Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 27 May 1948, p. 8

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Thursday, May a7, Page 8 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL , 194g RS i Troop, and some Cubs from each| encouragement to the Scot, an Mrs, Tom Chisholm was a pa- S - tot i their leaders wh g the packs participated in a en membeyg tient recently in the Oakville hos- couting of : i : Lo le ll an a EVENTS pital. By Clare Willis pit ienh interest in' everything. they q, i The weekend of May 24th was the Chamber of Commerce and } Rey. 'Bruce W, Hall having, Miss Nancy Chisholm postpon-| The annual cabaret of the Oak- organized by Mr. Art Bullied. a : y : Scouts and Cubs, ed her return from abroad until | Ville club was successfully staged |a busy time for Scou iE re STAMPS completed his _ Dost-graduate oy on Friday and Saturday nights to| put particularly the ist (Sea Scoters wl TIN the USS capacity audiences of club mem: |S. ou) troop, 12 of whom, under | Cecil Gunyon, ably ass y : Mr. and Mrs, Alex Porter, Tor-[bers. The cast consisted of | leadership of Skipper Dean | Messrs. Len Hope and Bill Moore, ||| Old Canadian Preferred =n onto, spent the holiday week-end a BE nl A Wilkes, camped up the Bronte | members of the Scout ee Collections and : . the | ety program wi - : 5 aa He ; BY MSeRSUInton Ib laure with Mie Moy Megson; EE La enthusiastic | creek from Saturday morning un-| did yeoman service with sp i Accumulations ing Soi to join her husband in| Stréet. Solas Sh the abo Tnsleniner 101 Monday athe ns, while the boys carried water an England, where they will make FAR ane le ee ae a ) otherwise mage themselves use- BOUGHT their home. Mrs. JI Pate's daughter ana hi Serena Macaggart, Anun| The Scouts travelled to the sar a FEN Te Ginny es Janet| camp site in their own three| Dr. Lloyd-Tones and Mr. C, H. Send description to Four member of Me Taies ins, Tomonto, ra boats and during their stay there, | Windeler, SA on Lal BOX 500 Auxiliaty visited Christie Street | holiday week-end ; chorus; Pud Green, lecture; Ruth- | when not engaged. in cooking, tation 2 Solana Oakville-Trafalgar Journal hospital recently on behalf of the Ca een i Aare i 3 f A; " i J] 8 Ga 5 R 5 + ashi i auxiliary and distributed cigar-| Four generations spent the Mike Jennings, Ruth Macdonald, | S2UnE oF Washing up after enor ettes, pipes, tobacco, home-made | week-end at the home of Mr. Don Davis, Jane Cantelon, Sandy | US meals, went for expeditions : candy, cookies and playing cards rs. John Godfrey Foster. Akerman, soliloquay; Ken Me.|by boat and on foot. tents. Mrs, D. Guemey, her daughter : Era a Taw, Mw and Mrs Foeq[CoSEat, Songs; Garton Name. or tne datter meted m $ And: santa, MY French - Canadian stories; Helen | pts Date Tr Sree rni Mrs. Allan McKenzie arrived | Saunders, and their daughters, McConvry, song; Bill Armstrong, |S to the a home Tuesday, after spending six | Pamela, 5, and Barbara, 3, were Nancy Tisdall and Pat Cavanagh, William Lyon Mackenzie hid or the visitors who comprised this : after the rebellion of 1837. weeks in England and on the con tinent. | comedy-song; Doug Ahern led the finale. The show was directed by Charlie Birge, with the following assistants: Bill Dowding, lighting; Bill Stirling, photography; Marge Ahern, Betty Akerman and Fern Mudge, costumes; Nancy Windel- er, make-up; Pat Milsom, scen- ario director; Punch Nairn, Olive Graydon and Mary Campbell, food, family group. BRONTE - TRAFALGAR FIRE BRIGADE NO. 1 Saturday, July 17th BRONTE, ONTARIO Visitors to the camp included Skipper Bill Hoey of Bronte and Provincial Commissioner Tisdale, who lives on the Lakeshore high- way west and keeps a friendly eye on Oakville scouting. Here in town Scouts of the 3rd His Honor the Lieutenant -Gov- ernor and Mrs. Ray Lawson pre- sented the field