Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Jan 1948, p. 4

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALEAR JOURNAL THURSDAY, yaw, | onte Fishermen f ACROSS DOWN 16. Sman, 1, Distress roofed ' pre | Club "20" || [ido 5 te TODAY'S (Ane. Gr.) a i 10. River y EE | 9 Calendar (Fr.) reine wie) si ail crosswono | FUEL OIL PRICE Here we are well into 1948, but| 10.Chillsand onth 22. Piece m still with thoughts lingering on its | ever 4 A wanderer out | CT 11. Kingdom, &. Scaling 24, Jelly-like PUZZLE | devices substance 2 t's a pity there are those who Si 6.S-shaped 27. A woolen (] feel the necessity of going off the molding i financial deep end in order to as. 5 i 7. Harmonized 20. £0. Nuclei of (Y 8 Firm sure themselves of properly greet- . 32. Blunder ---------- ing a new year. What joy is there 14. Born 35. Custom A I in paying a fabulous price to be 15. City 37. Particle 42. Cut, as hair seated in (Fr.) of fire 44. Observe Fuel oil at 17c per gal. is the equivale | some ex- Des ova (Seat) of Stoker Coal at $26.99 per ton! 2 aoa rr dibble L; p 3 : 21. Not work : : 23. Unit of werk Buf our price for the famous 25, Moth 26. Onion-ltke » plants Dendron Domestic Stoker (oy music and 28. Meaning. dance floor, $80. Lutecium but close 3 (aym.) i J _lenough 31. Female is only $15.00 per ton 3 to the chef's hotspot you asting keep 84. Ostrich-like to the clat- bi Hs Si 386. Bitter vetch clash M. Tanguay 38. Roman cutlery? Or money 4 ; r to be wishing strangers well, in.| 3% Keener > 7. ! Sl (o) m stead of friends? 42 2.2 There is a good sup, G sheep -- -- $3, Period of and is 1 252 Now Club "20" had a party--and 74 stoker coal mow. yg, [0 as the Royal Oaks broadened the . ¥ 7 have your bin filleq of r Has New Look first bars of Bobbie Burns' "Auld Eye 4 of Lang Syne" Vic Hall formed a per- gin Ex - | ; fect frame for familiar faces. % A Livingsto: g ined in excellent condition ened many of the shanties with Well before the midnight hour 48 Feminine Eo as nS when a careless destruction. Freeman Bray spent|the celebration had started, as nicknan stoker coq, summer evening, some anxious hours roping his/horns tooted and colored streamers ston great combinatig, retle butt through white shanty to a clump of willows|flashed across the floor, giving the Bronte. 0 z People attending were r-- comfort and cop ie whaf. While on he beach, It was feared for [appearance of a carnival in Costa [Sally Davis, Lorne Gignac, Lee| ST KERS ience. red one sidebadly a time that the shanty containing|Rica . . . using a little imagina. | een Town Davis, Bob Allen, Marilou Shipley, | a -- | fin was still usable. Navi- several thousand dollars' worth of tion, of course. The gathering was Doug Peery, Hugh Nicolle and ed for the winter and nets and equipment would topple|gay; all felt that holiday mood. O: By Bruce Squires Norma Warburton. | hing at present inta the river. Due fo the freezing|the dance floor it was possi : Last but not least, Doug Hard-|[{ the finest form of ary to replace temperature large ice-banks formed|make a c re vi The parties these last few weeks| wick entertained a; Appleby. At the {home heating, early in the blow and thi helped|continual "Beg your pardon" for have caused quite a bit of excite- first of the evening, the party " Ec sea ran within the har- considerably in protecting ~ the having dinted someone' Jgits. | ment around Teen Town, but now|went skating and later danced. 