact amor in every patch of unjfcer you will always find tree or two hut would turn fallen lone ago borne down lay wind or snow had not another neighbor tree eteld oatlu arm in sympathy nmhtf th atmn had burled to arth 80 brqtheja la the world in every patch of umber stand gamarhani of forest land the birch the maple oak and pine the fir cedar all the line in every wood unseen unknown they bear their burdens of thetr own and bear as well another form some brother stricken by the storm shall trees be nobler to their kind than men who boast the nobis mind shall there exist wluiln the wood this great eternal brotherhood of oak and pine of hul and fen and not within the hearts of men god grant that men arc like to these and brothers brotherly as trees carl hint twenty yeabs ago frmn the issue of the fre press of tbuntlay jjnuaiy 15 th 1115 january thaws re comlrr frequently this year with many other municipalities actons surplus in the operation of the hydro system lias resulted in reduc tion of rates of from fifteen to twenty per cent letters received by hcuva ilyncls niv particulars of the harrow escape of bandsman hyntfci while acting stretcher bearer in belgium on deccrmair 24th to men uero severely wound ed that they died at his side fortyurn ladies assembled 111 th council chamber on friday to make quilts for the belgians the series of union serviced last wcec in the various churches wcro well at tended and very mtcrcstlnif tiddrcsscs were given by the ministers messrs george and victor campbell or daylandfi alberta have been visiting friends in acton and vicinity they left 37 years ago with their parents first settling in north dakota but finally settling in alberta john gordon son of the late john gordon of gordon hull passed away in edmonton on sunday december 2gth mr gordon lived on the homestead until about sixteen years ago when iw re moved to ilalny luver later taking up farming at maidstone sak mr husscll grocer has pur chased the busbies and good will of the statham liakcry this successful busi ness was commenced liere thirty yearn ago by mr thomus stathom it hit dono large business and curved cus tomers over uide tea all tlicc years greenock literary society met for re organisation on thursday mr west presided the fallowing olflccrs were elected president mr alex thompson ut vicu president mr feareii and vict president mr charles allan secretary miss mcdonald as sistant secretary mr lome mc arthur treasurer mr thompson organist mufi tena thompson hearty vote of thanks was tendered the retlrfnc pre sident my west had ftuett friend bt one who brines out the best hi you comforts you in time of grief encourages in defeat rejoices in victory perhaps the truest example of real friendship was that between david and jonathan perfect trust no lfueok big no jealousy no putting oneself above the other jonatlmn knew that david was rival for his throne but jonathans friendship never wavered lie wa4 big tenough to see that david was tven bigger tmm he therefore he took lower place and let the better man rule ti takes big person to be truo friend can you really rejoice when you aee an tumor come to your friend can you truly acknowledge that in some par ticulate your friend is your superior are you willing to takw advice from your friend even to take lesser mat than the throne if your friend is better fitted to occupy the throne or when tha friend announces that lie lias been honored do you at once in tc am elo you and tell it wlien there choice of place do you stand back to allow your friend first ctuucvt or do you frantically hasten forward to get the chief place there is test for choosing frlendd it is well to know it if person does not help us to be braver cleaner to have ruorw confidence hi ourselves to dare more to do better dieds to think success thoughts he is not the best friend for us hud friend can those uho know you intimately say that of you georgia moore lllfcr ling chronicles of ginger farm wrttiaa bpeamtr aetaa fw rreea qwendouni cf enter the villain by chet grant well this has certainly been one grand holluay fbr the children nearly every day they have been out with friends skating or tobogganing there have of course been minor accidents such as wet clothes caused by the spray from the toboggan