Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 May 1948, p. 8

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Page 8 © THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL 'Thursday, May. 13th, 13 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT "FOR SALE No. 1 body HARDWOOD, cut any length. Gordon Bartholomew, 18. [.O.D.E. Chapt Mrs, Eyre Davis, regent, gave a comprehensive report of the LO. D.E, provincial semi-annual meet- a 'o|ing held in Hamilton at the May -- AT CAKESIDE Park Bronte | meeting of the Angela Bruce d-room cabin, 12' x 20, insulated, | Chapter of the T.O.D.E, held in new chemical toilet, self-contain-|Teen Town Tuesday night. Others ed, brick chimney of | reporting on conferences attended gists rt eity, Satin were Miss Drena Wethey, Empire moved. * Friced for quick sale at| Study; Miss Helen Fitzgerald $550 cash, Phone 1058-7 wfter| Welfare; Mrs, William Moore, 6.30 pm. 1.54-23-25 | post-war. FARM TRUCK, cut-down Chry-| Mrs. Lloyd Lunau, educational sler coach with platform body. | convenor, 'reported that the pu- Special heavy duty SPHBER | pils of the chapter's adopted Ea school on the 6th Line are mak- double discs, 6-ft. size; Bale load- | ing gardens under the supervision ers; Harvey barn elevators; Du-|of her committee. Shé also an- More grain blowers; "Iron Age" | nounced that the school won first orchard and "TOw-crop Sprayers; (place in its classification at the Den aia Lt semi-finals in the Halton music bey manue spreaders; Judson fer- | festival. The pupils have been in- tilizer spreaders; Hydraulic load-|vited to sing at the June meeting ers; Tor lawn SE _-- of the chapter when there will diate delivery. Farm quipment | pe 5 display of handicraft work Pe Loman Fast, San done by the pupils through the epeater | year. - 2 rifle, repeater, Ee 200 rounds am.| Mrs. H. McKenna, convenor of munition; Apply Box| the opportunity shop, reported 395, Oakville. 5| that the proceeds from the shop Cheap. Phone 379. Address On Dental Care Malcolm Smith. continued by the regent, Mrs. R. C. Rickaby. land reported that 60 20-pound food parcels had been shipped to Britain since March, cluding the first 100 pounds of the third ton chapter since the work was un- €rs Hear Dr. F. M. Deans addressed the monthly meeting of the White Oak Chapter ILO.D.E. held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. F. Pullen, Watson Ave He spoke on behalf of the Red Cross Den- tal survey, giving & summary of previous work on behalf of den- tal health in this district. He ad- vocated frequent dental check ups and less candy, pop and chewing gum. He said he had addressed nearly all types of clubs and could now include the LODE, but felt a little over- powered when he was the only man present. Dr. Deans was thanked for his address by Mrs. The business meeting was then Mrs, W. M. Cope- thus con- shipped by the Juveniles Play May 13 On Thursday evening, May 13, at 6.45 p.m. Oakville baseball fans will get their first chance Men Wanted FOR TRENCHING, LAYING CABLE AND COND to see the local Juvenile team in an exhibition game with Silvert's, 80 Per Hour an "A" group Juvenile team from : New Toronto. -- Apply Superintendent -- PAR-TEX FOUNDATION CO. LTD. C-0 BELL TELEPHONE CO., OAKVILLE dertaken. Mrs, F. Smith report- ed a large shipment of used and new clothing had been sent to Britain. The "quota of new ar- ticles for the Queen Tlizabeth hospital is half filled, she stated. Mrs. E. P. Soanes was commis- sioned to see about providing dark blinds for the X-ray room in the Oakville Temporary hos- pital. She also drew the mem- bers' attention to the annual hos- pital day, when the hospital would be open for inspection by the public, Plans were completed for a public luncheon to be held at 'Rylands," home of Mrs. R. New, Lakeshore Highway E. on June 23rd. Tickets will be $1.00. There will be a tea on the same| afternoon, tickets 50c. Those de- siring tickets for either function may secure them from members of the chapter. _ HAND CIDER PRESS, $15.00. (last month were the highest since Phone 379. 