day prizes on Saturday afternoon at Appleby College following the competi- tions. ERC 3 PRIZES Mr. D. Hugh Pawson, son of Rev. and Mrs. Harry Pawson of Oakville, passed -with honors in the final examinations in the me. tallurgical engineering" course at the University of Toronto, Hugh has accepted a position with the Aluminum Company of Canada at Kingston, Ont, PR MERRY-GO-ROUND GAMES -- GRAND DRAW Mrs. J. M. Cond has returned to Oakville after spending the win- ter in Victoria, tren In History In commemoration of Empire FRIDAY - SATURD 28 = > > RIDA SATURDAY MAY 28 29 The airdale terrier Champion en yo pm A great crowd thronged the All Spirit of Aldon, owned by|to the Oakville schools ySgthe; ublic square of the French & MRS. THIN MAN TOGETHER AGA: Wi il; Mrs. Kenneth D. Marlatt, won| White Oak and Angela Bruce te Tl (] lam | best of breed in the airdale ter-|chapters, LO.D.E. Mrs. William June, 1793, as the brothers Moore and Mrs, Sydney Fearman presented records, books and a subscription to the magazine Child Activity to the Westwood rier class at the Hamilton Ken- nel club international dog show held on Saturday. Teer Stephen and Joseph Mont- golfier lighted a bonfire of straw under the opening of a huge limp bag made of Principal W. S. Blake and the|school. Records, books and a staff received the' guests at the [subscription to Canadian Geo- cloth and paper. The bag, open night of the Oakville-Tra- | graphic. and Canadian Nature filling with hot smoke, be- falgar Home and School associa- | magazines were presented to came a great ball. The bag shot up to a height of 7,000 feet. Man's age-old dream S B of conquering the air -was, for the Ci Tin a concrete possibility, Today's scientists have perfected many devices for automobile safety. Make sure they are functioning properly . . . drop in and let us check your car for safety. ... OAKVILLE MOTORS CHEVROLET & OLDSMOBILE SALES & SERVICE Colborne St. at Reynolds tion, held Thursday night at the school. Parents and friends view- ed displays of the pupils' work in home economics, arts and crafts, shop work and other projects. A special feature of the program was selections by the school choir conducted by Hugh Brearley. Solo parts were taken by David Pawson and Norma Warburton. Other numbers on the program were a selection by the girls' dou- ble trio and solos by Carmen Can- telon, Charles Watt and David Pawson. = A flag was presented | magazines was presented by Mrs. to Kenneth Pollock, captain of] Lloyd Lunau to Pineview school, | CLASSIFIED Brantwood school by Miss Drena Wethey and Mrs, A. M. Fallon. Mrs. W. O. Gibson and Miss Helen Fitzgerald presented Canadian Geographic, Junior Arts and Ac- tivities and Canadian Nature ma- gazines to Central school, and books were presented to St Mary's school by Mrs. Basil Ne- gaffin. Mrs. Roy Irwin and Mrs. H. C. Rickaby made a presenta- sion of books to Linbrook school and a subscription to Canadian; Geographic and Canadian Nature THER FIRST THIN 1 MAN MYSTERY IN 3 YEARS! olf Phone 460 White Oak and Angela Bruce chapters of. the I,0.D.E, The pres- | entation was made by Mrs. H. C. Rickaby, regent White Oak chap- > | 2 PLUS! ter, and the regent of the An- ] | Leon Errol Latest Donald gela Bruce chapter, Mrs. Eyre | DIRE( TORY Lin ® World ® Duck Davis. Following the program a J 'Bet Your Life' News - Cartoon social evening was enjoyed, o ; : : teens . 