3 night and threat- buildings from the seas here was a steady run on the can- i is over T11/SOme of the Oakvillites attendin; RE a sisi til hal teen for cokes as the hall heateq |iiat the festive season is over ru Some BE the Onli Moros. Ome with the tempo set by the Royal |!TV to keep the happy times alive parang, Pat Home, Brooks Brock- aks low: those boys kept over|a little longer by reviewing some way, Walter Sutfon and Bark Roce Hi h S h 1 R = * |five hours flowing with music is{of the home festivities. | Eas ea 7 | beyond me, and to have retained ; : 1G. C100. eview the Same. perfect thyvthm at tng Barbara Tilley entertained a Fire Damage Dec. 30 i By derry Pe end of that period as they had at (large gathering at her house on ble the beginning was incredible. New Year's Eve. A few of the many| ror" 30 Oakville's Fire De- . 1 JERRY PEERS [Hin Joan Pilling, Bob McRae | Amid known surroundings, those couples attending were Ralph Me-| Potent subdued a stubborn blaze inmer's ue ce 0. Year's Eve was welcomed Mary Carrol, John Ri Beth Wil- at the club were able to bring in |p Isobel Mecure, Tom Sale, |In the blower pipe of the cosmetic PRY parties and the good|Son, Don Green, Joan Guild, Bob the new vear with sincerity, among | Kim: sol SR civisten of the United-Case Fas- Phone 23 Oalkvilk bus which will have their| Cowper, Audrey Cowper, John Hut-| those they g Father | Matmy Ireland, Bill Currie, Ronal, Company. Damage, restrict- in the days and weeks to|chinson, Margaret Lalor. _|Time good-bye, after brief com-|Grief, Dave Farley, Marg Lalor |g to the pipe itself, will be I he fact that we make reso-| On New Year's Eve a progressive ments on his attempts for 47. and |and man others. | Pip SL elles is really an admission that|PRrty which started at Barty greet little '48 with open arms, and| A progressive party took place|than $100. | past we have fallen down,|Holmes' and moved on to Jean Wal-|the promise to do fheir best|at the home of Ray Smith, who, IT £ resolve to improve our. laces and Dick Emmette's was a|through the whole year to make it|might add, is recovering misely| will, if carried out, |great success. During the Svening ial good one. from a short illness. The party T in our school, town and [couples danced, played games and | eT |finally went down to Teen Town, 5 t later refreshments were served. | where they danced into the avec D PRE SCRIPT IONS :dd smile when things are|Some of the guests present were Trafa gar Couple hours to the fine music of the 3 5 Jane Beaumont, Bob Cowper, Joan | i Royal Oaks. | d and Don Green; Sheila Wil- Ra cejye Presents Over the "week-end Bill Blake n and Jeanette Russel, Don Giles, Ia host to a small party in| --_-- J a new start, so|Nancy Ogle, Marg Cléworth, John| The Charivari held at the home| When your doctor prescribes a certain medicine § See happy, cheery faces | Rickaby Jack Currie, Dorothy PUr-iof Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fairbarn was| e, Blo, \attentive students . - - (= ky Riffinstein and Tonylin honor of their daughter Ruth| | for you or your family--let us fill it exactly to his JF last week of course . . . | Wells. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.| OA KVI LLE No I ; ) patties, par Yes,| Another successful ploETessive| Arnold Fish. Following the house:| prescription. Qualified pharmacists are always in e season for fun and |Party was held at the homes of|harty a cuchre and dance was held| there is no doubt that|Ray Smith and Alister LeSalles. lin Trafalgar Townhall, TAXI G crowd carried out the |Among this crowd celebrating the| mrs. Horton Ayerst of Hamilton, arrival of 1948 were Beth Craddock, great-aunt. of the greom. hog eons LR a folie highlights of tne| Alister LeSalles, Donna MacRae posed a special paem for the oo|| (O%ned an joperatediby nce gi Peter McMurrey, Ron Wright and nas; Pich. Was by Me enish Bros. S ihe dance given by Ron |Pete! casion which was read by Mrs(| at the Granite Club -in|Marie Funcston. : Howard Cullingham, the groom's|| TWO PHONES | riday, Jan. 2, at which| Ted and Bruce Squires a sister. Then little Gary ,Culling-| Tor Your Convenience DRUGS -- TOILETRIES -- SUNDRIES made a gracious hos. |t2ined part of the Royal Oal ham presented a bouquet of flowers| . . . 