Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 May 1948, p. 6

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, May 18th, 1048 PEOPLE and EVENTS 'The Women's of St. John's United church are holding: a tea on May 14th, Everybody is welcome, Ausiliary Miss Tova Boroditsky, pupil of Madame Lubka Kolessa, will give a piano recital on May 28th at the home of Mrs, Toni Mendel, under the auspices of Arts and Crafts, Inc, eran Mrs, Chick Baker at tea on Wednesday. PREFER Mr. and Mrs. R. Morgan of Toronto have moved to Oakville and are living on Watson Ave. entertained Mrs. H. W. Harris held a bridge at her home on Thursday night. FEF Mrs, Malcolm Smith attended the annual meeting of the Halton County Children's Ald Society in Milton. are The annual hockey banquet of Branch 114 of the Canadian Le- gion will be held on Thursday, May 20th, in the Legion Hall. Mr, Murray Mackenzie flew home recently from Norman Wells, N.W.T.- He will return north later in the month. seve A presentation of a silver tray, suitably inscribed, was made to Lt.-Col. and Mrs. S. B. Pepler at the annual meeting of the Oak- ville) Humane society in apprecia- tion of the valuable service they have rendered to the organization during their years in Oakville. Mrs. Chick Baker will give a series of monologues at the Arts and Crafts meeting on May 19th. Teen Mrs. Clarence H. Byers enter- tained at tea at the residence of Mrs, Edward Barringham, Reyn- olds Street, on Saturday after- noon, in honor of her two future daughters-in-law, Miss Marjorie Jebb and Miss Norma MacMurdo, Toronto. Miss Jebb's marriage to John A. Byers takes place in St. Jude's Anglican church May 22nd, and Miss MacMurdo will become the bride of Harold By- ers in St. Paul's Anglican church, Willard Avenue, Toronto, May '| Jacklin, who has been of very The proofs have been read and some of the pages printed of the: high school year book. Miss great assistance to the staff, and Miss Quail deserve a great deal of credit for their part in the making of the magazine. Next in line for work is the circulation manager. The magazine will be available if all goes well in a few short weeks. Price 50 cents. Fan The St. Jude's' Women's Guild cordially invites you to attend a birthday tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Chisholm on' Wednesday, May 19th, from 3.30 to 6 p.m, Pr Sydney Fearman, chairman of the board of directors, and Miss Catherine Sanderson, superinten- dent, will be assisted on Hospital Day next Sunday at the Tempor- ary hospital in showing visitors through the hospital by Mrs. E. P. Soanes and Mrs. Alan Read, hospital convenors of the White Oak and Angela Bruce chapters of the LODE, Dr. D. H. Dixon, Alex Tilley, Mackenzie Robinson and Charles Freeman, members of the board. All members of the medical profession will also be present. The dedication of the Lovering Memorial at Munn's United church will take place at a spe- cial afternoon service next Sun- day 'at 2:30 pm. Reverend Bruce Hall, minister of the Trafalgar circuit, will conduct the service and will be assisted by Reverend J. B. Moore, Waterdown, and Reverend N. J. Truex, Carlisle. Music will be provided by Ron- ald Stewart, the Munn's choir and the Sheridan orchestra. The Reverend Dr. Archer Wallace of Toronto will give the spelial ad- dress. cesee The ex-service women of Bronte held a meeting Monday night to discuss the establishment of a Ladies' Auxiliary to the newly formed Bronte branch of the Can- adian Legion. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Bray and it was decided that an- other meeting will be held this 'week with the officers of the Oakville Ladies' Auxiliary to re- ceive advice as to the procedure which should 'be adopted. A rep- resentative from Toronto has also been invited to be present. crs The Appleby College Women's association is holding its annual meeting, which will be followed by a buffet luncheon, at the col- lege, prior to: the cadet inspection on Friday afternoon, Mrs, Hec- tor P. Bellingham, president, will preside. Among those expected to attend will be: Mrs. John Bull, Mrs. E. L. Vokes, both of Bramp- ton; Mrs. Ross Blaikie, St. Cath- arines: Mrs. H. B. Peppall, Erin- dale; Mrs. Clark Wallace, MTS. Hugh Cayley, Mrs, W, W. King, Mrs. J. B. Terryberry, Mrs. John