vtamttk the acton free press thursday june 17u1 iw7 sljr artnn jfrp kesfi published eftty thursday acton ontario suestkirtion fcatesji untied slates jdc additional sutfle cop and new kddictttf should given adi requested jc bolb old hen cbstia canceuationswe find thai tsosi our soj lcrtbcra pteier tint to tta lhcisubscrttplioii interrupted tn case key all to remit lxlor expiration while ub tenp twins toil not carried in arrxs ove as xtasr44 per tod yrl unlr it uoutird tl lintel niumi the subscriber wishes tb service cod turned advertising uateioo nd svc tn various column headings although efcrr precaution ill ulco to avoid error the free iress accepts advertising tn lis columns on the understanding that til nut be liable lor error in any advertisement published hereunder unless prool such advertiscmrnt ia requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to tb fre irs business office duly signed by the advertiser hud vritb uch crraf or corrections plainly noted lit writing thereon and ia that rase tl any error hmed la nut corrected by ttw fr jresc its liability shall not exceed such proportion cost ol such sdvcftticmant kt the spsc occupied pied by rderror bears to the tfhole pace occopte nt aulof dills kdito tfcleihones elilorial and ucttdcncc ysmm jobti are open for two weeks the ontario government has becr tidvcrtising the fact that jobs are open for men on ontario farms it will be interesting to learn just how many applications are received for these jobs but the most encouraging part is the fact that there is the need for advertising for men to fill the posi tions for the past years such advertising has not been common and the usual thing has been that more men applied than there were jobs open now it appears that there is opportunities for all to work true many men may find it hard to adapt them selves to farm work conditions at first but willing ricss to learn any work is the prime factor and most anyone is glad to assist the man who exhibits the willingness to do his best after years of scarcity cf work jobs are now open those advertisements lire good news passing on that the ymca in acton is an institution the value to the community of which is acknowledged is shown by the substantial donation reported at the board meeting last week an actonian who prefers to remain anonymous has provided sufficient funds which allow with those given by three local womens organizations and another citizen the completion of the social room in connection with the building already plans have taken definite shape to have this room completed before the opening of the full season only the years of the future will ee the benefit materialize to the young folks of this community many of these will never be known investments hawbcen made in the young folk of today those of other years made investments and micrihcc to give us today some extri advantages and so the circle goes on and these young folk who secure present day advuntage must pass on to those who follow if this old world is to be improved indies all the women and girls in acton are certainly nor indies we make that statement with plenty of evidence to back it up the editor happens to be member of the building committee of the ymca and the public lavatories are part of this building maintained by the municipality of acton repairs and painting are done nt this time of your and last year the walls of these public conveniences were nicely painted the condition of the walls the filthy writing and general appearance of the room which bears sign on the outer door ladies certainly shows that ladies are not the ones who loiter here these walls are disgrace to the womanhood of this community and at the same time challenge to all institutions in the community for an improve ment in the thoughts and deportment of the youn folks of acton mothers of acton would do well to see this evidence as depicted in public place and make diligent inquiry of their children if they are guilty of any of the writing on these walls dont take our word for it the evidence is for all to read and it is certainly no credit to actbn girls for such evidence to be emblazoned to the world the sunday school lesson fob sunday junh jou josephs k1ndkj23s to his kindred