| motion was passed to cover the | and the regulation of installation Wol. 1, No. 15 ] rafalgar Township Council Establish Planning Board t regular council meeting on Councillor R. C, A. nberland 'moved two motions The Oakville-Trafal Authorized as Second Class Mail P. O. Dept; Ottawa Oakville, Ontario, Thursday, March 4, 1948 5 cents a copy. $2.00 Per Year in Advance. terviewed Mr. minister, and was the functions of board. : "Along the railroad and Queen Elizabeth highway would be the most suitable location for indus- try," he said, "If we want the best taxes, mixing industry and residential will not provide them." Bonnell, deputy informed on a plamming second motion, uth off the CNR. right-of-way, e north by a line '1,300 fep held over until the nex residential concerning Testriction for residential and ting. : tincillor Cumberland stressed feeling that if an overall plan the future was not started immediately the township would Tunéinto trouble in the near fu- from a mixing. of industry property which iid lower values in the town- He told council he had in- He that the appointed to "the: planning board be representative of all interests in the township, 'and appoint- ments were left until he could secure agreément from certain individuals he suggested to serve. The new planning board will consider the township as a whole t (and bring to council recommerida- '| tions as to zoning and restric tions, If council sees fit to ap- prove this plan, the matter will then go to the department for their approval. Reeve W. H, Biggar was heart- ily in accord with the need for a board and Councillor Marshall felt it would be wise to start im- mediately. Both Councillors Marshall and Wickson felt that (Continued on Page 5) t \ Oakville Council _ Grant Sewers Eor Pine Ave. At Monday's meeting of Oak. ville' douncil Deputy-Reeve How. ard Litchfield reported plans and specifications for the Pine Ave, Sewer and the extension on Wat- "son Avenue were completed. A /s governing the regulat- licensing of public halls equipment 1 and ge of oil were passed, Of the by-law concerning licensing: of halls as council did ,. mot wish to make it difficult for any. charitable organizations us- hey in turn could, if they saw fit, charge a proportion of this fee fo any organization to letter was received from shall W, J. Scott compli. Chief Fred Shaw and his) department on their record and the | ed delivery of the new fire pump- | 'er was expected in three 'weeks, He outlined the plans which had been. adopted for the quipment until the addition fire hall, plans for which mpleted, could be con- onse to a letter from Mrs, Thomas, Kerr St, complain- ing the 'bus driver swept re- fuse from his bus during his 10- | minute wait at the top of Kerr | Sto the chief of police was in- structed' to check on cleanliness public conveyances and on | their Garage Operators OF Oakville Attend Annual Convention|_o» pase 3. --Betty Clarke holding the Chapman cup awarded for Kent holding the Lions club cup presented for general awarded at commencement exercises held on Friday in » general proficiency and John proficiency. Cups were Victoria Hall. Complete story --Journal photo by Crouch The 15th annual meeting of the Garage Operators association of Ontario was held in the Royal York hotel, Toronto, on Friday. Representatives of all local gar- ages attended the all-day meet- ings, which included a luncheon in the Crystal ballroom and an evening. banquet. attended by.1,200 guests who packed two ballrooms to capacity. Meeting Tonight An organizational mesting for the Commercial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce will be held tonight in Victoria hall at are members of the chamber, rep- resenting nearly every type of retail outlet in' town, On Feb. 5th a group of retail- ers held a preliminary meeting and decided that when 40. retail- ers were members of the cham- A branch officers' forum was held in the morning with presi- dents and secretaries of the ' 44 branches in attendance. Branch policies of operation were dis- ber 'this organizational meeting' cussed and r ions | of . the mmercial ittee made for branch activities. would be held. Tonight Edward At the . luncheon President | B2Tingham, president of the chamber, will conduct the elec- tion of officers for the commit= tee from among retail- members, A list 'of 10 topics for discussion has been drawn up, including a "Buy in Oakville Campaign' and trading licenses for transients and a retail credit bureau. Mer- chants will also, have the oppor- funity to bring before the meet- ing any additional projects which they feel require attention. Shelton was presented with a huge cake with 15 candles to com- memorate the 15 years of suc- cessful operation of the associa- tion, = This cake was forwarded to