or an occasional wet foot or feet from being too venturesome on the creek but the chlldrvn arc aid enough now to take care of themselves or they should be and never think damp clothes harm anyonv provldng they keep on the move fbr instance never like the children got wet going to school because that means sitting in damp clothes but they vt coming home never uorry bccauie they can change their clothes right down to the akin if necessary dont think they have over caught cold yet through jetting wet ul hough they have both exixrtmrntrd by fulling hi the creek bothy winter and umtmcrl one duy when they went jesting patch our little terrier followed them lor about un hour he was quite happy then ik got cold and mtt on u10 ice and hlvcred daughter hud to pick him up ami ukute with him hi lier arms and patch was quite liappy partner outdoor uctlvltles have not lten quite to eiioyable ms job has been tc draw uufcr from the creek for the cuttle and as ixe him go by with the barrels on sleigh it looks like mighty cold proposition as for me my outdoor exercise fcs practically nil only wlicn necessity demands it do tuke my wulks or rldei abroad this rlrjumatlstii reminds mebfso many little devilsj ready and waiting to pounce on any vulnerable spot digging hi tlielr clawij and cllnglnif closer tlian brother the family have many lough at my est petise yesterday couldnt lift uie tea pot to pour tea but rather tlum pass on thin oltice to anyone vise put the cup under tluwspout and tipped tlie teapot not exactly etiquette perhaps but it did the trick and that was the main thing often purtner gets worried and think ihould be lot better than am but jill him wo should liejolly tluinkful tlmt my condition is aa rood as it is sometimes have to have day or two lr bed but gucs must be like rubber ball becau aluays bounce up again anyway winter mutt need be trying tlnvj for iemjflt people but there li always sprbig to look forward tn and nfter tlmt the lovely warm summer da jr one must be poor specimen or human ity if one cannot look hopefully towards the future and what docs everyone think of the optimistic trvnd of radio and press re ports thcie days apparently lialcyon days are in store for us perhaps they ore but yet would rather tactic reports uere little less colorful many people are very literal in their interpretation of prosperity promises and to be too optim istic is as certain to breed discontent as confirmed pessimism the economic situation cannot change in day or month or year for tliat matter there is still teadygrind ahead and we should be well content at present to know our poor old friend depression is gradually dyng natural deatlt uu uie word friend advisedly because he lias cer tainly taught us many lessons we might otherwise not liave learned which rt minds me of the fact tluit partner and oftcn look back ta the unuwhen we first started farming and partner will frequently say woll its dam ftood thing we did not have too much money to spare in our early days because in our inexperience we sliould certainly have spent lot of it foolishly and with that entirely agree and more on my own account than partner be cause where am impulsive partner is careful and deliberate and go between the two of us we manage to hit the happy medium it la said ittwn liraih arehe uertiunx two of kind smith do 011 know that my brother is to absent minded that one day think ing his bicycl via out lilt he went to get on but fell oil because it wasnt thuiu joiui that nothing why my cousin oiip night in bed actually htruck mutch to ui if he had bloun the candle out neglected may lead to wrlniy rondltloru dr thomas kclrctrlc ouvotl reheve the it will klruvve fold colds arv the cammontt ullmenu of mankhul and if uriniy mrwrtti bronchial iiasxugs of inflammation speedily and thoroughly und will stringth eii thetn ugalnst sulvujiunt attack and us it eturi thti ipdumuiutlon it will usuully htop the cough because it allays the irritation in thr throat try it and prove it one and that is why people get married that may be true but dont think two heads that think alike maku for marital happlnefi and if it were sa wliat lame affair life would be think friendly tllf now and again keeps liome life from becoming monotonous not quarrelling you