golden text j3 vd kind ow to un othrr tcnderlwartcd forglvruf each oilier men un god also in christ for gave you kplicslarifl 32 ixson text genesis 46 17 28 30 so 24m ilmc 18271776 jl place kil routv for etfvjit and pharaohi court exposition ltrur1 gnt to f4iyit 17 hern ue hivc uio account of jacob uolntf doun into icaypt to enjoy tlu lwt pllallty of hbi loiuf kt win thbt was tretmiidous journey for un old man to undertake but once uln juoob received direct intimation uiat jehovah wan dir ecting hu mfttlm tuul jtliaplnt his des tiny tui it kcemed uood lu hbi iltjht jocphs father imd bretlmyi had tome l2rypt by immxaohs pcrortal lnvltu uoik ch 1g10 but in apju of this jomph rnlgbt havo bn lempud to luivo been uklmnui of hi father who wjj plain countryman and hu bruuirm wla were not un ultouelher reputabli croud in the mldit of oio bpleiiuvir of ptuiraohj court the urruuic of liu clutrtiittr carnal oat in unit he uus not it ull ilhuind of tht in but brought tlutn hot only to eypt but into the ery iirence of the kirur cf ch 31 joicph wiu not uihained of hi father und our jaerm not urhumed the oath enacted from them 33 testified to bla own unflterins flth in the protnlae of ood coffin in eerypt so ends oenela but note what comes next bixodub bolntf out in all uiclr later wndtlnes his ooflln went wltli them symbol of hope nlcdgo of gods faithfuhirss till finally it was carried over jordan into cnwa ex 13 10 josh 33 just as josephs body pointed israel uu way to better country tliat is on lii vcxily oo clirut having rtdnmed us from sin by his death and resurrec tion wltnrascs rvrr in our licoxts by ills liciitogc of tlu holy spirit ulr lufht und lininortuilty hi ttio world to conir edltoftlal notes saving minute the minneapolis polite so we are told by the winnipeg tribune wanted to know just how much time motorist could save by driving through the city regardless of traffic rules taking reckless chances they chose fivemile route through the city streets on the first run the car was driven through stop signs passed cars on the wrong side greatly exceeded the thirtymile speed limit and the driver comported himself like featherbrained idiot rushing to class reunion then the same driver went over the route second time he staved within the speed limit obeyed all traffic signals drove safely and sanely showed caution and cour tesy when the records were checked it was found that the difference in the time of the two runs wa five minutes in other words by driving like lunatic by disregarding the obligations of publc safety driver was able to save one minute per mile the inexpert driver would cause greater peril and trirliably bave even less time from the ottawa journal some of the 1937 motor license plates arc not holding their color the department will supply new ones for the faded plates home improvements are putting many back to work and restoring many properties where improve ments had been delayed as long as possible we overheard this remark on saturday afternoon at the park all the donkey baseball isnt played with real live donkeys apparently an unsatisfied customer bank debits to individual accounts at the clearing house centres of canada during april totalled 37g200510 compared with 2773752ho in april year ago canadas exports of meat during april were valued at 2825j compared wth slhj3215 in april 193f bacon and hams accounted for 2232 of the total the country weekly that weekly community newspapers throughout canada are performing an important function is so well known that it scarcely need be repeated here the best of these country weeklies are giving such fine service in local neus that tliey are being closely read by the pcopleof the communityand this is service that large metropolitan newspapers cannot possibly give in these localities this judgment is hacked by no less an authority than alfred sloan president of general motors corporation who re cently made the statement that the community week 3v was the most thoroughly read consumers newd raper in the united states one canadian weekly reports that large can adian food corporation also paid nice compliment to the conclusion that tile small comimnut paper tiered most effective advertising medium from trie standpoint of