Tyrell, Mrs. L. Lennox, Mrs. F. S. Stark, all of Toronto. Those at- tending from Oakville will be: Lady Baillie, Mrs. Aubrey Baillie, Mrs, Joseph Tomlinson, Mrs. Frank Milligan, Mrs, Alfred Bunting, Mrs. E. P. Soanes, Mrs. J. Crashley and Mrs. J. A. Gairdner. DER Among those who entertained for Mrs. Edmund Devenish, nee Elizabeth Low, prior to her mar- riage on Monday were: Mrs. A. R. Fleming, personal shower; Mrs. C. Clyde, miscellaneous shower; Miss Helen Devenish, a miscellaneous shower. The Evening Auxiliary supper meeting was held in Lusk Hall on Monday night. brought a guest, was taken by Mrs, H. W. Jarre, and Mrs. B Long. Miss Mug, McLeod with "Claire de Lune" and "Vaige |, E flat." Mrs: G. Watts wag ip, guest speaker. could use that man." learn to say, I am willing, qq can use a proud or bitter man, No matter what happens God makes no mistakes. to do anything alone, ways with us," she stated. Malcolm Smith Watts, for her thought-provoking talk, baby chicks when his house was destroyed by fire last week. BULLDOZING - Each mempe, The devotion, delighted two plano the guests selections, Her tople wag "We mug He doesn't ask yg He is ql. Mrs, thanked My. CRIS Dick -Scarrow, Bronte, lost 509 broader EXCAVATING GRADING R. H. TROWBRIDGE ERINDALE W, Phone Cooksville 185 R 13 prrsd ee In th Jaborato scale te: canada yanced have be north tions work of Seriously venther tremely routes. In the ories, it uce: an! tomperat for thr Biola thes ny req 29th. Receiving with Mrs. Byers were the brides-elect and their mothers, Mrs. W. P. Jebb and Mrs, R. S. MacMurdo. A profu- sion of spring flowers were ar- ranged through the spacious rooms and an artistic arrange- ment of pansies, and tall, lighted tapers centred the tes table pre- sided over by Mrs. W. A. Chis- holm, Mrs. A. G. Biette and Mrs. PR About 50 friends of "Ebbie" Devenish gathered at the home of Howard Gill, Gloucester Street, on Thursday evening. The pre- sentation of a tri-light was made Was madé by his brother 'Pete' on behalf of those present, and a Social evening was enjoyed by all. ore. be I eld test mity to ess tot he whol Beareh Li ty to cc ill H. W. Williams, Toronto. Tea as- Typical THURS. - FRI. - SAT. [sistants were: Mrs. Stafford Be work Shas NEL MAY 17th - 22nd INCLUSIVE ST MAY 13 - 14 - 15 matron of honor for Miss Mac- n Fo w Ch GAB SPT Actin | Murdo, and Miss Jean Williams, Bing of ¢ THE STAR-SPLASHED | monte, and Miss Barbara Jebb, : 3 di rbines, i ho will be Miss Jebb's attend- : ' Technicolor |= iw xe sons wns E Exceptional Values - Lower Prices - Quality Merchandise | MUSICAL HIT Conrad Crawford, Mrs. George - Ea pou Hagey, Miss Helen Smith, Miss B Ben ait ETHIS TIME |zctty Hodge ana Mrs, James - . ~ . caro Parker. f fruperaty FOR KEEPS*™")" ..... Specials! - Specials! - Specials!|}: The excavation has been com- LJ ° 4 o Bhysiologi -- Starring -- pleted for Oakville Motors' new rial Pulley TT Tei ae, 100-ft, Aluminum ~~ % SIX-STRING BROOMS 9-Hole Tin frat clo illi d. It is expected the prem- 2 i ea Esther Williams ed a or cocupency CLOTHES LINE Regular $2.15; now. only MUFFIN | FRAMES ildings. Jimmie Durante in four to five months. Non-rusting; 2 aluminum pulleys, $1.79 2 Regular 40c; now only Three c : ever n 2 large hooks. Reg. $2.65. Only 35¢ ible, the Lauritz Melchior Oakville-Trafalgar Home and |Z - : $2. GALVANIZED PAILS bic or ac 'School association will hold open Extra line available at reg. prices. Regular 50¢; now only z 5 RI MON. - TUES. - WED. EEE Le nn - Two 8-ounce, clear 39% a yr Sai EE teresting; program by embers of WATER GLASSES Asbestos and Cotton Covered Regular $13.00; now only am the student body will be given. Reg. 2 for 15¢; while supply lasts = IRON CORDS > $10.50 of the col As this is the final meeting of 5c each ont ; ditional the year and there will be the > 7 egular 70c; now only rs. a 5 i Slow-Dip, Galvanized election of officers for the com- 2 59¢ » ola plant has i it i ASH CANS = Sturdy 13" Beatty Folding | ing term, it is hoped that the d a tota parents and all those interested Reg. $1.98; now only General Steel Wares, All-Soldered IRONING BOARDS ip. in education it be presse Re- ; 1.75 - STRAINER PAILS Exceptional value; steel-braced in the Erestiienty ill be served. WINDOW. SCREENS Regular $2.15; now only throughout . . . 