Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 May 1948, p. 7

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brooder ire last : a rads, May 3th HBAS ol low temperature labora- he division of mechan- incering of the National al Council have just been were open for tories Int o completed , and {nspection ne N In the past only very limited Jaborator) acilities for small- tests have been available in In recent years, ad- pases for field testing established. 'as far as transportation condi- permitted. | Development [ork of these advanced bases is seriously hampered by, seasonal her thanges and by the ex- g and difficult supply fay 5th, 1948. scale canada, anc ave been north tions veath iremely lon, routes: In the low temperature: labora. it will be possible to" pro- New Low Temperature abs, Opened At Ottawa ber, with a "dead" from 3 to 5 pm. Wed-| load of 40 the lodd temperature: can be lowered 'to minus 80 degrees | tl tong, held with an internal heat Of 165 kilowatts. In the rooms, with no load, small | t I in as little as 15 minutes, and | t the process can be readily re-|s versed by operating the defrosting | The chamber construction con- sists of a wooden frame with ag highly efficient metal panel type of insulation known as "Ferro. therm." of 13 thin panels of steel with a lead-tin alloy protective coating spaced about 4 inch apart. It is B. in about -16 hours and can be | Was 80 degrees F. to minus 80 degrees [Ors driven provided and the hot gases THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 7 ed by the low rate of rise of tem- perature of approximately 2 de- Bees RP. obtained in the large. chamber at minus 70 degrees F. With full load and with the re- frigeration inoperative, The refrigeration plant, one of he largest of its kind in Canada, installed by 'the Canadian load Ice Machine Company of Toron- 0. -A three-stage direct expan- the temper- | Sion ammonia system is em : ploy- ature can be dropped from plus|ed with reciprocating compress- finned type and are located at the ceiling of the cold chambers, Air is. circulated across them by: powerful fans to: ensure uniform temperature in the chamber and rapid response to changes in the heat load. The system has been designed to give maximum flexi- bility of operation. For defrost- ing, hot ammonia, direct from the compressors, may be pumped to the coils. In charge of the low tempera- tire by sy elec The first stage con- ists of three 4-cylinder compres- the second stage of one 4 ronou ric motors. system: cylinder compressor and the third stage of two smaller 2-cylinder compressors. Interstage intercoolers liqui- are are inally liquified in water condens- ied ammonia This consists of a series|€'S Supplied with eooling water rom a spray tower at the rear of the laboratory. The liquid ammonia is pumped ratories is Mr. J. L. Orr, MBE, a graduate of the Uni- versity of Toronto in engineering physits. Mr. Orr did post-gradu- ate work at California Institute of Technology and obtained: the Master's Degree in aeronautical engineering. He has been a mem- ber of the staff of the division of mechanical engineering since 1940 and during most of this time has been engaged in aircraft de- icing studies, PUBLIC DOESN'T LOOK GIFT HORSE IN MOUTH More Canadian companies are returning to the prewar practice: of offering "free" goods to pur- chasers, and at least a part of the gullible public 'will fall for these offers, observes Hardware and Electrical Dealer. It doesn't occur to some customers to ques- tion how a-business firm can of- fer goods for nothing. If a company has to use "free! goods or premiums to secure its own goods would to be wrong with the merchandising program or the quality of products, says the hardware busi- ness paper. "No company can afford to give away something for nothing if its goods are priced right and are good value for the price asked. "Free" "goods are paid for by the customer in one way or another. sales of there seem' something its WILL PRICE ENQUIRY COST MORE THAN IT SAVES Observers at hearings of the Federal Government's price en- quiry are wondering if the tax- payers are going to get their money's worth out of it, accord- ing to Canadian Grocer. 