understand dont ad vocate quarrelling far from it home uhcre parents are continually at outs makcti an unsatisfactory and unhappy environment in which to raise family but good natured difference of opinion that is iv different matter it addi spire to jlfi und stimulates interest in great variety of subjects umong all mem bers of the family uy the uay has view uortl been uldcd to our anglo american canadian lunguige jil recently ue huvj hrurd radio reporters saj we quote and thfii at the end of their new item they si unquote we ai of courm quite fumlllar vi 1th the word quote but unquote ls something quite uuu to lis and ue until ry much like know he her it ls due to our lgnorunce or hut her it ii brand word added ta tin alwivr language our oxford dlctlomiry fatloto enlighten gmulli itlakl whh mhing malml porter hoimt from young ieoploh dramatic club rvhennuil of tin old uvti mill iiih wrick of car the intn honii aliuddcrtd uh 1u rarlnj motor pllt the pilit winter nlnj with uiiguluhcd rtmrn thy were parked imfor muimim hoiiw well ihtkonally jerglo wuk any lng cant wee tbln mirtluur iiiiuh wllh leleseoim vou einblnt afnlhl niinwered with tlnc of bcurus mortimer 1h on luheil iietor klnlhhed in rljthl iliitul growled terrible the iron llnrw roureil ut the night un jrile mirswl tli throttle wlktw he id like to know to get the imsi part in the whole hihiwt mortimer trne tlirpliin mu bcl relorced witli dignity llen 11 born jictor und he ntteiut un exrtu hive prejk neluml tu oii should kick jou ille otu of the het jilirtm sure couie rrle rynlcally nhoirhl kick li et 11 ehnnce to muke love to you only twlie und get shipped holh timeti and thti way when nu itart shipping go euwy and remeinlwr ibiti play und dont ufce tlinm loe meiiih wllh thlu morti mer cerium light jiwiired in nn upper window of mabel house hjiul1 which uha qnlekly ohtered well yond night oorgle ln fmlil with kvvwt womanly patience you mustnt jii nit nil thlu silly fhmrilt elpid and you mlikln love with big hnhv uh if mnhel tamped her font tleorgln ninte he khonted im make lova when und whire und ith whom llucrjl heavy numrullne voice rlenvtvl th hlght ii iv the iuliliih uleiinusl oh mr iorters huhl ileid in uie upper wliidou xjnhet bend that idiot homo and come in the ihmim it after ono nclaru yen put or mihel rnlhd tlipro was 11 hiinrt mil the ulndow hhimmod puter cenrgie emued dehh penh mortimer timikh iic mabel are ou cru well at least hes retlned mnbol ncneelied jilo4 the dill sure he iv oorgie rejoined nnd yhon hum him lumi he granuljited ejila mabel venrned drawing her overcoat nhout her in hiieh 11 mnnnor that iuld he nntinng but nn ernilno wmp the iron ilnre nuired awuy ilown the ktrist lapdng its fondorh the nelirlihnrm turned thiiulrftilly in their beds und went to neep the iiiht week of rehearsals fieorglo hollrml in oil it wan apparent to him that mabel wiih going far out of her way to make the old ked mill micpohk wan hard enough watching hla rirl or the girl he hoped wns hla making he with sis on 11 atago hilt when tdie let the hissy uee hor home savagely lenrgu planned revenge on the fateful nluht the town hull ninlltorliiin wan puded to the donr mnhel was lovely in new uwn nnd mortimer jenkw lioerecl about lier un til ceorgle red hair ntood on ond the performance went succchhfully toward alxxllng third act mabel and mortimer hilled and corns until ceor glo wna nwirly bereft of bin iunrfth under the laali of hla indignation he ma do his part 111 real the audience positively hated him and when morti mer made hlu dramatic entrunee to rcrcnc mabel from oeorglea clutchea there was about of acclaim silence settled on the hoimc tenao the audience wulted for the hero to bettle the villains hush hut although georgle cringed iwfore the triumphant and hundhome mortimer he wan grit tint to lilmself ill do it by hock ill do it mortlrarr klttued mabel and then ad vanced to georgc do you ndmlt de fatt he thunderel with dewrvlug in solence kvery head turned toward georgia it was his cua to mutter gurna nev slats diabt by oijveb wabbkn sunday the preecher at are chuxh prechcd aloruj sermon on care in driven fords and etc pa wanted to kondena it for the noosepaper by sajeh che precchftr acdlt lakes joqo uffhi nutfl tq jl9ll ft car to gather buj