7 These past few weeks have Closed 14" x 21"; Open 14" x 36" $1.79 $4.45 Ii meant hard work for Mr. H. Regular $1.05; now only Brearly and the OT. HS. choir. 93c¢ = 6" Turn-Out EZE IRONING PAD and COVER 5, i, Mr, Brearley has been spending | 5 Closed 10" x 21"; Open 10" x 367 CAKE TINS $1.00 [ 1 all his spare time giving the choir Regular 85c; now only Regular 35c; now only Cotton Cover Only -' 75¢c iil Cou and individual students valuable Tic 30c Fits all standard size boards. assistance in preparation for the | annual Halton county Music Fes- 2 | tival held Wednesday and Thurs- Garden Tools Tools day of this week. Many groups Genuine Bamboo IE Sen are being entered from O.H.S,, in- LEAF and LAWN RAKES .................. 60c STANLEY SMOOTH LANE: . | cluding: choir soloists. Welland Vale Spring Steel, Fan Shape 134" cutter, 8" long ............. LLL $7.25 [02 kvill LEAF RAKES $1.15 * frome Pr ig Wa |B CAA LAWN MOWERS Ne $8.05 > i 2 i = 7 Plage Se LE en .S i Pins, ean are Speedy, 14» cut; 4-blade, steel wheels ...... $14.80 a a 'Spiral TE Ren on Saturday afternoon. Walton peedy, 16" cut, 5-blade, steel wheels $16.45 g D 5.95 x ? Singer, 16!" cut, 5-blade, rubber RATCHET SCREWDRIVER ................ $5. Memorial United church, Bronte ger, J gd er-tired .... $18.90 » y : '|§ PENNSYLVANIA GREAT AMERICAN-- Mikes Spiel, QUID Retin i The bride is the daughter of Mr. - C RATCHET SCREWDRIVER $3.10 © and Mrs. Wesley Patterson. Rev- the greatest name in lawn mowers. Rubber-tired, erend Simon Edwards, assisted ball bearing, self-sharpening, specially Found blades ELECTRIC SOLDERING IRONS-- ' > J oF by Reverend Leslie Wilton, offi-| = for easy cutting; 17" cut; 5 blades. Only .... $37.75 EROMN 0 5 ue «oie ten ar A Soh $2.15 to $6.65 and a giant musieal cast in ciated, Mrs, Jack Freeman, of COCOA MATS | J | Heme wis mat of nae | 2 147 x 25% ony sts PAINTS Rennie Seeds | fi | and -Miss Louise MacGibboy, o 3 | Hamilton, was bridesmaid. Bon- = Boren ae 0 Benjamin Moore's Quick Growing | He ii nie Diick of Toronto was flower|S _ ¥5-12 = $9.00 - $4.00 HOUSE PAINT ...... $1.80 qt.; $6.25 gal GRASS SEED E | girl. Frank Yewman, Toronto,|E REGULATION SOFTBALL iL Se 1 Ib. 50c_- 10 Ibs. $4.70 | 1 14 was best man, and Ray Patter- $2.45 Soi hens, bathrooms and trim. SHADY NOOK $5.70 | Ll ea , broth f the bride, d ee ------ FEI SA ma ea 1 Ib. 60c - 10 lbs. $5. ; | I i Ton ort Ti the aH REGULATION HARDBALL x quart plus 1 pint water makes 3 ? is fhe ey 1 HE Miss Grace Osborne was soloist $2.60 ROU re pi = Eveln Bulk Seeds | i and Harry Belyea, Hamilton, CLOTHES PINS d (All Varieties) I played the organ. The bride fash- Round) bash type, _ SANI-FLAT OIL PAINT PEAS and BEANS .. 40c Ib. | ioned her own wedding dress Reg. 10c doz. Now only 12 shades and white ............ $1.50 qt. Early Wonder and Detroit | IH Lo Moai ke 3 doz. 25¢ : UTILAC Quick Drying ENAMEL Dark Red | ih yolk and sleeves 'One Hundted|s! Spring Pins, 3-doz. bozes. For longer lasting finish 1 BEETS) fo Ya Ib. 500 5 | J guests were received at the home 8g finishes .... 5 pt. 65¢ § BANTAM 7 Half Long Scarlet Nantes | il of the bride's parents, where a FENCE GYPTEX $2.10 qt. CARROT 1, Ib. 75 I ii wedding cake made by Mrs. An- 4 ft. high, 10-rod roll .. $8.95 ; RI 'ONIONS | time ! son' Patterson was the centre dec-| = 5-ft. high, 10-rod roll . $10.25 5 beautiful colors and white, 10 lbs. .. $1.50 20c 1b. 2 Ibs. 35¢ J ; : 1 1, c lb. - S. il has ih oration of the attractive refresh- 31 ft. x 31% ft. Lundy 7 1 ! ment table. After a wedding trip STEEL GATES EAVESTROUGH ROMEX CABLE 2 x 14 | wec a to Vancouver and Victoria, the --and-- Standar Tse ft. I less { couple will live in Toronto. 4-ft. x 12-ft. Steel ndard Gauge, 10-ft. lengths .-.... $1.10 For your supply. of Electrica) | Y FARM GATES 3-INCH. CONDUCTOR ELBOWS Fittings see us first. A g0 os an | SH Voting delegates from Lions|E Are available. Place your | Galvanized ....... 42 ET SEE as | tl clubs in Zone 6 met Tuesday in order immediately. : 2 Ea [Recept! | Jon i Oakville for the appointment of na the I the incoming deputy district gov- | fi ernor. Bert Lewis, Ancaster, D; fi was selected when Gord Vivian, ] of withdrew in his favour. Following the election a 3 Gesee social evening was enjoyed. BRONTE WE DELIVER PHONE 188-W

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