the country district consumer it tied tired that recent advertising campaign conduct id in these newspapers hud proved this fact as the usulting salei per capita were much greater than tnose obtained from similar campaigns in duil rupers in larger centre he cost too was much ess the weeklies the main factor in holding subscribers and ad vertising is reader interest and it is on tins that the value of any newspaper is judged the well tdited country weekliesvure giving the local news which is of first interest to the community und bused cm this yurdtick cunudu hus great many good ones canadian grocer most folks around here are waiting patiently to see some concrete evidence of the second line be coming one of the kings highways definite start was very definitely promised for this summer in the past six years unemployment has cost canada shooooowm just how long can such ex penditure go on ik the question many are askuig certainly theprospects for lowering of taxation are remote hepburn has given his approval to the grarutliivlr conservation project looks as if editor hugh lemplin was about to lose one of his favorite editorial subjects but then ottawa bus to he con vinced jet why not tagdjy to semre funds for those facihtils so badly netd at fairy lake we believe everyone would wanr to help with such project nickel from each of km folks would raise hun dred dollars australia is doing well in 1132 its uncmployol totalled 30 per cent of the population now it down to per cent about normal in western australia hus alien to 31 per cent his is definite turning of the depression corner globe and mail lowered over 200 fool cliff in the daik tn rescue terucr fisherman of englands historic bndport refused to accept leward because he thought dogs friendship could not be assessed in money have jog of my own he said and know the friendship they can give want no reward or as one philosopher hus said when see what certain types of human beings are doing in and to this world feel like going home and apologizing to my doj hulifux heruld and tlu total landed value us more than mcooooo hsiikiukk fcxiottt fxcfcj 9z500ooo canadas export trudo lulierlej pro ducts amounted to j253s810 in lu3tl un lncreiiio of mora uuui fcsooooo com pared with 103s kxukiru of llahrric productt to tho united stabcs jiad vuluu of approximately 12910000 un increase of 3505000 over thu preceding cur while uilpmcnts to tho united kingdom were valued at upuroxlmately ss74biioo decrease of 907000 one of the outstanding items entering into the bltf gain in thu jeafs biujnu with th united state was the export ation of b860 cwt of live lohstenf val ued ut more than jj 100000 among other producu shipped to thu united iiliuv market in increaid quantities wcr freh and frozen caiman lmllbut whluuih jw qrdibii and ucko trout ialted ulewliti und whale oil the of uc though he might uai be heh chief fisheries commodities canada sella 10 11 they had stopped in the britain are canned talmon from und of goshen bucauzc it won near british columbia and conned loosurs joseph ch 15 10 because they would he atlantic provincm canned thus be ununited from unnecessary con ilnion chlpmcntc during the poit year uict with the kiryptlans 34 and tolled 1708co cuts valurd at wico bfcauecof tlus superiority or the coll i8d liipmenl of canned lohsler fi what wonderfiil day for these amounted to 10740 cuu valu diephcrdj uliui they ucre pruntcd to soas0o0 the great pluiraoli cut grwiur unmvled reports allow tlie total ita day li coming when our joseph rliall catch foruie five mo fisheries provinces prcbcnt uu faultles before the king of uritisii columbia quebec new bruns klngs jude 24 wick prince kduard island und nova ix joseph not asluimed of ills ecotiaas approximately qbooooo cwta father 2810 pliaruoli does not seem to liave been much lmprcscd with josephs brcuir ren tticrc was in fact notidng in us to commend us to god except the fact that uc ore clirlsts brethren xot jofaipha take pharaoh was ready to do the best lie could for tlieiji not only were tiiey to dwell in hie best of uie land but ip there were earxblc men among them they wvre to be put in posi tions of influence tiie if teems to liavcj loomed ratlief large in pharaohs mind und probably