4 ; _|chestra and their friends--strictly [io (he bride. | 1 Tl N 0 k All D C L d ng aad moo Stag affair om Now Years Eve greprite CC 1060 -- ne Oakville Drug Co., Limite -- 5 CARS -- attendance and only the best drugs obtainable are used. ents. Mr. and Mrs. |[Some of the fellows present Were|qress and presented the El ceived the guests, who Don Jackson, Bob Heldman, Milton ith a studio couch which was the DA Sich Colborne St. E. (Len. Hope, Mgr.) fFoduced to them by Ron |Farrow, Don and Bruce Lawrence. |gift of all those present. : 5 alcvillians present were:| After the short blizzard last week | Jeanette Russel: Bill|skiing was reported to be good in 5 : most places, excellent in Cedar Springs, The Summit and Colling-| wood. Generally old snow with a |new crust. Many of the High crowd || have enjoyed outdoor sports during 4 the holidays. 9 We welcome the following new b Railway |. sina, a , who is going into 4th | form; Barbara Cambell of Ottawa, | T going into 3rd form, and Betty Rae, | ENCY |zoing into 5th form. There are also |two former pupils who are return-| ing to. school in 5th form, Ruth Ables and John Riffinstein. | pion Ee value of ug Power Consumption | DEBACLE IN DRESS | SACRIFICE IN GLOVES ! CUTS IN COMBS. ! Se 18 igh ts November | PRICES H ducti ade i Il | Boys' binati by Mercury. i 8 creas r uge reductions made in al oys' combinations by cury. 3 ey nl Te n > ladies' wool and angora gloves. [ Wool and cotton mixture of greal Ontario was shown for November, To celebrate this auspicious 2 he Spars Ee tind ny ns: 2 2 5 compared with the s th : 2 . 5 h pe oscasion, every. dress rie wil | lors revs, me... 15 | Shr or long teeves 9, dled by issued recently by the Ontario Hy- be slashed by one-third and more! |dro-Electric Power Commission. | is 0 Savings in power resulting from 530 & restrictions imposed in |are estimated to be from 60,000 to | 1 | 00,000 kilowatts. "The exclusion of \ 1 thi potential demand fi the DAVID RUSSELL, | emma 1s renectag tn tne SHIRT SLAUGHTER ! GIRLS' DRESSES ! PARKA PICNIC ! By(Drug Co. |smaller November increase over TT rT -- FAA FI0INEL . l last year as compared with recent | H f Smart Broadcloth Never before such drastic cuts , months," the sal Stripes .... a 2.25 Regardless of cost, every boy's in prices of girls' dresses. parka will be cleared '8 Gf Plain Sand in Strong : ; a ; Cotton Fabrics 3 1.98 Sizes 7 - 14 PANIC IN PANT WAR ON WIND- Please Report Promptly PRICES ! COAT CONFUSION ! BREAKER PRICES ! LOST OR FOUND --_-- ------ i ANIMALS : All boys' windbreakers are to 1 pos Movs rh You have probably admired our offered at ; greatly rotund ne St. E. : I > tail a air er Inaudioz a warm frie oe {Oakville Humane Society Tweeds. fo ns a 00 Hoth with smart check trim. hone 515 Worth 6.95 to 8.95. 3.95 | now for 30.00 Originally 4.50. 2 Lost and Injured Animals a T Strasse ) Cor. Spruce Humanely Treated NOW see eeen fesidence 837 1 i Marriages L. OLIVER ii AND MRS WiLL o Hoten income | Bits, of Ua aan SKIRTS SLA! a come | Bitten to cainala Smith: : R! SLASHED ! f Mr. d Mrs. Reginald Si K . Returns of gales, Oh on ei bin, pi ba IT'S MURDER ! Lo EL gif -- a MT UWUGE NOT TO BE MISSED FOR THE YOUNGER MISS ! Winter Coats 16.95 to 20.95. NOW. 12.95 pA ofsice at Oalville Hotel PO. Bis 402 £3 Female Help Wanted 5 Oukiille 1268 | Stylish Kilted Tartan Skirts, Bn a Mer: Sports Jackets. Originally | Beautifully styled. Reduced from ed 7 a S10 Wma mao Sri | 1930 to 25.00. 8.95 to 5.95. See our other great ! ented, {a womanifer poner housework, live in. 'Apply Journal Bo; : 3 Xi - skirt reductions, too. Haughton |C. Laird Ng. 10 * Opifometsist § Optician |

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