Christie Stréet hospital, 'The new board of directors was elected in the afternoon and they, in turn, selected the executive. Harry Doughty, B.A. Motors, (Continued on Page 5) TOWN AND THE MAYOR REPORTS . TOWNSHIP- THE REEVE REPORTS By Angus McMillan, Chairman Police Gommittee By R. 0. A. Cumberland, Councillor The automobile population of Oakville and district is rapidly growing. As a result of, this our traffic problem is increasing both in the business district and along streets leading- thereto, We realize the widening of streets downtown area would greatly relieve traffic eon- gestion. But as there are several other projects under way in town it would not be practicable now to undertake a major expen- diture of this nature. Trafalgar township's planning board will be chosen from rate- payers of the township compris- ing a cross section of home.own- ers, agriculture, industry and business, and will form a plan of zoning a specific planning area into sub-areas most suitable for the different phases of commun- ity life, The master plan will then be considered by the council who, if they approve and after due publicity, will submit it ty the Department of Planning and 8.pan. At present 42 merchants Matthews Lawrence, Retail Merchants [Bronte And Trafalgar Legion Request Land Grant For Hall Unique Accident At CNR. Station Early Saturday morning dur- ing the blizzard Eugene Russell, 37, Fulton St., Toronto, drove his car onto private property of the CNR. station until it was on the eastbound track, where a CPR. freight train threw it 30 feet against a switch, which had to be replaced, The car was a total wreck, The driver and, his passenger, Mrs, Margaret Patterson, 31, Mc- Donald Ave, Mimico, jumped to safety just before the impact. This is the third CP,R. train in- volved in collision with motor- cars in this district recently, The engineer of the train did not realize his engine had been in a collision and continued wijth- out stopping. Police Chief John Derry stated the car was going north on Reynolds St, and the driver failed to turn onto Dundas St. at the intersection, continu- ing insead onto the railroad prop- erty. "It is my belief that an ac- cident such as this will never be duplicated," the chief stated. "The railroad worked all day Saturday replacing the switch, and I am informed that had such an accident taken place in a sta- tion where there is no night op- erator, a serious railroad acci- dent might have resulte He stated the accident was still un- der investigation. Mrs. Jane Lawrence Dies In 81st-Year - Funeral services for Mrs. Jane widow of | porary hospital A delegation from the newly formed Bronte and Trafalgar post of the Canadian Legion ap- peared before Trafalgar council on Monday to request council to grant them a piece of land 220 feet on No. 2 highway with a depth of 185 feet, between Nelson and Jones Streets, for the erec- tion of a Legion hall, Peter Craik, spokesman, sald, "If council sees fit to donate us this piece of ground for a Legion hall it could be a memorial to the men who died, We had a meeting with Councillor Wickson and had a splendid hearing. We will build a hall which will be a worthy addition to Bronte." He added that if council saw fit to give enough land for a parking lot and bowling green they would undertake to handle this too. (Continued on Page 8) Hospital Board Hold First Meeting Feb. 26 The first meeting of the new board of governors of Oakville Trafalgar Memorial hospital was held on Feb, 26. J. N, Dunwoody was elected chairman with Arn- old Banfield as vice-chalrman, and Mr. Freeman as treasurer, The board appointed Dr, EB. P, Soanes and Angus McMillan, board solicitor, to secure the re. maining signatures on the deed, A signal bell system for the Tem- was authorized at a cost of $100. A building survey committee was formed for the purpose of looking into. possible means to lower the cost of the hospital, Walter Moorhouse was appolnt- ed chairman, with Frank Milli gan, Fred Stott, Edward Barring- ham, W. W, King, W. Armstrong Red Cross Get Off To Good Start "Our committee was most en- thusiastic over results obtained in the first few days of the cam- paign," said Bill Edwards, chair man. "Our team captains sald their Red Cross canvassers were receiving splendid responses when they called." There can be few homes in the district that have not experienced in some way the benefits which are provided by the Red Cross, the chairman pointed out, Pos. sibly it was a father, son or bro- ther who, as a prisoner of war, grew to know the Red Cross as a constant friend in time of need: "The Red Cross touches all our: lives at some time or other," Bill Edwards said. "Our dollars make this valuable work possible, I urge everyone to welcome the mah who calls for thelr