Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 6 May 1948, p. 2

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T wi Thursday, M THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ursddy, May 6th, 194g ~------------------ [Many the person is hurrying A SAFE Tip Th 0 k ill -T f | J | AHA GZ TEE N TOWN around to, get all fixed. Thanks | pyr in fun bungie, causeq g d Vi 8 I d d 0a I ourna Trafalgar Tales | ] to: Shella. Wilson, Mr, Hardwicke, | orosono spilled from a, over. Published Every Thursday Morning in Oakville, Ont, by By Bossle Cairns By Bruce Squires Mr. Carpenter and Dave Lynch [lyme gfiantern Moan! ibe BUardeq Oakville - Trafalgar Publishers, Ltd. Colborne St, B. (Next Post Office) S. Casey Wood, Jr. Managing Editor e Just one more week and the" 8 Who are RelDing to MAKE | against by packing the of foun 0 etter than ever. GEORGE AND JOHN ~ | curtain will be up for the annual| the Plays b with absorbent cotton, The cq, Teen Town plays and everyone is| The badminton tournament is|ton will soak up the kerosene g, "H we could throw our trou- > z 5; bles i hi we'd each pull out [Betting ready for the big day. (on its way and many eager con- [it will not spill if the lantern j, in a heap we' 2 our own," is a thought that has|------------------ | testants are trying for those upset. When filling the lane, stood me in good stead during| Letter to the Editor |veautitu trophies. The age groups put in only as much Kerosene q many a difficult time, for the tournaments are: Senior, [the cotton will absorb, 16 to 18; junior, 18 to 16. Vincent H. Barrey Advertising Manager Phone 1208 Sree ER I FO 3 TOWARD, CITIZENSHIP The newly formed Junior Chapter of the Humane Society is a youth activity to which we feel all par- ents should give their most hearty support. Apart from making children conscious of the importance of kindness to animals, participation in the activities of the chapter will provide an opportunity for realization of the importance of service to the community. The children of today are the citizens of tomor- Tow, on whose shoulders will rest the responsibility for carrying on the public work of service organizations. Also, municipaly provincial and. federal governments will draw their members from among our youths. The opportunity to form the habit of public service at a young age is not to be overlooked. Membership in the Junior Chapter will make possible experience in work which is of a public service nature and will, in many cases, arouse the desire to continue to take active part in worthwhile work. The chapter has its Own executive, so that management experience will also be available. Any youth organization with aims Of an unselfish nature is a valuable asset to a com- munity. The Junior Chapter of the Humane Society iS a fine addition to those we have already. Dear Mr. Wood: It is with very great regret that owing to person reasons| A get-well card to Alistair Les- am forced to give up my sels who has been spending his|bet Laurie he couldnt eat tire, weekly column in your paper, at| ym. in the Oakville Temporary |Bricks of ice cream, who in tum least for the present time, George and John, two blind pi- ano-tuners, are further proof of the truth of the above statement. When George was & youngster the childish prank of putting fire- ; crackers > a milk a : cele- hospital trying to recover from a [made the same bet with Jon, brate the 24th of May resulted in| I have very much enjoyed the | painful week of quinzy. Hope [Ross Laurie consumed the am. him being blinded for life. John | association with the Journal, and ount with some difficulty py Was born blind, George felt should like to take this oppor- John downed the whole thre sorry for John--to use his own tunity of expressing to those of| A rather amusing half hour bricks without any trouble-- any Words, "When someone describes my readers who wrote or spoke|was spent down at Len Hope's in addition drank a double coke the color of anything to me I|to me about my column my ap-|last week when Laurie Smith and to top things off, Everyone hag can visualize it. But John hasn't| preciation for their encourage-| John Ross engaged in an ice|fun except Bill Who wo. it even a conception of what is|ment, cream 'race. The source of the| tidy sum See: you next wees: meant by blue sky." With best wishes for continuing John, on