2 Mrs. Ryland H. New, Lakeshore Highway east, will preside during the general sessions, open to all older members, of the 48th an- McMILLAN & ISARD Barristers - Solicitors Notaries Public T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and Insurance 139 Colborne Street East GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 MON: - TUES. - WED. ; MAY 31, JUNE 1 - 2 EVERYBO, ll EEN BELL BLL LL nual meeting of the LO.D.E, held | Oakville - - - - Phone 532|Angus McMillan John F. Isard Li keshore West, Oakville WANTS TOU SEE SEE in Halifax from May 29th to 19 Melinda St. 289 Coltoine (Sirest Hest HEDDLE & RYRIE ) June 3rd. Mrs. W. R. Walton Jr., | Torento - - - - Adelaide 2761 Telephone Oakville 532 Ross Ryrie lark le RI fi Ty i i - i a ; ley ean oe © LUNA | oy CARPENTRY a g conventi : ; iy in ee a REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS Notary Public ysician g KITCHEN CUPBOARDS Office: Colborne St. : Miss Cheris Matthews, daugh- Office Hours: Tel. Oakville 65 Residence - Tel. Clarkson 111 BILL ANDERSON No Job Too Small ALL-- A. S. WRIGHT HONE 97-3 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mat- thews, who graduated from St. Joseph's hospital school of nurs- Afternoon -- 1.30 - 4.00 Evenings -- 7.00 - 8.30 or by appointment TE | WIND! DAVID 0. SELZNIEK'S production of MARGARET ms Story of ing, Hamilton, yesterday, was Phone 500 L. F. CLEMENT RADIO - APPLIANCES the fight from!th Winner of the Surgical Nursing| Church and Thomas Sts. HOME ELECTRIC & Service SEE leg ¢ oe oh AEA AT THE Commercial Sales & Sarvicep, oe a I ills fs BARGAIN COUNTER . North - Oakville Frigidaire Products Iron Fireman Heating Units Repairs to All Household Appliances PHONE 265-M - Sheddon Avenue BRONTE ELECTRIC H. Rollinson Landscaping - Rockerles - Sodding House Wiring Evergreen Trees - Roses - Etc. Maintenance and Repairs R. N. F. NIELSEN "Try us for Service" Phone Oakville 1294-W-12. 143 Colborne St. You can buy: Pianos, Gram- ophones, Health Ray Artic- les, i'urniture, Stoves, Guns, Ranges, Skates, Clocks, Books, - Lamps. and Trunks. Many useful articles New 2ad Used at a Bargain. GOEDON BARTHOLOMEW Dump and General Trucking Firewood, Pon Sand and H. C. SEWELL ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Oakville - Phone 1297-4 ] OAKVILLE LANDSCAPE SERVICE Scarlett defend herself from o bestlal attacker! re SEE the last violent Quarrel between the star-crossed lovers! Telele] el a GONE WIT THE WING? vel. Phone Bronte 115-4 C. L. OLIVER z {a TECHNIEOLOR starriag 3 LOWER MIDDLE ROAD (INDUSTRIAL = Accounting and Auditing, B CLARK GABLE . VIVIEN 1,000 thrills in Tochni- i Phone 342-W-13 COMMERCIAL Business Systems Installed. 8 LEIGH. LESLIE HOWARD color in the Greatest Stuff your Piggy-Bank L. STREET DOMESTIC Inceme "Tax Returns OLIVIA de HAVILLAND with silver and your day Window Cleaning Service ELECTRICAL SERVICE Office at Oakville Hotel A SELZNICK INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Floors Cleaned & Polished BROWN ELECTRIC P.O. Box 402 no Ths Ham. 75452 - Oakville 1268 [J i i FLEMINE © Music Serving deep - frozen Phone Sigs taken at TN - foods. « Buy foods in 71 ord Brown THE IC 2 pags ATH OPTOMETRY PRACTICE quantity at in-season Please Report Promptly Phone 1059 Oakville Tite Ate Due to the length of "Gone With || Prices and quickfrecze LOST OR FOUND CARLTON GREEN" HAUGHTON ©, LAIRD The Wind," there will be one per- Jour barga y ANIMALS Osteopath is being continued by NOTE formance only each evening, com- round good eating. It's a good way to "earn to Caiville Humane Society 21 Division Street CARSTEN GLAHN mencing at 7:30 p.m. 5 Any evening by appointment Optometrist - Optician LE NIT ah PHONE 515 Wed. afternoons, all day |FOR APPOINTMENT. .. Prices fo This Engagement ONLY : Eostiand Animals Saturday and Sunday Phone 1375 ADU tts SR LDREN - 30c Now Is Asparagus Time hone 8 Huinanely Treated 178 Colborne St. Gakwills Cra Inclugsay "Rent a Looker Today" ||n =" ANU anTHONY 7 3 LEY'S Buy Your Books At. . . GRADING Phone 588 EL THE GOLDEN HOUR R. H. TROWBRIDGE Ce FROSTED FOODS LTD. BOOK SHOP EXPERT DAINTING % ERINDALE W, NG 1214 - Phones - 1215 §iThomas' Si. Phone 663 AND DECORATIN ! Se Er Workmansivy el Wi dorials ig Fully Guaranteed

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