2-25 the opening of the shop. She also ED reported that three people had HELIS WANT been supplied with clothing from YOUNG MAN to learn the| the shop. hardware business in Oakville, - Good opportunity for suitable| Dr Fred Nattress addressed party with fair remuneration and|the chapter on the dental survey advancement. Apply Box 109, [being conducted in the schools Oakville-Trafalgar Journal Or (under the auspices of the Oak- phone 564-W after 6 p.m. 67-c.25| Ville and District branch of the PARTTIME gardener for small| Red Cross. He stressed the im- estate. Must be qualified to get|Portance of educating parents of results. Box 207, Journal. p-25|the necessity of early dental ex- With Cultivator USED ONLY H. B. LOFQUIST, Save 50 Dollars ON EMPIRE GARDEN TRACTOR 24 HOURS PRICED FOR YOU TO SAVE Phone 711 Oakville PAINT that actually reduces | with water "Bastacting SPRED is che ideal finish for home in- Attachments $325.00 FULL or part-time canvasser| mination and treatment. '"Tra- for house to house calls. Liberal| falgar township provides free den. teriors. Goes on over almost commission to right man or Wo- |." treatment, vet only 35 per fan 8 Arplyg Box £200, Journel flo, for the children! receive this APPRENTICE to Team fho|C2I¢ OWing to carelessness or printing trade. Apply in writing, | indifference of the parents. stating full particulars. The Oak-| There is no point in going to the ville-Trafalgar Journal. expense of a dental survey if parents are not going to co-oper- FOR RENT ate," he stated. "Dental defects BOARD and room at 21 For-|in children have come to such a syth St. 50-p-23-25 | point that something has to be Jone or we will be a nation of dental cripples," he concluded. WANTED The Halton County Health Unit \ HEARTILY ENDORSES AND OFFERS ITS FULL CO-OPERATION IN THE CLEAN UP and PAINT UP WEEK any kind of wall surfice-- wallpaper, wallboard, old or "new plaster, brick, tile. In pa co OSE cases one coat covers. the It's easy to mix; easy to apply, re] use a brush or roller. me The Oakville Lumber ~ Company Limited Two Years' High School Edu- cation Required APPLY IN PERSON -- ON JULY to CHIEF OPERATOR The BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA OAKVILLE 3lst { This block of melt- o ifg ice provides na- tural moisture and clean, Water- washed air -- essentials to proper food preser- vation. Foods need this "'moist-cold"' found only in an ice refrigerator--to to prevent 2 out and loss of fla- vours-- to protect rich nutritive juices. DR. MURRA for. Halten County for the Election, will addres: EUCHRE RE Music by Bennett a A SOCIAL EVENING + Will be held in Palmero Community Hall Wed. Evening, May 19, 1948 LIBERAL CANDIDATE EVERYBODY WELCOME Y DEANS forthcoming Provincial s the meeting. FRESHMENTS 's Orchestra RN ot ice Discontinue Offic See Refrigerators at Our Office - Dundas Street N. HILLMERS Fuel & lce Co. PHONE 23 as of May 8th, 1948, and During these hours there wil DR. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION OF OAKVILLE Has decided to SATURDAY AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS call to deal with emergencies only. - Necessary em- ergency service may be obtained through -the office of your own personal physician. OAKVILLE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, DR. W. M. WILKINSON, President. e Hours on until further notice. ll be one physician on D. S. KOBER, Secretary. on ROOM fo rent, by single Man. | mye regent urged all members S -- Apply Box 208, Journal. ase -- Sponsored by -- Kerr St. North Phone 1280 po FEMALE HELP WANTED |coming election and to use tne 0 3 en mete influence to get other women to| || Oakville Chamber of Commerce i ee um male lo the same, A donation was Ak Re hour. Apply The Beehive Lunch. |™ade to the Young Trust fund, M AY 24-29 point : Bronte. . nomi TELEPHONE mayo OPERATORS : Ac odriiie fn ; , MAKE A DATE FOR tot Full Pay While Learning 2 or ath Regular Wage Increases = Gis = prom No Previous Experience BRONTE LEGION eriter Necessary POST NO. 486 H) shoul VACATION WITH PAY 2 J] hour. 5-DAY WEEK ( > lishin Se ts bn 2 pe Annual Carnival ; tt The following organizations merit your support in their efforts to make Oakville a worthwhile community in which to , five. Their fund-raising activities enable them to carry on this good work. castes would the t secur towns he fel cil wi this ¢ Cle to cot prepa tion 1 of mi amen cil inf Give Them Your Support » Angela Brace Chapter .O.D.E. » White Oak Chapter .O.D.E. » The Lions Club of Oakville secon expres tion f of sev receiv passe Black A rey duced cover Reeve, to you not m » The Canadian Legion The Rotary Club of Oakville ROTARY CLUB CARNIVAL LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL CANADIAN LEGION CARNIVAL JUNE 25th - 26th JULY 8th - 9th - 10th JULY 23rd - 24th I.0.D.E. COOK BOOKS ON' SALE AT ALL LEADING OAKVILLE STORES ¥ -- This space contributed by -- ° KEENAN'S cso 7 "Let Keenan's Cards Carry Your Message" COLBORNE ST., OAKVILLE ship c depart; Co Howar Gregor selectic at the (Co PHONE 1103-W

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