the other hand, de-| success, clared, "Im luckier than George, a : never having seen anything, I gd : \ haven't his sense of loss." Ruth Sargant. | yo CHECK YOUR HAT George and John were botn| TE fault, but the poor| FOR PROTECTION... fond of my father, largely be- thing didn't know the difference cause ne spent mis moon mousy, JF TSSR TOW plants reading to them. The daily pap- ers are not printed in braille and| "Here is a sketch of her--writ- co after dad got them caught up on|ten a few years ago: 'An aged THE FROST IS GONE | the news he would carry on with | face, beautiful and tender, waxen In their report following the public meeting | Shakespeare, Burns, Scott, George | white, and lined with sorrow and held to hear complaints of 'commuters, the C.N.R, |Bliot, Wilke Collins or any book care, but so quiet and peaceful, so ee wager was Bill MacKendrick, wp, to see you back soon, Alistair. promised that as soon as the frost was out of the |Oof their choice. old and yet in heart so young, so sround they would undertake the levelling of the At the end of the first world | trustful. The little children say barking area at the station. To date nothing has been | war, George decided to try for a| 'We love to play with her be- ' done about this. Also, there was to be an Improved | more lucrative job and, with the [cause she loves to play; she | lighting system installed. This also has not been un- | aid of his sensitive fingers, be- [doesn't 'only play because we like | dertaken. came an expert masseuse highly [it--and the children 'are right. Possibly there is some reason for the delay with regarded at the military hospi-| She does love to play and is so 1 which we are not familiar, but further delay will re- tals. As his financial standing |Jjoyous and cheery. So much sor. quire an explanation from the railway. improved he bought property and |row has she known, but there is @ Hats and Health... The com: that's the very time you should finally became a prosperous real |always time to listen to another's| . bt fare ase 6 Doctor-=bafors hehias to i SECTIONALISM? estate agent in the Beach dis-| troubles and to give a helping| , Parison may seem a al nial | The decision of the Linbrook Ratepayers' associa- | trict of Toronto. Always fond of always room for another Sorrow, fetched. But let's see. You che: " a ee J tion to extend their geographical limits from the edge the water, he bought a sailboat | word. : your hat as a protective meas- ment right away. hod of town as far east as the Town line, is a wise deci- and used to enjoy sailing on Lake "Now Her life is calm and easy| ft ure. Why not checkup on your to help you get bal sion. However, there are disadvantages to even this | Ontario, One time his Finmich but I doubt if she is happier than| * health forthe same reasont You highway to Healthl A litle fore- ; enlarged district it is still only a small part of the |maid fell overboard and after When it was crowded and diffi- can buy a new hat for a few sight may save you the price of { township. Unless the executive are very careful, the | helping rescue her he mented It Re hot have known| &' dollars But who would care to a -dozen hahl And remember, fi: association may well find itself labelled a "special in- would be wise to teach her to hard work, and they worked Will-| + t a price-tag on his health? bring your Doctor's prescriptions ; terest" group. Should this label be attached to the |swim. She proved such an apt |; gs pp 8 fation it would reat injusti 3 i i ingly and cheerfully for those she| ; You aren't really ill .. . Just here for careful, conscientious association it would be a great injustice, for the pur- (pupil that he trained her for the loved.