Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 May 1948, p. 8

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I THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL 'Thursday, May 20, 1948 PEOPLE and EVENTS Mrs. F. W. Taylor and Mrs. W. Paget entertained at a tea on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Taylor, Morrison Road. cree Mrs. McClimontSof Quebec City is visiting her daughter, Miss Christine McGlimont. FE Mr. and Mrs. Jim Houston, of Montreal and Toronto, were week-end guests of the Reg, Mor- gans, Watson Ave. Ee The Mother's Union of St. Jude's Anglican church will meet on Friday afternoon at 8 p.m, Miss. Eve Armour has returned from a trip to the Pacific coast and Mexico. naam Mrs. Jack Blakelock entertain- ed at a tea in honor of her sister- in-law, Mrs, Pat Devenish, nee Julia Blakelock, on Thursday af- terncon. Mrs. Blakelock was as- sisted in receiving by the bride and her sister, Miss Betty Blake- lock, of Toronto. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. Scott Mec- Kay, Mrs, Ernest Wilson and Mrs, E. D. Fraser. Tea assistants were Miss Marjorie Jebb and Miss Helen Devenish. » Chay The annual cabaret of the Oak- ville club will be held on Saturday night. Members provide the en- tertainment and rehearsals have been going on for the past few weeks. Mr, W. Mitchell of O.V.C. will be assisting Dr. Rumney of Ham- ilton, a former Oakvilleite, for the summer months. srr n The meeting of the Home and School association will be held in the high school tonight. S Pa Among those who have enter- tained for Miss Ethel June Wil- son, whose marriage takes place on Saturday in St. Jude's Angli- can church to Lloyd King of Tra- falgar, were: Mrs. W. Irwin, Queen Elizabeth Way, aunt of the groom, pantry shelf shower; Mrs. Gordon Gilbert, sister of the bride, and Mrs, Noel McKim, the bride's attendants, a miscellan- cous shower; Mrs, Rex McRae en- tertained the bride and the lady. members of the staff of the Bank of Montreal when a presentation was made to the bride-to-be. Mrs. William Shears entertained at a dinner and a presentation was made. The entire staff of the bank made a presentation to the bride-elect prior to® her leaving last week. * The John Hamiltons, Watson Ave, will entertain prior to: the Oakville club cabaret Ppa The annual games and distribu- tion of prizes at Appleby college will be held on Saturday after- noon at 2.30 p.m. His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs, Lawson will present the prizes. PARENTS * Do you know how many delinquency last year? » from stranger * Do you know what "hop: your community? If you are not certain on See... THURSDAY - FRI JUNE P CAN YOU TRUTHFULLY ANSWER ALL THESE QUESTIONS? Do you always know where your children are? Do you permit your minor sons to drive after dark? Are you sure your daughter neyer accepts a lift Do you know you are responsible for any damage your minor son's car may cause? -up" cars are? Do you permit your children to ride in them? Do you permit a dark "Lovers' Lane" to exist in Are you doing everything in your power to co-oper- ate with the highway police to make the roads safe --physically and morally? - "THE DEVIL ON WHEELS" GREGORY . OF ADOLESCENT BOYS AND GIRLS! juveniles were arrested for ' all these points, you must DAY - SATURDAY 3,8,5 WITH THE NEW IMPROVED GOODSYEAR 2. Remember, the new DeLuxe is built to give 34% more milage . . . extra protection from blow- outs . . . the wider, flatter dia- mond tread gives super traction Come in and let us fit your car with new De- "\- . . . at all times! Luxe tires--today! Station Road 'Whatever your plans . . . you can add a pleasure bonus to your holiday by equipping your car with the new Goodyear DeLuxe. Wn. Whitaker & Sons Phone 141 Oakville RR DEALER By Jim Harrison STARGAZING With but little advance drum beating, Paramount began cam- era work on a suspense yarn tit- led "Dark Circle," with a cast headed by Ray Milland, Thomas Mitchell and--borrowed from M. GM.--Audrey Totter. . . . On the same lot, Bruce Cabot and William Demerset were set for "Sorrowful Jones." . . . Dennis Morgan's next for Warner's will be "The Girl from Jones Beach," to be directed by Peter 'Godfrey. .. . The Burbank plant also set a new assignment for Viveca Lindfors, who will star in "The Persian Cat." . . . Additions to the cast of RKO's "Weep No More" included Jack Parr and on loan from MGM. Spring Byington. . . Deanna Durbin and Charles Coburn are set by Universal-Inter- W. S. Blake, principal of the high school, is operating an em- ployment bureau in conjunction with the paint-up, clean-up week. "| Anyone wishing assistance can secure students = through this bureau. Pe The Oakville Aquarium and Angling club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tremblay, Bronte, on Friday evening, to discuss plans for, the annual fish- ing trip to Little Lake in the Barrie district. - cease The Cameron Hillmers enter- tained before the Oakville club supper.on Saturday night. xen. --Mrs. Hugh Calverley is in the Western hospital recuperating from an appendix operation. ware Miss Marjorie Jebb, whose mar- riage takes place to John Byers in St. Jude's Anglican church this coming