'Each of the two counsels for the com- mittee is paid $125 a day or $250 for the two of them, The bread enquiry lasted three weeks." But this is only part of the cost, continues Canadian Grocer, "Theré¢ are long distance! calls to be taken care of, lengthy wires, shorthand writers to record the proceedings, reams of paper, plus the ink for the printing of the evidence, and a score and one mated the average weekly cost other costs involved. It is esti- mated the average weekly cost may run close to $5,000. If the inquiry extends for say 16 to 20 weeks, at that rate it would run between $80,000 and $100,000 altogether." tor 4 fore, 5 desired. combination of | In) efect an' "air gap? insulation | TOM the Tow pressure receiver in emperature, wind and "chill fac-| with radiation' insulation provia-| the basement to the "flooded for throughout ithe year and to ed Fby the bright metal surfaces. | type' evaporator coils'in the cold () - GE Bold these conditions constant for | This type of insulation is equival- | chambers, 'Here heat is absorb- ee | "= == bny required length of time. Ex-jent to double the thickness of |eq in evaporating the liquid ferimental set-ups will be rela: | cork, and its thermal capacity | frigorant. au iq re 7 < ; R ively simple to constrict and) is only 1-16, giving a correspond- | monta retuens to the i ase > » ___ to mouity or repair. Tests ing improvement in "pull-down" | receiver, from where a HI n the cold a oe Sey this con-| back into the compressors, The We are pleased to announce that we ore be much 0 et Lamon, forms its" own - vapor | flow of 'cold liquid ammonia into have secured the exclusive agency for ld tests, by reason of the prox. [barrier and it is moistire-proof, | the evaporated coils is very Sime = ity urces of supply, ac-|which is a factor that usually|ply controlled by a twe position ess to the excellent facilities of | gives serious trouble with "mass" | Solenoid valve sctuateq o he whole of the National Re-|itype insulation. The effective: | thermostat : bourch Laboratories and the abil- | ness of the insulation is illustrat-| The evaporator cofls are of the i iy to control test conditions at g bil ° ; 2 1 f the Kind: > 5 Typical examples of the kinds ! A 1 R d b¢ work that can be done with € ys €rop ane 1de | bis new equipment are: Studies "By Maz Teel Jane, the rag doll." "Fust over Bi cold weather starting and run- the damien Sn EOE aT ; fing of engines, veh and 2 "If only," said Teddy the stuge- | VOUld be: wonderful." ! brbines, heating systems 0% od pear sadly, "if only T coufa| Fut evefy night, before. they ! reraft cabins, vehicles and tare ou ride in an airplanet" Went Off fo hed the children OF TORONTO carefully put the airplane on the i sorty for Teddy, and wished he| 0° Shelf of a high bookcase in figh altitudes; shattering of Plas- | ould Ibe able to get what he | 1® 100m. Try as he would, Ted- lc canopies on aircraft at low |. ioq ee | dy couldn't reach it. All-he could operatures; development of | "And then one day the 'children | 0° WAS look at it: And the more itable clothing for Arctic useilof the house came home with an | 1c [00K€d at it, the sadder he be- bhysiological exposure Problems; | airplaner It wasn't very large, | 20: Briricial precipitation from na-|ior course, It was just a model firal clouds; and insulation of iildings. helters; operation' of hydraulic Everyone in. the playroom felt Ind pneumatic control systems at. Commencing THURS. MAY (3th to 22nd (Inclusive) Special Showing and Sale in FURS for 1948-49 A Wonderful Thing Finally one night a wonderful thing happened. The children, as usual, left the airplane on the top shelf of the bookcase, and Teddy sat on the floor, looking at it. The room was quite dark. Mary-Jane and _the tin. soldier and Mr. Punch and all the other toys in the playroom seemed to be fast asleep. Then suddenly the propellors on the airplane started to hum as they began spinning around. , Teddy gasped in astonishment, The next moment the airplane ; * NEW NECKLINES sailed gracefully off the book- . Ln and llanded at Teddy'sitest, Mr. Joseph advises that prospective purchasers. procure their fur e propellors were still spin- ; 5 i ning, very gently. coats now as prices will