onley uht nut at thfrwhelc to tare it part but the edltur wodent let him its about what the preecher sed tho monday walkcn home from church with jane last cviilng got romanclc called her swt hrt hojo no my hrt is twt alio trcd alnt that dame dum tuesday ugo orubbs give his uttel nun bible goto for xmas dldcnt find out no sooner or wood or went over uialr sooner but dnt think like cotcscs knnyhow not this he sorta purki dlsnugrivablu cent wedneslay us kldse bus ot on uluuni ills purence tuk him down in olxey whalr it wai uarm for bantu cios lillteru seeif what lie thot was icrkci as crolled under tho tent their uvn that it was relldues revive thursday ln kli tilings only bawled up hiwhut ixm writes for the uoosepapur on wlloh he rites for of jauly he hajj rfltcn thut there was tine worm dinner und in nother ltum ted they was ntrlck ley frvuji algjt for oil at aiiteek store 1viday an 1l was rnhien this hi afternoon slim jeter jed to unkcl mtn that hli better was out in down town he wiui wurrhd never mind id my unkel shek lep into nloro ai slim jed that bi wot is wurryin nic saturday hud quurl with jane hhc cum over to arc houjoi and had uie raddlo raddlolnif jane rhnarkid txd she ijentehmm man that nhubt off tho rport brpdciut wlwii ladle cums 111 rrpllde is that oi as then sed ladle is dame it took yrs to lern to talk as never inrnr not talk mutch as then the artryment itartcd captta1 rdnismcknt capital punishment grim suhject indeed and many wonder if it is the proper way in which to deal with those who have killed fellow man there are many too who are convinced that if death is to be the lot of slayers tho execution should be by bomomoae otuer than hanging every time some poor creature ls to pay tho supremo penalty of crime there ls great surge of pity for tho con demned thai ls natural and it would be unfortunate if it were not so but bi that hour there is apt to be an utter nttenoo of all thought of the victim hi tin cemetery ft li terrible thing to be vxrculed for the condemned and ull the luocbited family but it ls ter arlble too ube nurdered and to leave loved oncf to mourn forever the tragic fate of out ciit off in tliu mluvt of his duys perliups without moments warn ing and often hi the most cruel manner all the pity should not be lavished upon th condimncd wimo bi due the victim 11u0 weekly news letter kfcltvicfc tlire are hi knowledge these tuo ex cellences first that it olferl to every man the most jlflsh and the mat ex tfttcd huixtcullarhiduccmcnt to kood it say it to the former serve miuiklrid and you jerve yolirtolf to the hitler in cbonunk your beat mmis to wcufo your own happiness you will have the sublime indueemviit of promoting the happlius1 of mankind the second celltnce of knowledge is that even tho selilsh man when lui hiu once beflun to love virtue from little motivts loses tho motive as he increases uie love and at hist wonihlp the deity wlitre before he only coveted the jold upon uie altar bulwer tho ielopmoit of pasture suins of one of the majon projects of the dlv knon of forage plants at ottawa ls the breeding of improved strains of timothy the main object in this work la the de velopment of leafy persistent pasture strains hecent cperijrnpntajiave shown that timothy ranks first in palafaujfllty among pasture gr oases and its nutritive valuvw inter hardiness and good seeding liablts amply justify an extension of its umi in pasture mixtures however the type of timothy grown in canada or im ported astemmy luiy type wliich tends to ued freely bift lucks tliw leaft nes and free ullerlng habit of growth which is typical of the bebt plan li for griiking tlie brtudlng stocks used in thlr project consist chlehy of natlw materhil collected from almost every county in ontario and quebec ulid from most of the otlnr province xlulits are itlecud oil uie basis of growth form thoui iming uad oj patliiu which con form to ideal type for pasture or for combination hay and pujture type another coiiildtrutlon in the breetlluif of timothy ln the development of rust btunt strulnj ivtnty jokctlailn of the hay tjpe have bteti boluted during the prugrej of thb study thci0 are almot completely rilt rt btunt at ottavu cold ut foultry coldi in poultry are very contagloai if it lr noticed that hen in the