in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, M ay 5, 20 22 | 8 LLD moth control Aerial spray program LDD moth infestation Lymantria Dispar Dispar (LDD) moth is a non-native insect that is considered a major destructive pest in North America. When populations are high, LDD moth caterpillars can eat all the leaves on a tree in a short amount of time. Successive years where leaves are lost can cause trees to die. The town conducted a successful aerial spray in 2018 and 2021. Based on population surveys taken in 2021, Oakville faces extreme levels of LDD moth this year that could affect 358 hectares (885 acres) of town woodlands and result in a significant loss of trees if no action is taken. What the town is doing This spring, once the LDD moth caterpillars start to emerge, the town will conduct an aerial spray in select town woodlands with a safe and naturally occurring pesticide to control the infestation. Trails will be closed for a few hours during the spraying. Spraying will not take place over town streets or residential properties. Two treatments will be performed by helicopter within a few days of each other between May 1 and June 15, 2022, weather permitting, from 5 - 9 a.m. Follow the Town of Oakville on Facebook and Twitter for 48 hour notice of aerial spray commencement, or email to request notification sent straight to your email. Pesticide use The town is using a natural pesticide called Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, commonly referred to as Btk. BtK has replaced chemical pesticides world-wide as a biological pest control agent. It is harmless to humans, animals and other beneficial insects, and is approved for use by Health Canada. Visit the Health Canada website for more information. Public safety and the health of our environment are our top priorities. While there are no special precautions required for residents near the spray areas, we understand there might be some inconvenience on the mornings the aerial spray takes place and we appreciate your patience and cooperation. Visit the LDD moth page on for more information. For any further questions, please contact ServiceOakville at 905-845-6601 or An Oakville man has been recognized for his work to protect the legacy of "Canada's Fightingest Warship." Walter Dermott re- ceived the Ontario Medal of Good Citizenship from the province during a virtual ceremony on April 13. The medal is the prov- ince's second-highest award for civilians who have made a lasting impact in their communities and the province. Dermott received the honour for his volunteer work at the HMCS Haida National Historic Site in Hamilton. He became the presi- dent and chair of the Friends of HMCS Haida board of directors in 2015, and continues to sit on the board as past president and chair. In this capacity, provin- cial officials say Dermott updated the HMCS Haida's museum and revitalized the board dedicated to preserv- ing, promoting and protect- ing the ship's legacy. Dermott was also credit- ed for working with the Royal Canadian Navy to launch HMCS Haida as its first flagship. The HMCS Haida is a tribal class destroyer, which served during the Second World War, the Ko- rean War and the Cold War. The warship has been recognized for sinking more enemy surface ton- nage than any other Cana- dian ship during Second World War, earning it the title of "Canada's Fightin- gest Ship." The ship was acquired by the Province of Ontario in 1970 and transferred to Parks Canada in 2003. In 1984, the Historic sites and Monuments Board of Canada designated HMCS Haida as a national historic site. The ship is named after seafaring First Nations people in British Colum- bia. In addition to the Onta- rio Medal of Good Citizen- ship, Dermott is also a re- cipient of the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers, which he was awarded in 2017, and the Queen's Dia- mond Jubilee Medal, which he received in 2013. For more information about HMCS Haida, visit https://www.hmcshai- hmcs-haida/. PROTECTING THE LEGACY OF 'CANADA'S FIGHTINGEST WARSHIP' DAVID LEA NEWS WALTER DERMOTT RECEIVES ONTARIO MEDAL OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP Walter Dermott recently received the Ontario Medal of Good Citizenship. Friends of HMCS Haida Facebook photo A Spring Drive-Thru Donation event will take place in Oakville on Satur- day, May 7 to help those in need in this community. Items can be dropped off within the parking lot at Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre from 9 a.m. to noon and at the south parking lot of Sixteen Mile Sports Complex from 2 to 5 p.m. The Town of Oakville and community partners will be collecting: • Non-perishable food items • Baby supplies (dia- pers, wipes and formula, etc.) • Personal care products (shampoo, soap and tooth- paste, etc.) • Menstrual products • Recreation and arts equipment (used bikes will not be accepted) • Houseware (pots and pans, small appliances, lin- ens and bakeware, etc.) • Clothing • Books Residents are reminded to only bring items that are new or gently used and in good condition. Baby supplies, personal care products and men- strual products must be new and unopened. "Our community con- tinues to advance through adversity by continuing to support each other and Oakville," said Mayor Rob Burton. The town's community partners Community Liv- ing Oakville, Food for Life Canada, Front Line Out- reach, Goodwill Amity, Kerr Street Mission, Oak- ville Public Library, and United Way of Halton and Hamilton will be on site to review and accept the do- nations before distributing items to the community. Visit the Spring Drive- Thru Donation Event page for more details. SPRING DRIVE-THRU DONATION EVENT SET