Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 10 Dec 2020, p. 18

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th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 10 ,2 02 0 | 18 134 Guelph St, Georgetown (905) 877-2277 Tuesday to Thursday / 4p.m. to 1a.m. Friday & Saturday / 4p.m. to 3a.m. Sunday / 4p.m. to 10p.m. Seasons Greetings 6311 Old Church Road Caledon, ON L7C 1J6 T. 905.584.2272 | 1.888.225.3366 | F. 905.584.4325 ExpropriationsAct,R.R.O. 1990,Reg. 363 INTHEMATTEROFanapplicationbyTheCorporationof theTownofCaledon forapproval toexpropriate lands in the TownofCaledonbeing: FEESIMPLE INTEREST Part ofPIN14252-0101 legally describedasPart Lot 19, Concession1WestofHurontarioStreet designatedas Parts 1and2Plan43R-39378, TownofCaledon. PERMANENTEASEMENT INTEREST Part ofPIN14252-0101 legally describedasPart Lot 19, Concession1WestofHurontarioStreet designatedas Parts 2and5Plan43R-39605, TownofCaledon: for thepurposeofa free, uninterruptedandunobstructed permanenteasement ingrossor rights in thenatureof apermanenteasement ingross toenter, occupyand re-enterbyanypublicauthority, utility or telecommunicationscompany togetherwithall associatedauthorized usersand/or invitees, including, but not limited to, servants, agents, employees, contractors, sub-contractors, agents, representatives,workersand/ordesignated thirdpartieswithall necessarymaterial, including, but not limited to, vehicles,machinery, suppliesandequipmentat all times in, on, over, through, under, above, alongand upon theapplicable lands forgradingpurposes togetherwith theaccommodation, construction, installation, locationand/or relocationof variousservices including,without limitation, storm,utilitiesand/or telecommunications infrastructureandall appurtenancesand/oraccessories related thereto togetherwithall rightsnecessary for theproperandefficient use, operation,maintenance, inspection, repair, alteration, removal, replacement, reconstruction, extension, enlargementormodificationof saidworks. TEMPORARYEASEMENT INTEREST Part ofPIN14252-0101 legally describedasPart- Lot 19, Concession1WestofHurontarioStreet designatedas Parts 1and3Plan43R-39605, TownofCaledon: for thepurposeofa free, exclusive, uninterruptedand unobstructed temporaryeasement ingrossor rights in thenatureof a temporaryeasement ingrosscommencing upon thedateof registrationof thePlanofExpropriationand terminatingonDecember 31, 2027 for thepurposeof enteringuponandoccupying the landbyanypublicauthority togetherwithall associatedauthorizedusers and/or invitees, including, but not limited to, servants, agents, employees, contractors, sub-contractors,workers and/ordesignated thirdparties ,withall necessarymaterial, including, but not limited to, vehicles,machinery, suppliesandequipmentat all times in, on, over, through, under, above, alongandupon thesaid lands for the municipal purposeofconstructingapublichighway, installingutilitiesandservices, aswell asgrading together withanyandall otherworksancillary thereto. for themunicipal purposeof facilitatingvariouspublic infrastructureworks including,without limitation, the establishment, construction, reconstruction, operation,maintenance, repair and replacementof publichighways to bedesignatedasMcLaughlinRoadandTimManleyAvenue in theTownofCaledon, aswell as theestablishmentof a service/overland flowcorridor, togetherwith variousutility andancillaryworksassociated therewith. NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVEN that applicationhasbeenmade forapproval toexpropriate the interestshereindescribed in the landsherein described. Anyownerof lands in respectofwhichnotice isgivenwhodesiresahearing intowhether the takingof such land is fair, soundand reasonablynecessary in theachievementof theobjectivesof theexpropriatingauthority shall so notify theapprovingauthority inwriting, (a) in thecaseofa registeredowner, servedpersonally orby registeredmailwithin thirty daysafter the registered owner is servedwith thenotice, or,when the registeredowner is servedbypublication,within thirty daysafter the first publicationof thenotice; (b) in thecaseofanownerwho isnot a registeredowner,within thirty daysafter the first publicationof thenotice. PUBLIC NOTICE NoticeofApplicationforApprovaltoExpropriateLand-Form2 Theapprovingauthority is TheCorporationof theTownofCaledon 6311OldChurchRoad Caledon,Ontario L7C1J6 Theexpropriatingauthority is TheCorporationof theTownofCaledon 6311OldChurchRoad Caledon,Ontario L7C1J6 Thisnotice first publishedon the26th dayofNovember 2020. AllanThompsonMayor LauraHall TownClerk TheCorporationof theTownofCaledon Per: Per: AllanThompsonMayor CORRECTION NOTICE In the circular beginning Sunday, November 29, 2020, we called out All Christmas Trees were 50% off. Unfortunately, this promotion is incorrect and does not include All Christmas Trees. The 7.5 ft. Pre- Lit Augusta Cashmere Pine Tree (Tree #156) with a regular price of 459.99 is excluded from this promotion. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sickness and poverty do not discriminate, and nei- ther should the spirit of giving. Holding true to that original motto, the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation -- now in partnership with the Halton Regional Police Service -- is in full holiday fundraising swing. Donations are now be- ing sought for its 12th an- nual Miracle on Main Street campaign, which due to the ongoing pan- demic will not be highlight- ed by its live celebration this year. Having collected mil- lions since its 2009 incep- tion, Miracle on Main Street has supported Mc- Master Children's Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children, as well as Halton Women's Place, the Salva- tion Army and public school programs across Halton. The campaign has been expanded this year in an ef- fort to support local restau- rants, with $1,500 to $2,000 worth of gift cards expec- ted to be handed out to area families. Online donations can be made until Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) at miracleon-, while unwrapped toys can be dropped off at: MILTON • Troy's Diner (295 Main St. E.) • Canadian Tire (1210 Steeles Ave.) • Gallinger Ford Lincoln (655 Main St. E.) OAKVILLE • Canadian Tire (1100 Kerr St., 2510 Hyde Park Gate and 400 Dundas St. E.) BURLINGTON • JR Toy Company (2- 4265 Fairview St.) • Canadian Tire (777 Guelph Line and 2070 Ap- pleby Line) SEASON OF GIVING UNDERWAY Tiger Jeet Singh Jr. makes a donation to Robert Little Public School Principal Colleen Golightly as part of the Miracle on Main Street campaign. Victoria Pearson photo NEWS Please keep our community clean. Don't be a LitterBug!

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