Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 May 1948, p. 2

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Rage 2 > Thursday, May 13th, 194 The Dakville-Trafalzar Journal Published Every Thursday Morning in Oakville, Ont., by Oakville - Trafalgar Publishers, Ltd. Colborne St. E. (Next Post Office) S, Casey Wood, Jr. Managing Editor Vincent H. Barrey Advertising Manager Phone 1298 OF INTEREST TO ALL The Oakville and District Tempor: Hospital fulfills the functions of a hospital with distinction. Since its modest beginning it has heen expanded and improved until--within the limitations of the build- ing--it is one of the finest units of its type anywhere. Recoghizing that many people may never have had the opportunity to see what is available in the way of service at the hospital, the board has extended an invitation to the public to inspect the hospital on the Annual Hospital Day next Sunday. This is an oppor- tunity for everyone who is interested to see just what the present hospital has to offer and a large number of the public will undoubtedly wish to avail them- selves of the priv A HALF DAY OF REST When a young man selects the practice of medi- cine he does so with the knowledge that this choice means sacrifices on his part which are not demanded in other professions. Subject to call at all hours of the night, constantly required to make decisions which mean the difference between life and death, a doctor must at all times be prepared-to call upon his exper ence and training for the right decision. This requires an alert mind and plenty of energy at all times. It is therefore most reasonable that one of the first acts of the newly formed Medical association was to discontinue Saturday afternoon and evening office hours. Prior to. this our doctors' week was a seven-day one--for house calls must he made on Sunday... They say the "cobbler's children usually need shoes," and most of us have been told by our doctor, "You're working too hard. Relax--take some time off." It would look as if at last our doctors are going to-take some of their own good advice. The new plan will also be of advantage to the public. One doctor will be available every weel-end to look after all emergency calls. Sometimes in the past it has not been possible to immediately secure a doctor on Saturday night. There will now always he one available to answer these sudden calls. It is to be hoped that the golf handicaps of. our medical men will be lowered by the end of this sum- mer, but whether they are or not, we wish them an enjoyable half day of rest. AN EXCELLENT CHOICE The selection by the Liberal convention of Dr. Murray Deans to represent the party in.the-coming = Dproyincial election is a happy choicé. Ability is need- ed in Queen's Park more today than ever before. That Murray Deans has ability in public office is -known to everyone. His record as mayor of Oakville is one that is still used as a yardstick against which to mea- sure those who preceded him and those Who have and will follow after. He is a member of the Oakville= Trafalgar High School Area board, serves with un- selfish service on Red Cross committees and other charitable organizations. He has been a friend to many, and is a credit to his profession. of dentist. We feel that Conservatives and Liberals alike will feel that in Dr. Murray Deans this county would have a public-spirited, capable and aggressive man to watch their interests in Queen's Park should he win the election on June 7th. WIV, JI JI 7% Ln Te By Bessie Cairns TO HEEL! Oakville is such a doggy town it's unfortunate that more people didn't turn out last week to the Humane society annual meeting. to see the technicolor movie "How: to Train Your Dog." The com- bination of a choke chain, a nim- ble knee and that certain look on your face can change Fido from a bouncing pup to a perfectly mannered canine; one who heels, stops, sits, and speaks at a lift of the hand or a word of com- mand. According to the trainer, your pet should reflect the intelli. gence of the owner. I squirmed about then as I remembered my two dogs who followed me unin- vited to afternoon teas and at a word of command | . . do exactly as they please. It's a case of cobblers' children With us and I still blush when I recall