in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 9, 20 21 | 26 THE RIDING: The riding of Oakville-- North Burlington was cre- ated in 2012 after a federal electoral boundaries redis- tribution. As of 2016, the riding had a population of almost 130,000 with a medi- an household income of $120,000. THE RACE: Liberal Pam Damoff (incumbent) Damoff has represented Oakville--North Burling- ton since 2015. Before en- tering federal politics, she was an Oakville town councillor for five years. "I am committed to our community and to public service. As we emerge from the pandemic, Oakville-- North Burlington needs someone to represent them who champions our com- munity and I have a proven track record at both the municipal and federal lev- el," said Damoff. THE ISSUES: The three most pressing issues in Oakville are the environment, affordable child care/supporting fam- ilies, and public health as we build back better, ac- cording to Damoff. NDP Lenaee Dupuis Dupuis is a self-em- ployed human resources consultant who ran in the 2019 federal election in the riding of Burlington. "Throughout my life, as a mother, wife, entrepre- neur and community am- bassador, I have taken a stand to support my com- munity and now I have an opportunity to represent those who need re- presentation. I am a people person who is passionate about listening, under- standing and helping wher- ever I can. I am also a small-business owner. I recognize and understand the struggle that many en- trepreneurs face to thrive in this economy." THE ISSUES: "My priority is making life more affordable for ev- eryday people. Our leader, Jagmeet Singh, has launched some amazing platforms that I believe are also important in Oak- ville--North Burlington. Such priorities for you -- our universal health care/ medicine/dental for all, af- fordable housing and mak- ing sure that everyone has a place to call home, equity and protecting our air, land and water from climate change." PPC Gilbert Jubinville Jubinville is a CET Cer- tified Engineering Tech- nologist, Civil Engineer- ing-Owner of InfraWorks Civil Designs Inc. "My real-world experi- ence in infrastructure pro- jects, nuclear, solar & wind farms make me the best can- didate. The Canadian econ- omy desperately requires more jobs. We need to re- boot sustainable mining, ethical oil & gas & build safe pipelines & become energy independent. A booming economy means more fund- ing for research and devel- opment for environmental & social projects. PPC polices are based on common sense & fiscal responsibility. We welcome new immigrants, but the immigration policy must reflect the economy that is suffering due to the COVID lockdowns. PPC has the most sustainable immigra- tion policy based on (the) current employment rate and social programs capac- ity." THE ISSUES: The most important are: -Fair policies to all busi- nesses. Minimize the im- pacts of lockdowns. -Requirement of new federal environment poli- cies on green-belt protec- tion in urban areas. -Requirement of new federal funding for region- al traffic management with modern technologies. -High cost of living, tax- ation, and housing. We must re-instate the juris- diction, duties and author- ities of provinces based on the constitution, while sup- porting them with com- mon sense and practical policies. Conservative Hanan Rizkalla Rizkalla is a medical physician, business entre- preneur and mother. "I am beholden to no one but the electors as I am not a career politician. I have a unique qualification to un- derstand and represent both new Canadians and those who have resided here for generations. As a medical professional, I have a natural instinct to serve others and to listen to them; this will serve ONB well in Ottawa." THE ISSUES: "Clearly, the constitu- ents of ONB are concerned that we recover from CO- VID. They want us to reach a point where we have con- trol of the virus, and where life can return to normal, careers and studies can re- sume. They tell me they want the economy to grow rapidly and create jobs. They want a government that is efficient, stream- lined and is, thus, less in- trusive in their daily lives. They want a government that is engaged in serving the citizenry - not its own self-interested objectives." Green Bruno Sousa Sousa is an entrepre- neur, advisor and consul- tant who's lived in Oakville since immigrating from the Azores at the age of eight. He's married with two chil- dren, and has 14 years of ex- perience in business and community development. THE ISSUES: Sousa's top concerns are the environment and fu- ture of humanity. He's also commited to fiscal ac- countability and embrac- ing social progress. RIDING BACKGROUND: Created in 2012 from part of the electoral district of Halton, the riding of Oakville--North Burling- ton has been represented by Liberal Pam Damoff since the 2015 election. The 2015 campaign also includ- ed Conservative Effie Triantafilopoulos (the cur- rent Oakville--North Bur- lington MPP), NDP candi- date Janice Best, Green party candidate Adnan Shahbaz and Libertarian David Clement. Former Oakville town councillor Max Khan had been nominated as the fed- eral Liberal candidate for the new riding but died in March of 2015. Damoff, who was then acclaimed as the new Liberal candidate, went on to win 46.7 per cent of the vote that October. In 2019, Damoff won again with almost 50 per cent of the vote. OAKVILLE-NORTH BURLINGTON RIDING: WHAT VOTERS NEED TO KNOW FEDERAL ELECTION Elections Canada image /vote2021 SCAN THIS CODE FOR MORE ELECTION COVERAGE Getting the best deal on car insurance is one more thing you can be great at.thing you can be great at. Compare rates from 30+ providers.