Saturday, has been enter- tained at many interesting social events. Those entertaining were: Mrs. F. W. Stott and Mrs. W. N. Wilkinson, cup and saucer show- er; Mrs. Kenneth Russell and Miss "The in national for top lines Western Story." Skelton As Man of Thousand quick change disguise artist, is right back where he started. a "Movie Within a Movie," for M.G:M.'s "Merton of the Movies," 5 To most people, perhaps, the term '"one-arm driving!" means romantic distraction while driv- ing. But there's. another form of one-arm driving that is also dangerous. That's the too com- mon practice of driving with the right hand alone on the wheel, while the left arm rests idly on thé ledge of the open window and the left hand dangles uselessly or perhaps clutches the top of the window. There's no romance here--just false confidence in the right hand--or just plain lazi- Sn) ness. Any driver should realize _ |that he cannot control his ve- Red Skelton, who gained hiS|pi jo 45* well with one hand as first fame in vaudeville 8S &|ith two, and that trouble can sometimes strike before there is time to get the other hand work- ing, BULLDOZING: - EXCAVATING GRADING R. H. TROWBRIDGE ERINDALE W, Phone Cooksville 185 R 1g = STAMPS ~ | Old Canadian Preferreq Collections and Accumulations BOUGHT Send description to BOX 500° Oakville-Trafalgar Journa)| Red portrays man of a thousand faces. silent reel he wears a "baffling" disguise a la Sherlock Holmes, complete with check suit, peak cap, celluloid collar and pipe! The uproarious silent movie se- quence gives the comedy star an opportunity to run the gamut of mugging and slapstick antics, with such gags of the period as the door that won't open, the mes- senger who arrives tod soon, the gun that misfires, etc. Appear- ing with Skelton in the new laugh riot are Virginia O'Brien, Gloria Grahame, Leon Ames and Alan Mowbray. When "State of the Union" is shown in' Canada, the billing will read, "Produced by Frank Capra, OBE." That stands for "Order of the British EmpireX and in Canada it means a great deal, therefore playing a big part in the publicizing of that picture. They can't publicize it too much to suit us; it's such a swelegant hunk of film. It's also mice to know that President Truman (as he did last week) can sit back and roar with laughter at the same things a lot of Americans are guffawing about in that moyie--namely, some of the cracks about himself and his party. All>of which would get heads snapped off in some na- tions. i Far Guest of the Week If Mr. E. R. Lauder will kindly make himself known at the Greg- ory theatre box office on any night during the week of May 30th to June 6th, he and another guest will be admitted free as guests of The Journal. Janette Russell, a shower; Mrs, J. H. Hodge and Mrs. W. H. Hall, miscellaneous shower; Mrs. William Hill and Miss Loraine Hill, linen shower; Georgia Ryrie, Mrs. George Hagey and Miss Joan Davis, a personal shower; Mrs. Roy Smith and Mjss Helen Smith en- tertained for the bride-elect when a presentation was made; Mrs. W. B. Sturrup and Mrs, James Parker, kitchen shower; Mrs, C. F. Parker and Mrs. Henry Angus, tea; Mrs, Harry Williams, aunt of the bride, Toronto, a tea; Mrs. Charles P. Devenish, bridge and presentation; Mrs. H. C. Rickaby and Mrs. T. H. Marshall, a lunch- econ. Following the rehearsal on Friday evening, Mrs. Clarence Byers is entertaining the bridal party at her home. J.R.DUNN Phm.B. - OUR PROFESSIONAL PRIDE IS YOUR SAFEGUARD Dunn's Drug Store will be closed from May 23 to May 30, inclusive, in order that the staff may enjoy a well-earned rest. REMEMBER IN OAKVILLE IT'S DUNN'S FOR DISPENSING | J. R. Dunn, Phm.B. * Phone 650 U.S. PRODUCTION, 1948 According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, intend- ed plantings for 1948, of corn (90.7 million acres) will exceed actual plantings in 1947 by five Der cent; cotton (21,894,000 acres), will be two per cent higher; oats (43,940,000 acres) three per cent higher, On the other hand, the 1948 wheat goal of 75,095,000 acres is four per cent below ac- OPTOMETRIST taken over the late CARSTEN GLAHN Takes pleasure in announcing that he has the Optometrical HAUGHTON C. 173 Colborne St. - -- For Appointments: Telephone 1375 -- - OPTICIAN Practice of LAIRD Oakville Refreshments CLARKSON COMMUNITY CENTRE will present a GIANT FIREWORKS DISPLAY 24th MAY at 9:00 p.m., at 'GLENLEVEN GOLF COURSE Lakeshore Road East, Clarkson ADMISSION: Adults 25¢ - Children 10c Sparklers for the Kiddies RD "LIBERAL CANDIDATE tual plantings in 1947. T Si No expense or fitting work - BUILDERS - AT LAST! An Insulated Aluminum Window For Your New Home A revolutionary simple system of aluminum framed sashes fitted into insulating wood frames. BEAUTIFUL. TO LOOK AT -- RINGERTIP. OPERATION Stainless Steel Weatherstripping 30 standard sizes available from stoclk. The Economical Prices will Astound You! Wood Frames, Aluminum Sashes, and all Hardware shipped Glass, required in See the Weatherstone - Premier Windows Now on Display at Their Offices Randall Street, Oakville" (General Stampings Plant) PHONE 1096 Weatherstripping as complete unit, building, Ica

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