13 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,F ebruary 17,2022 insidehalton.com noitcnuf naelc-fleS • lluf si tekcub eci eht nehw dnuos lliw mralA • yalpsid DEL htiw slortnoc cinortcelE • eci fo sbl 2 ot pu serotS • SERUTAEF rekam eci nredom siht htiw noitcefrep ot delooc sknird ruoy peeK nI thgiN llihC a rof tcefreP BDR0052MID NWOHS LEDOM moc.ybnaD ta srekaM ecI fo enil lluf s'ybnaD eeS7491 ECNIS 905-469-3232 1459 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville delmanor.com Discover the Delmanor Difference, Choose your Suite Today! Jeff Knoll has been re- elected chair of the Halton Police Board. The Oakville councillor officially earned another term on Jan. 27. The Halton Police Board is the civilian gover- nance body that collabo- rates with police and makes decisions about po- licing policy and direction. Knoll was appointed by Halton regional council in 2012. "I am honoured to be re- elected to serve as the chair of the Halton Police Board," he said in a state- ment. "This term we will continue to focus on refin- ing governance policies and finding new ways to reach out to the communi- ty to better understand their needs and expecta- tions for our police ser- vice." Halton Police Chief Ste- phen Tanner said that he and Halton police "look forward to working close- ly" with councillor Knoll. "As chief of police, our senior command team works closely with the Hal- ton Police Board and the chair in particular, to en- sure we meet both our community's needs and ex- pectations of a modern and progressive police ser- vice." Business consultant In- grid Hann was re-elected vice-chair. KNOLL RE-ELECTED AS POLICE BOARD CHAIR MANSOOR TANWEER mtanweer@metroland.com Jeff Knoll has been re-elected as the Halton Police Board chair. Town of Oakville photo NEWS