the time, after a hunt meet, that one of our dogs made the dining room before the guests and! we arrived just in time to' rescue a ham from the buffet. Joking 'aside, there is a great deal of satisfaction in having a well-trained pet and a lot fewer headaches. If you get another chance to see the picture, don't miss it. feta A LAUGH AND A BOMB J. V. McAree redressed his read- ers recently for spending too much time reading magazines. Too much time may also be spent reading ' columns, but who am I to argue that point? However, when two short statements from one magazine can give you a laugh for a week and a thought for -the future, I think something is gained. To quote from last weelk's' Time . . a description of Katharine Hepburn; "Hepburn's affection of talking like a woman, trying sim- ultaneously to steady a loose den- tal brace, sharply JHmits -her range of expression" . . . I love it. From historian Arnold Toyn- bee's "Ciivlization on Trial" . . "Only one thing can now prevent one world; the destruction of all our major civilizations by the atom bomb." ..". And what better authority ? . sexes ZULU WIFE _ The pigmies of Africa stand the best chance of survival against the atom bomb, according to Toynbee . . . canit get away from that man, I know as much about the native Africans as I.do about the early inhabitants of the Nile Valley. The latter I always think of as having no third' dimension, the former as going to the other extreme with their protruding tummies, I was therefore inter- ested in the tale by Margaret Hubbard of Christina, the first C- G-SECORD. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Industrial and Residential Building ESTIMATES ON REQUEST PHONE 190° OAKVILLE BOB-A-LAWN Power. Mowers Welding Supplies Pipe Fitting Pumping Outfits Golf Course Equipment Reconditioned REPAIRS of -all kinds] wife of Solomon, late king of the Zulus. Christina was a product of mission schools, her husband a pagan. For a short -time her wedded life was happy but when Solomon decided to import wives and concubines by the score and ordered her to make bed mats for them her faith in love and' mar- riage dwindled. But Christina was no movie queen and it was only after further indignities that she decided to divorce him. The story of a Zulu woman seems a far cry from: election discussions of -cock- tail lounges in Ontario, but after her divorce she supported herself as a bootlegger. I am not out to condone Christina, but there seems a primitive urge for alcoholic bev- erages. In the not-tog-distant future, perhaps, the pygmies_ of Africa will be - attempting to solve Ontario's: liquor problem, WARM PUTTY Putty can be kept warm and Wh, WHITAKER SR. UMBING and HEATING Telephone 7 Colborne St., Oakville rkable while being applied out- doors during cold weather, by placing it on a heated brick. Wrap the brick in waxed paper so the putty willl not. stick to the brick. librarian, and the ladies of the district for their making the wonderful success. boxes were filled to capacity with this discarded silk which will pro: vide much needed material for the making of the various hand- worked rugs which the women of Labrador turn out in: their homes. TEEN TOWN | TEEN TOWN | By Bruce Squires Hi eyerybody! Teen Town's all in a hurry to get ready for those plays tonight and everyone is pitching in to help. week I've never people studying so hard for those plays and you can imagine the trouble they can't answer a question or haven't got their homework done because they've been to a play practice or were studying in a class. after tomorrow night and every- thing will be as usual. and get those tickets if you have not got them yet 'cause the plays are really worth seeing. « ~ Last Thursday we had a coun- cil meeting and a couple of by- laws were passed. First: ing to all smokers) Teen Town members will be smoke This by-law is on condition that the smoking is not carried into the hall. bottles can not be taken into the hall out of the. canteen. spilled means a sticky spot and it is rather uncomfortable on the heel of someone's shoe. all is that you had better get your membership cards in a hurry be- cause the mayor is clamping down on the door and adhering to the' old policy of not allowing out- siders in unless they are guests