- She is so frail that one ding by. our experts, : poses behind the formation of this ratepayers' organ- CNE. swim. She came in third o fearful that a~breath, would @ bit under par, perhaps. And compounding by ports. ! ization are not sectional at all, but rather are con. --falling behind through an aver- 3 Vo DAVID J. RUSSELL, Phm.B. cerned with the well being of all ratepayers. sion of lamprey eels . , . for cause that white candle tol flicker (Byers Drug Co.) - With this aim in mind, the association might well 'which I don't blame her. out, It will go out one day, but ; YS Ph a7 = \ 5 be wise to give consideration to throwing open its "After his daughter graduated |so softly and gently that we shall = Bhione §7-- membership to a wider group, possibly the whole [from the university, George took | not realize that it is going until OAKVILLE township. With a membership representative of a 4 S| t time off for a trip with her to feel the dark larger district in the township, the association could England. As he - explained to TE fos) the darn be an even stronger force for the advancement of dad, "I've read so much about ratepayers' interests--and for the overall protection the old land I decided I'd like of the nature of the township. Possibly such is the | oul BC a a intention, the first step being the present increased ; L I can mot imagine dad introduc- area. Also the entire township may seem an overly 51 900000000008 000005s3ce soso UE PRESCRIPTIONS! ambitious program for a new association to attempt. a Foo La 1S not foods But a planning area has been. established in the town- on that I think, rather than his . b ship and the Linbrook Ratepayers' association might disability, turned hist tuto a bit at a price as ut well consider the advisability of taking as its limits tor IE oastin the whole the area set aside--of which it is a part. As the plan- lities] 'setts, in Sa . . d R bl P . ning board will consider this area as a whole the asso- | Political set-up Sin First Quality E oods at €asonable "rices ciation could possibly be more helpful if it did like- Dad rarely saw either George 7 : wise. or John in the years between the. two wars but he was always in- terested 'in their doings. > When U < > ™ - | Now: As Mays! neta Fish Meats - Produce him . . . when John stood bail for Fresh Haddock Fillet .... 48c Ib. Loin Pork Chops .. 58c Ib. \"MORE FOR YOUR MONEY |= 2 ced aso pronca nim Fresh Cod Fillet ..... Moth, Pork 8 ae If our Products please you... tell others... if not... please tell us. Cohoe Salmon (sliced) .. 52c Ib, First Grade Sliced was. l Breakfast Bacon (rindless) 71c Ib. as. * : 7, Ls 0 AA The day John's death notice ap- Silver Bright Salmon (sI'd) 48c Ib. No. 1-Sliced When you buy. peared in the paper, George phon- | | Frozen Halibut (sliced) ... 52c Ib. Peamealed Back Bacon... 73c Ib. Li Wm. Rogers & ed, "Are you going to the funeral Haddies ............. . 39 Ib. Round or Sirloin Steak .. 55¢ Ib. ! : Son slverpiat i i Grade A Large Eggs 54¢ doz you buy bath Billy Alt so. Pll idrive around for [Hi ==N 5 TE mbo Smoked Eillet 43¢7Ib: AE ze Tr Daa quality an you." = Ci 42¢ Ib. ! . an a be I d the door hi iscoes © _ Large Juicy Prunes . Sa ah Kippers . .. 32c Ib. Beet Greens, 20-0z. tin C youre a young woman now. I Frozen Lobster - Scallops - Shrimp Jematoss Sa0er, tin > hen I first": 2 ethey's Choice 3 IT 8 Eins SPECIAL OFFER Crushed Pineapple . . 1-Ib: jar 39c 1 | We Se Ba ee Glass Cup and Saucer with every SPECIAL Ex i Ey a rs he would tL) ib. Orange' Pekoe nd] A Product. of a Local Industry i = 5 + CE SRR a A oo Ic 2 oe Gil: still substantiate my opening. assco paragraph. + Don't throw away your used FAT Apple and Raspberry . Two lovely patterns... seees al 40. Ib. for it Apple and Strawberry hb 4-1b. (gl Ro Rises tots included $2 47 5 A SON REMEMBERS We will pay 4c Ib. for it. Pure Orange Marmalade tins | , 616 : This touching tribute to his i a Bente Coons = = mother by Sir John Simon must. - We Carry McCormick's Biscuits 2 hii | Spoon. Price includes a WITH CABINET find an echo in many a heart this -- HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FAMOUS -- li fine wood cabinet. coming week-end when we cele : X brate Mother's Day. Royal Cambridge ws Pure Pork Sausage 48c lb. v E "Gardening tasks with stool and : | TRUST CREDIT basket, with gloves and clippers -- Made and Sold Only at -- 2 5 and trowel, remained her joy to ; Jowalory the very end. She explained the 0A KVI LLE FISH & POU LTRY i ings of an ; = hor candidate for the post of person- 819 Lakeshore Road 64 Colborne Street E. . | al companion by saying with a| [ONE DELIVERY DAILY BY PENNY'S DELIVERY , PHONE 30 - NEW TORONTO OAKVILLE | delicious twinkle: "You see, it S ee a A Oy [MUGGS "AND SKEETER ----__ ; -- I Il OAKVIL Maxi (Owned and operated by Ls Devenish Bros;) TWO PHONES -- a Chm For Your Convenlence ! Rn ai | sue g = ill Sill A agi hin" § conc 1548, Yong Fetus sy, toc. wd sighs red

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