be higher later on. He will be pleased to "Tiss come® for L me!" explain the Lay-Away Plan whereby you can purchase your Kur cried, springing to his feet. Coat for next fall wear and show you quality furs made by a re- liable firm. Every coat bears a full two-year guarantee. He wondered, as he climbed into the airplane, how he happen- ed te fit into it so easily. He As An Introductory Offer Had Wings saw, too, that he was wearing a $350.00 Three cold chambers are avail- Eble, the largest of which is cap- ble of accommodating test speci- filens up to 50 feet in length by 5 feet wide by 12 feet high. Tem- feratures as low as minus 80 de-| fices F. may be obtained in all of the cold rooms even with large fédditional heat loads in the cham- Associated refrigeration nt has a capacity of 250 tons find a total driving power of 1,000 fp. , In the case of the large cham- Of all that is NEW * NEW LENGTHS * NEW SLEEVES Through the Sky! Teddy STAMPS Old Canadian. Preferred Collections 'and Accumulations BOUGHT Send description to airplane. Teddy was almost as large as the whole airplane it- self. It had wings and a cabin and|Pilot's uniform. But he didn't > | bother to wonder too much. As propellers that spun around with | POEE 16 WORSE fof ECR 2 It Was| i rmed a switch (he seemed to know just which switch to turn), and then the propellors spun quickly around. And the plane rose off the floor like a bird! Circles Around Teddy circled around the play- room, way up near the ceiling. Below, he thought he could see Mary-Jane and the tin soldier and Mr. Punch all waving to him, and he waved back joyfully to YOU CHEEK YOUR WATCH... A Then the window in the play- 5 | : EEE | oom opened wide and out he flew into the garden. The moon was shining like a great yellow applé. He flew over the garden--over the roses and the lilacs and the apple trees-- over the bird bath and the sun dial, He saw the big white rock, and the outside fireplace, and the little house where father kept his tools, and the gate, and the path with the colored stones that led down to the pond. Flew Back Then the plane back through the open window into the It landed on the floor. Teddy climbed out. The room was still dark. All the other toys were asleep and silent. Teddy's pilot suit was gone. The trip was over. But what a won- derful trip it was! How happy. 3 he felt! And in the morning, with the | room all bright with sunshine, Teddy looked up and saw the plane standing just where the children had left it, on top-of the bookshelf, high out of reach. Perhaps it was only a dream trip perhaps, That's what every one else in the playroom thought. But Teddy didn't care, He knew it had really happened. He was happy at last, a great whirring noise, painted blue. "I'd just like to take a little trip it," Teddy told Mary- in from Persian Lamb Coats Persian Side Coats (Dyed) "Selected Seal Black and Brown (Dyed Rabbit) $165 Blended Muskrat Backs .$395 to $450 Muskrat (pieced) (Dyed) .. $225 to $265 (Dyed) up Beautiful Kolonsky Scarves (byed) ; in four, five and six skin effect. SPECIAL $10.00 Per skin . $8.00 Per Skin Squirrel extra Large Skins (Dyed) Persian Paw Coats (Dyed) ................. Grey Persian Paw (bye) $250 to $350 SPECIAL FOR WEEK! END ONLY 6 BEAUTIFUL COATS DRASTCALLY REDUCED ... $195.00 flew Don't wait for necessity fo dictate a decision. Go now to a c @® Someone has! observed that : ayroom again, fime is money, And someone else play 4 has wisely added that health is physician in whom you have con= fidence. Ask him to make a thor= ough examination, And be guid wealth, Surely sound health is no Shorter Lengths, 12 and 14 only less important than correct time. ed by his experienced counsel. You check your watch with Remember, foo, that this phar= | d @ master clock or radio signal 3 a matter of course. But how. long has it been since your last thorough physical check-up? DAVID J. RUSSELL, Phm.B. (Byers! Drug Co.) -- Phone 47 -- OAKVILLE macy compounds prescriptions precisely as written with 'fresh, potent drugs and at fair prices. LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD FUR COAT LYDIA GEORGE SH COLBORNE ST. E., OAKVILLE PHONE 738-W

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