subscrip- tion." Angela Bruce I.O.D.E. Hold March Meeting Mrs. J. R. Holman, welfare convenor, reported that clothing and other supplies had been provided 'for a family in Bronte who had lost everything in a fire at the March meeting of tHe An- geln Bruce chapter LODE, held in Teen Town Monday night. Mrs. Holman also gave a report of a meeting called by the Oakville branch of the Red Cross to launch a dental educational cam- palgn and survey to be held shortly. Miss Mary Bull, a mem. ber of the welfare committee, gave a report on the activities of the Halton county health unit organized in September, 1047, us outlined at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce by Dr. J, M. Mather, medical health offi- cer, and members of his staff. Mrs. H. E, Hughes outlined the work being done at the chap- ter's adopted school on the 6th line under the leadership of My, Lunau. Instruction in handi- craft, including clay modelling, knitting, sewing and mending, fr being given In regular classes by members. The work will he on display at a future meeting, Mra, Alan Read, hospital con venor, reported on the meeting of the Oakville Trafalgar Memor- lal hospital association, where it waa decided to proceed with the bullding of a new hospital, Pro. ceeds of the bridge and tea held in conjunction with the White Oak chapter, will be donated to the Oakville Temporary hospital, Mrs. Haughton Laird, post-war convenor, made an appeal for members to Increnss thelr knit- ting, also for members to Join the aewing group. Members were asked to collect discarded ilk, rayon and nylon stockings to be sent to the Grenfell Mission in Labrador, A wall panel was on display made by people of Labra. dor out of the discarded stock- Ings. Miss Marion McNaughton, vice-regent, presided. Nominations April 2 At Community Club At the regular meeting of the Oakville Gardens Community mechanical fitness. acillor McArthur reported estigated the railroad The alternative method would be to change parking regulations. The committee have considered the overall picture, and proposes to recommend to council at the next meeting amending of the parking by-law to eliminate an- gle parking entirely within the town, to permit parallel parking on both sides of Colborne Street in the business area, on one side only of all streets adjoining the business ares, and on one side only of main traffic arteries lead- ing into the town. We feel con- fident that these changes in the parking regulations will relieve traffic congestion to a great ex- tent, and upon the change in the by-law being authorized by coun- to proceed with secur- which would have re- their arms so they inate in headlights of ers. fee. David Edward Lawrence, were held from the Masonic Hall Tuesday afternoon . with! Rey, Harry Pawson, of St. John's United Church, officiating. In- terment was made In St. Jude's cemetery, Development. on The Planning Act, 1946, was enacted by the Provincial Legis- lature to assist municipalities in guiding the development of their areas to the best advantage of all concerned. Before a plan be- comes official, the Department of Planning and Development make an exhaustive study and, if modi- fications appear desirable, settle A lifelong resident of Oakville, the late Mrs, Lawrence died sud- denly at the Temporary hospital on Saturday morning following aware of the location, Meeting To Select and Sidney Uearmin comprising | club, held ut the sixth line schoo the other members, It was decldod that the next It was decided to erect a bill [TOAthly mesting would be held board at the site for the new |APrl 2 at 8.00 p.m, for nomina- hospital so everyone would be| on Of officers, Arrangements were also made for a regular weekly garbage collection, Reeve W. H. Biggar wus the upeaker of the evening, his topi being ronds and the ditticultioy of keepng them free of water at Suitable Memorial y J [this time of the year ow 5 -| a stroke. She was in her 81st © yt owing to oe a ey = we ear. D; She was a member of St.| The OskvilleTrafalgar high | the ditches being full of snow, sil aA .gatis act iA o ot John's United Church, A lover|?hool area board are holding n|He explained the township's mee concerne an cause the plan of flowers, her garden was her|PUPHC meeting tonight in the|thod of handling the fob through be amended accordingly. Hobby, { he chambers to discuss a|Pplowing out the ditches whenever he Re rs cil, we expect the public's sup- port in order to give this a fair Besides her daughter, Mae, she is survived by a half-sister, Mrs, sultable memorial for the late R. H. Archibald and for members of the high school who lost their possible. Councillor R, A. Cumberland expressed apprecia- tion of members to the speaker trial, E. J. Hayes. lives In the war, at the close of the meeting, oar Journal