of , someone else or memberships to other clubs, as of last Thursday, so get those membership cards. This last seen so many it's causing them when Anyway, that's all over So hurry (a bless- permitted to in the ante-room only. "Second: Cokes and coke A coke Last of they have teen-age This law goes into effect See you next week to tell you about the plays. Letter to the Editor Dear Sir: The convenors of the Grenfell Labrador Mission silk-stocking collection wish to thank The Journal and Miss Emily Keeley, the LO.D.E. members co-operation in| such a large splendid collection Many (Signed) The Convenors. FOR THE SAKE OF FREEDOM | Contributed by Angela Bruce Chapter [:0:D.E. Can the women of Ontario afford to be indiffer- ent while tliey still have their privilége to exercise their franchise, when the menace of the communist is threatening as never before in our history? The-vote of the women represents more than 50 per cent of the eligible vote of the country. Statistics reveal the alarming fact that seldom more than 30 per cent of the voters in Canada use this privilege. 'Under a communistic system. Canadians would he subject to a rigidly tyrannical control of every detail pertaining to every-day life. Communism preaches the overturn of the government by force--it stands for destruction of political freedom and compels ohe- dience to party line. Complacency in the face of this evil can not be tolerated. If we do not choose to elect out freedom we do not deserve to enjoy it. By exer- cising our franchise we guard our individual liberty. Vote as you like--but vote on June 7th. 4. Slowly 20, Sky-blue VIA] a (Mus:) 21. United 6. Expression 5. Organ of States of he 11. Marshal sight © America. oe 12. A Brazilian 6. Moccasin. (abbr.) a fish likeshoe 22. Pigpen 7. Shade of red 24. Body of 13. Trap Mark used '8.Long-eared water 2 ae rodents 25. Abounding 15. Melody 9. God of war in ore 16. Pause (Gr.) 27. Plant of. 17. Cattle pens 10. Unit.of crowfoot (West. power in family U.S.) metric 2 i x . 10; system Slo J 2 Ee 18. Spiked 34, Arranged 30. Ventures 24. Therefore 'wheel on *in bundles. 0 Le ot 26. Stemofa a spur 35. Worth . = on cereal 19. Interna-. 36. Molded 42. Cushion grain tional mass of 43. Anglo-Saxon 28. Speak language bread letter Da -- TTT 31, Close 33. Beam 7 Sr 34, Accept as true 7 = 36. Rich earth 38. Large pulpit [7 oo 41, A warship's lowest deck PR a 43, Arm joint 44, Sphere of LL, T 7 action A 45. A fine, My |_| net-like i of fabric aa 46. Lost color, £2 57 £3 EZ asa fabric 7 47. Takes cate 122 | DOW i 1. Church 7% 177 73 (54 service (Rom. i gee Cath.) 2. River (It.) = = 3. One of ; Santa Claus' [7% oy reindeer £27] First Quality Foods at Reasonable Prices If our Products please you .. . tell is not foods at a price .". but others . . . if not .~ . please tell us. Frésh Cod Fillet MUGGS AND Ae MUGGS! TAKE Wee | YOUR FEET OUT Ii é Fish Fresh Haddock Fillet ., .. Cohoe Salmon (sliced) Silver Bright Salmon ED 48c Ib. Frozen Halibut (sliced) ... 52¢ Ib. Peamealed Back Bacon ... 73¢ Ib. Haddies ~ 39¢ Ib. Roun Sot Steak .. 55c Ib. No. 1 Jumbo Smoked Fillet 43c Ih. ~ Grade A Large EEEn els Ciscoes - 42 Ib. Large Juicy Prunes ...,.. 21c Ib. x Kippers .. . 32c lb. Beet Greens, 20-0z. tin . . 2 for 25¢ Frozen Lobster - = Scallops - Shrimp Tomatoes, 20-0z. tin ...... 21c - Wethey's Choice r SPECIAL OFFER : Crushed Pineapple .. 1-lb. jar 39¢ Glass Cup and Saucer with every SPECIAL 2 Ib. Orange Pekoe (Teacup) A Product of a Local Industr A CE 60c 1, Ib. Glassco, 7 5 Apple and Raspberry . Don be Aine 2 FAT. _ Apple and Strawberry : 4-lb. Velwill pay crib. foriit. Pure Orange Marmalade tins -- HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FAMOUS -- Royal Cambridge i: Pure Pork Sausage 48c lb. -- Made and Sold Only at -- OAKVILLE FISH & POULTRY ONE DELLVERY DAILY BY PENNY'S DELIVERY Micats - Produce 48¢ Ib. Pork Chops 40¢ 1b. Pork Butts .... 520 Ib, First Grade Sliced Breakfast Bacon (rindless) 71c Ib. No. 1 Sliced We Carry McCormick's Biscuits PHONE 30 OAKVILLE _ ll it Wo. att ~ (Owned and operated by Devenish Bros.) TWO PHONES -- For Your Convenlent® 1060 - 1061 Day and Night Service A Cope 1548, King Festures STi Ines World rights sseved. Tie. SS Hw 'd |

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