poultry house has duxharge from the eyes or nostrils and la choking ihe uiould bo removed once to prevent the spread or the trduble among the bird add om apoonful of potassium permanganate per or gollonr of drinking water time tables nad1an at aoton mmm dolly except sunday 7j06aum dally except sunday lftjotajm dally except sunday cuaa sunday only mtpaw the chicago flier that paaaea uuongfc here at 031 eastbound topa ai qeorgctown at 840 doing weat dally except sunday 8uajo dolly except sunday 2jts pjn dally except sunday 704 pxzm dally except sunday 12j21 sja sunday only 9j09 am sunday only lljspja btandarx ttme make an attempt to eacupe nnd be overpowered by mortimer inutfad bin voice unarled to the farthest aeat an line tluil wnwnt in tho simple and kuiv dr thomas kclec trlc oil so simple 4iv application uiut child can underbtantl thu lnitruitlons usid as liniment thv only direction li tu rub and ulun used as dreeing to apply the direction tire so plain and unnilstakable that they are reudlly un dtrstood by joiinu old acrlpt come and uet it lolly pop lie ahot utraight hard left to mor tlmerh nnue he rrowaed with hu right but in hly exrlteinciit and anx iety ho iiilftaed bj font there wau howl from the uudieiiee mortlinr jenla wiih everv where ut once jeor gle did hit heat hut he uiik 110 match for all the hutu he saw before him thousand utiirn rained aeroiet hla vihioh and the curtain rauie down to tliuiuter nlis applause jeorule ehiinge over qnlrulj and made an iinohtruiiive exit lie was lame and ore in il hundred pint ills jaw hurt like furv ceorule jim were gram tlie hhiun wn behind cloud and maln1 ml there loolilte alliio hlo sarah heruluirdt offering elfln lliiiiik firgle iiniiiitded through bluked lis toine on uiii ill tll imiue no ihanu nn mihel hpoue from he heilik of her dm tie mici imi mm timer weli me hmne in hlt trut ighl liit mm timer the cimcrn pre ihotd hovlnu hiiiuilil ml the pater wiimik to niel in hv uliat did son wir he asked irnnllv ntithliig 0orgle groamd my jaw era led it dvertised how many times you see those two words in the course of days shopping this article for sale as iuwertis ed and those two words are as welcome as they are familiar for they form bond of confidence between the merchant and yourself they are his guarantee to you of worth and value here is an article that has been des cribed in your newspaper its merits have been told possibly too its price you know exactly what you will get when yu buy it you know its quality its utility you know how it fits into your needs and when you buy it you know you are getting not some unproved sub stitute but tlie specified article as repre sented tt is easy to understand why that phrase as advertised creates afeeling of confidence you have learned to de pend upon consistently advertised pro ducts you know that the maker has con fidence in them else he would not spend moneycalling your attention to them day after day and month after month you know that llieyjiave been approved by the most critical of investigators the buying public and above all you know from experience that buying goods as advertised is the best investment you can make it pays to read the advertisements arrow jjus schedule leavk westbound tm5 in 1145 except saturday 215 315 saturday only 515 713 1115 105 to saturdays undaytf and holiday leave easts0und 700 hi dully except sunday 10 hi 12as in 430 ta g45 hi 000 in itinkuauitm klannkd to aka 4oints canada ukixtd states si mexico consult local afient wiles ftftaiirant stove fob every home hlectrlc cool and wood coal oil gasoline electric wot piatt and splendid rungo of cluarari uhid uil and icccondltlontkl stovca wo also furnish ilcpolm for all mulct of staves your old stove accented as part payment terms arrunaed wo can save yol money 1ioneeu equwmknt co establkhed 1023 19 woololeh kl cujpli on notice the aknuat meetrkg acton fall fair will bo held in the council chamber at acton on wednesday jan 15th 1036 at 300 s1ia1u business jlcccivlntf the annual report of tho auditors and secretary eke lion of officers and directors for 193d transact tlon of such other uuidncxa as may necessary 1l wright secrury acton december 30th 1035 new business krfiiurtotitfci yod lotto gei oaf trtectf 6d iwlutlntf the acton free press