with good occasion it was generous thing to bay the land of egypt before the god for clirlsts aake says more uum tliat to ub cor 22 romans 28 phil 10 cor tlio ajted sliepiicrtl patriarch jacobmust liavc seemed ln tlgnklcant in comparison ulth uie rreat pharaoh but in reality jacob war tile greater of the tuo cf heb jacob conferred more upon pliaraoh his bulging tlian puixaoh conferred upon him by opening the uluile land to him for ull hi faults and failures jacob uas man uho knew god in anwer to pharaoh que iiou miny arc tiie dajo of thy life vl jacob aruiucred the duj of the jtur of my plliplmaye lit had cauitht tho truth that our carlhl life but pll gtlmikf the bible men of god aluays allied ui uie conclou of this truth chron 20 15 ps 39 12 110 10 54j ii ijermeutei the neu teitoment well us the old cor heb 11 91c 13 14 peter 11 but modern chrlutlunr 3iejm uj hie iirtly sight of it if christians more fully realized the pilgrim cliaracter of oui firiint life they uould not be so di turbed by rumor of uar and fears of il haoc cf phil 20 21 xi we try to strike our rcvil ery deeply into thli present life and present age one hundred und thlrtj jean ileitis loiij life ij us but it li short indeed vihen it is done long only by cqinparlsou ulth tin ueracc modem life und nhort to jacob tuii by comparison uith the live of hli unccsuir cf eti 27 11 11 24 25 25 35 28 hie lonuejt lift is but liundbreudth on the scale of eternity apor tliat ntkin unlhtd uway ju 14 00 310 there at few levnoiui that tjiliy nid more than that of urniiii to num iwr iur dajs jo that ue may iet iu heart of wlminm 00 12 it jurob bleveti pharaoh thu stutvliig that lor ull pliaruohs exalted position tie jucob uus really uie yreuler heb one uhoin gkl has ctuitii no matter hov humble ts greater ulan un early king ilawng hlivaxi phurooli jacob uent out from his present but tie did nut lit from tn uler pr em ihut the klnr of klii hen iguln ue mh jo4pb 14 of chrlm feetlhiif td breltiren tuul siltainllit them in life in uie inldt or ull riuiiiir tf john 10 10 2n his heart uiis mm iiiimled hi hail ihrm ulth tilm aiul the cnat louilnie of our josephs limirt is to huve us ullh lllin hi tlu place uhlrh he ims iwfure to pr pure tor in ijihu 14 17 24 ier during 1iu ulvjiee ue may iii ulni ulth hi ery real wilse john 14 232 htn brtthren on the fut the land 11 and tuwi our jw pl fee us in nourishing hk father lie ua until ipatlnu ihu jmirtlon of tlu mikulc liu lilt w5 twiully ein phusud by jt sus christ ix 20 12 mutt li tim at iii 11 ad yt itpeaktiig j4m jikuph may have uttuvn tlu aifllc tlmui thut wtuld evuiitt upon hit kliu tiun uftef he wu sotie at any rate lu luutle irtvlaloii lht evcii lil druui he khould be cojillnueel uiurevt of abt chosen annapolis blossom queen raidtnt of acadia unuerslty gwladys harrli or wolfule ns is thoun after slie hud been crowned queen annapolis at the flfui annual annapolis valley apple blossom festuul the hon ilsley rifhtj minister of national reenuc in the noa scotia cabinet presented wits harris ultli the golden apple sjmbollc of her reitm oer the greatest apple orchard belt in the british empire miss harris ulll be uie guest of honor next jear of the queen of uie slienandouh valley apple bltwlan fsthol in virclnla it ls also vxneetei she ulll represent canada at tlm imperial fruit show in iojumd ttils fall for bigger business advertise tin fun of on croiioiuy are miles pei gallon bettri tliui 1m confttjiied hy inmi fimling clyde pet led mici nftei ounei npoits 22 yuung kino onl itimits jy koid to 27 miles on our gallon of gi you vb uh thiiii mk miles through imiti iirit that cmnliiiie pti hhjt tiving condition niio di ift formdirc itli croiiotny like tin tiller feci high in noithein onlnio see the wit fold vb at mii nru dsoline eoniimption most wliirh kcul dealer seal om fitiiik in uas at iiipir spreil ieiiged lrnt its ioom intei ior iiie it tnikt tuo miles td tin gallon saris onr own test kdmontoti allxita wnli retting in ei ige of tuent lies the gallon of gasoline rotllult metsipii sns in one itmg tiip to seattle and liaek ieiaged 272 izrnrxrt uel uikiiiiiirilruliii nf the lt7 ford vs mid lie oiiiviiicij of its ailvantviti norton motofc mux stkkkt acton frxsaioi uiul service phone gu